Dorota Pomykała

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Apr 10, 1981
During the holidays, a famous actress gets into an affair with a student.
Moje stare

Moje stare

Apr 01, 2023
After 50 years, Zofia and Ania are deciding to go on their last journey together to fight for their old love.
Ukryty w słońcu

Ukryty w słońcu

Oct 20, 1980
Artist Janek is waiting for his beloved Joanna. He is worried because he has a feeling that there has been a tragedy the night before. After an hour of waiting, the man departs. He keeps reminiscing about Joanna all the time.
Big Shar

Big Shar

May 16, 1983
Libéré de prison après cinq ans, l'escroc Szu est renvoyé de chez lui par sa jeune femme; il se dirige vers la ville de Lutyn où il monte une escroquerie et attire l'intérêt de Jurek, un jeune chauffeur de taxi qui s'imagine un grand escroc.
Wolny strzelec

Wolny strzelec

Oct 28, 1987
Piotr is a freelancing journalist in early 1980's Poland. One day, he comes across a curious case of a woman's death during work and the workplace's refusal to pay the insurance to her mother.
Królowa aniołów

Królowa aniołów

Nov 12, 1999
The film takes place in two spaces of time. Modern history tells the story of a passing relationship crisis doctor James with her teacher Maria. During the night shift, Jacob is trying to calm the boy. Experiencing a shock that pushes him into the inner journey in time past, in the regions of childhood, to the genesis of his fears and frustrations. The second story waged simultaneously with the first takes place in the nineteenth century, in a nobleman's manor where Maria takes care of the ailing heiress Elizabeth. Elizabeth's daughter, Zofia, is expecting a baby. — Polish Wikipedia


Sep 16, 2010
Quadragénaire discret et renfermé, Michał travaille à Varsovie et vit entouré de sa femme et de son fils. Contraint d’effectuer une mission confiée par son patron, il se rend à Szczecin (ouest de la Pologne), sa ville natale, une semaine seulement avant la première communion de son fils. Mais le voyage de Michał est brusquement bouleversé par un accident. Immobilisé sur place, Michał croise un ancien ami, aperçoit des connaissances, retrouve son père enfermé depuis des années derrière un mur de rancunes et d’incompréhensions. Au fil des rencontres avec les fantômes de son passé, Michał est confronté avec son image. Est-il celui qu’il croit être ou celui que les autres ont l’air de voir ?
Une femme sur le toit

Une femme sur le toit

Dec 09, 2022
Mirka, sage-femme d'une soixantaine d'années, mène une vie irréprochable auprès de son mari et de leur fils. Pourtant un matin, quelque chose change. Après s'être levée tôt, avoir étendu le linge et acheté de la nourriture pour ses poissons, elle tente de braquer une banque armée d'un couteau de cuisine. Son geste désespéré échoue mais l'oblige à reconsidérer sa vie.


Dec 05, 1997
An actor returns to Poland after 12 very unsuccessful years in the United States only to find himself entangled in a noirish situation reminiscent of California in the 1940s.


Nov 21, 1983
Two old friends meet at a mountain shelter and recall their university years. Midroń and Świdrycki are mature, intelligent men, experiencing a crisis of faith in the meaning of life, in their abilities, as well as fear of death. The next day, their wives join them. Although they have not had the opportunity to get to know each other so far, they become friends very quickly.
Moje miasto

Moje miasto

Nov 05, 2002
This is a story about the inhabitants of a block of flats standing alone on the outskirts of an industrial city. Unemployment, lack of prospects, and powerlessness create a special aura in which events unfold. The main character, 25-year-old Goździk, has lived here since he was born. He does not work or study.
Kaj's fødselsdag

Kaj's fødselsdag

Aug 03, 1990
When the hot-dog vendor Kaj from the small town of Skælskør in Denmark turns 40, his friends take him on a trip to Poland, to a long party with cheap liquor and emigration eager polish ladies. It will go merrily, but it gets serious for Kaj as he meets a girl who mistakes him for a wealthy Toyota dealer she has exchanged letters with.
Szklany dom

Szklany dom

Dec 10, 1990
The main character of the film has just received her dream apartment in an old tenement house. However, it is not allowed to enjoy it for too long. When he returns home with the child, it turns out that the tenement house has disappeared. The woman's goal is to find her own home.
Heart Parade

Heart Parade

Jun 15, 2022
Pour sauver son emploi, une carriériste qui a peur des chiens doit se rendre à Cracovie. Elle y rencontre un charmant veuf, son fils et leur meilleur ami à quatre pattes.
Też to słyszycie

Też to słyszycie

Sep 24, 2023
One day in the lives of three very different women who decide to take matters into their own hands and finally live life on their own terms.
Chce mi się wyć

Chce mi się wyć

Nov 14, 1989
Polish film directed by Jacek Skalski. A young student, expelled from university for taking part in strikes, and a middle-aged married woman, whose husband is abroad, fall madly in love during the tumultuous times of 1980s martial law.
Tue-moi si tu l'oses

Tue-moi si tu l'oses

Feb 13, 2024
Pour le meilleur et pour le pire... Après avoir gagné à la loterie, un couple marié se tourne vers le pire lorsqu'il décide de s'entretuer pour récupérer l'intégralité du pactole.


Sep 23, 2024
Just before Christmas, things that are difficult to explain happen in the house of the widow of the local organist. Muddy traces left in the house, mysterious shadows and strange sounds make Bogusia increasingly believe that these may be signs from her tragically deceased husband.
Dzień dobry, kocham cię!
Szymon Kosowski, a handsome and athletic doctor of one of the private clinics in Warsaw, who is the object of sighs among patients and female staff, especially nurses Pati, notices a beautiful and witty corporate employee and roller lover - Basia, which flows into one of the city's fountains. Soon they both fall in love with each other at first sight. Unfortunately, a series of unlucky coincidences causes them to lose contact. From then on, they do everything to find each other. Meanwhile, Basia catches the eye of playboy, the son of wealthy parents, a friend from primary school - Leon Glec, who received an ultimatum from his parents: he will either get married quickly or be disinherited.
Je m'appelle Ki

Je m'appelle Ki

Sep 30, 2011
Ki vient d’avoir un enfant. Contrainte de fuir son compagnon, elle fait face aux restrictions et aux responsabilités qui lui incombent en tant que mère célibataire. Or, insouciante et rêveuse, elle veut vivre intensément et met son imagination au profit de la création artistique. Sur le plan affectif, ses relations avec les hommes sont compliquées et demeurent sans promesse. Tour à tour irritante, attachante, agressive et fragile, Ki ne laisse personne indifférent. C’est une femme libre et insoumise à qui il faudra, un jour, donner sa chance.


Nov 17, 2006
19 year old Wojtek lives in a poverty stricken Polish town. He is in love with an older woman, an illegal emigrant from Ukraine. He boxes in illegal matches to get money and is spotted by a man running a security business. Accepting this man's offer means becoming a gangster, but this could allow him to a residence permit for his girlfriend Katya.
Dwa księżyce

Dwa księżyce

Dec 09, 1993
Panoramic view of a resort town in the summer of 1930. In seventeen episodes we get a glimpse at the microcosm of its colourful inhabitants and visitors, Poles and Jews, the high society and the desperately poor.
Les impliqués

Les impliqués

Jun 03, 2011
A Cracovie, le docteur Rudzki est un éminent spécialiste de la méthode de Hellinger, dite de la «constellation familiale», thérapie visant à soigner la souffrance psychique par le biais de jeux de rôles et de psychodrames. Après une séance collective éprouvante, un des patients, Henryk Telak, est retrouvé assassiné. Le tueur serait-il l'un des patients, voire le docteur lui-même ? La procureure Agatha Szacki, aidée par le commissaire Smolar, un ancien amant de ses années universitaires, enquête. Elle découvre bientôt que la victime est liée à un autre cadavre, celui d'un étudiant polonais sauvagement assassiné en 1987, à la fin de l'ère communiste...


Oct 17, 2008
The emotional inertia and chaos affecting a narcoleptic woman, a fatally ill writer and a gay doctor, and their attempts to escape from their dead-end situations.
Au mauvais endroit

Au mauvais endroit

Sep 19, 2018
Après la découverte de tracts antigouvernementaux dans son appartement, un étudiant qui préfère l'art à la politique est accusé de collaborer avec l'opposition.
Via Carpatia

Via Carpatia

Jun 30, 2018
A middle-class Polish make a trip across the Balkans, heading for a refugee camp on the Macedonian-Greek border.
Tylko strach

Tylko strach

Mar 28, 1994
TV presenter Katarzyna has been a teetotaller for a year now. She attends regular AA meetings and even takes care of a novice there. Will she really manage to stay sober?
Oda do radości

Oda do radości

Apr 19, 2006
Three stories of young disillusioned Poles of different background and region of origin. What binds them together is that they all meet on the bus to London shortly after Poland's entry into EU.
Métalleux un jour…

Métalleux un jour…

Jan 05, 2018
Grâce au soutien financier de l'administration locale, cinq amis reforment leur groupe de heavy metal et se replongent dans leurs heures de gloire bruyantes.


Jan 03, 2013
The main character is a young playboy, never cared about money - first claimed by his mother, now makes it a rich wife. In such a case it is the best material for a husband and father? How far a desperate woman to give birth to a child and that the ideal hero will cope with the challenges of fatherhood?
The Dress

The Dress

Jun 02, 2020
Une femme de petite taille, isolée par son handicap, rêve d’amour et de sensualité... La rencontre avec un chauffeur qui semble la regarder autrement sonne comme une promesse.


Sep 07, 1987
Martial Law in Poland. Marek the journalist steals a truck and starts his quest.


Oct 02, 2020
Uli Cieplak - who is not very pretty, but hardworking and smart - finds employment in the renowned fashion house Febo & Dobrzański. Despite her unattractive appearance, with diligence she climbs the career ladder while secretly having a crush on her boss, Marek Dobrzański, the president of the company.
Głęboka woda

Głęboka woda

Jun 09, 2013
A group of social welfare workers led by their new director tries to provide necessary aid to people struggling with various problems.


Apr 19, 2024
Inspired by actual events - the dramatic story of a group of lost youth in late 70s and early 80s Copenhagen. They find community and belonging in the biker gang 'Bullshit' – but end up in brutal conflict.


Apr 11, 1989
Three adolescents from different backgrounds, who share the same passion for sports, come of age and start a new life as grown-ups.