Evelien Bosmans

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Sinterklaas en Koning Kabberdas
Riko Tik used to be bullied as a kid, now he want revenge. He falsifies the book of the Sint so that it looks like all the kids have been naughty this year. Disguised as king Kabberdas he goes to the house of the Sint to fool the holy man with the wrong book.


Dec 14, 2011
L'intrigue de Germaine suit une famille ouvrière pendant les neuf semaines d'une grève. La famille habite un petit logement dans la cité, juste à côté de l'usine. La fille, Germaine Debruyker, a dix-huit ans et espère mieux réussir dans la vie que ses parents. Elle travaille comme caissière au GB de Mol. Son père, Jan Debruyker, gagne le pain de la famille et travaille comme ouvrier à la Vieille Montagne. Une grève sauvage, non reconnue par les syndicats, éclate parmi les ouvriers pour une augmentation du salaire horaire trop bas. La famille se retrouve sans revenu, comme tous les grévistes de la cité. Des étudiants maoïstes de Louvain membres d'TPO/AMADA viennent montrer leur solidarité avec les grévistes. L'un d'eux, Luc Verheyen, est amoureux de Germaine. Jan, dont l'attitude par rapport à la grève évolue au cours de celle-ci écrit régulièrement au roi.


Feb 26, 2014
A la faveur d’un divorce, Stef parvient à acheter à bas prix une magnifique maison. Mais dès la première nuit, il tombe nez-à-nez avec Théo, l’ancien propriétaire de la maison. Le souci, c’est que Théo est censé être mort depuis deux ans...


Nov 06, 2013
Italie 1948. Rocco, 10 ans, grandit dans un charmant - mais pauvre - village de montagne en Calabre. Jusqu'au jour où, Salvatore son père, décide d'aller chercher ailleurs un avenir meilleur pour sa famille. Il part pour la terre promise, la Belgique, car là, en peu de temps, il y a moyen de gagner beaucoup d'argent en travaillant dans les mines de charbon. Et ensuite, retourner au pays natal. Mais, très vite, il fait venir sa famille à Waterschei. Le jeune Rocco est propulsé au rang d'émigré avec toutes les conséquences que cela implique. La triste région des mines du Limbourg, les hivers glaciaux, le racisme, la langue et la culture étrangère mettent un frein à la joie de vivre du petit garçon. Rocco veut, comme les autres enfants, devenir quelqu’un et faire quelque chose de sa vie. Il cherche, contre l’avis de son père, sa voie dans la musique et l’amour et écoute les battements de son coeur pour réaliser son rêve.
Jan en Kelly en alles daartussen
When Jan, director, receives the good news that he can make his first feature film, his source of inspiration and lead actress, Kelly, is in love. With Vincent. Something that the actress has not yet shared with 'her director'. When Jan shows up at Kelly's door with champagne to celebrate that they are finally going to make a film, a confrontational evening follows. In other words, the first honest conversation between two extremely insecure souls.


Oct 29, 2014


Comme chaque été, le jeune Sam, âgé de douze ans et débordant d'imagination, part en camp de scouts dans la forêt. Il se rend vite compte que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond quand il y découvre une mystérieuse cabane visiblement habitée par Kai, un enfant sauvage. Sam croit bon d'en avertir ses guides, mais ceux-ci ne le prennent pas au sérieux, interprétant son récit comme l'une de ses habituelles élucubrations. Et pourtant... Le jeune garçon de la cabane s'avère en plus aider un dangereux psychopathe, lequel va redoubler d'ingéniosité pour décimer les louveteaux de la troupe. Un par un...
Ay Ramon!

Ay Ramon!

Oct 21, 2015
Max and Tikkelotje own an unsuccessful theatre company. When Tikkelotje notices Ramon - the faithful companion to Saint Nicholas - playing the guitar and singing, she decides to kidnap both him and Slechtweervandaag, Saint Nicholas’s trusty steed. Saint Nicholas is devastated, but eventually he pulls himself together and goes around the houses to collect the children’s wishlists. An adventure involving assorted people then ensues as he tried to beat the clock to rescue the hapless pair.
Forgotten Scares: An In-depth Look at Flemish Horror Cinema
The feature-length documentary "Forgotten Scares" goes back to the birth of Flemish horror in the '70s and shines a bright light on the future of horror in Belgium. The viewer gets a chance to discover long forgotten - and even unfinished - genre gems and learn in-depth info about underrated 'splatter and gore'-fests, post-apocalyptic movies, slasher-films, nazisploitation, women-in-prison and other fantastical Flemish genre benders through the eyes of the directors, producers, composers, principal actors and genre experts. "Forgotten Scares" is illustrated by rare behind the scene footage, classic film scenes, production stills, promotional art and even never before seen videos out of the vaults of the filmmakers.
Charlie en Hannah gaan uit
Charlie is witty, inaccessible and - in her own words - fundamentally dialectic. Hannah is chatty, neurotic, always hungry and always in love. Things take an unexpected turn when one of the girls conjures magical candy that makes body parts talk, pineapples fly and through which a trip to another galaxy becomes the easiest thing in the world.
The Art of Lying

The Art of Lying

Dec 08, 2020
A couple tries to lie to an insurance agent and steal money from their theft insurance. But the broker is determined to expose their lies.
Danni Lowinski

Danni Lowinski

May 23, 2013
A former hairdresser graduates from law school and starts working as a cheap legal consultant. Her ambition, her spontaneous and unique way to investigate cases, her big heart and her first successes as a lawyer soon deliver her many clients.
F*** You Very, Very Much
Fed up with her banal existence, Ann ditches her life as it is. Dragging her two best friends along, she navigates a year of brutally-honest madness, enlightened by mental field trips to the Stone Age and unsolicited superhero advice.
Zone Stad

Zone Stad

May 27, 2013
Zone Stad is a Flemish-Belgian TV series about a police-department located in Antwerp. In the series, police officers solve various crimes, which are shown as realistically as possible.
De club

De club

Sep 27, 2023
Having a baby should be easy, right? And yet... Three couples who seem completely different at first sight, turn out to have one thing in common: they are unable to conceive. Against their will they form a club. A club you don't want to belong to. There they are, staring into shame in the chilly waiting room of the Fertility Department: Bert and Kirstie, Ziggy and Charlie, Ellen and Ellen. None of them thought they would ever end up with the aloof academic and somewhat strange fertility doctor Eva Deseure to make their dream come true. They also never expected to form a close friendship with each other. Yet it happens. Because they feel that the outside world does not understand them. The outside world; a world full of baby showers, screaming toddlers and the recurring question 'when are you going to start having children?' But is this a real club? How well do they really know each other? Are they really friends or are they just fleeing the harsh reality together?
Chaussée d'Amour

Chaussée d'Amour

May 10, 2016
When her marriage fails Sylvia is forced to move with her children into a brothel on the Chaussée d'Amour. Out of financial necessity she decides to exploit the bar. Meanwhile a detective tries to solve an old murder case.