Björn Kjellman

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Musique rock de Vittula
Début des années 1960. Copains depuis l'âge de 7 ans, Niila et Matti vivent à Pajala, bourgade paumée du nord de la Suède. Il ne s'y passe jamais rien, sauf quelques tensions entre Suédois et Finlandais de souche, la majorité d'entre eux parlant un étrange volapük. Ici, les "vrais hommes" lèvent bien le coude, chassent l'élan et font beaucoup d'enfants qu'ils n'hésitent pas à battre pour leur apprendre le respect de Dieu. Tout change le jour où Niila échange la bible de sa grand-mère contre un 45-tours des Beatles. Avec leur nouveau professeur de musique, lui et Matti décident de monter un groupe de rock... Une tragi-comédie exquise et très rythmée, qui joue sur une multitude de registres : on y trouve à la fois le côté chronique adolescente du Péril jeune de Cédric Klapisch, le psychédélisme d'Emir Kusturica, le laconisme d'Aki Kaurismaki et les doutes d'Ingmar Bergman. L'occasion aussi de revoir la sublime Kati Outinen, qui interprète la mère de Niila.
Livet är en schlager

Livet är en schlager

Nov 10, 2000
Mona Bergström is a sweet eurovision-obsessed woman in her 30s. She is married to a lazy husband and has four children, all named after her favorite Swedish Eurovision popstars. Her brother is a crossdressing guy self-titled "Candy Darling". Mona works in a retirement home for disabled people, where she is responsible for taking care of a young man named David who suffers a movement-restricting disease forcing him into a wheelchair. David's parents have abandoned him, as they wanted a normal child. Mona holds a big place in David's heart, and vica versa. David's goal is to get his parents to come and visit him, and he wants to show them that he is a great person, despite his handicap. Therefore he works with music on his computer, and his goal is to create a song, send it to "The Cardigans", a famous Swedish band and have them play the song and credit him, hoping his parents would spot it and want to visit him.


Oct 03, 2000
On their way to find Paris, Sture the dog (Hasse Alfredsson) and his friend Picasso end up on a hotel in the middle of nowhere. Along with Miss Mops, Sture tries to sniff out who is causing all the strange events of the hotel.
La Beauté des choses

La Beauté des choses

Mar 08, 1995
1943. Alors que ses camarades sont très occupés à parler de sexualité, un trouble s'installe entre Stig, jeune lycéen et son professeur Viola. Stig est attiré par cette femme belle et mature, Viola aime chez Stig sa jeunesse et son innocence. Ils deviennent vite amants. Mais Stig rencontre fortuitement Frank, le mari de Viola, représentant de commerce, alcoolique et fantasque. Une étrange relation d’amitié va naître entre eux.


Nov 20, 1998
A comedy about a young man with a tendency to screw things up. After years of unhealthy living he is looking for calm and rest. But first he has to deal with a drug-dealing debt. He teams up with his cousin, who has spent five years writing a film script, and turns into a film producer. One of the problems is that the German financiers expect a porn film...
Les Meilleures Intentions
Dans son autobiographie "Lanterna Magica", Ingmar Bergman a laissé dans l'ombre un difficile passage, la vie de ses parents avant sa naissance. Il la dévoile dans ce film à travers la caméra de Bille August. Palme d'Or 1992 à Cannes.
Oskar, Oskar

Oskar, Oskar

Dec 18, 2009
Oskar lives alone in a large apartment somewhere in Stockholm. About 15 years ago, his beloved Karin was hit by a drunk politician and died instantly.
Se til venstre, der er en svensker
Katrine is to be married. Her fiancé is gorgeous, their appartment is luxurious and her future in-laws are wealthy. Katrine only has one problem: she sometimes finds it difficult to tell the truth, and this sends her on a round-about jaunt with an old friend, Thomsen, who has just barged in unannounced from Kenya and who wants to return a favour and help Katrine with her wedding preparations. A labyrinthal excursion takes place. Tomorrow is another day, the wedding day!
Four More Years

Four More Years

Nov 26, 2010
David Holst est l'un des politiciens les plus populaires de Suède et le nouveau Premier ministre présumé. Une défaite électorale inattendue et humiliante vient bouleverser les plans de ce politicien, tout comme une histoire d'amour non prévue.
Hip hip hora!

Hip hip hora!

Jan 30, 2004
A teenager's reputation is destroyed when she falls asleep drunk at a party and some boys take provocative photos of her.
Svart Lucia

Svart Lucia

Dec 11, 1992
High school student Mikaela is attracted by her Swedish teacher Göran and writes an erotic novel for his class.
Vägen ut

Vägen ut

Feb 19, 1999
The enthusiastic Reine is forced to take a job as a social worker at Kumla prison.
Kyss Mig : une histoire suédoise
En Suède, une famille recomposée comme une autre : Lasse, le père de Mia et Oskar, va épouser Elisabeth, la mère de Frida, et organise à cette occasion une fête où tous deux convient leurs amis et enfants. Venue de Stockholm où elle vit avec son fiancé depuis plusieurs années, Mia, qui rend rarement visite à son père, ne se lie pas facilement avec sa future belle famille. Surtout avec Frida dont elle apprécie peu l’exubérance…
Adam & Eva

Adam & Eva

Feb 14, 1997
Adam and Eva have been married for four years. But the romance has disappeared from their relationship and has been replaced by boredom and old routine. When Adam meets his brother's baby-sitter, Jackie, he is immediately attracted to her. They have an affair, but Adam tell himself that they are only friends. However, when Eva finds out that he has a mistress, she leaves him. Adam tries to convince himself that he is free again, but soon realizes that he is still in love with Eva, and must win her back...


Aug 26, 2011
Après un traumatisme familial, Malin décide de quitter Karlskrona pour démarrer une nouvelle vie dans une petite ville au nord de la Suède. Alors qu'elle vient d'entamer son périple, elle est rapidement suivie par un homme mystérieux qui conduit un 4x4. Une nuit, elle se fait kidnappée et est enfermée dans un sous-sol au fond d'une vaste forêt. Pour sortir de cet enfer, Malin ne peut compter que sur elle-même, car personne n'est au courant de sa disparition.
Annika Bengtzon : le testament de Nobel
Chargée de couvrir la soirée des prix Nobel pour le journal qui l'emploie, Annika Bengzton assiste à l'assassinat de Aaron Wiesel, le lauréat du prix de Médecine. Pour couvrir l'affaire, les autorités forcent alors la jeune femme à ne pas énoncer le drame dans son journal. Suspectant un complot, Annika décide malgré tout de mener l'enquête, au péril de sa vie.


Feb 27, 2002
35-year old Magnus Edkvist hates class reunions as much as anyone and usually skip them. Still he accepts an invitation for a reunion for class he left over twenty years ago. But he has his reasons, as there is a chance that his teen love Hillevi will show up. The girl he wanted to run away with and share the rest of his life. The girl that got away...
Bröderna Mozart

Bröderna Mozart

Feb 21, 1986
This is a comedy about people who work in the theater, live for the theater, think of nothing but the theater. The director seems crazy, the art director has idiotic ideas, and the acting coach is eccentric: they even look like brothers, related by their common obsession for the theater, linked as one with the actors. The new project is Mozart's Don Giovanni, in which the director insists to give it a brand new interpretation and an avant-garde treatment. Now, he has to deal with the violent objection from the actors, the musicians, the singing coach, the stage manager, and even the cafe bar attendants and the cleaners. The situation is further complicated as the director is such a womanizer like Don Juan... and his lovers and kids keep bugging him throughout the rehearsal...
Hip hip hurra!

Hip hip hurra!

Sep 04, 1987
The life and times of the Scandinavian artists' colony who lived in Skagen on the Danish coast during the 1890s. Not so much a biographical account, rather a portrait of a way of life. The painters became famous for the way they used the light in their work, and this has also been mirrored in the cinematography.
Quel farceur !

Quel farceur !

Nov 01, 1991
Le faux enlèvement imaginé par un blagueur devient bien réel, obligeant ce dernier à infiltrer un groupe terroriste pour secourir l'ami qu'il voulait piéger.
Annika Bengtzon, Crime Reporter: Studio 6
Une jeune femme, strip-teaseuse dans le club porno Studio Sex, est retrouvée assassinée dans un parc, victime d'un meurtre sordide. Contre toute attente, les différents éléments de l'enquête menée par Annika Bengtzon semblent converger vers un seul et unique suspect, qui n'est autre que le ministre du Commerce. Durant son investigation, la journaliste criminelle obtient la preuve que l'homme d'Etat était présent dans le club sulfureux la nuit du meurtre, ce qui entraîne immédiatement un scandale politique majeur. Au péril de sa vie, Annika va pourtant découvrir que l'auteur du crime est tout autre et se situe plutôt du côté des proches de la victime...
Annika Bengtzon, Crime Reporter: Une place au soleil
Après l’assassinat d’un célèbre joueur de hockey suédois et de sa famille à Malaga, Annika Bengtzon se rend malgré elle en Espagne et au Maroc pour enquêter sur les circonstances du meurtre. Au cours de son voyage, la journaliste découvre que la fille du couple, seule survivante du drame, a disparu sans laisser de traces. Elle décèle également l'existence d'un vaste trafic de drogue reliant le Maroc à la Suède. A mesure qu'elle s'approche de la vérité, l'investigatrice criminelle se retrouve, à des milliers de kilomètres de chez elle, plongée au coeur d'un dangereux contencieux impliquant plusieurs générations...
Annika Bengtzon, Crime Reporter: Garantie à vie
David Lindholm, un officier de police célèbre et respecté dans tout le pays, est retrouvé mort dans son lit. L'affaire fait les gros titres des médias nationaux. Sa jeune épouse, Julia, est en état de choc. Quant à l'unique fils du couple, âgé de quatre ans, il est porté disparu. Aussitôt, les soupçons de la police se portent sur Julia, qui nie toute implication. Principale suspecte dans cette affaire, elle risque l'emprisonnement à vie. Lors de son enquête, Annika Bengtzon découvre que le policier, en apparence sans histoire et bien sous tous rapports, cachait en fait de lourds secrets. La journaliste décide alors de creuser plus avant dans son passé, qui se révèle sombre et violent...
Annika Bengtzon, Crime Reporter: Le Loup Rouge
Un journaliste s'est fait renverser par une voiture dans le nord du pays. L'homme était obsédé par l'attaque d'une base aérienne remontant à 1972. Contre les ordres de son patron, Annika décide de mener son enquête. La jeune femme soupçonne l'existence d'un lien entre cette mort soudaine et l'attaque terroriste qui a eu lieu 30 ans auparavant. Bientôt, une série de meurtres choquants, tous liés entre eux et perpétrés dans la région, vient renforcer l'hypothèse d'un complot. La journaliste se retrouve alors au beau milieu d'une spirale infernale...
Så vit som en snö

Så vit som en snö

Feb 15, 2001
Inspired by real-life Elsa Andersson, this mostly fictional movie tells the story of her upbringing as a farmer's daughter, in the early 1900s, who dreams of getting away from the farm and becoming an aviatrix.
Hundarna i Riga

Hundarna i Riga

Nov 09, 1995
A lifeboat floats ashore at the coast of Skåne. Inside are two dead men who who've been murdered. Policeman Kurt Wallander is assigned to the case. The men are identified with the help of the police in Latvia. One of their officers travel to Sweden to to help but when he returns to his home country he is mysteriously murdered. Kurt flies to Riga to find out why and is drawn into complex conspiracy.
Tordenskjold & Kold

Tordenskjold & Kold

Jan 28, 2016
Set in the year 1720, the story is about what happens to 29-year-old Tordenskiold when the Great Northern War ends and he doesn't know what to do with the rest of his life. His trusted valet persuades him to go on a European ‘road trip’ to search for a bride.
Obce niebo

Obce niebo

Oct 16, 2015
Basia and Marek have been on the run their whole lives. Along with their nine-year-old daughter Ula, they experience what it’s like to be an immigrant in Sweden. When a Swedish social worker visits their home, she witnesses Ula’s everyday reality, as seen from the perspective of the local culture. Ula is then taken away from her parents and placed in foster care. Will Basia and Marek stick together and fight for Ula? Will they succeed in rebuilding their bond and their family?


Mar 18, 1990
An unspecified European country ca 1912 in the throws of political upheaval. A man only dressed in black (Jacob, played by Philip Zandén) is hired to assassinate the Interior Minister Joel Birkman (Etienne Glaser) after a particular brutal strike down of a student protest. He takes up work as the minister's bodyguard at his summer residence, and get's entangled in the affairs and politics of the Birkman family.
Bara du & jag

Bara du & jag

Feb 18, 1994
Flore is a passionate politician. She is in love but under constant stress, dealing with issues on being black in a more and more aggressive society – Sweden in the early nineties. Soon it will be too much for her.
Merveilleuse et aimée de tous
Isabella a 30 ans et est célibataire. Ses amis ont de belles carrières, se marient, etc ... Elle est actrice freelance et dans son CV, entre autres talents, elle prétend être acrobate. Un petit mensonge mène au suivant, plus gros.
Jag älskar dig - en skilsmässokomedi
Marianne, 44, has been living with the lawyer Gustaf in a conventional sexless marriage for way too long. She wants a separation, but Gustav settles for a trial separation. As Marianne indulges in being newly single, Gustaf is perplexed by the sudden turn of events and in his confusion makes a completely irrational career change: he quits his job to start writing poetry. Meanwhile, Marianne meets the artist Rodolfo, the complete opposite of Gustaf; intriguing, emotional, impulsive. And horny.
Asphalt Burning

Asphalt Burning

Oct 14, 2020
Lorsque son mariage s'arrête net, Roy accepte de relever le défi d'un nouvel ennemi : courir sur le circuit de Nürburgring en Allemagne pour sa promise en fuite.


Nov 26, 2008
Doctor Henck will die on this cold and dark Christmas Eve 1897. The poor Dr Henck visits his best friend, the wealthy stockbroker John Richardt, to borrow some money for a Christmas present to his wife and newborn baby. The gentle Richardt lends his friend not only the money, but also his exclusive fur coat so that Dr Henck can walk back home in dignity. With a spark of life, and curious to see his wife's reaction, Dr Heck happily returns home wearing his friend's fur coat.
Sommarens Tolv Månader
Roger and Lars are family men who live a life as a traveling construction workers on large sites worldwide. They are offered a very generous contract they can't turn down. One-years work for a ten year salary. All they have to do is sign and honor the contract. But they don't know where they are going or what they are supposed to build. Blindfolded they are brought to a place with summer the year round. At this strange place they meet fellow workers. Together, they realize that there is something very wrong in this paradise.


Mar 04, 2022
Un changement soudain oblige Karin à réévaluer sa vie. Avec l'aide de ses amis, elle décide de vivre de sa passion pour la nourriture en devenant restauratrice.


May 08, 2000
TV series about the doctor Johan Steen who returns to Sweden after working in Somalia. He takes over his father in law's practice in the archipelago and together with his daughter Wilma, they try to make a new life for themselves.


Dec 21, 2019
Robins is a Swedish late-night talk show which premiered on SVT2 on August 23, 2006. The host is the young stand-up comedian Robin Paulsson from Malmö. The show's format is similar to that of other late-night shows, Robin makes jokes about recent news, shows sketches, and talks to a guest in the studio. One of the most popular sketches in the show features Robin appearing as Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimović.


Oct 10, 2022
Dans un cabinet d'avocats appelé Heder, quatre associés gagnent en notoriété en aidant les victimes de crimes sexuels et en dénonçant le patriarcat.


Oct 25, 2024
Doobidoo is a Swedish musical game show first aired in 2005 on the public service network SVT. There is also a Polish, TVP2, version called Dubidu - show host Piotr Gasowski - and an Australian version that goes by You may be right, hosted by Todd McKenney The Swedish version of the show is hosted by entertainment personality Lasse Kronér.
Vem tror du att du är?
A Swedish version of the British genealogy documentary series Who Do You Think You Are?, where famous people are searching for truths and hidden stories about their family history.
Stjärnorna på Slottet
Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.
Så ska det låta

Så ska det låta

Mar 01, 2020
Så ska det låta is a Swedish game show, based on the Irish The Lyrics Board. The show was introduced in 1997 and led by Peter Harryson until Peter Settman took over in 2006. Så ska det låta can be watched online at svt play for approximately one month after airing.


Feb 22, 2025
The annual music competition organised by Swedish public broadcasters Sveriges Television and Sveriges Radio to determine the country's representative for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Annika Bengtzon : Crime Reporter
Journaliste au sein d’un grand quotidien suédois, Annika Bengtzon, chargée des affaires criminelles, est constamment la première appelée sur le lieu d’un crime. Afin de faire éclater la vérité, elle décide régulièrement de mener sa propre enquête. Mariée et mère de deux jeunes enfants, Annika tente de concilier sa vie familiale et professionnelle, où ses succès lui valent une jalousie croissante de la part de ses collègues masculins.
Delhis vackraste händer
Göran Borg are suddenly fired. His children have no interest to use time with him, and the ex-wife has a new rich man. Göran don't believe life can get worse, but he is wrong. He decides to join his egocentric friend on a trip to India.
Över Atlanten

Över Atlanten

Feb 18, 2025
Six famous Swedes embark on the greatest adventure of their lives - a voyage across the Atlantic. 500 miles on the high seas. Surrendered to the forces of the weather - and each other.
Handen på hjärtat

Handen på hjärtat

Dec 07, 2022
Emma is a very successful couple’s therapist. Her razor sharp observations and on point relationship-advice are the talk of the town and the envy of her peers. What nobody knows, except for Emma and her best friend, is that her talent to brilliantly assess every relationship is all coming from a secret power she has. By merely putting her hand on somebody’s chest, she gets a vision of that person’s future love life.
30 degrés en février
Quatre histoires singulières de Suédois qui décident de quitter la neige et le froid de la Scandinavie pour les plages paradisiaques de l’île de Phuket, en Thaïlande… Une pépite nordique pleine d'humour et de finesse, diffusée en France sur
Frihetens skugga

Frihetens skugga

Jan 30, 1995
A young man on the run after a stay in prison is chased through the Northern parts of Scandinavia for a murder he has not committed.


Jan 13, 2025
The Guldbagge Awards is an official and annual Swedish film awards ceremony honoring achievements in the Swedish film industry. Winners are awarded a statuette depicting a rose chafer, better known by the name Guldbaggen. The awards, first presented in 1964 at the Grand Hôtel in Stockholm, are overseen by the Swedish Film Institute. It is described as the Swedish equivalent of the Academy Awards. The awards ceremony was first televised in 1981.
Love & Anarchy

Love & Anarchy

Jun 16, 2022
Une mère de famille et consultante en gestion de carrière rencontre un informaticien. Le couple flirte. Ils se défient d'accomplir des actes qui vont petit à petit remettre en question leur vision de l'amour et du couple. Plus les faits deviennent audacieux plus les conséquences décuplent avec dangerosité.
Mördare utan ansikte

Mördare utan ansikte

Sep 06, 1995
It is winter on the plains of Skåne coast. Farmer woken gets up and goes over to the neighboring farm. The sight that meets him is terrible. His neighbor John Lövgren lying on the floor with broken face. His wife Mary is sitting on a chair with a noose around his neck and her nightgown nersölat of blood. Before she dies in the hospital, she has time to say a word as soon leak out into the media, "Foreign" Inspector Kurt Wallander in Ystad police leading the investigation will soon receive anonymous threats by telephone. When the city's refugee camp on fire and a Somali refugee murdered, he understands that those who threatened him serious. And realize that it is now a race against time. And, against a ruthless opponent. A killer with no face ...
Pelle Svanslös

Pelle Svanslös

Dec 24, 1997
Pelle Svanslös is a new cat at Åsgränd in Uppsala. Through the series, he gets to meet and get to know the cats that live there and falls in love with Maja Gräddnos.