Antanas Surgailis

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Oct 16, 2008
Soviet eighties. A little town in the periphery. After his parents' divorce, 11-year-old Rolanas and his dad move in next door to same-aged Emilija. Friendship is born between the kids, however, shyness or fear of opening up makes them communicate through the wall, sitting in their own balconies, or through a socket connecting their flats. Emilija's parents also appear to be on the verge of divorce. The children discover common topics, activities. Unfortunately, a nearly tragic accident prevents Emilija to go to the balcony. This encourages both children to set out for a "real" date.
Man viskas gerai

Man viskas gerai

Oct 09, 2021
Maria returns to her former life after checking herself out of a rehabilitation clinic where she was being treated for panic attacks. To gain back her position as lead researcher and convince her family she is fine, she hides her breakdowns, which manifest themselves as crazy hallucinations. However, hiding her special condition while also competing for a neuroscience project and the love of her family proves to be more difficult than she’d thought.
Front de l'Est

Front de l'Est

Jan 20, 2012
Russie, 1943. La Division Bleue - 18 000 volontaires espagnols - est envoyée sur le Front de l'Est afin de prêter main forte aux troupes allemandes. Un matin, le corps d'un soldat égorgé est découvert. Sur son torse, une phrase étrange inscrite au couteau : "Prends garde, Dieu te regarde". D'autres crimes suivront. Le lieutenant Arturo Andrade est chargé de l'enquête. Face à lui, 18 000 suspects.
Le Sang des templiers

Le Sang des templiers

Apr 05, 2005
1ère partie : Elevé par un moine, David a grandi sans connapitre l'identité de ses parents. Il apprend qu'il est le seul, depuis mille ans, à réunir dans ses gènes le sang des Prieurs de Sion et des Chevaliers du Temple. Ces deux ordres se battent depuis des siècles pour la possession du Saint Graal. Sa mère, chef des Prieurs, le persuade de se battre à ses côtés contre les Templiers... 2nde partie : Lucrétia, David et les chevaliers de Sion lancent l'assaut sur le château ancestral des Templiers, qui pris par surprise se font massacrer. Cependant, au moment d'accomplir un parricide, David, en proie au doute, s'enfuit avec son père qu'il sauve du péril. De retour au pays de son enfance, David explique son incroyable destinée à Stella, sa petite-amie, qui finit par s'engager à ses côté. Afin de sauver la lignée des Templiers, Robert, David et Stella partent en mission récupérer le linceul du Christ chez les Saint-Claire.
Tarp mūsų, berniukų...
Oh, these men! No matter how long last, they still remain forever boys. And what is most concerned about the men and boys? Of course, women, cars and ... fishing! Superhit inexperienced producers created new Lithuanian comedy among us, lad ... heroes - four childhood friends, one sunny day decided to implement every Lithuanian dream - to go fishing in Norway. With colorful company embark on an adventure, humor and storyline full of surprises journey, about the dream of every man and secretly participate would like all women!
Winter Thaw

Winter Thaw

Nov 24, 2016
In late nineteenth-century Russia, Martin Avdeitch is a humble shoemaker whose life has been characterized by grief. Martin must find the courage to look outside himself and trust in the goodness of God. This BYUtv original holiday special is based on Leo Tolstoy's short story, "Martin the Cobbler," and stars John Rhys-Davies.
Zero. Alyvine Lietuva

Zero. Alyvine Lietuva

Sep 08, 2006
ZERO is an 0 sucking in a young deserter, a casino victim and three heroin brothers. That is a destiny, a mixture of objectives and desires of heroes. That is a lifestyle balancing on the edge - bullets, numbers and needles.
Fireheart : La Légende de Tadas Blinda
Au 19ème siècle, Tadas Blinda se rebelle contre la brutalité de l'armée russe en Lituanie. Issu d'un milieu modeste, il devient héros grâce à son courage et au mouvement qu'il a réussi à créer. Mais pendant cette révolte, le paysan s'éprend d'une femme de la noblesse...
Laisvės kaina. Savanoriai
TV series tells about 1918 February 16 Signing of the Lithuanian Independence Act and other historical events that followed this important event in Lithuania until the occupation of Lithuania in 1940.
War & Politics