Mike Ditka

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Brian's Song

Brian's Song

Nov 30, 1971
Sur la base de la relation réelle entre coéquipiers Brian Piccolo et Gale Sayers et le lien établi quand Piccolo découvre qu'il est en train de mourir.
Match en famille

Match en famille

May 13, 2005
Bien qu'il ne connaisse rien au soccer, le jovial vendeur de vitamines Phil Weston devient l'entraîneur de l'équipe de son fils de dix ans, pour tenir tête à son propre père, le très compétitif Buck, qui dirige une formation adverse.


Nov 04, 2007
HECKLER is a comedic feature documentary exploring the increasingly critical world we live in. After starring in a film that was critically bashed, Jamie Kennedy takes on hecklers and critics and ask some interesting questions of people such as George Lucas, Bill Maher, Mike Ditka, Rob Zombie, Howie Mandel and many more. This fast moving, hilarious documentary pulls no punches as you see an uncensored look at just how nasty and mean the fight is between those in the spotlight and those in the dark.
Maximum Surge

Maximum Surge

Jun 23, 2003
When a super computer is linked to a video game network, the computer programmer who designed the game must enter the virtual reality world of his fantasies and defeat the computer before it causes worldwide chaos!
Science Fiction
Blood Equity

Blood Equity

Nov 20, 2009
Explores the dark side of America's biggest blood sport - and the players who give their lives to it. Three time Super Bowl Champion Roman Phifer produced this film that focuses on the issues facing former NFL Players following their retirement, including their ironic struggle against the NFL Player's Union and the Owners they made rich. The film features interviews with guys who were once the face of this league, Hall of Famers and some lessor known players, who share heartfelt and personal testimonies of living their dreams as NFL players - as well as the dark side of that life and some of the unforeseen nightmares.
Crunch Course

Crunch Course

Sep 09, 1986
Forty-two, hard-hitting minutes of the NFL's outstanding defenders, past and present, who have elevated the art of punishing ball carriers into a science
The United States of Football
A father, who has trained his son all his life to play football, pauses when his son turns twelve and is about to play tackle football. Journalist Sean Pamphilon went out on a mission to decide when it was appropriate to let his son play the game he's loved all his life.
A Night to Die For

A Night to Die For

May 18, 1995
TV special worth watching if only for the incongruous interviews with Wayne Newton, Wayne Gretzky, Kareem Abdul Jabar, Rudolph Giuliani, Mike Ditka, and Ice-T. Aired on CBS ahead of a screening of Die Hard 2, the day before the third film was released.
TV Movie
The Hill Chris Climbed: The Gridiron Heroes Story
The compelling, heart-wrenching story of high school football star Chris Carnales, whose life changed when he became paralyzed after breaking his neck in a football game. Chris soon learned of others who suffered similar injuries and, with the help of his father, overcame tremendous pain to start an organization with one goal in mind: get immediate help to other victims and their families. He called it Gridiron Heroes.
The Grabowski Shuffle

The Grabowski Shuffle

Jan 01, 1987
He raps and zaps, has smokin' feet and fun!" and introducing... The Grabowskis Ditka has another winning team on his hands... and this one works and plays at life, not football! It's a fun look at some real people who have dreams and aren't afraid to work hard toward those dreams. This video is a treat that's honest, inspirational and fun... it's family entertainment at its best!.
The Fog Bowl

The Fog Bowl

Dec 21, 2016
Exploring the Fog Bowl, the 1988 NFC Divisional Round Game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Chicago Bears, , including the rivalry between Bears head coach Mike Ditka, and Eagles head coach and former Bears defensive coordinator Buddy Ryan.
Pure Payton

Pure Payton

Jan 01, 1970
For 13 seasons Walter Payton inspired wonder in all those who had the privilege to watch him play. Now you can relive the story of the NFL's All-Time leading rusher. From humble beginnings to Mississippi, through record-setting performances at Jackson State, to stardom with Chicago Bears, Pure Payton takes a unique and inside look at the astounding journey and career of Walter Payton. Along with rare interviews and college footage, Pure Payton also includes the most comprehensive collection of Payton's pro football highlights. Payton retired from Pro Football in 1987, yet even today the NFL's rushing record book still reads like his own personal diary. Pure Payton takes a look back at this rare story of longevity, inspiration, and achievement.
Chasing October

Chasing October

Mar 23, 2007
"Chasing October" is a docu-comedy that chronicles one fan's crusade to take the Chicago Cubs to the World Series "by any means necessary." Director Matt Liston quits his job, gets all access to his favorite team, and rallies a city. Perhaps no other fan in the history of sports has gone to such an extreme. See Liston as he helps facilitate a trade, attempts to get a $20 million loan to help team payroll, and takes being a fan to a whole new level. This film is a hilarious must-see for all sports fans and for anyone who has ever chased a dream.
UP, Michigan!

UP, Michigan!

Jan 01, 2001
Rivalries are renewed and love is rekindled when a group of old friends return to the U.P. for their high school reunion.


May 20, 1993
À Boston, le “Cheers” est un bar tenu par Sam Malone, un ancien joueur de base-ball et alcoolique repenti. Au quotidien, le comptoir voit défiler nombre de piliers, à l’instar de Norm, Cliff ou Frasier. Entre deux chopes de bière, clients et employés méditent sur leurs vies sentimentales et professionnelles, se lancent des défis, comme des bouées de sauvetage. Au Cheers, l’une des serveuses se prénomme Diane. Abandonnée par son fiancé, la jeune femme un peu snob prend un virage à 90° en rejoignant Sam derrière le bar. Elle doit surtout composer avec Carla, l’une des historiques des lieux.
La Loi de Los Angeles

La Loi de Los Angeles

May 19, 1994
Les vies amoureuse et professionnelle des avocats du célèbre cabinet McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney et Kuzak de Los Angeles. Bien que leur réputation leur assure une clientèle fortunée, ils n'hésitent pas à défendre aussi des clients plus modestes.
According to Jim

According to Jim

Jun 02, 2009
Jim a tout pour être heureux : une femme superbe, trois enfants adorables et une belle maison. Mais il est aussi un partisan du moindre effort, ce qui le met dans des situations des plus délicates.
Saturday Night Live

Saturday Night Live

Mar 08, 2025
Saturday Night Live est une émission de divertissement retransmise en direct depuis le Studio 8H du GE Building au Rockefeller Center de New York. Diffusé le samedi soir sur la chaîne NBC, le programme se compose de sketches, de parodies et de performances musicales. Il s'agit de l'un des programmes phares de la télévision américaine, qui a permis l'émergence de nombreuses stars de la comédie lors des trente dernières années.
America's Game: The Super Bowl Champions
America's Game: The Super Bowl Champions is an annual documentary series created by NFL Films (broadcast on the NFL Network and CBS). Each of its 55 (and counting) installments profile the National Football League's annual Super Bowl champion through highlights, interviews with players and coaches, and a celebrity narrator. A spin-off debuted on September 18, 2008, titled America's Game: The Missing Rings which chronicled five of the best teams to never win the Super Bowl.


Sep 11, 2011
Jeune et séduisant acteur, Vincent Chase rencontre très vite le succès et devient une star adulée à Hollywood. Soucieux de ne pas oublier ses origines, Vince s'entoure de ses amis d'enfance originaires comme lui du Queens, l'un des quartiers pauvres de New York. Avec eux, il partage cette nouvelle aventure dans ce monde de strass et de paillettes.Note : Produite par l'acteur Mark Wahlberg, la série s'inspire librement de l'expérience de ce dernier qui, comme le héros, a été propulsé très tôt sous les feux de l'actualité.
Troisième planète après le Soleil
Cette série raconte la vie quotidienne d'une famille de quatre extraterrestres venus sur la Terre, à Rutherford dans l'Ohio, pour observer les humains. Pour cela ils prennent forme humaine et se font appeler Dick, Sally, Harry et Tommy Solomon. Ces extraterrestres sont d'une intelligence supérieure à la nôtre, mais ils découvrent un peu plus chaque jour les sentiments et les coutumes des humains.


May 14, 1997
Hayden Fox, the curmudgeonly coach of Minnesota State University's Screaming Eagles football team, tries to navigate his way through the sports world, fatherhood and family life without dropping the ball.