Franco Scaldati

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Totò e Vicé

Totò e Vicé

Jan 01, 1970
Adapted from Franco Scaldati's play, the movie transposes the story of Totò and Vicé from the theatrical representations to urban scenes. Totò and Vicé are timeless creatures, bewildered and misplaced, that roam about Palermo, marooned and empty; an urban journey and waking life between memories and dreams in one magic night. Out from a timeless cave, their story of sanctification crosses the suburbs, reaches the city and it's bowels, showing the real settings of Scaldati's writing and cosmogony.
Io e... Franco

Io e... Franco

Jan 01, 2013
A heartfelt tribute, ten years after his death, to Franco Scaldati, a project curated by director Franco Maresco, thanks to the collaboration with the Lumpen Association of Palermo.
Marchand de Rêves

Marchand de Rêves

Sep 21, 1995
Pour quelques sous, Joe Morelli, arnaqueur de genie, sillonne la Sicile a la recherche de nouveaux talents pour le grand écran. A l'aide d'une pellicule inexploitable volée a Cinecitta, il filme quasiment toute la Sicile, mafieux, communistes, paysans, bergers, carabiniers, en leur promettant gloire et richesse. Beata, une jeune Italienne, prendra dans ses filets le marchand de rêves a son propre jeu pour en faire, malgre lui, un autre homme. Grand prix du jury au Festival de Venise 1995.
La passione di Giosué l'Ebreo
Born in Spain in 1492 at the time all Jews and Muslims were ordered out of the country, Joshua (Leonardo Cesare Abude) is declared the next messiah by an elder. Eventually settling in Italy with his family, Joshua grows into a man and becomes fascinated with Catholicism, much to the dismay of local religious leaders. Pasquale Scimeca's religious drama exploring the nature of prejudice and intolerance also stars Anna Bonaiuto and Toni Bertorelli.
Il ritorno di Cagliostro
In the Sicily of the late 1940s, two brother sculptors, tired of selling madonnas to the local churches, finally realize their dream, and set up a Sicilian production company, thanks to the help of a local bishop. They start producing one box-office failure Z-movie after the other, all with terribly bad local non-pros as actors. Covered in debts, they finally have their great chance, when a local nobleman obsessed by magic decides to invest all his wealth in the making of a movie about Cagliostro, just one year after Orson Welles' Black Magic (1949). They hire a famous American actor (Robert Englund) and start shooting "The Return of Cagliostro".