Naďa Hejná

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Marketa Lazarova

Marketa Lazarova

Nov 24, 1967
Moyen Âge. En Bohême, au XIIIème siècle, christianisme et paganisme s'affrontent, anarchie et misère règnent. Mikolás et son frère Adam volent des voyageurs sous les ordres de leur tyrannique père, le Seigneur Bouc. Après un de ces actes de banditisme, ils se retrouvent avec un jeune otage allemand sur les bras, le jeune prince Kristian, dont le père s'échappe et part immédiatement rapporter le vol et le kidnapping au Roi. Seigneur Bouc se prépare contre la colère du Roi, et envoie Mikolás faire pression sur leur voisin Lazar afin qu'il les rejoignent dans la guerre à venir. La tentative de persuasion échoue, et pour se venger Mikolás kidnappe Marketa, la fille de Lazar, juste au moment où elle s'apprêtait à rejoindre un couvent. Le Roi, durant ce temps, forme une armée, et appelle Lazar, dévot, à le rejoindre dans sa quête contre Seigneur Bouc. C'est le début d'affrontements violents...


Aug 23, 1963
This film is one of the most popular pictures of Slovak cinema and relates the story about the legendary folk hero and brigand Juro Jánošík [1688-1713] and the social situation in Slovakia of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The first part talks about Jánošík's childhood, studies and return to his native village. In the second part Jánošík leaves for the hills, where he organizes his band of brigands and starts an anti-feudal resistance. The film concludes with Jánošík's execution.
Prípad Barnabáš Kos
In this bitingly satirical film Peter Slovan, a continuous source of trouble for the film functionaries of the socialist Slovakia, tackles an evergreen topic – the corruptive effects of power. Barnabáš Kos, a triangle player at a symphonic orchestra, is suddenly promoted to serve as the head of the said institution, even though both he and his superiors deem him completely unfit for the task. Encouraged in equal parts by this unexpected recognition and the servile praise of his colleagues, Kos’s modesty starts to gradually vanish. The erstwhile bashful and aloof percussionist quickly becomes aware of the advantages of his new office, and begins to realise his increasingly ludicrous artistic ambitions. Ultimately, the submissive marionette turns into a source of public humiliation, and his astonishing career finds an abrupt end. Orchestra serves here as a microcosm that grotesquely reflects the absurd and tragicomic mechanisms of the paranoid apparatus of power.
Nebezpečné známosti
The beautiful, bright and intelligent, but perfectly mischievous Marquise de Mertuil and her charming and equally depraved and ruthless friend, the master of seduction Vicomte de Valmont play a cynical game full of intrigue. The marquise is willing to devote one night full of passion to the viscount. However, on the condition that the viscount first deflowers the innocent Cecile de Volanges, who is to marry her former lover. In the end, they themselves become victims of their own dangerous game.
Nevěsta s nejkrásnějšíma očima
Exotic, yet lyrically aimed fairy tale about a young gypsy Pista in search of a beautiful, gentle and faithful bride. An old man told him where to find a girl with those qualities, so Pista sets out on a journey to find the girl of his dreams without knowing that she is special: an hour a day human and rest of the day a chicken...
Oldřich a Božena

Oldřich a Božena

Aug 01, 1985
At the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries Boleslav's kingdom fell apart in the fratricidal war between the Přemyslovci and the other clans the main profiteer of this being the German emperor. At that time it seemed as if the Czech state and the lineage of its princes was awaiting its end..." It is with these words that the tale of this film begins, whose narrative is based upon the the play by František Hrubín of the same name.
Rêves en Rose

Rêves en Rose

Apr 08, 1977
Jakub, facteur rêveur et magicien en herbe, jongle entre les colis et les services rendus aux villageois. Son regard croise celui de la belle gitane Jolanka. Ensemble, ils vont tenter de vivre un premier et grand amour, malgré la pression de leurs communautés respectives…


Jan 01, 1976
An animal lover, Miloš , brings a small mouse to school, which causes a lot of excitement in the classroom. Miloš remains for punishment after school, however, when the teacher notices that Miloš is bringing lunch to his sick grandmother, she lets him go home. However, Miloš cannot get home with lunch. Somewhere, he lost the key he wears on the string around his neck.


Jan 01, 1976


Mar 01, 1989


Apr 22, 1950
Strong-willed peasant girl Katka disobeys her father and heads to the city to work in a factory, where no one knows quite what to make of her.
Lekár umierajúceho času
Series about the life of Renaissance anatomist, scholar and politic Johannes Jessenius. Already legendary series today, was produced by Czechoslovak Television Bratislava, directed by Slovak director Miroslav Luther in the first half of 80's in Barrandov Studios in Prague. The story and screenplay of the series wrote Czech writer Vladimír Körner. Five-episodes epic historical narration is a biographical story of distinguished Renaissance scholar, anatomist and politic of Slovak origin, Johannes Jessenius (Ján Jesenský, 1566–1621). It displays his life from the first studies and successes. In 1594 he became professor of surgery and anatomy on Wittenberg University, which he had attended years before. From that moment, his life went through social and personal wins and losses, to the sad end on the Prague Old Town Square gallows, among 27 noblemen, knights and burgenses, after lose Bohemian Revolt in 1621. His destiny was coupled with key events of Czech history in the break of 16th and 17th century, when Renaissance and European humanism slowly fade out.