Magda Catone

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Le Chêne

Le Chêne

Sep 16, 1992
Une description de la Roumanie avant la chute de Ceausescu, à travers l'histoire de Nela. Fille d'un ancien colonel de la Securitate, la police politique roumaine. Elle a refusé de devenir sa sœur, agent de cette Securitate, et vit avec son père. Après sa mort, elle quitte Bucarest et se retrouve dans une petite ville, où elle rencontre Mitica, une chirurgienne, une autre elle-même, en riant de tout.


May 06, 2011
En pleine crise financière, le directeur d'un cirque prend la fuite avec son ours pour le vendre à des chasseurs. Mais les saltimbanques se lancent à ses trousses...


Jul 30, 2021
Based on true events, The Ladder follows the spiritual journey of Andrei, a sensitive, socially awkward young man who turns to acting in his search for true happiness. After the fall of communism, he is blinded by the illusion of freedom and democracy and faces a series of brutal events that have deeply marked Romania's recent history. Finding comfort in playing the part of Aliosa in a stage adaptation of The Karamazov Brothers, he becomes closer and closer to his character, gradually discovering the way to understanding divinity.
Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard
In this light-hearted fantasy, a talented young magician stumbles across an unusual ring and ends up in Camelot before King Arthur. It turns out the ring belongs to none other than Merlin.
Flăcări pe comori

Flăcări pe comori

Jan 01, 1988
Deep in the Transylvanian Alps, the Archangels gold mine is the stage for an epic battle of characters. The arrogant owner is struggling with perceptions of ghosts in the mind of the miners. A maverick free-lance miner is helping him to find the source of terrifying noises that frightened his workers.


Oct 01, 2014
He is a silent man. He walks the streets, watching, looking for the right place. He finds it. In the middle of a market. He sets up a stand. But instead of selling his goods, the silent man gives them away for free. The other sellers watch. They feel provoked. The situation escalates. They lose control. But in the end... there is hope.


Dec 15, 2023
Alex is an artist shunned by success whose love life is affected by the career rise of his girlfriend, Carmen. Alex is sent to a maximum security penitentiary to stage the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The great Shakespeare with prisoners. In the face of their efforts to overcome his limits, Alex realizes that he is a prisoner in his own life. For their part, the inmates do everything to be selected in the penitentiary theater festival, because each scene has a hatch through which they can escape.
21 de rubini

21 de rubini

Nov 03, 2023
When a political turmoil brings a Romanian prosecutor into the spotlight, she is offered the position of attorney general.
È pericoloso sporgersi
It is late in the Ceausescu era in Romania, and Cristina is having a difficult time with her boyfriend. He wants her to have sex with him before he goes off to do his obligatory stint in the army. She wants him to marry her first. She also gets involved with a slightly rebellious actor, a would-be ladies' man. He has some vague plans to defect - could those be the reason he is receiving mysterious phone calls? Or are they the work of his anonymous admirer?


May 12, 2000
In a shabby apartment somewhere in Romania, a man obsessively zap between his TV channels despite the wife's complaints and nagging. But where his wife fails, a little man inside the TV will appear and tell Sotul a thing or two about the true mechanics of television zapping...
Dragoste și apă caldă
Angela (Liliana Pană) and Dorina (Magda Catone), working at the Match Factory, live in the home and dream of marriage and spouses to give them a decent living. But the illusions are shattered when the men encountered prove their lack of character: Titi (the boy whom Angela is in love with, appears at a time with a kid and is raped), a vendor, is pimp, Emil, an engineer, is a And Radu, an emigrant in Australia, is undistinguished by his Collie dog.


Feb 23, 2018
Melania, a 15 years old high school student gets pregnant with Emi, a classmate. Melania does not tell anyone she's pregnant, Not even to Emi, or to her parents. The situation is extremely complicated because Emi's mother is the director of the high school where the two lovers study, and Melania's mother is secretary at the same high school. In the fifth month of pregnancy, Melania faints during class hours. She is urgently taken to the hospital by her mother who finds her daughter is 5 months pregnant so it's too late for an abortion. Melanie's mother is forced to tell the truth to Emi's mother. Emi's mother forces Melania's mother to promise to keep the pregnancy secret to everyone, even to Emi. Minor's mothers separates the two lovers and decide to give the baby up for adoption to a family of Romanians living abroad who don't have the right to legally adopt a child from Romania.
Terminus paradis

Terminus paradis

Sep 01, 1998
Un jour d'été dans la périphérie de Bucarest, Norica, jeune serveuse et Mitou se rencontrent, se provoquent, et jouent à qui boira le plus. Le lendemain, Mitou ne se rappelle de rien. Que s'est-il passe entre eux ? En tout cas il est amoureux mais Norica doit épouser Gili, son amant et patron, et Mitou doit partir à l'armée. Sa passion pour Norica va le pousser à des actes extrêmes, et surtout inconcevables pour la société dans laquelle ils vivent.
Scènes de carnaval

Scènes de carnaval

Sep 26, 1981
Au milieu d’un carnaval tenu par une petite société bourgeoise, marivaudages et aventures amoureuses se multiplient jusqu’à ce qu’un billet doux égaré provoque le scandale.


Jan 01, 1990
The survivor of a cursed family seeks revenge on the lover who jilted her.
Niki et Flo

Niki et Flo

Sep 24, 2003
Niki est un colonel à la retraite à qui un accident mortel vient enlever son fils. Sa fille, Angela, et son gendre, le fils de Flo, s’apprêtent à quitter définitivement la Roumanie pour les Etats-Unis. Flo, vestige de la bohême des années 70, est un touche à tout, fan de vidéo amateur dont la nature de tyran refoulé s’exercera sur Niki. Il dépouillera ce dernier de ses maigres biens matériels, de ses valeurs morales et de “la conscience de sa dignité”.
Atac în bibliotecă

Atac în bibliotecă

Feb 28, 1993
Andrei Mladin, a young investigative reporter, is set up for two murders by a criminal that he brought to justice earlier.
Baloane de curcubeu

Baloane de curcubeu

Jan 01, 1982
A collective farm president is deserted by his bride 2 days after the wedding. A comedic radiography of village life.
Imposibila iubire

Imposibila iubire

Mar 12, 1984
Calin Surupaceanu is a simple boy, convinced by the engineer Dan to accompany him in building a new city. Along the way, he meets his future wife and subsequently source of unrest and rebellion against fate. The movie is based on a novel by Marin Preda called "The Intruder".


May 09, 1983
A bunch of comrades with ascending ranks from the same factory go on a illegal arranged hunting trip with a few intended 'romantic' mishaps.
Vînătoarea de lilieci
During the Romanian revolution in 1989, Pavel and Damian, two undercover officers of the Securitate secret service enter a building to search for shooters. They are followed by an amateur cameraman.
Casa din vis

Casa din vis

Jan 13, 1992
Căpălău, a peasant in a village near Brăila, tries to keep up with the turns of life. Based on "Ningea în Bărăgan” novel by Fănuș Neagu.
Niște băieți grozavi
A farm team-leader, Tudor, is accused for having failed the harvesting. Unhappy with what he considers an unfair verdict, he leaves the farm and moves to another village, getting a job as an ordinary worker in another farm. At first, he is upset by the very severe leader of that team, Mihai, but soon he discovers that his hard style is necessary to keep the work in good order and face all the problems. He also finds a bunch of great friends (the "Swell Guys" / "...baieti grozavi" in the title) and learns in what had consisted his own past mistakes. —Mihnea Columbeanu


Feb 25, 2011
In a forgotten village with lazy people and corrupt leadership, Pacoste must suffer for a mistake made in his past. His only friend is a young boy who finds in him a father figure.
Un été inoubliable

Un été inoubliable

Jun 15, 1994
Dans les années 1920, en Roumanie, la jolie femme d’un capitaine de l’armée roumaine dédaigne les avances d’un général. Le capitaine Dumitriu est muté avec sa famille dans une garnison isolée de l’autre côté du Danube. Pour venger les gardes frontières roumains massacrés par des contrebandiers macédoniens, il reçoit l’ordre de faire fusiller des villageois bulgares. Entre les prisonniers et sa femme naît une intense sympathie.
Lasă-mă, îmi place ! Camera 609
The protagonists mistakenly fall in love, leading to a domino-type situation filled with awkwardness and comic situations. A large inheritance, acquired through a special will condition, sparks a tragico-comic competition among contenders.