Bria Roberts

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The Killing Floor

The Killing Floor

May 10, 2007
A literary agent moves into a penthouse apartment. Soon after the move, he receives crime scene photographs that seem to have taken place in his new apartment. Next he receives a series of stalker videotapes that document his every move.
One Day Like Rain

One Day Like Rain

Jun 15, 2007
A teenage girl living in California suburbia devises a metaphysical experiment designed to save the world from what she sees as an impending doom...but the results of such an experiment prove to be both beneficial and destructive.
Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus
Dans les profondeurs de la jungle, l'aventurier Nigel Putnam est chargé de traquer un crocodile géant qui menace le monde. Pendant ce temps, l'USS Gibson capture un requin d'environ un kilomètre de long. Mais le monstre s'échappe et détruit tout sur son passage. Pour s'en débarrasser, Nigel ne voit qu'une solution : faire s'affronter les deux créatures afin qu'elles s'entretuent...
The Custodian

The Custodian

Oct 14, 2023
On Halloween night, two young women leave a party to venture into the woods in search of their friend, who has mysteriously disappeared. They stumble on a vast ruined building that shouldn't be there - when they go inside, they soon realize that they shouldn't be there either.
Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3

May 01, 2007
Peter Parker a retrouvé un équilibre de vie et il veut se marier avec Mary Jane. Pendant une nuit au parc, alors que Peter et Mary Jane sont ensemble, une petite météorite tombe tout près du lieu où ils se trouvent, et une particule s'en échappe, libérant, en éclatant, une matière visqueuse, la Venom, qui s'attache à la mobylette de Peter. Pendant ce temps, Flint Marko s'échappe de la prison où il était détenu pour cambriolage afin d'aller revoir sa fillette qui lui manque terriblement, mais dont il n'a pas le droit de s'approcher à cause de l'injonction d'éloignement obtenue contre lui par son ex-femme ; pendant sa fuite, il tombe dans un accélérateur de particules, qui fond son corps avec le sable et il devient l’Homme-Sable. Le meilleur ami de Peter, Harry Osborn, veut venger la mort de son père, et, croyant que Spider-Man est la cause de cette mort, l'attaque.
She Wants Me

She Wants Me

Apr 05, 2012
A neurotic writer working on his new film gets into a tricky situation when an A-list actress shows interest in the role intended for his girlfriend.
Piranha 3D

Piranha 3D

Aug 20, 2010
Alors que la ville de Lake Victoria s'apprête à recevoir des milliers d'étudiants pour le week-end de Pâques, un tremblement de terre secoue la ville et ouvre, sous le lac, une faille d'où des milliers de piranhas s'échappent. Inconscients du danger qui les guette, tous les étudiants font la fête sur le lac tandis que Julie, la shérif, découvre un premier corps dévoré... La journée va être d'autant plus longue pour elle que Jake, son fils, a délaissé la garde de ses jeunes frères et soeurs pour servir de guide à bord du bâteau des sexy Wild Wild Girls !
America's Court with Judge Ross
America's Court with Judge Ross is a nationally-syndicated, nontraditional/dramatized court show that debuted in several major U.S. media markets on September 20, 2010. The Emmy-nominated program stars a former judge, Kevin A. Ross, presiding over small claims court cases. Bruce Thomas is acting bailiff for the series. The show is filmed in Culver City, California.


Mar 09, 2022
Today is a daily American morning television show that airs on NBC. The program debuted on January 14, 1952. It was the first of its genre on American television and in the world, and is the fifth-longest running American television series. Originally a two-hour program on weekdays, it expanded to Sundays in 1987 and Saturdays in 1992. The weekday broadcast expanded to three hours in 2000, and to four hours in 2007. Today's dominance was virtually unchallenged by the other networks until the late 1980s, when it was overtaken by ABC's Good Morning America. Today retook the Nielsen ratings lead the week of December 11, 1995, and held onto that position for 852 consecutive weeks until the week of April 9, 2012, when it was beaten by Good Morning America yet again. In 2002, Today was ranked #17 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest Television Shows of All Time.
Guinness World Records Gone Wild
Guinness World Records Gone Wild, also known as Guinness World Records Unleashed, is an American reality television series on truTV. The series debuted on February 7, 2013 and is hosted by Dan Cortese. The series' first season averaged more than 1.3 million viewers and ranked as one of ad-supported cable's Top 3 programs in the Thursday 8 p.m. timeslot with key adult and male demos. It was also cable's No.1 unscripted entertainment program in the timeslot with men 18-49 and adults 18-34. It was announced in April 2013 that truTV has ordered an additional ten episodes. Season 2 will premiere on Nobvember 7, 2013, and features a series title change to Guinness World Records Unleashed.
Killer Siblings

Killer Siblings

Feb 18, 2022
Explorer la psychologie et le passé de frères et sœurs de sang-froid qui ont commis des meurtres vicieux.
Officially Amazing

Officially Amazing

Mar 27, 2017
OFFICIALLY AMAZING is a CBBC show that brings together the funniest, most ridiculous, scariest and AMAZING record attempts from around the world. The series was produced by Lion Television and all3 Media with Guinness World Records Limited and ran for seven series of varying lengths.