Ekkehard Arendt

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Une histoire d'amour

Une histoire d'amour

Mar 10, 1933
Christine Wering, fille unique d'un modeste musicien d'orchestre, s'effarouche des manières délurées de son amie Mizzie Schlager, une modiste entreprenante qui s'est laissée aborder et conter fleurette par un officier de la garde impériale, Théodore Berg. A la sortie du théâtre, Théodore entraîne Mizzi et Christine dans le café où l'attend son ami, le lieutenant Fritz Lobheimer. Fritz et Christine sont attirés l'un par l'autre. Le fringant jeune homme raccompagne la grisette à sa porte et, le lendemain, l'emmène pour une promenade en traîneau. Christine n'a d'yeux que pour lui. Il ne lui révèle toutefois pas qu'il est l'amant de la baronne d'Eggersdorf...
Les amours de Blanche Neige
A young girl nicknamed Snow White is part of the French ski team. She is courted by four international champions who challenge each other on the snow to win her heart. But everything gets complicated with the arrival of an Austrian champion.


Mar 02, 1931
L'actrice Mary Baring est retrouvée prostrée à côté du cadavre d'Ellen Moore, actrice se produisant dans la même troupe. Elle est arrêtée et inculpée du meurtre. John Menier, acteur dramatique de renom, participe en tant que juré à la condamnation pour meurtre de la jeune actrice dont il finit cependant par douter de la culpabilité. Pris de remords et avec l’aide de deux comédiens au chômage, il entreprend alors de conduire sa propre enquête. Il s'agit de la version allemande du film "Meurtre !" de 1930, mais le film est complètement différent, et tourné en allemand.
§ 173 St.G.B. Blutschande
Martin Hollmann, a young gardener meets his significantly older wife's daughter from her first marriage. Liesbeth Kröger is from his generation and they both get along well straight away. Shortly after his wife's death, Martin brings Liesbeth into his house as a housekeeper, and they both fall in love. The couple live together and soon decide to get married when Liesbeth becomes pregnant by Martin. But now the tragedy begins, because when registering at the registry office, Martin and Liesbeth, in the form of a strict bailiff, are officially declared that they have committed incest in accordance with Section 173 of the Criminal Code.
Laster der Menschheit

Laster der Menschheit

Apr 05, 1927
Tamara becomes addicted to cocaine but hides from her daughter by moving in with the dealer Mangol. The father tells his daughter that her mother has died, but years later the daughter rediscovers her mother appearing on stage. Mangol pursues the daughter, but Tamara intervenes before dying amongst family members.
Luise, Königin von Preußen
Vehicle for one of the Weimar era's most beloved actresses: as the popular Prussian queen in 1806-1807, she presides over the humiliating Peace of Tilsit which Napoleon forces on the defeated Germans.
Der brave Sünder

Der brave Sünder

Oct 21, 1931
Leopold Pichler is a very orderly and trustworthy chief cashier who is asked by his boss to get a large sum of money from the bank which the boss urgently needs on a trip to Vienna. Due to some circumstances, getting the money takes a little longer than expected and the director leaves for Vienna without it. But Pichler sees himself as a reliable man, and so he and his assistant Wittek follow the director to Vienna with the money kept in a bag. In Vienna, the two provincials however are mistaken for guests of the director and spend an evening at a posh night club. But when it transpires that the director actually won't come to the night club that evening, Pichler and Wittek have to pay the bill with the money from the bank. And their subsequent attempts at reimbursing the money lead to situations of ever-increasing hilariousness...
Der Katzensteg

Der Katzensteg

May 31, 1927
In 1807 Prussia, Napoleon supporter Baron von Schranden forces his maid Regine to lead the French enemy across “Cat’s Bridge”, up behind a corps of Prussian volunteers who the French then decimate. In retaliation for this betrayal, the people of Schranden set the lord’s castle on fire. When the baron’s son Boleslav returns to the village a Prussian war hero in 1813, he is faced with a self-righteous village community that has denied his late father a decent burial. Regine is Boleslav’s only ally, and Boleslav is Regine’s only ally. The conflict escalates, and the villagers set up an ambush for him at Cat’s Bridge …
Le mensonge de Nina Petrovna
Michael Rostof, un jeune officier servant dans l'armée du tsar à Saint-Pétersbourg avant 1914, noue de beaux sentiments avec Nina Petrovna. Ce n'est que plus tard qu'il découvre qu'elle est la maîtresse gardée de l'influent colonel Beranoff. Elle choisit de renoncer à l'existence luxueuse avec Beranoff pour vivre avec Rostof. Bien qu'ils soient sans-le-sou, ils sont tous les deux incroyablement heureux.
Der goldene Abgrund

Der goldene Abgrund

Sep 26, 1927
An eccentric millionaire brings together four men who, under different circumstances, wanted to commit suicide. The proposal made to them is the following: they will travel to an islet that, according to legend, emerged from the sea when Atlantis sank and that houses a fabulous treasure buried by the Incas. But that territory is populated by the worst band of pirates and evildoers the world has ever known.