Марианна Шульц

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Soleil trompeur 3 : La citadelle
Chapitre final de la trilogie. La traque du colonel du KGB Mitya pour retrouver le commandant Kotov le conduit à la Citadelle, une forteresse allemande sur le sol russe où des soldats sont massacrés par milliers dans un siège interminable et sanglant.
Tarif Novogodniy

Tarif Novogodniy

Dec 04, 2008
Performing the traditional New Year's call on the unknown phone number Andrey didn't even suspected, that just after his return to Moscow, he had bought a magic starting pack of cellular communications operator. Getting through to the deserted in New Year's eve Alyona, Andrey almost falls in love with her, but there exists a temporal problem. Alyona is celebrating coming 2008 year and Andrey is going to meet 2009. Trying "to set a contact" with Alyona's «future variant» he comes to know the terrible truth about the events, that appended in the end of 2008. Now the main goal of Andrey and all his friends - to prevent the awful tragedy and to turn into reality the meeting of Alyona and Andrey...
Familles à vendre

Familles à vendre

Oct 05, 2005
Le rêve de retrouver un vieil oncle en Amérique, tout le monde l'a fait, mais retrouver ses ancêtres, ses vraies racines, cela peut prendre une vie. Alors s'adresser à une agence spécialisée... quoi de plus normal pour Baruk, Andrew, Irène ou Samuel, qui vivent aux quatre coins du monde depuis deux générations. Ces gens, comme beaucoup d'autres, ont perdu les leurs pendant la révolution ou la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. C'est à ce moment précis que leur chemin croise celui d'Edik Letov, jeune aventurier, qui trouve là une occasion de s'enrichir en persuadant les habitants d'une petite ville d'Ukraine de jouer, juste pour une semaine, le rôle de ces familles tant recherchées. Après un casting méticuleux, Edik crée une famille imaginaire pour chacun des quatre prétendants et organise leurs retrouvailles à Golotvine.


Jun 11, 2015
Pavel Zuev has to start his life over from darkness after he looses his sight. The young man has to learn again how to eat, walk, wash himself, do simple housework, and even how to look out of the window without seeing anything. All connections to his previous life are broken. In this new life blind Zuev encounters an exceptional woman capable of seeing more than other people. Her name sounds symbolic – Nadezhda (translates as 'hope' into English) and she works at the local hospital. Nadezhda will help Zuev find his strength and a new sense of existing. These equally strong but otherwise different people spend together what, perhaps, will be the best days of their lives; but everything has an ending.
День учителя
A day in the life of a typical character of Russian history, "the little man": a school teacher of Russian language and literature. An intellectual and his problems at the beginning of the 21st century. A day in the life of the country which Yesenin loved. About a country that still has hope...
Ёлки 3

Ёлки 3

Dec 26, 2013
And again a heroes of "Yolki" series are ready and prepared for a New Year.
Sibérie, Monamour

Sibérie, Monamour

Apr 20, 2011
Monamour, hameau abandonné dans les étendues infinies de la Sibérie. En compagnie de son dévot grand-père et d'un chien pour seul ami, le jeune Lyochka attend le retour de son père. Mais les vivres viennent à manquer quand son oncle, venant régulièrement les ravitailler d'un lointain village, ne donne plus signe de vie. Affaiblis et de plus en plus isolés par la neige, le vieil homme et son petit fils doivent bientôt faire face aux pilleurs et aux chiens sauvages...


Feb 28, 2010
Двое воспитанников детского дома влюбляются друг в друга, и их отношения очень быстро доходят до интимной близости. Вскоре девушка понимает, что беременна, и сообщает об этом любимому парню. Тот в шоке и не знает, что с этим делать. Все становится известно воспитателям, которые требуют, чтобы девушка сделала аборт. Будущий отец в панике сбегает...


Sep 24, 2014
Kolia habite une petite ville au bord de la mer de Barents, au nord de la Russie. Il tient un garage qui jouxte la maison où il vit avec sa jeune femme Lylia et son fils Roma qu’il a eu d’un précédent mariage. Vadim Cheleviat, le Maire de la ville, souhaite s’approprier le terrain de Kolia, sa maison et son garage. Il a des projets. Il tente d’abord de l’acheter mais Kolia ne peut pas supporter l’idée de perdre tout ce qu’il possède, non seulement le terrain mais aussi la beauté qui l’entoure depuis sa naissance. Alors Vadim Cheleviat devient plus agressif...


Oct 06, 2023
Here, among the scorched by hot steppe and salty sea winds, on the fragments of a lost life of a forgotten coastal village, mother Era and son Andrey settle in a small house. And also a love that resists the indifference of the rest of the world, and in this love there is everything - hope and despair, strength and weakness, truth and lies, freedom and slavery.
Я закрываю глаза
“Close your eyes. What can you hear? What are you thinking? What do you feel at this exact moment? Where are you? With whom, and why?” This fantastically shot portrait provides insight into the inner life of a young woman due to undergo an operation in unconventional imagery that is both dreamlike and yet true to life.


Apr 20, 2019
Coming back home Max is drawn into the kaleidoscope of events that leads him to the controversial solution.
Лесное озеро
They didn't know each other existed. But the meeting in the rural backwoods to lake forest turned the rest of their lives. Now they can't live without each other. Clean and clear water of the lake and purified the body and soul... And what could be nicer to a hot summer day to swim in the refreshing waters of the natural lake
О любви в любую погоду
The main character, meteorologist Perushkin, is a “paranormal” person who has “solid cyclones and anticyclones” in his life — he is busy with the invention of a device that draws energy from space. On the way to the great discoveries, a variety of troubles await him, one of which could have ended very sadly, if not ... love is the one that comes when you do not wait for it, the one that does not depend on the circumstances and size of the wallet, which remains unchanged In any weather…


Nov 07, 2024
Artem is 35 years old. He’s a psychologist, he uses this provocative methodology successfully until one of his clients commits suicide. The one who Artem tried to heal from a suicidal mood by taking him to the roof and telling him that suicide was the right course of action. Artem is condemned to 8 years of colony, the psycholo- gist’s license is taken away, his wife Dasha (32) leaves him, his friends turn their backs on him. With the help of his best friend, Artem gets out of jail. All he is looking for is justice. He believes in his method and wants to prove that it’s actually working and the blame of the patient’s death is not on him. Each episode is a sep- arate case, Artem is brilliantly solving other people seemingly im- possible problems. But will he be able to save himself?
Беловодье. Тайна затерянной страны
The terrible secret of the Guardians is open. The sinkhole of the earth in an abandoned mountain monastery has released a force that threatens all life on Earth. A power struggle has unfolded in parallel worlds, everyone is playing their own deadly game, and it is impossible to understand who is the enemy and who is the friend. There is only one chance for salvation. But for the last Hope, you need strong Faith and passionate Love.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy