Ira S. Rosenstein

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S.O.S. Fantômes II

S.O.S. Fantômes II

Jun 16, 1989
Cinq ans après avoir exterminé les fantômes de New York, les Ghostbusters vont avoir l'occasion de reprendre du service quand leur amie Dana découvre que son bébé est investi par une force extra-normale…
Les Guerriers des étoiles
Dans le futur… Longtemps après les grandes guerres interplanétaires, l’eau potable est devenue une substance rarissime. Sa circulation repose entièrement entre les mains des sinistres templiers de l’espace de la planète Mithra. Néanmoins, Jason et une poignée de pirates rebelles a réussie à survivre en volant la glace transportée dans les vaisseaux des tyrans.
Science Fiction
Qui a tué le président ?
Dix-neuf ans après l'assassinat du président Timothy Keegan, son frère Nick découvre un homme moribond qui prétend avoir été le tireur. Tout en essayant d'éviter les tentatives de son père riche et dominateur de contrôler ses actions, Nick suit les indices qui lui ont été remis. Au fur et à mesure qu'il progresse, il devient de plus en plus difficile de discerner les vraies pistes depuis les culs-de-sac, et de devenir dangereux à mesure que des groupes inconnus essaient d'empêcher Nick de découvrir la vérité.
Plein pot

Plein pot

Jul 06, 1988
Pour impressionner sa petite amie Mercedes, Les Anderson, qui n'a pas le permis de conduire, emprunte la Cadillac de son père. Les malheurs vont s'enchaîner...
King Kong

King Kong

Sep 08, 1976
Fred Wilson dirige une expédition destinée à trouver de nouveaux gisements de pétrole sur une île inconnue. Jack Prescott, jeune savant qui veut percer les mystères de l'île du Crane et Dwan, une cover-girl recueillie en mer, se joignent à la petite troupe.
The Last Run

The Last Run

Jan 01, 2004
When a young accountant is devastated after discovering his inspiringly beautiful girlfriend is cheating on him, his best friend, who's engaged to a girl he doesn't love, convinces him to go on a "run" and sleep with as many women as he can to get over his heart break.


Apr 03, 1992
When a young accountant is devastated after discovering his inspiringly beautiful girlfriend is cheating on him, his best friend, who's engaged to a girl he doesn't love, convinces him to go on a "run" and sleep with as many women as he can to get over his heart break.


Apr 03, 1992
When a young accountant is devastated after discovering his inspiringly beautiful girlfriend is cheating on him, his best friend, who's engaged to a girl he doesn't love, convinces him to go on a "run" and sleep with as many women as he can to get over his heart break.
A Few Days at Weasel Creek
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.
Un flic à la maternelle
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.
Space Jam

Space Jam

Nov 15, 1996
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.
Fletch aux trousses

Fletch aux trousses

May 31, 1985
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.
La Nurse

La Nurse

Apr 27, 1990
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.


Dec 09, 1988
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.
Un flic à la maternelle
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.


Nov 22, 1994
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.
Femme de choc

Femme de choc

Feb 14, 1986
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.
S.O.S. Fantômes II

S.O.S. Fantômes II

Jun 16, 1989
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.
À propos d'hier soir

À propos d'hier soir

Jul 02, 1986
Serio-comic road movie about a feisty girl who sets out for California and hitches a ride for herself and her house trailer with a runaway farm boy and accompanies him on a side trip to visit his aunt in the Southern hamlet of Weasel Creek.
Clair de Lune

Clair de Lune

May 14, 1989
Maddie Hayes, une riche et belle mannequin, se réveille un matin ruinée. Son comptable est parti avec la caisse. Il ne lui reste plus que quelques placements et une agence de détective privé en faillite. Elle décide de la fermer et rencontre le directeur de l'agence un certain David Addison. Ce dernier, fêtard invétéré qui passe le plus clair de son temps à chanter dans les bars ou perché sur son bureau va tout faire pour convaincre Maddie de ne pas fermer l'agence. Elle finit par accepter à la condition de devenir sa partenaire. C'est le début d'une relation mouvementée…