Oto Ševčík

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Marketa Lazarova

Marketa Lazarova

Nov 24, 1967
Moyen Âge. En Bohême, au XIIIème siècle, christianisme et paganisme s'affrontent, anarchie et misère règnent. Mikolás et son frère Adam volent des voyageurs sous les ordres de leur tyrannique père, le Seigneur Bouc. Après un de ces actes de banditisme, ils se retrouvent avec un jeune otage allemand sur les bras, le jeune prince Kristian, dont le père s'échappe et part immédiatement rapporter le vol et le kidnapping au Roi. Seigneur Bouc se prépare contre la colère du Roi, et envoie Mikolás faire pression sur leur voisin Lazar afin qu'il les rejoignent dans la guerre à venir. La tentative de persuasion échoue, et pour se venger Mikolás kidnappe Marketa, la fille de Lazar, juste au moment où elle s'apprêtait à rejoindre un couvent. Le Roi, durant ce temps, forme une armée, et appelle Lazar, dévot, à le rejoindre dans sa quête contre Seigneur Bouc. C'est le début d'affrontements violents...
Lásky mezi kapkami deště
Set in Prague during the years leading up to World War II, this family saga tells the story of a cobbler named Vincenc Bursik (Vladimir Mensik), who uproots his clan from the country to the city, only to suffer the loss of his wife and the failure of his shoe business within months. When his daughter moves away to go live with a wealthy businessman as his mistress, Vincenc is left to take care of his two sons, who spend their days in a secret garden vying for the affections of a teenage girl.


May 09, 1980
Princezna ze mlejna 2

Princezna ze mlejna 2

Feb 03, 2000
Happily ever after has a bumpy start for a young couple in a magical land when the husband is sent off to battle by a jealous prince.
Přežil jsem svou smrt
Telling the prisoners of a death camp. Boxer Tony Majer, who got into a concentration camp for a fight with the Gestapo, remembers the murderous work in quarries, on the cruel torture of the Nazis and prison solidarity that helped him survive.
Smrt si říká Engelchen
Pavel is a Czech partisan fighter in the waning days of the war. Just as peace is declared, Pavel is shot in the spine and sent to the hospital emergency ward. As he fades in and out of consciousness, he recalls the events that led to his participation in the underground. Holding German occupation commander Engelchen responsible for all the horrors and deprivations heaped upon his comrades, Pavel is kept alive by the possibility of recovering and exacting vengeance upon the Nazi officer - no matter how long it takes.
Akce Bororo

Akce Bororo

Jul 13, 1973
A man and a woman from a different planet come to the Earth to get a cure for a disease that is apparently threatening to eradicate their civilisation.
Science Fiction
Já, spravedlnost

Já, spravedlnost

Apr 12, 1968
At the year 1946, the time of the Nuremberg Process. One of the main actors of the Second World War, who reportedly committed suicide, Adolf Hitler is, however, missing. The Czech doctor Herman (Karel Höger) is kidnapped from Prague and driven to the sanatorium of Professor Rolf Harting (Jirí Vrstála). The sanatorium is a disguised military stronghold, most probably occupied by a Nazi garrison, with prison cells and an execution chamber in the basement. At night, Herman is taken to a patient in whom he, to his horror, recognizes Hitler (Fritz Diez).


Feb 06, 1970
Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un ancien soldat tchèque prend la direction d'un manoir autrefois propriété d'une famille allemande. Il tombe amoureux de la fille, qui est maintenant servante, et est obligé d'affronter le stress entre son amour et sa conscience lorsqu'il découvre qu'elle abrite son frère, soldat allemand.
Ystävät, toverit

Ystävät, toverit

Nov 16, 1990
The boisterous good humor of Jurmala, the nickel-mine owner, is, if anything, only barely dented by the raging battles in Finland before, during and after World War Two. In fact, everywhere he goes, he meets prospective customers on all sides of the conflict with his all-inclusive greeting "Friends, Comrades." Indeed, the resource he is wrenching from the earth's bowels is necessary to all forms of industrial activity, and is especially necessary for military applications. Thus, he has no reason to fear that he will ever run out of customers. This doesn't prevent him from using every possible means to entice them. At home, his relationship with his wife is not so prosperous, and they resort to some extraordinary means to try and keep on an even keel.
...a pozdravuji vlaštovky
This film, chronicling the last days of Czech resistance fighter Maruska Kuderikova (played by Magda Vasaryova), is based on her diaries. Though she was tortured and eventually executed by the Nazis, her diaries indicate that she was optimistic for the humanity of her captors and did not by any means hate them. Told with simple dignity, this film makes clear why Maruska became a national hero.
Dny zrady

Dny zrady

Apr 27, 1973
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.

Mar 21, 1996



Feb 08, 2001
An army deserter and a soon-to-be high school graduate embark on an ill-fated romance in this musical film set in the '60s.
Rosa Luxembourg

Rosa Luxembourg

Apr 10, 1986
En décembre 1917, à la prison de Wronke, Rosa Luxembourg se souvient : 1906, déjà en prison, à Varsovie, l'exécution d'hommes dans la cour, son propre interrogatoire. 1899, Berlin : ses retrouvailles avec Léo Jogiches, son camarade de combat, son compagnon dans la vie. Lors de la soirée du jour de l'an, elle le présente aux dirigeants de la social-démocratie August Bebel, Karl Kautsky, mais évite le révisionniste Bernstein. 1910, Berlin : après une longue période d'activité révolutionnaire coupée d'emprisonnements en Pologne et en Allemagne, elle retrouve son amie Luise Kautsky. Puis, Léo arrive de Varsovie. Meetings et discussions théoriques de plus en plus vives s'enchaînent. L'amour et la politique s'emmêlent...


May 01, 1986
Emperor Francis Joseph I is about to arrive in Prague, and among those who came to Stromovka to welcome him is Veronika Pavlitová. She wants to submit a request for clemency for her imprisoned father to the emperor, because she is barely able to support herself and her siblings on the meager salary of a seamstress. By chance, the girl meets Božena Němcová, whom she admires immensely. She becomes her friend and confidant for a while. However, police director Paümann, who has been following Božena Němcová for a long time, takes advantage of the naivety of the young girl. Veronika, in her simple-mindedness, tells him many things. Only later will she understand how she was abused.
The Last Butterfly

The Last Butterfly

Jan 01, 1991
Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le mime français Antoine Moreau est arrêté par la Gestapo parce que son amant a collaboré avec la résistance antinazie. Les unités SS veulent l'utiliser pour répéter une représentation théâtrale idyllique pour enfants, qui convaincrait l'inspection de la Croix-Rouge internationale du contentement et du bonheur de la vie dans le ghetto de Terezin. D'abord réticent, Moreau apprend peu à peu la vraie nature du camp, notamment le sens des « transports » sur lesquels les gens partent. Avec un orchestre de classe mondiale (composé de juifs internés dans le camp) et une troupe d'enfants, Moreau met en scène un spectacle pour clore tous les spectacles. Et là, Antoine inclut des informations pour les invités choqués sur la réalité : la sorcière de conte de fées jette des hordes d'enfants dans le four… Ce spectacle, que le monde entier verra alors, sera une cruelle parabole des atrocités dont il a été témoin.
Božská Ema

Božská Ema

Dec 21, 1979
The opera lady singer Ema Destinnová is in all her splendor at the American stages. But in Europe there rages war and she decides to return home to Bohemia.


Jan 20, 1993
À la fin de l’année 1942, l’armée d’Hitler s’avance très loin en territoire soviétique. Son objectif principal est Stalingrad. Face à une résistance soviétique acharnée et victime d’un hiver terrible à laquelle elle n’était pas préparée, la VIᵉ armée subit de lourdes pertes. Pendant que Hitler clame victoire à la radio, ses hommes comprennent que la ville va devenir pour eux un enfer d’acier et de sang. Le film relate la bataille de Stalingrad, vue du côté allemand, en suivant le parcours au front du lieutenant Hans von Witzland et de ses hommes. L’histoire débute avec leur montée au front, puis les suit dans l’enfer des combats, où ayant perdu la moitié des hommes du peloton et après avoir été placé sous le commandement d’un capitaine sadique, le lieutenant mène ses hommes à travers les steppes gelées. Après leur encerclement par les forces soviétiques, le groupe ira des tentatives de rébellions en tentatives de désertion puis, enfin vers la mort.


May 14, 1971
Jan Zika is the legendary hero of the communist resistance movement during World War II and leading functionary of the second underground Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
Vive la République !

Vive la République !

Nov 05, 1965
1945, dans un petit village morave. Olin, 12 ans, souffre de sa petite taille, des railleries des enfants et d'un père très violent. Il se réfugie dans ses rêveries permanentes. Après le repli des troupes allemandes, on attend l'arrivée des chars de l'Armée Rouge. Les villageois décident d'envoyer les enfants cacher les chevaux dans la forêt, avant leur réquisition. C'est le début d'aventures aux frontières de la folie et de la mort.
Väter und Söhne

Väter und Söhne

Nov 12, 1986
Follows two wealthy families in Germany during the first half of the 20th century. One of them is German, the other one Jewish.
Wolfgang A. Mozart

Wolfgang A. Mozart

Dec 01, 1991
When rumors spread about a "child prodigy" among the Mozarts in Salzburg, the archbishop orders an investigation in which the seven-year-old Wolfgang has to demonstrate his talent before a committee of scholars. Soon afterwards, Leopold Mozart and his son are traveling all over Europe to play for patrons and admirers. The new Archbishop of Salzburg, Count Colloredo, is not very enthusiastic about Mozart and dismisses him. Mozart marries Constanze Weber, settles in Vienna and has his first successes, earning him commissions and the goodwill of Josef II. In the last years of his life, his situation worsens; Mozart runs into financial difficulties and health problems, but still works incessantly.
30 případů majora Zemana
Thirty Cases of Major Zeman is a Czechoslovak action-drama television show intended as a political propaganda to support the official attitude of the communist party. The series were filmed in the 1970s. Each episode encompasses one year, and investigations are stylized to that year. Most are inspired by real cases. The series follows the life of police investigator Jan Zeman during his career from 1945 to 1975.


Jan 23, 1999
Two brothers fell in love with the same woman, who was nearly killed by one of them in an accident. After the two men parted in anger, they meet years later when one is a famous pirate and the other one is a soldier who needs to hunt him down...
Action & Adventure