Bob Odenkirk

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Halloween Kills

Halloween Kills

Oct 14, 2021
Laurie Strode, sa fille Karen et sa petite fille Allyson viennent d'abandonner le monstre au célèbre masque, enfermé dans le sous-sol de la maison dévorée par les flammes. Grièvement blessée, Laurie est transportée en urgence à l'Hôpital, avec la certitude qu’elle vient enfin de se débarrasser de celui qui la harcèle depuis toujours. Mais Micheal Myers parvient à s'extirper du piège où Laurie l’avait enfermé et son bain de sang rituel recommence. Surmontant sa douleur pour se préparer à l'affronter encore une fois, elle va inspirer la ville entière qui décide de l'imiter et de se soulever pour exterminer ce fléau indestructible. Les trois générations de femmes vont s'associer à une poignée de survivants du premier massacre, et prennent les choses en main en formant une milice organisée autour de la chasse et la destruction du monstre une fois pour toutes.


Feb 23, 2001
Le dessinateur Stu Miley est le créateur d'un nouveau personnage de BD à la popularité grandissante : Monkeybone, un petit singe impertinent. Celui-ci est tout le contraire de son auteur : malin, obscène, cupide et immoral. Ce sont ces défauts qui assurent le succès de Monkeybone. Stu connaît la gloire et s'apprête à épouser Julie McElroy, la femme de ses rêves. Cependant, il est victime d'un accident de voiture et tombe dans un coma profond. Il dérive dans son imaginaire et pénètre à Downtown, un monde étrange peuplé de créatures bizarres. C'est l'endroit où aboutissent toutes les personnes se situant entre la vie et la mort. Celles-ci doivent prendre une décision, à savoir retrouver le chemin de la conscience ou sombrer dans un sommeil éternel. Stu a 12 heures pour quitter ce monde hostile avant que La Mort ne réclame son dû. Il trouve alors de l'aide auprès de Monkeybone.
Wayne's World 2

Wayne's World 2

Dec 10, 1993
On retrouve nos deux étudiants rockers en Angleterre, où ils sont venus réaliser un rêve : monter le plus grand concert rock de la décennie.
Trou de mémoire

Trou de mémoire

May 06, 1994
Pogue, détective privé, souffre d'un mal étrange. Au matin, il ne se souvient jamais de ce qui s'est passé la veille. Son travail et sa vie sentimentale en sont profondément affectés.
Bienvenue en prison

Bienvenue en prison

Nov 17, 2006
Le jeune John Lyshitski est un pur produit du système pénitentiaire américain. Il a passé la moitié de sa vie derrière les barreaux et en connaît le fonctionnement par cœur. Après sa quatrième sortie, il décide de se venger du juge responsable de ses malheurs, mais apprend que celui-ci vient juste de mourir. Dépité, John découvre que le magistrat avait un fils et décide de déplacer l’objet de sa vengeance vers lui, en ourdissant un complot qui envoie sa progéniture en prison. Mais pour être bien certain que le fils de son ennemi va souffrir de la même façon que lui a souffert durant la moitié de sa vie, il décide de commettre un crime afin de l’accompagner derrière les barreaux.
Operation : Endgame

Operation : Endgame

Jul 20, 2010
Une comédie d'action concernant deux groupes gouvernementaux d'assassins, travaillant depuis une installation souterraine top secrète, et utilisant des noms de code tirés du jeu de Tarot. Lorsque notre héros, Le Fou, arrive pour son premier jour de travail et découvre que son patron a été assassiné dans des circonstances étranges, il doit alors découvrir qui a fait ça avant que l'endroit entier n'explose.
Super High Me

Super High Me

Oct 13, 2007
Doug Benson (en) arrête sa consommation d'alcool et de cannabis pendant une période dite de purification puis consomme une grande quantité de marijuana pendant 30 jours consécutifs. Pour Benson, "Super High Me est l'équivalent de Super Size Me avec de la weed à la place de McDonald's". Le film comprend aussi des entrevues avec des activistes de la marijuana, des propriétaires de dispensaires, des politiciens et des patients qui prennent part au MLC (Mouvement pour la Légalisation Contrôlée).
The Independent

The Independent

Nov 10, 2000
A notorious B-movie director tries for a comeback by seeking out the film rights to the life story of a serial killer who wants his biography film to be a musical.
Blood Into Wine

Blood Into Wine

Feb 19, 2010
Les fans de musique connaissent Maynard James Keenan comme le leader de groupes tels que Tool, A Perfect Circle et Puscifer, mais dans ce documentaire, les cinéastes Christopher Pomerenke et Ryan Page offrent un aperçu de l'un des passe-temps les plus inattendus du rockeur prolifique: la vinification. Avec son associé Eric Glomski, Keenan a réussi à transformer une étendue aride du désert de l'Arizona en un vignoble luxuriant qui produit des raisins particulièrement savoureux. Grâce à des conversations sans surveillance avec Keenan et Glomski, Pomerenke et Page découvrent ce qui a intéressé le couple à la vinification et pourquoi ils ont choisi un environnement naturel aussi hostile pour servir de site à leur cave.
Run Ronnie Run

Run Ronnie Run

Jan 20, 2002
Ronnie Dobbs, un acteur excentrique, devient extrêmement populaire grâce à ses apparitions dans des reality-shows. Un jour, une grande multinationale l'engage pour se présenter aux élections présidentielles.
Sarah Silverman: Jesus Is Magic
Sarah Silverman appears before an audience in Los Angeles with several sketches, taped outside the theater, intercut into the stand-up performance. Themes include race, sex, and religion. Her comic persona is a self-centered hipster, brash and clueless about her political incorrectness. A handful of musical numbers punctuate the performance.
Carol Burnett: 90 Years of Laughter + Love
Paying tribute to a beloved national icon for her birthday, NBC celebrates Carol Burnett’s illustrious career with a star-studded event featuring an A-list lineup of musical performances and special guests who come together to share their love for one of the most cherished comediennes in television history.
Une soirée d'enfer

Une soirée d'enfer

Mar 04, 2011
1988. Matt Franklin est un jeune diplômé à la Massachusetts Institute of Technology qui peine à trouver sa voie et travaille dans un magasin de détail spécialisé dans la vidéo. Un jour, Tori Frederking, la fille dont il était amoureux au lycée, passe par hasard au magasin. Lorsqu'elle lui demande ce qu'il fait de sa vie, il répond qu'il est banquier chez Goldman Sachs. Tori invite Matt à une fête organisée à l'occasion de la Fête du Travail par Kyle qui se trouve être le petit ami de Wendy, la soeur jumelle de Matt. Pendant ce temps, Barry, vendeur d'automobiles et meilleur ami de Matt, se fait licencier. Lors de cette nuit, les trois protagonistes vont être confrontés aux différentes facettes de leur nouvelle vie d'adulte.


Sep 21, 2013
Un vieil homme, persuadé qu’il a gagné le gros lot à un improbable tirage au sort par correspondance, cherche à rejoindre le Nebraska pour y recevoir son gain... Sa famille, inquiète de ce qu’elle perçoit comme le début d’une démence sénile, envisage de le placer en maison de retraite, mais un de ses deux fils se décide finalement à emmener son père en voiture chercher ce chèque auquel personne ne croit. Pendant le voyage, le vieillard se blesse et l’équipée fait une étape forcée dans une petite ville en déclin du Nebraska. C’est là que le père est né. Épaulé par son fils, le vieil homme retrace les souvenirs de son enfance.
The Spectacular Now

The Spectacular Now

Aug 02, 2013
Sutter est un adolescent brillant, drôle, charmant... et très porté sur la boisson. Son quotidien est chamboulé par sa rencontre avec la timide Aimee, une jeune femme totalement différente de lui.
Les Beautés en cavale
Kate et Chloé, deux amies, retournent dans la ville où elles ont passé leur enfance pour tenter de gagner un concours qu’elles avaient déjoué lorsqu’elles étaient petites.
Dealin' with Idiots

Dealin' with Idiots

Jul 12, 2013
Faced with the absurd competitiveness surrounding his son's youth league baseball team, Max Morris, a famous comedian, decides to get to know the colorful parents and coaches of the team better in an attempt to find the inspiration for his next movie.
Freaks of Nature

Freaks of Nature

Oct 30, 2015
Les vampires, les humains et les zombies ont pris l’habitude de vivre ensemble à Dillford, petite ville américaine. C’est alors qu’arrivent les aliens. Trois adolescents vont essayer de remettre les choses en ordre.
Science Fiction


Apr 20, 2014
Ayant fait un mariage de convenance, Nolan Mack est pourtant un mari dévoué. Mais quand il rencontre Leo, ses secrets les plus cachés vont ressurgir.
Life Upside Down

Life Upside Down

Jan 27, 2023
Three couples, connected by friendship, love and work, are each stuck in their respective homes in Los Angeles during the beginning of lockdown. Finally forced to face their spouses, friends, lovers, and eventually themselves head on, their lives turn slowly but surely upside-down.
My Big Fat Independent Movie
This hilariously smart satire tells the story of Johnny Vince, a swingin' hepcat who meets hitman Sam and Harvey on a road trip to pull a "botched robbery" in Las Vegas. Along the way they take a deeply unfulfilled not-so-good-girl hostage, encounter the mysterious Mechanic, get harassed by a foul-mouthed answering machine... and did we mention the lesbians? The result - hilarity ensues!


Jan 01, 1970
Le shérif Ulysse prend ses fonctions dans une nouvelle ville. Quand la banque est dévalisée par des étrangers, Ulysse découvre une conspiration et se rend compte que tout le monde en ville, du barman au prêtre, est dans le coup.
Hell & Back

Hell & Back

Oct 02, 2015
Deux amis tentent d’en sauver un troisième, traîné en enfer par accident.
Girlfriend's Day

Girlfriend's Day

Jan 24, 2017
Mêlé à une dangereuse conspiration, un chômeur écrivain de cartes de vœux doit concevoir la carte parfaite pour une nouvelle occasion s'il veut sauver sa peau.
Wünsch mir Glück

Wünsch mir Glück

Jan 31, 2024
Before Bob Odenkirk made NOBODY, he made WÜNSCH MIR GLÜCK (WISH ME LUCK) to test his action skills. For that, he came to Berlin, Germany, where he and Daniel Bernhardt were directed.
Nobody 2

Nobody 2

Aug 13, 2025
Le deuxième volet de Nobody.
I Am Chris Farley

I Am Chris Farley

Jul 27, 2015
I am Chris Farley tells his hilarious, touching and wildly entertaining story - from his early days in Madison, Wisconsin, to his time at Second City and Saturday Night Live, then finally his film career (which included hits like Tommy Boy and Black Sheep). The film showcases his most memorable characters and skits from film and television and also includes interviews and insights from his co-stars, family and friends - including the likes of Christina Applegate, Dan Aykroyd, Mike Myers, Bob Odenkirk, Bob Saget and Adam Sandler.
Docteur Dolittle 2

Docteur Dolittle 2

Jun 22, 2001
Un « véto » qui comprend ce que disent les animaux, il n’en existe qu’un : le Docteur Dolittle ! Une fois de plus, il est sollicité par ses patients un peu spéciaux : Dolittle va mettre tout en oeuvre pour aider les animaux à sauvegarder leur petit coin de nature menacé par les promoteurs immobiliers.


Feb 12, 2016
Convinced his lucky day has been stolen, a man spirals into darkness trying to reclaim his destiny.
Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim

Sep 19, 1997
Brian is a television writer-producer who has to script a 22-episode anthology, but lacks inspiration. He witnesses a strange romantic encounter between two figures on the balcony of hotel near his flat and decides to write scripts with his writer friends based on what he saw.
Can't Stop Dancing

Can't Stop Dancing

Jan 16, 1999
A Topeka, Kansas fun park dance troupe led by a 260 pound dancer (Ben Zook) learns that the park is going to close. Their leader convinces the group, now named "The Stupendous Six", to join him in a painted up bus and to hit the road to find the big time. The Six compete against other dancers to win a chance to compete in the grand finale at the Little Miss Orange County Beauty Pageant. The other members of the Six are Melanie Hutsell as an airhead, Margaret Cho as a oral fixated sex maniac, Brett Paesel as the leader's homosexual lover, Bruce Daniels as the African-American member with a penchant for misuse of black slang, and Michael Irpino as another more stereotypical gay dancer. Lots of cameos from tv stars occur in the various dance numbers. But this comedy does take most of its cues from "The Full Monty" rather than from other major dance films.
Cake Boy

Cake Boy

Jun 21, 2005
With danger hot on his heels, erotic-cake baker Selwyn (Warren Fitzgerald) flees his abusive girlfriend and takes up with a punk band in this inspiring tale. Working as a roadie for No Use for a Name, Selwyn falls for a disabled cutie who persuades him to grab his mixer and compete against the "Master Baker of France." The Vandals bassist Joe Escalante directs this film featuring songs from Yellowcard, The Bronx, Jackson, Piebald and many more.
Nerd Hunter 3004

Nerd Hunter 3004

Dec 31, 2004
Derek Rillix is a Nerd Hunter, a special officer assigned to hunt down and delete anyone engaged in illegal "NERD" activities. Rillix knows that the underground nerd movement, led by MasterGeek, are planning a massive comic book convention. Rillix is bent on stopping this, but something is gnawing away deep inside him, a deep secret that even he cannot face.
Science Fiction
My Movie Project

My Movie Project

Jan 24, 2013
Un célèbre acteur d’Hollywood approche un grand studio de cinéma avec une idée de scénario qui, selon lui, a le potentiel de devenir le film le plus rentable au monde. Peter et Bobby Farrelly ont décidé de s’atteler à une comédie dingue et bluffante réunissant le plus gros casting jamais rassemblé à ce jour…
The Comedians of Comedy: Live at the El Rey
For the final show of their successful "Comedians of Comedy" tour, "alternative" stand-up comics Maria Bamford, Brian Posehn and Patton Oswalt pull out all the stops in a grand finale-worthy performance that finds humor in unexpected places. Taped live at Los Angeles's El Rey Theater and featuring fellow funnyman Bob Odenkirk, this farewell gig is sure to please fans who like their laughs with bite.
The Last Days

The Last Days

Feb 28, 2011
La nouvelle tombe, le soleil se meurt menant la Terre à sa perte. L'ensemble de la population est vulnérable et à la recherche d'un miracle. Phillip Katz, rédacteur publicitaire médiocre, est un homme comme les autres jusqu'à ce qu'il soit frappé par un épisode de stigmates et commence à pleurer du sang pendant la messe. Proclamé nouveau messie par une journaliste, il devient l'homme le plus célèbre du monde en moins de 24h... Les gens mettent l'avenir de la planète entre ses mains espérant que le nouveau messie les sauve mais le doute s'installe : s'agit-il vraiment d'une intervention divine ou d'une terrible machination ?
Pentagon Papers

Pentagon Papers

Dec 22, 2017
Première femme directrice de la publication d’un grand journal américain, le Washington Post, Katharine Graham s'associe à son rédacteur en chef Ben Bradlee pour dévoiler un scandale d'État monumental et combler son retard par rapport au New York Times qui mène ses propres investigations. Ces révélations concernent les manœuvres de quatre présidents américains, sur une trentaine d'années, destinées à étouffer des affaires très sensibles… Au péril de leur carrière et de leur liberté, Katharine et Ben vont devoir surmonter tout ce qui les sépare pour révéler au grand jour des secrets longtemps enfouis…


Feb 15, 2017
Wyrm is falling behind. His twin sister, Myrcella, has become a woman after she and the Norwegian foreign exchange student did fingering at the cinemas. She wants Wyrm to move into their dead brother Dylan's room so she can have privacy and space for her personal items. Wyrm has two days to complete his Level 1 Sexuality Requirement or he'll be held back as part of the School District's No Child Left Alone program and forced to continue wearing his My.E.Q. Electronic Emotional Remote Monitoring Collar.
The Disaster Artist

The Disaster Artist

Mar 12, 2017
Dans The Disaster Artist, James Franco transforme l’histoire vraie tragi-comique du cinéaste en devenir et célèbre outsider Tommy Wiseau – dont la contestabilité des méthodes n’avait d’égale que la sincérité de sa passion – en la célébration d’une quête presque impossible d’amitié, d’expression artistique et de rêves. Inspiré du best-seller révélateur de Greg Sestero sur la création de The Room, le nanar classique de Tommy (« le meilleur pire film jamais tourné »), The Disaster Artist est un rappel hilarant et nécessaire qu’il existe de nombreuses manières de devenir une légende – et qu’il n’y a aucune limite à ce qu’une personne peut faire quand elle n’a aucune idée de ce qu’elle fait.
Les Indestructibles 2

Les Indestructibles 2

Jun 14, 2018
Les Parr reprennent du service ! Alors qu'Hélène est appelée pour redorer le blason des super-héros, Bob découvre la vie "normale" avec Violette, Flèche et le bébé Jack-Jack, dont les super pouvoirs sont sur le point de se révéler. Leur mission tourne court lorsqu'un nouveau méchant débarque avec un plan brillant. Mais les Parr ne fuient jamais les défis, surtout avec Frozone à leurs côtés.
Les Filles du docteur March
Aux États-Unis, pendant la guerre de Sécession, 4 sœurs issues de la classe moyenne font face aux difficultés de la vie quotidienne en ce temps de conflit. La raisonnable Mege, l’intrépide Jo, la charitable Beth et l’orgueilleuse May vivent dans l’ombre protectrice et bienveillante de leur mère Marnee et de sa tante March. Mais la rencontre de leur voisin Laurie va transformer les premiers émois du bal des débutantes en véritables histoires d’amour… Une nouvelle adaptation du classique de Louisa May Alcott.


Jun 10, 1996
Lorsque Steven Kovacs, jeune architecte, emménage dans son nouvel appartement, il propose à l’installateur les fameux cinquante dollars en échange des programmes dont il a envie. Mais celui‐ci refuse d’être payé. Tout ce qu’il veut, c’est un ami. Et selon lui, Steven est le parfait candidat.
Mon vrai père et moi

Mon vrai père et moi

May 01, 2006
Richard Clayton a tout dans la vie : une fiancée ravissante, des parents merveilleux et une carrière en pleine ascension. Une existence de rêve... jusqu'à ce que son jaloux de frère lui apprenne qu'il a été adopté ! Un détective privé finit par retrouver la trace de ses parents, Frank et Agnès : deux personnages vulgaires et pas raffinés pour un sou vivant dans une caravane. La rencontre avec ses parents biologiques va complètement chambouler sa vie et celle de ses proches.
Séduis-moi si tu peux !
Un journaliste tente de surmonter une dépression en retrouvant son amoureuse qu'il avait perdu de vue. Celle-ci est depuis devenue une des femmes les plus puissantes de la planète...


Mar 18, 2021
Hutch Mansell, un père et un mari frustré, totalement déconsidéré par sa famille, se contente d’encaisser les coups, sans jamais les rendre. Il n’est rien. Une nuit, alors que deux cambrioleurs pénètrent chez lui, il fait le choix de ne pas intervenir, plutôt que de risquer une escalade sanglante. Une décision qui le discrédite définitivement aux yeux de son fils Blake, et qui semble l’éloigner encore plus de sa femme Becca. Cet incident réveille chez cet homme blessé des instincts larvés qui vont le propulser sur une voie violente, révélant des zones d’ombres et des compétences létales insoupçonnées. Dans une avalanche de coups de poings, de fusillades et de crissements de pneus, il va tout faire pour tirer sa famille des griffes d’un redoutable ennemi et s’assurer que, plus jamais, personne ne le prenne pour un moins que rien.
Les Frères Solomon

Les Frères Solomon

Sep 07, 2007
Bien que pétris de bonnes intentions, les frères Solomon n'en sont pas moins socialement inaptes et surtout... ils ne savent pas du tout comment se comporter avec les femmes. Mais leur père va mourir et ils souhaiteraient respecter sa dernière volonté : lui donner un petit fils...
Dolemite Is My Name

Dolemite Is My Name

Oct 04, 2019
Quand Hollywood l'a écarté dans les années 1970, le talentueux Rudy Ray Moore décide de produire ses propres œuvres, dont le célèbre film de blaxploitation "Dolemite".
Entre chiens et chats

Entre chiens et chats

Apr 26, 1996
Abby, vétérinaire gaie et enjouée, anime une émission de radio pour conseiller les propriétaires d'animaux. Un de ses auditeurs tombe sous le charme et lui demande rendez-vous. Abby, persuadée de n'être pas assez jolie, panique et demande à sa voisine, top model candide, de la remplacer.
Waiting for Guffman

Waiting for Guffman

Aug 21, 1996
La ville de Blaine, dans le Missouri, prépare les célébrations de son 150ème anniversaire. Corky St. Clair, un metteur en scène off-broadway, monte un spectacle amateur sur l'histoire de la ville, avec pour interprètes un dentiste local, un couple d'agents de voyage, une serveuse et un garagiste. Il invite un important critique de théatre, M. Guffman, à la première du show…


Jun 05, 2007
When actress Annabelle Gurwitch was fired from a play by Woody Allen, she wondered how she would cope with being downsized by a cultural icon. Turning to friends in show business, she was assured she was not alone. Everyone she knew, from her rabbi to her gynaecologist, had their own account of getting the boot. Featuring interviews with comedians, economists and regular working folks, and drawing on her hugely popular book, Fired! is a humorous look at downsizing in America.
Melvin Goes to Dinner

Melvin Goes to Dinner

Dec 04, 2003
Marital infidelity, religion, a guy in heaven wearing a Wizards jersey, anal fetishes, cigarettes and schizophrenia, ghosts, and how it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
For Madmen Only: The Stories of Del Close
Comedy guru Del Close, mentor to everyone from Bill Murray to Tina Fey, sets out to write his autobiography for D.C. Comics. As he leads us through sewers, mental wards, and his peculiar talent for making everyone famous but himself, Close emerges as a personification of the creative impulse itself. He's a muse with BO and dirty needles, offering transcendence despite (or because of) the trail of wreckage behind him.
Melvin Goes to Dinner

Melvin Goes to Dinner

Dec 04, 2003
Marital infidelity, religion, a guy in heaven wearing a Wizards jersey, anal fetishes, cigarettes and schizophrenia, ghosts, and how it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Melvin Goes to Dinner

Melvin Goes to Dinner

Dec 04, 2003
Marital infidelity, religion, a guy in heaven wearing a Wizards jersey, anal fetishes, cigarettes and schizophrenia, ghosts, and how it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Young and Handsome: A Night with Jeff Garlin
Jeff Garlin, known by many for his role as Jeff Greene on Curb Your Enthusiasm, returns to his hometown and his comedy roots for his first hour-long special. He performs to a sold-out crowd at the historic Second City Theatre in Chicago. Garlin is a wonderful storyteller and enjoys the kind of comedy where if anyone looks stupid, it’s him. So sit back, lie down or stand up if you want for a night with Jeff Garlin.


Jan 19, 2014
A man's car breaks down, leading him to journey for a small plastic funnel.
Run Ronnie Run

Run Ronnie Run

Jan 20, 2002
A man's car breaks down, leading him to journey for a small plastic funnel.


Jan 01, 1970
Classic Saturday Night Live skits featuring the hilarious Phil Hartman.
Tuber's Two Step

Tuber's Two Step

Jan 01, 1985
Little Tuber learns to walk -- and more -- in this early computer animated film from Chris Wedge, the eventual founder of Blue Sky Studios.
Wünsch mir Glück

Wünsch mir Glück

Jan 31, 2024
Before Bob Odenkirk made NOBODY, he made WÜNSCH MIR GLÜCK (WISH ME LUCK) to test his action skills. For that, he came to Berlin, Germany, where he and Daniel Bernhardt were directed.
Wünsch mir Glück

Wünsch mir Glück

Jan 31, 2024
Before Bob Odenkirk made NOBODY, he made WÜNSCH MIR GLÜCK (WISH ME LUCK) to test his action skills. For that, he came to Berlin, Germany, where he and Daniel Bernhardt were directed.
Girlfriend's Day

Girlfriend's Day

Jan 24, 2017
Before Bob Odenkirk made NOBODY, he made WÜNSCH MIR GLÜCK (WISH ME LUCK) to test his action skills. For that, he came to Berlin, Germany, where he and Daniel Bernhardt were directed.
The Comedians of Comedy: Live at the El Rey
For the final show of their successful "Comedians of Comedy" tour, "alternative" stand-up comics Maria Bamford, Brian Posehn and Patton Oswalt pull out all the stops in a grand finale-worthy performance that finds humor in unexpected places. Taped live at Los Angeles's El Rey Theater and featuring fellow funnyman Bob Odenkirk, this farewell gig is sure to please fans who like their laughs with bite.


Mar 18, 2021
For the final show of their successful "Comedians of Comedy" tour, "alternative" stand-up comics Maria Bamford, Brian Posehn and Patton Oswalt pull out all the stops in a grand finale-worthy performance that finds humor in unexpected places. Taped live at Los Angeles's El Rey Theater and featuring fellow funnyman Bob Odenkirk, this farewell gig is sure to please fans who like their laughs with bite.


Jan 01, 1970
The story of a suburban family in which the father refuses to become an adult.
Less than Perfect

Less than Perfect

Jun 24, 2006
Claude Casey moved up in the secretarial world of television news, from temp to the anchor's desk. After her boss hires her full time, Claude realizes she may be in over her head in this world of assistants fighting to get ahead. But Claude is determined to prove that though she may not be perfect, she's not going down without a fight.
The Ben Stiller Show

The Ben Stiller Show

Aug 26, 1995
This sketch show specialises in parodies of movies, shows and commercials. Special guest stars join them in the comedy sketches with crazy results.


Sep 16, 2012
Dans une banlieue respectable de Los Angeles, les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Les sales petits secrets des uns et des autres vont peu à peu se faire jour. Nancy Botwin, une mère célibataire, vend de la marijuana depuis la mort subite de son mari. C'est sa façon à elle de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille...
Dinner for Five

Dinner for Five

Feb 01, 2008
Dinner for Five is a television program in which actor/filmmaker Jon Favreau and a revolving guest list of celebrities eat, drink and talk about life on and off the set and swap stories about projects past and present. The program seats screen legends next to a variety of personalities from film, television, music and comedy, resulting in an unpredictable free-for-all. The program aired on the Independent Film Channel with Favreau the co-Executive Producer with Peter Billingsley. The show format is a spontaneous, open forum for people in the entertainment community. The idea, originally conceived by Favreau, originated from a time when he went out to dinner with colleagues on a film location and exchanged filming anecdotes. Favreau said, "I thought it would be interesting to show people that side of the business". He did not want to present them in a "sensationalized way [that] they're presented in the press, but as normal people". The format featured Favreau and four guests from the entertainment industry in a restaurant with no other diners. They ordered actual food from real menus and were served by authentic waiters. There were no cue cards or previous research on the participants that would have allowed him to orchestrate the conversation and the guests were allowed to talk about whatever they wanted. The show used five cameras with the operators using long lenses so that they could be at least ten feet away from the table and not intrude on the conversation or make the guests self-conscious. The conversations lasted until the film ran out. A 25-minutes episode would be edited from the two-hour dinner.
How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother

Mar 31, 2014
Ted se remémore ses jeunes années, lorsqu'il était encore célibataire. Il raconte à ses enfants avec nostalgie ses moments d'égarements et de troubles, ses rencontres et ses recherches effrénées du Grand Amour et les facéties de sa bande d'amis...
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Maître Shake, Frylock et Meatwad forment l'Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Le premier est un gobelet de milk shake sadique et paresseux, le second est un cornet de frites doté d'une intelligence supérieure et le dernier est une boulette de viande qui ne ferait pas de mal à une mouche. Ils n'ont qu'un but : résoudre des mystères. Malheureusement ils ne sont pas des plus efficaces...
The Sarah Silverman Program.
Sarah Silverman plays a character named Sarah Silverman, whose absurd daily life unfolds in scripted scenes and songs. With her sister and her gay neighbors by her side, Sarah always manages to fall into unique, unsettling and downright weird predicaments.


May 14, 1998
Dans son propre rôle de comique, le bavard Jerry Seinfeld mène une vie qui ne le gâte pas tout le temps, notamment à cause des femmes. Avec son collaborateur malhonnête et son voisin loufoque, Jerry analyse toutes les petites choses du quotidien et les absurdités de la société.
Mr. Show with Bob and David
A sketch comedy series starring and hosted by Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. The pair introduce most episodes as heightened versions of themselves before transitioning to a mixture of live sketches and pre-taped segments.
American Dad!

American Dad!

Feb 10, 2025
Agent de la CIA, Stan Smith est aussi l'époux comblé de la douce Francine et le fier papa de Hayley et Steve. Le tableau est idyllique. Le problème c'est que Stan a une légère tendance à verser dans la paranoïa. Prêt à tout pour défendre son Amérique chérie et ses valeurs conservatrices, il n'hésiterait pas à tirer sur son grille-pain si celui-ci était suspecté de trahison... Rajoutez à cela la présence dans la maison des Smith de Roger, l'alien sarcastique, et de Klaus, le poisson rouge d'origine germanique, et vous aurez le portrait haut en couleurs de ce père américain si parfait !


Jul 28, 2006
Spin-off de Friends qui suit les aventures de Joey Tribbiani. Il quitte New York pour Hollywood dans le but de faire monter d'un cran sa carrière d'acteur. Il y retrouve sa soeur Gina et son neveu Michael qui l'aident à s'adapter à cette nouvelle vie.
Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Feb 13, 2025
Jimmy Kimmel Live! is an American late-night talk show, created and hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and broadcast on ABC.
Freak Show

Freak Show

Nov 16, 2006
Freak Show is an animated television series on Comedy Central created by H. Jon Benjamin and David Cross. The show chronicles a freak show, called the Freak Squad, which reluctantly moonlights as a group of second-rate superheroes employed by the US government. The first and only season, which consisted of seven episodes, premiered on October 4, 2006, and ended on November 16, 2006. Cross and Benjamin were executive producers in addition to voicing various characters. Radical Axis handled all aspects of production, from initial audio records and character design to final delivery of the master. The series was released on DVD on June 12, 2012.
Tout le monde aime Raymond
Raymond Barone a apparemment tout, une épouse merveilleuse, une belle famille, une maison charmante, un bon travail, et un problème : des parents désagréables et un frère jaloux qui lui pourrissent la vie...


Feb 06, 2004


After his wife leaves him and he's fired from his job at a high-profile New York city law firm, Ed Stevens moves back to his small hometown of Stuckeyville where he buys the local bowling alley and attempts to win the heart of his high school crush.


Sep 11, 2011
Jeune et séduisant acteur, Vincent Chase rencontre très vite le succès et devient une star adulée à Hollywood. Soucieux de ne pas oublier ses origines, Vince s'entoure de ses amis d'enfance originaires comme lui du Queens, l'un des quartiers pauvres de New York. Avec eux, il partage cette nouvelle aventure dans ce monde de strass et de paillettes.Note : Produite par l'acteur Mark Wahlberg, la série s'inspire librement de l'expérience de ce dernier qui, comme le héros, a été propulsé très tôt sous les feux de l'actualité.


May 22, 2018
Roseanne est une sitcom américaine qui a été diffusée de 1988 à 1997 sur la chaine ABC et qui met en scène Roseanne Barr. Elle nous raconte la vie de la famille Conner, dans la ville fictive de Lanford, dans l’Illinois. Roseanne et Dan, couple d'obèses, tous deux ouvriers, font de leur mieux pour faire vivre leur foyer avec leurs modestes revenus et élever leurs enfants Darlene, Becky et D.J. (puis Jerry Garcia à partir de la saison 8). Les thèmes abordés sont aussi variés qu’étonnants pour l’époque et le continent : délinquance, drogue, alcool, alcoolisme, racisme, homosexualité masculine et féminine, bisexualité, confusion sexuelle, menstruations, mariage gay et adoption, sexe et grossesse chez les adolescents, contraception, avortement, masturbation, maltraitance, obésité, classes sociales, féminisme, etc.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
E! True Hollywood Story
E! True Hollywood Story is an American documentary series on E! that deals with famous Hollywood celebrities, movies, TV shows and also well-known public figures. Among the topics covered on the program include salacious re-tellings of Hollywood secrets, show-biz scandals, celebrity murders and mysteries, porn-star biographies, and "where-are-they-now?" investigations of former child stars. It frequently features in-depth interviews, actual courtroom footage, and dramatic reenactments. When aired on the E! network, episodes will be updated to reflect the current life or status of the subject.
Leçons sur le mariage
Comment gérer les relations entre hommes et femmes lorsque l'on est un couple marié, un jeune couple venant de se fiancer et un célibataire endurci ?


May 04, 1999
The office politics and interpersonal relationships among the staff of WNYX NewsRadio, New York's #2 news radio station.
Larry et son nombril

Larry et son nombril

Apr 07, 2024
Le moindre petit imprévu suffit à transformer en cauchemar la vie sereine que mène le producteur hollywoodien David Larry aux côtés de son épouse Cheryl.
Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Stepping into the late-late slot vacated by David Letterman, Conan O'Brien stars in a show that far outdoes its competition in sheer strangeness. Along with the celebrity interviews and musical numbers typical of late-night talk shows, this program make frequent use of odd walk-on characters and frequent "visits" from celebrity guests.
Voilà !

Voilà !

Nov 26, 2003
Les tribulations du personnel du service éditorial d'un magazine sur la mode dans lequel travaille la ravissante journaliste Maya Gallo. Entre son père Jack, directeur du magazine, Dennis Finch, l'assistant de celui-ci, Elliott, le photographe, et Nina Van Horn, l'ex-mannequin vieillissant, Maya est entourée de personnages hauts en couleurs.
Arrested Development

Arrested Development

Mar 15, 2019
Veuf avec un fils de 13 ans, Michael est parti s'installer en Arizona pour débuter une nouvelle vie loin de sa riche famille. En apprenant l'arrestation de son père suite à des magouilles financières, Michael est contraint de rentrer auprès des siens.
Glenn Martin, DDS

Glenn Martin, DDS

Nov 07, 2011
Glenn Martin, DDS is an American-Canadian stop-motion-animated television series that premiered on Nick at Nite on August 17, 2009. The series was produced by Tornante Animation in association with Cuppa Coffee Studio. Glenn Martin, DDS was Nick at Nite's fourth original series. The show premiered on March 18, 2010 on Sky1 in the UK and Ireland. Season two premiered on June 11, 2010. The show ended on November 7th, 2011.


Aug 15, 2000
Sammy is an American animated television series that aired from August 8 until August 15, 2000. Inspired by Spade's own family tree, the show turns on James Blake, a TV star who's absentee free-loading father Sammy resurfaces after James makes it big.
The Jackie Thomas Show
The Jackie Thomas Show is an American sitcom that aired on the ABC network from December 1992 to March 1993. The series received widespread attention due to its creators Roseanne Arnold, then starring in the fifth season of her top-rated comedy Roseanne, and her husband and Roseanne co-producer Tom Arnold. The Jackie Thomas Show starred Tom Arnold as a misanthropic sitcom actor.
Hot Ones

Hot Ones

Feb 06, 2025
Des stars répondent à des questions tout en dégustant des ailes de poulet de plus en plus épicées.
Next Caller

Next Caller

Jan 17, 2001
Next Caller is an unaired American television comedy series that was scheduled to premiere mid-season on NBC as part of the 2012–13 television schedule. The network placed a series order in May 2012. Season one was set to feature seven half-hour episodes. On October 12, 2012, NBC announced the cancellation of the series after only four episodes had been filmed, citing creative differences with star Dane Cook, and that the filmed episodes would not be aired. It became the second series of the 2012–13 television season to be canceled, after Made in Jersey.
Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Sep 29, 2013
Walter White, professeur de chimie dans un lycée d'Albuquerque au Nouveau-Mexique, est atteint d'un cancer pulmonaire en phase terminale. Il s'associe à Jesse Pinkman, un de ses anciens élèves, cancre, toxicomane et dealer mais initier au monde des drogues afin d'assurer l'avenir financier de sa famille après son décès. L'improbable duo va alors synthétiser et commercialiser la plus pure méthamphétamine en cristaux jamais vue aux Amériques.
Les Simpson

Les Simpson

Dec 29, 2024
Située à Springfield, ville américaine moyenne, la série se concentre sur les singeries et les aventures quotidiennes de la famille Simpson : Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa et Maggie, ainsi que des milliers d'autres personnages.
Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul

Aug 15, 2022
Six ans avant de croiser le chemin de Walter White, Saul Goodman, connu sous le nom de Jimmy McGill, est un avocat qui peine à joindre les deux bouts, à Albuquerque, au Nouveau-Mexique. Pour boucler ses fins de mois, il n'aura d'autres choix que se livrer à quelques petites escroqueries. Chemin faisant, il va faire des rencontres qui vont se révéler déterminantes dans son parcours : Nacho Varga, ou encore Mike Ehrmantraut, un criminel spécialisé dans le "nettoyage", qui deviendra son futur homme de main.
Show Me More

Show Me More

Nov 05, 2024
This docu-series offers an exclusive backstage pass to AMC’s hit shows, featuring never-before-seen footage, access to your favorite cast and show creators, and sneak peeks of what's to come.
The Larry Sanders Show
Comic Garry Shandling draws upon his own talk show experiences to create the character of Larry Sanders, a paranoid, insecure host of a late night talk show. Larry, along with his obsequious TV sidekick Hank Kingsley and his fiercely protective producer Artie, allows Garry Shandling and his talented writers to look behind the scenes and to show us a convincing slice of behind the camera life.
The Birthday Boys

The Birthday Boys

Dec 19, 2014
"The Birthday Boys" is a scripted original sketch comedy, executive produced by Bob Odenkirk ("Breaking Bad", "Mr. Show") and Ben Stiller ("The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", "Zoolander"). The series features the Los Angeles comedy group of the same name (UCB Theatre Los Angeles, Just for Laughs Festival) along with Odenkirk and is in the classic vein of absurd/silly/smart/funny variety shows ("Mr. Show", Monty Python), featuring sketches that twist real-life moments and cultural touchstones.
Comedy Bang! Bang!

Comedy Bang! Bang!

Dec 02, 2016
Based on Scott Aukerman’s popular podcast of the same name, COMEDY BANG! BANG! cleverly riffs on the well-known format of the late night talk show, infusing celebrity appearances and comedy sketches with a tinge of the surreal. In each episode, Aukerman engages his guests with unfiltered and improvisational lines of questioning, punctuated by banter and beats provided by bandleader, one-man musical mastermind Reggie Watts, to reinvent the traditional celebrity interview. Packed with character cameos, filmic shorts, sketches and games set amongst an off-beat world, COMEDY BANG! BANG! delivers thirty minutes of absurd laugh-loaded fun featuring some of the biggest names in comedy.
Comedy Bang! Bang!

Comedy Bang! Bang!

Dec 02, 2016
Based on Scott Aukerman’s popular podcast of the same name, COMEDY BANG! BANG! cleverly riffs on the well-known format of the late night talk show, infusing celebrity appearances and comedy sketches with a tinge of the surreal. In each episode, Aukerman engages his guests with unfiltered and improvisational lines of questioning, punctuated by banter and beats provided by bandleader, one-man musical mastermind Reggie Watts, to reinvent the traditional celebrity interview. Packed with character cameos, filmic shorts, sketches and games set amongst an off-beat world, COMEDY BANG! BANG! delivers thirty minutes of absurd laugh-loaded fun featuring some of the biggest names in comedy.
W/ Bob & David

W/ Bob & David

Nov 13, 2015
Renvoyés des forces spéciales de la marine pour indiscipline, Bob et David reviennent avec leur arme préférée dans cette série comique à sketches.


May 13, 2021


Christy, une mère de famille célibataire, tout juste sortie de cure de désintoxication, doit remettre de l'ordre dans sa vie. Mais sa mère, Bonnie, une alcoolique notoire avec qui elle n'a plus eu de contact depuis plusieurs années, refait surface et lui complique infiniment la tâche. Lorsque ses enfants et son boss s'y mettent à leur tour, rien ne va plus pour Christy... à nouveau !
American Dad!

American Dad!

Feb 10, 2025
Agent de la CIA, Stan Smith est aussi l'époux comblé de la douce Francine et le fier papa de Hayley et Steve. Le tableau est idyllique. Le problème c'est que Stan a une légère tendance à verser dans la paranoïa. Prêt à tout pour défendre son Amérique chérie et ses valeurs conservatrices, il n'hésiterait pas à tirer sur son grille-pain si celui-ci était suspecté de trahison... Rajoutez à cela la présence dans la maison des Smith de Roger, l'alien sarcastique, et de Klaus, le poisson rouge d'origine germanique, et vous aurez le portrait haut en couleurs de ce père américain si parfait !
American Dad!

American Dad!

Feb 10, 2025
Agent de la CIA, Stan Smith est aussi l'époux comblé de la douce Francine et le fier papa de Hayley et Steve. Le tableau est idyllique. Le problème c'est que Stan a une légère tendance à verser dans la paranoïa. Prêt à tout pour défendre son Amérique chérie et ses valeurs conservatrices, il n'hésiterait pas à tirer sur son grille-pain si celui-ci était suspecté de trahison... Rajoutez à cela la présence dans la maison des Smith de Roger, l'alien sarcastique, et de Klaus, le poisson rouge d'origine germanique, et vous aurez le portrait haut en couleurs de ce père américain si parfait !
Show Me More

Show Me More

Nov 05, 2024
This docu-series offers an exclusive backstage pass to AMC’s hit shows, featuring never-before-seen footage, access to your favorite cast and show creators, and sneak peeks of what's to come.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
L'acteur d'improvisation et comique Stephen Colbert laisse derrière lui son personnage "The Colbert Report" alors qu'il fait son retour tant attendu à la télévision. En tant qu'hôte de la franchise The Late Show redux - enregistrée au théâtre historique Ed Sullivan à New York - Colbert parle pour la première fois aux acteurs, aux athlètes, aux politiciens, aux bandes dessinées, aux artistes et aux musiciens. Les fans fidèles, cependant, seront également traités avec cohérence car Colbert reste soutenu par de nombreux membres de son équipe d'écriture et numérique de son ancienne entreprise. Jon Batiste, formé à Julliard, est le chef d'orchestre.
La Vue

La Vue

Oct 25, 2024
Cinq femmes avec des perspectives très différentes sur la politique, Hollywood et ses stars, et l'actualité discutent de ces sujets et d'autres sujets de division du jour.
Le Daily Show

Le Daily Show

Feb 13, 2025
Trevor Noah et l'équipe de la plus fausse information au monde abordent les plus grandes histoires de l'actualité, de la politique et de la culture pop.
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tom Goes to the Mayor

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Sep 25, 2006
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Seth Meyers, who is "Saturday Night Live’s" longest serving anchor on the show’s wildly popular "Weekend Update," takes over as host of NBC’s "Late Night" — home to A-list celebrity guests, memorable comedy and the best in musical talent. As the Emmy Award-winning head writer for "SNL," Meyers has established a reputation for sharp wit and perfectly timed comedy, and has gained fame for his spot-on jokes and satire. Meyers takes his departure from "SNL" to his new post at "Late Night," as Jimmy Fallon moves to "The Tonight Show".


Sep 30, 2024
Accidentellement cryogénisé le 31 décembre 1999 alors qu'il livrait une pizza, Fry se réveille 1.000 ans plus tard à New York. À l'aube de l'an 3000, le monde a bien changé, peuplé de robots et d'extraterrestres. Le jeune homme retrouve l'un de ses descendants qui l'engage lui et ses nouveaux amis, Leela et Bender, au Planet Express, une entreprise de livraison. Ensemble, ils vont devoir faire face à de périlleuses et délirantes missions dans un monde des plus surprenants.
Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers

Dec 29, 2024
Bob Belcher tient un petit restaurant de burgers dans une ville fictive américaine, aidé par sa femme, l'exubérante Linda, ainsi que ses trois enfants : Tina, l'aînée passionnée par les chevaux et les postérieurs, Gene, le garçon excentrique qui ne recule jamais devant un challenge, et enfin Louise, la petite dernière au caractère bien trempé toujours en train de faire des manigances.
The Goode Family

The Goode Family

Aug 07, 2009
Meet Gerald and Helen Goode, a couple who live by the motto WWAGD ("What Would Al Gore Do?"). Gerald, a college administrator, and Helen, a community activist, are determined to obliterate their carbon footprint on the planet: They're zealous vegans, they drive a hybrid, and they recycle everything possible.
The Drew Barrymore Show
Drew Barrymore presents human-interest stories, celebrity guests, lifestyle segments and field pieces, all driven by her infectious brand of humor and optimism.
No Activity

No Activity

May 27, 2021
Dans le contexte d'un buste important de cartels de la drogue, la série suit deux flics de faible niveau qui ont passé beaucoup trop de temps en voiture ensemble, deux criminels qui sont en grande partie tenus dans l'obscurité, deux employés de dispatching qui n'ont pas vraiment cliqué et deux tunneliers mexicains qui sont dans un espace trop petit considérant qu'ils viennent juste de se rencontrer.
Troisième planète après le Soleil
Cette série raconte la vie quotidienne d'une famille de quatre extraterrestres venus sur la Terre, à Rutherford dans l'Ohio, pour observer les humains. Pour cela ils prennent forme humaine et se font appeler Dick, Sally, Harry et Tommy Solomon. Ces extraterrestres sont d'une intelligence supérieure à la nôtre, mais ils découvrent un peu plus chaque jour les sentiments et les coutumes des humains.
Talking Saul

Talking Saul

Aug 08, 2022
AMC's live after-show that serves as a platform for discussion for AMC’s series, Better Call Saul. Hosted by super-fan Chris Hardwick, the half-hour talk show will feature series cast, producers, celebrity fans and more reacting to and discussing the twists and turns of Better Call Saul and taking questions and comments from viewers.
Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Feb 13, 2025
Jimmy Kimmel Live! is an American late-night talk show, created and hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and broadcast on ABC.
Lucky Hank

Lucky Hank

May 07, 2023
William Henry 'Hank' Devereaux, Jr., l'improbable directeur du département d'anglais du Railton College, très sous-financé, dans la ceinture de rouille de Pennsylvanie, fait face à une crise de la quarantaine. Alors que la vie de Hank commence à se dégrader, sa femme, Lily, commence également à remettre en question le chemin qu'elle suit en tant que directrice adjointe du lycée local et les choix qu'elle a faits. Racontée à la première personne par Hank, la série est adaptée du roman « Straight Man », de l'auteur lauréat du prix Pulitzer Richard Russo, inspiré de ses propres expériences d'enseignement dans les universités.
The League

The League

Dec 09, 2015
Passionnés de fantasy football, les membres de "The League" ont pris de bien mauvaises habitudes qui déplaisent fortement à leurs femmes. Alors que la nouvelle saison du championnat commence, Pete, Ruxin et les autres doivent gérer leur passion tout en gérant leurs femmes !
Entertainment Tonight

Entertainment Tonight

Dec 13, 2023
Daily tabloid television news show on entertainment and celebrity news with unprecedented access to Hollywood's biggest stars, exclusive behind-the-scenes looks at upcoming film and television projects, as well as the real story behind Hollywood's latest news.


Apr 28, 2022
Après un accident de la route qui a failli lui coûter la vie, Alma se découvre un nouveau rapport au temps et se sert de cette nouvelle capacité pour découvrir la vérité sur la mort de son père.
La Méthode Kominsky

La Méthode Kominsky

May 28, 2021
Pour le professeur d'art dramatique Sandy Kominsky et son meilleur ami Norman Newlander, ce n'est pas parce qu'on vieillit qu'on doit arrêter de bien s'amuser.


May 04, 1999
The office politics and interpersonal relationships among the staff of WNYX NewsRadio, New York's #2 news radio station.


Jan 17, 2001
Next! is an American sketch comedy series featuring former Saturday Night Live writer/actor Bob Odenkirk. The show features a number of notable alternative comedians as both cast members and writers including Zach Galifianakis, Fred Armisen, Patton Oswalt, Jay Johnston, and Jerry Minor.
TV Funhouse

TV Funhouse

Jan 24, 2001
In this spin-off of the Saturday Night Live TV Funhouse cartoons, happy-go-lucky Doug hosts a children's show in the vein of Pee-wee's Playhouse, wherein he chooses a theme for the day (Caveman Day, Western Day, Spaceman Day, Mexicans Day, etc.) and encourages his puppet friends, the Anipals, to participate. Of course, the depraved felt animals are far more interested in other activities, including going to a cockfight, visiting a bordello, becoming lab tests, and even getting (literally) high on Christmas cheer!


Jan 16, 2024
En 2006, l'arrivée de Lorne Malvo à Bemidji, une petite ville du Minnesota, ne passe pas inaperçue, notamment pour Lester Nygaard, un courtier qui se retrouve entraîné dans une spirale de violence. Molly Solverson et Gus Grimly enquêtent eux sur plusieurs meurtres. Une trentaine d'année auparavant, un policier, de retour au pays après la guerre du Vietnam, mène les investigations après un meurtre.
Drunk History

Drunk History

Aug 06, 2019
Historical reenactments from A-list talent as told by inebriated storytellers. A unique take on the familiar and less familiar people and events from America’s great past as great moments in history are retold with unforgettable results.
Drunk History

Drunk History

Aug 06, 2019
Historical reenactments from A-list talent as told by inebriated storytellers. A unique take on the familiar and less familiar people and events from America’s great past as great moments in history are retold with unforgettable results.
Real Time with Bill Maher
Chaque semaine, Bill Maher s'entoure d'un panel d'invités qui comprend des politiciens, des acteurs, des comédiens, des musiciens et autres, pour discuter de ce qui se passe dans le monde.
Off Camera with Sam Jones
Photographer and director Sam Jones sits down with the myriad professionals of television and movies, and other celebrities (great skateboarders, for example), to discuss their development before fame, their passions beyond their careers, and gives them a space to open up about their insight into their business and their own abilities. Filmed in black and white, with a few deep cushion chairs and sparse set, the show relies on Sam's ability to relate to the guests and their will to speak freely with him.
Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul

Aug 15, 2022
Six ans avant de croiser le chemin de Walter White, Saul Goodman, connu sous le nom de Jimmy McGill, est un avocat qui peine à joindre les deux bouts, à Albuquerque, au Nouveau-Mexique. Pour boucler ses fins de mois, il n'aura d'autres choix que se livrer à quelques petites escroqueries. Chemin faisant, il va faire des rencontres qui vont se révéler déterminantes dans son parcours : Nacho Varga, ou encore Mike Ehrmantraut, un criminel spécialisé dans le "nettoyage", qui deviendra son futur homme de main.
Tim and Eric Nite Live!
Tim and Eric Nite Live! was an American television series, which premiered November 8, 2007 on SuperDeluxe. The talk show stars Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, creators of Tom Goes to the Mayor and Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, and consists of a variety of strange segments often featuring Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! regulars such as David Liebe Hart and James Quall. It also repeatedly features Awesome Show regular Richard Dunn in a sidekick/father-figure type role. The show has seen many guests in its short internet-only SuperDeluxe exclusive run from such actors, singers and comedians as John Mayer, Zach Galifianakis, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte, Rainn Wilson, and Jonah Hill.
The Office

The Office

May 16, 2013
Le quotidien d'un groupe d'employés de bureau dans une fabrique de papier en Pennsylvanie. Michael Scott, le responsable régional, pense être le mec le plus drôle du bureau. Il ne se doute pas que ses employés le tolèrent uniquement parce que c'est lui qui signe les chèques. S'efforçant de paraître cool et apprécié de tous, Michael est en fait perçu comme étant pathétique...
Saturday Night Live

Saturday Night Live

Feb 16, 2025
Saturday Night Live est une émission de divertissement retransmise en direct depuis le Studio 8H du GE Building au Rockefeller Center de New York. Diffusé le samedi soir sur la chaîne NBC, le programme se compose de sketches, de parodies et de performances musicales. Il s'agit de l'un des programmes phares de la télévision américaine, qui a permis l'émergence de nombreuses stars de la comédie lors des trente dernières années.
Derek and Simon: The Show
Derek Waters, Simon Helberg, and Bob Odenkirk created this show in 2005. There have been many different versions of it. First it was a pilot presentation, then it was made into a pilot for HBO but never aired. It went to the Sundance Film Festival,South by Southwest Film Festival,and many other film festivals its also featured on the WHOLPHIN dvd's. It's a simple show just about Derek, Simon, and their friends, and all their problems with women.
Channel 101

Channel 101

Mar 01, 2004
Channel 101 is a monthly screening of 5-minute TV shows. It is a living, autonomous, un-televised TV network, that has been running since 2003.


Jun 24, 2021
Une émission-débat de fin de soirée, animée par Conan O'Brien.
Le Tonight Show

Le Tonight Show

Feb 11, 2025
Mêlant humour et talk-show, Jimmy Fallon reçoit des personnalités de la musique, du cinéma, ou encore du sport, pour un entretien.
Finding Your Roots

Finding Your Roots

Feb 11, 2025
Noted Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. has been helping people discover long-lost relatives hidden for generations within the branches of their family trees. Professor Gates utilizes a team of genealogists to reconstruct the paper trail left behind by our ancestors and the world’s leading geneticists to decode our DNA and help us travel thousands of years into the past to discover the origins of our earliest forebears.
Variety Studio: Actors on Actors
PBS SoCal and Variety take you inside the biggest movies and TV shows of the past year through candid conversations with today's hottest actors. Hosted by Variety Film Awards Editor Clayton Davis and Variety Chief Correspondent Elizabeth Wagmeister, each episode brings together pairs of actors engaging in intimate one-on-one discussions about their craft and work.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
This docuseries explores the iconic Saturday Night Live, showcasing the audition process, writing, infamous sketches, and the pivotal 11th season that cemented the show's DNA under Lorne Michaels' leadership.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
A sketch comedy series starring and hosted by Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. The pair introduce most episodes as heightened versions of themselves before transitioning to a mixture of live sketches and pre-taped segments.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
A sketch comedy series starring and hosted by Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. The pair introduce most episodes as heightened versions of themselves before transitioning to a mixture of live sketches and pre-taped segments.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Follow the exploits of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, the two halves of Tenacious D, the self-proclaimed "greatest band on earth." Their music is heavy on power chords and lyrics about sex, Satan, and why they are the greatest band on Earth.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Tom Goes to the Mayor is an American animated television series created by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. It premiered on November 14, 2004 and ended on September 25, 2006, with a total of thirty episodes.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Surreal, twisted and hilariously funny, Get a Life is the ultimate anti-sitcom. Chris Peterson is a 30-year-old paperboy who still lives with his parents and who seems to have an ever decreasing grip on reality.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Six ans avant de croiser le chemin de Walter White, Saul Goodman, connu sous le nom de Jimmy McGill, est un avocat qui peine à joindre les deux bouts, à Albuquerque, au Nouveau-Mexique. Pour boucler ses fins de mois, il n'aura d'autres choix que se livrer à quelques petites escroqueries. Chemin faisant, il va faire des rencontres qui vont se révéler déterminantes dans son parcours : Nacho Varga, ou encore Mike Ehrmantraut, un criminel spécialisé dans le "nettoyage", qui deviendra son futur homme de main.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Derek Waters, Simon Helberg, and Bob Odenkirk created this show in 2005. There have been many different versions of it. First it was a pilot presentation, then it was made into a pilot for HBO but never aired. It went to the Sundance Film Festival,South by Southwest Film Festival,and many other film festivals its also featured on the WHOLPHIN dvd's. It's a simple show just about Derek, Simon, and their friends, and all their problems with women.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Derek Waters, Simon Helberg, and Bob Odenkirk created this show in 2005. There have been many different versions of it. First it was a pilot presentation, then it was made into a pilot for HBO but never aired. It went to the Sundance Film Festival,South by Southwest Film Festival,and many other film festivals its also featured on the WHOLPHIN dvd's. It's a simple show just about Derek, Simon, and their friends, and all their problems with women.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Derek Waters, Simon Helberg, and Bob Odenkirk created this show in 2005. There have been many different versions of it. First it was a pilot presentation, then it was made into a pilot for HBO but never aired. It went to the Sundance Film Festival,South by Southwest Film Festival,and many other film festivals its also featured on the WHOLPHIN dvd's. It's a simple show just about Derek, Simon, and their friends, and all their problems with women.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is an American sketch comedy television series, created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, which premiered February 11, 2007 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim comedy block and ran until May 2010. The program features surrealistic and often satirical humor, public-access television–style musical acts, bizarre faux-commercials, and editing and special effects chosen to make the show appear camp. The program featured a wide range of actors, spanning from stars such as Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis, to alternative comedians like Neil Hamburger, to television actors like Alan Thicke, celebrity look-alikes and impressionists. The creators of the show have described it as "the nightmare version of television."
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
William Henry 'Hank' Devereaux, Jr., l'improbable directeur du département d'anglais du Railton College, très sous-financé, dans la ceinture de rouille de Pennsylvanie, fait face à une crise de la quarantaine. Alors que la vie de Hank commence à se dégrader, sa femme, Lily, commence également à remettre en question le chemin qu'elle suit en tant que directrice adjointe du lycée local et les choix qu'elle a faits. Racontée à la première personne par Hank, la série est adaptée du roman « Straight Man », de l'auteur lauréat du prix Pulitzer Richard Russo, inspiré de ses propres expériences d'enseignement dans les universités.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Follow the exploits of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, the two halves of Tenacious D, the self-proclaimed "greatest band on earth." Their music is heavy on power chords and lyrics about sex, Satan, and why they are the greatest band on Earth.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
A sketch comedy series starring and hosted by Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. The pair introduce most episodes as heightened versions of themselves before transitioning to a mixture of live sketches and pre-taped segments.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Follow the exploits of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, the two halves of Tenacious D, the self-proclaimed "greatest band on earth." Their music is heavy on power chords and lyrics about sex, Satan, and why they are the greatest band on Earth.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
"The Birthday Boys" is a scripted original sketch comedy, executive produced by Bob Odenkirk ("Breaking Bad", "Mr. Show") and Ben Stiller ("The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", "Zoolander"). The series features the Los Angeles comedy group of the same name (UCB Theatre Los Angeles, Just for Laughs Festival) along with Odenkirk and is in the classic vein of absurd/silly/smart/funny variety shows ("Mr. Show", Monty Python), featuring sketches that twist real-life moments and cultural touchstones.
SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night
Derek Waters, Simon Helberg, and Bob Odenkirk created this show in 2005. There have been many different versions of it. First it was a pilot presentation, then it was made into a pilot for HBO but never aired. It went to the Sundance Film Festival,South by Southwest Film Festival,and many other film festivals its also featured on the WHOLPHIN dvd's. It's a simple show just about Derek, Simon, and their friends, and all their problems with women.