Nicodim Ungureanu

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May 06, 2011
En pleine crise financière, le directeur d'un cirque prend la fuite avec son ours pour le vendre à des chasseurs. Mais les saltimbanques se lancent à ses trousses...
Des Escargots et des Hommes
Dans une petite ville, une usine automobile est sur le point d'être privatisée, mais les ouvriers ignorent que leur directeur compte bien profiter de l'affaire. Ce dernier contacte deux hommes d'affaires français, un père et son fils, qui envisagent de transformer les locaux en usine de conditionnement d'escargots, ce qui ne laisserait pas beaucoup d'emplois pour les milliers de travailleurs locaux. Le seul d'entre eux qui se batte pour sauver l'usine est un chef syndicaliste, mais la folle solution qu'il imagine fait peur à ses collègues, car il s'agit de vendre leur semence à une banque du sperme américaine...
Dosarul 631

Dosarul 631

May 13, 2022
Inspired by a true story, the film presents a TV reporter's journalistic investigation into alleged American "flying prisons" in Romania. Through a combination of circumstances, following a mysterious File 631, Dinu (Iosif Paștina) discovers a leak from a NATO base in Romania. The news event stirs, provokes, tempts various media, top politicians, services, both internal and external, causing both hilarious and absurd dramas in a black comedy. The journalistic endeavour of the "newly" turned investigative reporter is a tough, not easy, test to preserve his professional dignity, but also his character, noting the duplicity, the moral volatility, the lack of measure of a world that relentlessly continues its course.
Ipu, condamné à vie

Ipu, condamné à vie

Mar 15, 2013
Roumanie, 1945. Dans un village de Transylvanie, Alex, 11 ans, aime jouer à la guerre avec son copain Théodore, alias Ipu, un soldat français laissé pour mort lors de la Première Guerre mondiale, que les habitants ont soigné. Simple d'esprit depuis sa blessure à la tête, Ipu est vu comme l'idiot du village. Un jour, Alex découvre le cadavre d'un combattant allemand qui lui a laissé essayer sa moto. L'homme a eu la gorge tranchée. Par peur des représailles, les villageois décident de pousser Ipu à se faire passer pour le coupable...
N’attendez pas trop de la fin du monde
Angela, assistante de production, parcourt la ville de Bucarest pour le casting d’une publicité sur la sécurité au travail commandée par une multinationale. Cette « Alice au pays des merveilles de l'Est » rencontre dans son épuisante journée : des grands entrepreneurs et de vrais harceleurs, des riches et des pauvres, des gens avec de graves handicaps et des partenaires de sexe, son avatar digital et une autre Angela sorti d'un vieux film oublié, des occidentaux, un chat, et même l'horloge du Chapelier Fou...


Dec 15, 2023
Alex is an artist shunned by success whose love life is affected by the career rise of his girlfriend, Carmen. Alex is sent to a maximum security penitentiary to stage the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The great Shakespeare with prisoners. In the face of their efforts to overcome his limits, Alex realizes that he is a prisoner in his own life. For their part, the inmates do everything to be selected in the penitentiary theater festival, because each scene has a hatch through which they can escape.
Nunți, botezuri, înmormântări
Cosmin plays a tennis game with 3 friends. He looks at the clock and starts panicking: he is late to the Registry Office, to a wedding- his wedding, with his ex-wife, who he had divorced without his friends knowing. Everything starts in 2007 when the real-estate bubble reaches its peak. Cosmin gifts Reli a land on the edge of a lake, for their wedding anniversary. He plans to build 7 villas, sell them and win 1 million Euros.
Întoarcerea magilor

Întoarcerea magilor

Nov 25, 2016
Mihai and Nidala travel the country putting on shows that convey a simple message: there can be hope if there is love and faith.


Oct 06, 2023
Sibiu, December 1989. In the chaos and panic generated by the protests of the crowd against the authorities, a unit of the militia becomes the target of a violent assault that escalates into a bloody confrontation between soldiers, militiamen, security agents, and civilians. Trying to escape the siege, Captain Viorel of the militia is captured and accused of being a terrorist.
Les Percutés

Les Percutés

Jul 31, 2002
Alors que sa carte de crédit vient d'être avalée par un distributeur, Bruno Lussac, dit Débé, inspecteur de son état, franchit les limites de la déontologie maison quand il apprend qu'il vient d'être interdit bancaire. Déguisé en sudiste pour une soirée costumée où il était supposé arrêter des trafiquants de drogue, il entraîne ses collègues dans le braquage d'une banque, provoque un bain de sang mais ressort victorieux de ce casse. Pour ses complices, l'indic et la jolie gardienne de la paix Cécile Barko, dite Cyborg, c'est le début d'une folle cavale.
21 de rubini

21 de rubini

Nov 03, 2023
When a political turmoil brings a Romanian prosecutor into the spotlight, she is offered the position of attorney general.


May 06, 2011
En pleine crise financière, le directeur d'un cirque prend la fuite avec son ours pour le vendre à des chasseurs. Mais les saltimbanques se lancent à ses trousses...


Jun 06, 2008
Dans l'esprit de Mihai et Lubi, ce pique-nique dominical en pleine campagne était le moyen idéal pour passer un bon moment, mais aussi pour discuter de l'avenir de leur couple, et peut-être enfin trouver un nouveau degré d'intimité et de complicité. C'était sans compter sur une série d'événements inattendus qui vont entraîner cette balade, a priori idyllique, dans une très étrange dimension...
Diaz : Un crime d'état
En 2001, pendant la dernière journée du G8 de Gênes, quelques instants avant minuit, plus de 300 officiers prennent d'assaut l'école Diaz, à la recherche des militants du Black Bloc. Dans l'établissement, se trouvent 90 activistes, dont la plupart sont des étudiants européens accompagnés de quelques journalistes étrangers, qui s'apprêtent à passer la nuit à même le sol de l'école. Alors que les forces de l'ordre font irruption, les jeunes manifestants lèvent les mains pour se rendre. Imperturbables et implacables, les policiers se livrent à des exactions préméditées d'une violence inouïe, frappant indifféremment jeunes et vieux, hommes et femmes.
Cele ce plutesc

Cele ce plutesc

Oct 15, 2009
While working in Europe, Avram comes to realize that Italians are paying good money for trained dogs that can protect them from the waves of immigrants. That's Avram's big-time idea: he returns to Romania to start breeding watch dogs which he can later export to Italy. As it happens, he settles next to a camp of immigrants recently sent back from Rome. Thus, the Italian tension is willy-nilly reenacted on the banks of the Danube. Avram's life gets complicated. He starts having an affair with his own daughter in law, lands in conflict with his ex-immigrant neighbors and his life is literally under threat. The film ends with an unpredictable situation.
California Dreamin'

California Dreamin'

Jun 01, 2007
En 1999, dans un petit village roumain, le chef de gare, qui est en même temps la fripouille locale, arrête un train NATO qui transporte des équipements militaire. La cargaison, gardée par des soldats Américains, traverse la Roumanie sans avoir de papiers officiels, mais seulement l'accord verbal du gouvernement roumain. L'arrivée des Américains transforme le village dans la terre de toutes les possibilités...


Jul 02, 2004
A man stands outside an apartment building, lighting a cigarette. He goes inside. As he rings the bell at the 4th floor, a woman answers and lets him in. The alarm rings. The man and woman wake up. He takes out the garbage. She makes breakfast. After breakfast, he packs his suitcase and leaves. He goes outside. He lights a cigarette. After that, he goes inside. He rings the bell at the 8th floor. A woman answers and lets him in. A week later. The alarm rings. The man and woman wake up. He takes out the garbage. She prepares him breakfast. He goes back inside and rings the bell at the 4th floor... Written by Bram Wijngaarden


Feb 23, 2018
Melania, a 15 years old high school student gets pregnant with Emi, a classmate. Melania does not tell anyone she's pregnant, Not even to Emi, or to her parents. The situation is extremely complicated because Emi's mother is the director of the high school where the two lovers study, and Melania's mother is secretary at the same high school. In the fifth month of pregnancy, Melania faints during class hours. She is urgently taken to the hospital by her mother who finds her daughter is 5 months pregnant so it's too late for an abortion. Melanie's mother is forced to tell the truth to Emi's mother. Emi's mother forces Melania's mother to promise to keep the pregnancy secret to everyone, even to Emi. Minor's mothers separates the two lovers and decide to give the baby up for adoption to a family of Romanians living abroad who don't have the right to legally adopt a child from Romania.
Un acoperiș deasupra capului
The decision taken by the hospitals council board of early releasing the neurotics and depressed, throw Mona 36 and Cathy 30 in the real world, a world which cannot offer them any place to live except a little house, without a roof , situated at the edge of the country , in the Danube Delta. It's Mona's grandparents house, but both of them are dead. Their arrival triggers weird reactions on behalf of the villagers because they have big plans: to sell the village to a very rich man who own a football team and a political party who wants to turn the place into a luxurious resort. Could Mona and Cathy resist to the villagers reactions? Could they find a place to live in this world?


Feb 25, 2011
In a forgotten village with lazy people and corrupt leadership, Pacoste must suffer for a mistake made in his past. His only friend is a young boy who finds in him a father figure.
Legiunea străină

Legiunea străină

Feb 22, 2008
For many years, three Romanian village boys, Stelica, Aurel and Mitu, have remained the closest of friends. In their youths, they planned to pursue careers as shepherds, but in time their individual paths diverged - leading Mitu into the military, Stelica into the local police force and Aurel into the employ of Maricel, a wealthy resident of the community. The men's worlds change forever when a newcomer arrives in the hamlet - a young woman named Lilica, accompanied by Maricel. She's toting two trucks full of Dutch chickens with her, which inadvertently spreads the bird flu to much of the local populace. The boys, however, soon realize how they can ingeniously turn this potential crisis into a solid profit-making venture for themselves.


Aug 18, 2013
In a small village close to the mountains, Mariana and Puiu are a young family with two children: Carmen and Mircea. One morning, the mother and the ten year-old daughter leave for Bucharest, having a hospital as their destination. One doctor alone, Sitaru, believes that Carmen, who can no longer smile, stands any chances at survival. He believes he can perform a miracle and save Carmen's life. Struggling for her daughter, abandoned by almost everybody she trusted, Mariana discovers she is pregnant. After dr. Sitaru operates on the little girl, in a risky manner, Carmen begins to feel increasingly worse. Without any hope, Mariana leaves the hospital and rushes to take Carmen home: while one life ends, another one begins to flicker.
Tatăl fantomă

Tatăl fantomă

Mar 02, 2012
American professor Robert Traum embarks on an adventurous and amusing journey through Bucovina to find Sami the projectionist, the only person alive that can tell him anything about his Romanian Jewish descent. His symbolic journey is filled with danger, the unknown and the surreal, but finally rewarded with a double love: on the one hand he finds romantic love, on the other the passion for old cinema, nomad, popular, naive and generous.
Tortured for Christ

Tortured for Christ

Mar 05, 2018
The Voice of the Martyrs presents the inspiring new movie Tortured for Christ, a cinematic retelling of the testimony of VOM founder Pastor Richard Wurmbrand as written in his international bestseller Tortured for Christ. This movie was produced to honor the 50th anniversary of the book’s 1967 release. Filmed entirely in Romania, including in the very prison where Pastor Wurmbrand endured torture and solitary confinement, this powerful film uniquely presents the story with live action rather than interviews. The dialogue is presented in English, Romanian and Russian (with English subtitles) to hold to the authenticity of this true story.
O poveste de dragoste, Lindenfeld
Klaus Bernath, a wealthy German citizen, decides, after many years, to visit his birthplace, of the Banat Swabian village Lindenfeld, in Romania. Since the village has been deserted for many decades, his son and his biographer decide to reconstruct the whole space from scratch and present it as a populated place.
Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn
Emi, une enseignante, voit sa carrière et sa réputation menacées après la diffusion sur Internet d’une sextape tournée avec son mari. Forcée de rencontrer les parents d'élèves qui exigent son renvoi, Emi refuse de céder à leur pression, questionnant ce qui est obscène dans nos sociétés.


Feb 27, 2002
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en Allemagne. Kurt Gerstein, médecin en poste à l'institut d'hygiène de la Waffen SS, devient le superviseur de l'approvisionnement en gaz Zyklon B des camps de la mort nazis. De passage à Auschwitz, il découvre, horrifié, la terrible réalité des chambres à gaz. Chrétien convaincu, il décide de porter témoignage, de se faire « espion de Dieu » pour alerter la communauté diplomatique internationale. Aidé par un jeune prêtre italien, il tente surtout de prévenir le Vatican, certain alors de pouvoir stopper ces trains qui alimentent chaque jour les camps en milliers de vies humaines. Inlassablement, jour après jour, sans se décourager, au péril de sa vie, Gerstein poursuit son entreprise de dénonciation, accumulant les documents et les preuves matérielles, s'enfonçant dans le double jeu et le désespoir…
Le miracle de Tekir

Le miracle de Tekir

Jan 01, 2016
Chassée de chez elle après être tombée mystérieusement enceinte, une guérisseuse cherche à laver son honneur et croise la route d'une femme en quête du même miracle.


Aug 25, 2022
Adela a new fiction series produced by Ruxandra Ion and Dream Film Production, it is an adaptation of the series O hayat Benim / This is my life, produced by Fox Turcia.