Виталий Кищенко

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Лена и справедливость
In almost any city in Russia, you can find a square with a bust of Lenin, stuffed bears in reputable mansions, and shops can easily offer a "sanction". Only with justice everything is a little more complicated, but, as you know, it is better to contact the Carpenter with this issue. Lena is an ordinary woman who secretly dreams of a beautiful wedding, but her chosen one by chance lost his passport and now, instead of the registry office, he ends up in the police station with enviable frequency. And it has already become a good tradition that she rescues him, raising the material status of some interested persons. However, Lena is a woman with a strong character and is ready to fight for her happiness, love and justice every day.
Ёлки 10

Ёлки 10

Dec 07, 2023
The new part will pay tribute to the very first film in the series: New Year's stories will again be connected by the theory of six handshakes, but in a new way. On New Year's Eve there is always a place for a miracle, even if you suddenly stopped believing in it. Gennadyich, who spends his life in a nursing home near St. Petersburg, will find his real family. Novice blogger Larisa from Tyumen will have to find out what her husband is ready to do for the sake of her loved ones. Marina from Tatarstan - to learn to love what is really important for her husband. And a gamer girl named Tanya from Nizhny Novgorod will understand that true love is not a game at all. Indeed, on the most magical night of the year, everyone has a chance to find their personal happiness.


Mar 28, 2024
Two orphans move from their native village to the house of their adoptive parents. But their hope for a happy life fades away, when they are challenged by an ancient otherworldly force.
Позывной «Пассажир»
The young gifted artist Ryabinin cannot stay away from the conflict in Donbass; he leaves his beloved girl in Moscow, a well-fed and calm life, and leaves for the civil war as a militia to capture the tragic events of Russian history and express feelings that only aroused anger in his bohemian environment; the suffering of people and the heroism of comrades completely change the consciousness of a young man - he loses his former attachments, grows up and finds himself.


Jul 10, 2025
Egor is 30, his job is to sing along to the guests at karaoke, but he dreams of singing his songs and building a happy life with Julia, contrary to the wishes of her millionaire father. And when Egor finds a portal in his own closet in 1991, he comes up with an ingenious plan that will provide him with an ideal future. But every attempt to change something in the past leads to more and more unexpected results in the future.


Nov 13, 2008
A novelist struggling with writer's block enlists the aid of an assassin for some inspiration -- fully unaware that he is being set up to take the blame for a murder.
Yuri, a 35 year old business man, suddenly one day finds his life is going nowhere and decides to become a professional cosmonaut. But the complexity and length of the training prove frustrating, and Yuri questions if he will ever reach his goal, until the accidental death of a fellow trainee suddenly brings him tantalizingly close to realizing his dream, but also close to losing everything.


Sep 26, 2013
A mysterious monk with mystical powers issues a man a license to kill by imbuing him with the fighting skills necessary to avenge his brother’s death.


Jun 26, 2011
In the year 2020, a group of wealthy Moscovites travel to an abandoned astrophysics complex, rumoured to have enough power to halt the process of aging.
Un Lac

Un Lac

Sep 01, 2008
Tout a lieu dans un pays dont on ne sait rien, un pays de neige et de forêts, quelque part dans le Nord. Une famille vit dans une maison isolée près d'un lac.Alexi, le frère, est un jeune homme au coeur pur. Un bûcheron. Enclin à des crises d'épilepsie, et de nature extatique, il ne fait qu'un avec la nature qui l'entoure.Alexi est très proche de sa jeune soeur, Hege. Leur mère aveugle, leur père et leur plus jeune frère, observent en silence cet amour incontrôlable. Un étranger arrive, un jeune homme à peine plus âgé qu'Alexi...
Le Bannissement

Le Bannissement

Mar 27, 2008
Un homme, sa femme et leurs deux enfants, quittent une cité industrielle pour la campagne d'où est originaire le mari et s'installent dans la vieille maison du père de celui-ci. En contraste avec le lieu d'avant (la ville qui enjolive les rapports entre les personnages), le nouveau lieu est donc la Nature, une nature envoûtante. Et personne ne retiendra la main du père levée sur son fils. Aucune voix ne sera entendue, le fils ne sera pas remplacé par l'agneau. Car celui qui brandit le couteau n'entend pas, ses yeux ne voient pas, son coeur est sec. Mais sa foi en la "loi" de la fierté humaine est aussi violente qu'insatiable. Comme n'importe quel film, Le Bannissement parle, quelle qu'en soit la manière, de nous tous : de gens beaux et charitables plongés dans des circonstances tragiques et sans issue...


Oct 09, 2009
The film is based on real events that took place in Samara in 1956 and known as the "Standing Zoe." During the holiday girl, without waiting her betrothed, removes the icon from the wall and Nicholas begins to dance with her, but suddenly freezes in place. This state continues for many months. Residents of the provincial town are frightened by this extraordinary event, which is cluttered with rumors and speculation. To try to understand the situation, there goes metropolitan newspaper journalist ...
Coup de soleil

Coup de soleil

Oct 04, 2014
Novembre 1920, sombre et humide, une armée tsariste se rend aux soviets dans le sud de la Russie, les officiers parqués attendent leur sort, tuent le temps. Le capitaine se rappelle l'été 1907, un voyage en bateau sur la Volga ensoleillée. Jeune officier, il était tombé follement amoureux d'une belle jeune femme, qui disparaît comme elle est apparue.
Le Tigre blanc

Le Tigre blanc

May 03, 2012
Été 1943 sur le Front Russe. La Seconde Guerre mondiale touche à sa fin. Les terribles combats qui s'éternisent épuisent les deux camps. Chaque fois que les troupes soviétiques prennent de l'assurance, un énorme tank allemand surnommé « Le Tigre Blanc » surgit tel un spectre dans la fumée des combats, pilonne l'ennemi sans pitié puis disparaît subitement. Le commandement russe décide alors de construire un tank spécial, le T-34, pour lutter contre « Le Tigre Blanc ». Pour le piloter, Ivan Naïdenov, qui, bien que brûlé à 90% lors d'une attaque, a miraculeusement survécu. La chasse au monstre d'acier commence...
Каменная башка
Shattering the story of a talented former boxer. He lost his memory. He does not remember what happened yesterday. He can not sleep. Each morning starts with a clean sheet for him. The powers that be decided to use it in my game. As a bargaining chip. He will understand. And revenge. In one day, he needs to catch it.


Oct 25, 2017
Nicolas II, l'empereur de Russie, rencontre la danseuse polonaise, Matilda Kschessinska, qui a assuré la gloire du ballet russe. Une passion naît entre eux, une passion qui pourrait changer le cours de l'histoire russe. Un amour devenu une légende. Chacun connaît dans sa vie des jours qui peuvent la changer pour toujours, quand surgit l'essentiel. Tu écoutes la voix de l'amour, et tu fais ton choix. Mais si le souverain d'un empire aime une danseuse dont la beauté l'ensorcelle…


Jun 09, 2017
The story of son and father. They have many secrets. Soon they find them out.
Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina

Jun 08, 2017
There is no single truth in love. Each treads their own path. Which should take precedence – passion or duty? How do we choose? And who gets to judge? These are the eternal questions, remorselessly thrust upon us by life. Anna Karenina made her choice, leaving her son Sergei to grow up struggling to understand why his mother took such a tragic and terrible path, and Count Vronsky haunted by the memory of the woman for whose death he still blames himself 30 years later. In 1904, in the aftermath of one of the battles of the Russo-Japanese war, Sergei Karenin and Alexei Vronsky find themselves thrown together in a remote Manchurian village, where fate offers them a chance to return to the events long past and, finally, to find the answers both have long been seeking.


Oct 06, 2017
The word "rok" in Russian means both rock music and fate. The film's heroes, who want to conquer the musical Olympus of Moscow, are accompanied by both. This troika is not even a group yet, not a team, and probably not even friends. But that's at the beginning. The further the heroes leave home, the more dangerous their adventures and the people they met on the way become, and the more strongly the children change inside. The film is a journey, a search of the self, where the road to the dream is the greatest, most dangerous and unforgettable adventure in the life of the young provincial musicians.
Русский Бес

Русский Бес

Jan 31, 2019
Contemporary Moscow. Svyatoslav, a poor boy, falls in love with Asya, a rich girl, and wants to marry her. To support her in the manner in which she is accustomed, he opens an upscale restaurant. But he soon discovers he has a unseen enemy.
Leaving Afganistan

Leaving Afganistan

May 10, 2019
1988. Gorbatchev annonce le retrait des troupes russes d’Afghanistan. 1988-1989. Fin de l’invasion soviétique de l’Afghanistan. Alors que l’URSS organise le retrait de ses troupes, le pilote Alexandre Vassiliev est capturé par les moudjahidines après le crash de son avion. La 108ème division d’infanterie motorisée doit alors reporter le retour au pays pour remplir une dernière mission de sauvetage. Inspiré de faits réels, le récit de cette tragique retraite révèle l’horreur et la complexité de la nature humaine en temps de guerre.
Апельсиновый сок
Three people live in a cottage near Moscow: Steven, the owner of the house, an American millionaire of Russian origin; Egor, a young postgraduate doctor and Dasha, Stephen's next nurse. Steven, trying to get rid of everyday boredom, turns Dasha's life into an everyday nightmare. Dasha, having a strong and independent character, but being in a difficult financial situation, is forced to fulfill his whims and whims. Egor finds himself unwittingly drawn into their relationship...
Как поднять миллион. Исповедь Z@drota
Eugene is a teenage nerd who lives in a small Russian town. He sits in front of his computer all day long, playing games and surfing the Internet. He decides to run a small porn website and soon as he earns his first money from e-commerce. His life now will never be the same - he is no longer a school nerd. From now on every school boy wants to become his friends and the girls are dreaming of dating him. Developing business Eugene was caught in a dilemma: to live up to the corrupted world standards and find his place in the unideal reality or to rebel against the powerful organization risking his and his family lives.
Аттракцион Захват
Бывшие сотрудники ФСБ организуют аттракцион, в котором инсценируется реальный захват самолета и освобождение заложников. Полковник Олег Соколов вынужден уволится из органов ФСБ вслед за своими товарищами. Объединившись со своими бывшими сослуживцами, он внедряется в окружение олигарха Осинского с целью разоблачения его преступной деятельности.


Sep 13, 2007
Having lost his wife in a plane crash, a man tries to find out the real reason for the disaster. Forced to sift through all the lies amassing around him, he temporarily foggets about his grief. He finds a flight crew who survived a crash and celebrates his rebirth with them. Suddenly moments of grief turn into a never-before-experienced flash of freedom for him. This illusion becomes a lulling trap in which he can relive the happiest moments of his life. What we can see on the screen is an ordinary life where simple things become rare and unusual, and where grief turns to joy. Daily routine to which he finally comes back after all shade in a contrast way the brightness of the recent events.
His name is Vladimir Streltsov. He is an employee of the special forces of the secret service. After a complex operation to introduce him into a criminal gang, he is sent on vacation. Sagittarius has not been to his native land for many years - on a distant island, where the old village of Strelnya is located. And when he returned, it turned out that the fellow countrymen were in danger! And besides him there is no one to help them out!
Salvation Union

Salvation Union

Dec 26, 2019
Les troupes russes occupent Paris. La Russie est devenue la première puissance mondiale. Maintenant tout semble possible. Les jeunes lauréats, officiers des gardes, sont convaincus que l'égalité et la liberté viendront - ici et maintenant. Pour cela, ils sont prêts à tout sacrifier - position, richesse, amour, vie ... et le pays lui-même.
In The Port of Cape Town
Ils ne se sont rencontrés qu'une seule fois, à l'été 1945, en Extrême-Orient, armés et avec de sérieuses intentions. Tout s'est terminé par un échange de coups de feu et chacun des participants est certain d'avoir tué les deux autres. Cependant, le destin leur a donné à tous une vie longue et mouvementée. Cela prendra plus d’un demi-siècle et, dans l’un des jours dans différentes parties de la Terre, des événements seront associés à cette réunion fatidique de l’été 1945, et le spectateur apprendra comment elle a radicalement changé la vie de chaque héros. et pas seulement...
Сердце пармы
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.
На Луне

На Луне

Feb 27, 2020
Gleb is a golden youth boy, an idler living a lavish life. He believes he’s not obliged to comply with any rules. But one night during a street race he knocks down a man, and is about to go to prison. His wealthy and influential father has all the power to save his son from prison. But he wants Gleb to reconsider life values, and brings the young boy to a northern village far away from civilization.


Oct 12, 2013
Sanya, a ten years old boy is living in a small town in Northern Russia. His father is a professional boxer who left to US so Sanya is desperately learning English hoping that his father will come back one day.
Иранская конференция
Representatives of the Danish and world intellectual elite, the best minds of our time are going to a conference in Copenhagen to discuss the urgent "Iranian problem" — violation of rights and freedoms, daily executions, torture and military conflicts in the middle East. An orientalist, theologian, political scientist, military journalist, the wife of the Prime Minister (formerly a well-known TV presenter), writer, priest, famous conductor and Iranian poet — winner of the Nobel prize in literature take turns on the stage.


Jun 16, 2022
Fighter Max Kholodov nicknamed Bull Terrier is a mixed martial arts star. After a serious injury in the ring, his life goes downhill: the road to the title of world champion is closed, and the girl he loves goes to another. To survive a series of failures and find a new meaning in life, Max leaves for the coast. There he must find the strength in himself to return to the ring again and have the main fight of his life.


Jun 02, 2022
Ancien militaire russe, Ivan est revenu du front depuis longtemps. Hanté par ses années de guerre, il décide pourtant de partir en Syrie après que son ex-commandant, Grey, a été capturé par l'Etat Islamique. Pour tenter de le sauver, il s'engage dans une mission périlleuse en se faisant passer pour un correspondant de guerre.
Having accidentally committed a crime, Victor tries to evade responsibility and flees. He meets Nika and falls in love with her. The young people are trying to arrange Victor's illegal escape abroad, but events take an unexpected turn.
Черный замок
Young professor Anton Kosmich studies the history of Belarus. One day he is mystically transported to the Middle Ages, where he will have to unravel the secrets of the past millennia.


Mar 28, 2021
After graduation our main character Yesenia dreams about work- ing with Rodion Meglin. He is a mysterious, secretive man, a lone investigator with little known about his methods. When Yesenia turns into his trainee she begins to realize that the essence of his method is that Meglin himself – that of a maniac. He feels them instinctively. He is allowed to eliminate some of them, look after others and save their lives. Our heroine who was never meant to work alone will go alone, facing the most horrible crimes of the last decade.


Mar 28, 2021
After graduation our main character Yesenia dreams about work- ing with Rodion Meglin. He is a mysterious, secretive man, a lone investigator with little known about his methods. When Yesenia turns into his trainee she begins to realize that the essence of his method is that Meglin himself – that of a maniac. He feels them instinctively. He is allowed to eliminate some of them, look after others and save their lives. Our heroine who was never meant to work alone will go alone, facing the most horrible crimes of the last decade.


Mar 29, 2022
In order to fulfill his father's last will, the Cossack Aljoha goes abroad to worship the Virgin Mary. The road takes him through the Ottoman Empire, where he is captured and becomes the janissary Ali. However, nothing can stop a free Cossack. Aljoha does not lose hope that he will regain his freedom, fulfill his father's will, meet love and return to his homeland.
Action & Adventure
Анна Каренина
In late-19th-century Russian high society, St. Petersburg aristocrat Anna Karenina enters into a life-changing affair with the dashing Count Alexei Vronsky. An eight part adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" from Vronsky's point of view.
МосГаз. Дело № 2: Палач
Events take place on the outskirts of Moscow in 1965. In the center - the story of the exposure of a woman executioner who, during the war, at the behest of the Germans, shot prisoners, partisans, and civilians. This is actually a separate civil war of the fanatic with their people. During the war, she was barely 20 years old, and on her account there were already fifteen hundred murders. She shot her victims with a machine gun, hiding behind a toy bunny mask. Then she drank a bottle of moonshine and then appeared the next morning without a mask and lived an ordinary life, the same as everyone else ... Therefore, after the war, it was very difficult to figure out the killer. This case was assigned to the chief investigator. His suspicions fall on one or the other woman ...
Секс. До и после
About what leads to sex, and what happens immediately after it. In one of the novels, a guy agrees to have a child with his best friend, unaware of her insidious plan. In another, a casual acquaintance makes a vegan wonder if sex contradicts her beliefs. And the dispute between two strangers about feminism is resolved in bed, where a woman is not going to remain in debt to a man. The heroes of the stories tell not about sex, but about what surrounds it.
Адмирал Кузнецов
The youngest admiral in history Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov enters into a confrontation with an experienced and cunning opponent - Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy Erich Reder. At the front is a difficult situation, and it is necessary to make risky and ambiguous decisions.


Apr 03, 2024
The parents send the student Stepa to the village for summer holidays to his grandmother — as punishment. Here he is forced to abandon modern technological benefits and live by the rules of the village. Running away from local teenagers once again, Stepa tries to hide in a well, but falls into it. When he gets out, he realizes that he has found himself in a real Cossack village of the 17th century. At the most important historical moment of our country. By the will of fate, Stepa will learn a lot from her distant ancestors, find real friends and learn in practice the history lesson that was filled up at school.
Куприн. Впотьмах
The tiger trainer Zenida from the story "Lucia" falls in love with Alarin, the hero of the story "In the Dark". Also, Oznobishin is fighting for the heart of the fearless tamer. And Kuprin himself watches the love vicissitudes of his characters.
Жена полицейского
Lera Valetskaya is a happy housewife who has completely devoted herself to her children and her beloved husband Victor, a police major. But what if she has to find out that her husband is not at all who he pretends to be? Illegal affairs and a double life - a young operative Gleb Smyslov helps Lera to see the true face of a loved one. A long-term marriage collapses overnight. Now they have to decide whether they are ready to remain a family and whether they will be able to stand together against the gangster group — friends from Victor's past life.


May 23, 2024
He killed and went unpunished for more than ten years, and more than fifty people died at his hands. An innocent man was convicted and shot instead. For a long time, the murders he committed could not be combined into one case. Maniacs of this caliber simply did not exist in the USSR, so law enforcement agencies were not ready to fight the "Rabid Beast", as journalists later dubbed it. Vigilantes, police officers, investigators from the prosecutor's office, psychiatrists were involved in the capture of Chikatilo, and new investigative techniques were developed that will help save innocent people.
Григорий Р.

Григорий Р.

Oct 30, 2014
1917, shortly after the assassination of Grigory Rasputin. The provisional government appoints investigator Heinrich Ivanovich Svitten to study the case of the deceased and find out who he really was for others and for the whole of Russia. Switten collects information bit by bit about the ambiguous elder, but sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish the truth from human speculation. Rasputin's confidants and even members of the royal family help him in the investigation, but everyone has a personal attitude towards this mysterious man. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, on the one hand, respects him immensely, and on the other hand, Switten notices something similar to fear.


Jul 16, 2020
Sveta, Marina and Lyuba work as prostitutes in a small southern township. Their friend Zhanna, who got a chance for a better life, comes back from Moscow with a plan — she wants to open a local gym. Together girls decide to abandon prostitution and start legal business, but their dream to become free, happy and independent will come at a cost.
Охотники за бриллиантами
In November 1980, the widow of A. Tolstoy was robbed. Antiques are taken out of the apartment, but, most importantly, the Royal Lily brooch, made for Louis XV, disappears of extraordinary beauty. Since Tolstoy's widow has extensive connections both in the USSR and abroad, the case receives a wide resonance, the most serious forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are involved in the investigation, the Interior Minister Shchelokov personally monitors the progress of the investigation.


Oct 03, 2024
Yug Kipen is a tight—lipped, modest boy raised by his grandmother. Yug's mother died when he was three years old, and he never saw his father. Everything changes when, on his 14th birthday, Yug discovers the money his father sent in his grandmother's closet. From this moment begins the story of the great journey of the South in search of his father. Potential fathers are scattered all over Russia. The South will have to cross the whole country to meet everyone. He will visit the most beautiful corners of our country, and of course, he will see the main attraction of Russia — people! It is not easy for a 14-year-old teenager to make such a journey, in principle, and even more difficult for the South, because he has a bunch of phobias that he will have to overcome every time.


Sep 23, 2024
In the small town of Gorovets in the Pskov region, located 30 km from the border with Latvia, an emergency occurred - half of the local police department's management was arrested. And this happened because of the largest legal business in the city - a cement plant: it was flourishing, turnover was growing, thus the enterprise became a tasty morsel for everyone, and the fight for it reached the federal level. As a result, Moscow operatives have to restore order in the city and head the local police department: Major Sergey Malakhov becomes the head of the department, and captains Vadim Gruzdev and Ivan Shadrin head the criminal investigation department.