Clint James

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May 23, 2006
Une famille voyage sur les routes du Nevada. Lorsque l'inquiétant shérif de la petite ville de Desperation les arrête, Peter et sa femme Mary ne savent pas que leur vie vient d'être bouleversée à tout jamais...
Pure O

Pure O

Apr 05, 2024
Inspired by the filmmaker's own story, an aspiring screenwriter and musician's life quickly unravels when he is diagnosed with a crippling form of OCD. While struggling through his darkest hour, he must help himself and those around him tackle a litany of universal issues: grief, coming-of-age, addiction, redemption and the power of social connection.
The Blind

The Blind

Sep 28, 2023
Bien avant de devenir une star de la téléréalité, Phil Robertson tombait amoureux de Miss Kay et fondait une famille. Mais ses frasques ont failli tout faire voler en éclat. Prenant place dans la Louisiane des années 60, ce film illustre des moments inédits de la vie de Phil alors qu’il cherche à rattraper les erreurs de son passé. Mais la rédemption n’est pas toujours là où l’on pense la trouver.
Samurai Priest Vampire Hunter
The comic book has come to life. Tim Thomerson is “Samurai Priest Vampire Hunter” and he is on an epic chase to track down a clique of vampires. Clean blood is in short supply due to drugs, liquor, prescription pills, and common diseases causing mutations, starvation, and infighting. The vampires seek out Macks “The Blood Pusher” (Ken Foree) to understand who this mysterious priest is and why this hunt is personal!
Jackrabbit Sky

Jackrabbit Sky

Apr 01, 2009
Max Boden, an ingenuitive desert naturalist, is trying to stop the construction of a copper mine on the outskirts of 1939 Tucson, Arizona. Through a series of arduously comical trials, Max learns to use a small motion picture camera to capture images of the unique local flora and fauna that would be destroyed by the mine.
The Encounter

The Encounter

Jun 02, 2015
When Collin Bastrow is found in the forest, alone and afraid, he has a shocking story to tell. As he struggles to recount the events of the previous night his memories return in a series of horrific flashes of what became of his friends and fiancée. What started as a simple camping trip in the mountains of Northern Arizona quickly descended into an amazing and terrifying story that is truly out of this world. As the sole survivor of this deadly close encounter Collin must try and explain the unexplainable
The Decoy

The Decoy

Jun 25, 2006
A deputy must escort a longtime friend to be hanged for the crime of murdering his wife's parents. Along the way he discovers the startling truth about the murders, and is forced to face the real danger.
The Covenant

The Covenant

Feb 07, 2017
After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long before Sarah begins to experience supernatural phenomena of a violent and hostile nature.
Les Sept Mercenaires

Les Sept Mercenaires

Sep 14, 2016
L’industriel Bartholomew Bogue règne en maître sur la petite ville de Rose Creek. Pour mettre fin au despotisme de l’homme d’affaires, les habitants, désespérés, engagent sept hors-la-loi, chasseurs de primes, joueurs et tueurs à gages – Sam Chisolm, Josh Farraday, Goodnight Robicheaux, Jack Horne, Billy Rocks, Vasquez, et Red Harvest. Alors qu’ils se préparent pour ce qui s’annonce comme une confrontation sans pitié, ces sept mercenaires prennent conscience qu’ils se battent pour bien autre chose que l’argent…
Dead West

Dead West

Oct 09, 2010
Dead West - or The Rise of the Horror Genre and the Fall of the Western. The story of a western movie actor (Johnny Dust) still trying to make it big in a western film studio and theme park, when a 'new management team' takes over the park and turns the film studio into a fright-fest for the month of Halloween. Haunted by the image of his dead western movie hero, who appears to him on the little screen, Johnny unravels the real intent of management and its opening night 'spectacular', which takes place in the depths of the park's cave.
Breakdown Lane

Breakdown Lane

Jan 05, 2017
Une femme se retrouve en panne dans le désert. Elle ignore qu'une apocalypse zombie est en train de se dérouler mais elle ne va pas tarder à l'apprendre.
Redemption: A Mile from Hell
Can one act justify a lifetime of wickedness? Explore the darkest confines of the soul from Robert Conway's film, "Redemption." A genre busting Western where there is no law, no good guys; only the bad and worse. Frank Harden is no stranger to the unlawful west, he is a killer. However, because of a tragic event he must battle his own worst enemy, himself.


Jun 25, 2015
A teenage boy discovers the perpetrators of several brutal kidnappings in his home town.
Mine 9

Mine 9

Apr 12, 2019
Two miles into the earth, nine Appalachian miners struggle to survive after a methane explosion leaves them with one hour of oxygen.
Eminence Hill

Eminence Hill

Nov 01, 2019
A trail of revenge leads a notorious killer and a lawman to a town of fanatics.


Jan 01, 1970
Written by Joe McClean, the story centers on a man named Andrew (Underwood) who falls into paranoia after his wife (Mason) goes missing, and finds the only way out of a years-long spiral in his new girlfriend Emilia (Silverman).


Jan 01, 1970
SHANE CABLE starts his dream-business and embarks on an adventure for a new life. To save the foreclosure on his ill mother's house, he does everything in his power to transform his struggling company into a profitable enterprise. His journey toward financial success is derailed by the loss of his house, an unstable business plan, and the innocence of youth. It's not until he comes to realize that self-identity is more important than external wealth, that our hero is able to reconcile with his inner demons and follow his dream. Set in the midst of Arizona's punk rock "unity" movement, teenie-bopper, SHANE CABLE forms his own Record Label, he is forced to deal with the enslavement and challenge that accompanies the cut-throat record industry.


Oct 15, 1996
After she's caught sleeping with the ranch hand, Cheyenne (Bobbie Phillips) shoots her good-for-nothing husband and takes off with his money. Her hubbie doesn't want to part with her, however, and now the feisty Cheyenne has not one, but two bounty hunters on her tail. Jeremiah (Gary Hudson) may think that he's the best bounty hunter on the frontier, but Haddox (M.C. Hammer) and his evil dwarf Razor (Bobby Bell) have their minds set on bringing Cheyenne in, even if they have to take out Jeremiah just to get to her.


Feb 08, 2005
After she's caught sleeping with the ranch hand, Cheyenne (Bobbie Phillips) shoots her good-for-nothing husband and takes off with his money. Her hubbie doesn't want to part with her, however, and now the feisty Cheyenne has not one, but two bounty hunters on her tail. Jeremiah (Gary Hudson) may think that he's the best bounty hunter on the frontier, but Haddox (M.C. Hammer) and his evil dwarf Razor (Bobby Bell) have their minds set on bringing Cheyenne in, even if they have to take out Jeremiah just to get to her.
FBI: Most Wanted

FBI: Most Wanted

Feb 18, 2025
Le quotidien d'une section du FBI où les agents sont chargés de traquer les criminels les plus recherchés d'après une liste de noms. L’agent expérimenté Jess LaCroix supervise une équipe hautement qualifiée qui intervient en continu sur le terrain. Cette unité mobile d’infiltration poursuit ceux qui tentent d'échapper à la justice.


Jan 25, 2017
Au XVIIème siècle dans le Massachusetts, le célèbre procès des sorcières de Salem livre de sombres vérités et éclaire sur ce que sont réellement les sorcières. À Salem, les sorcière sont réelles, mais elles ne sont pas ce qu'elles semblent être...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Nov 01, 2018
Une jeune informaticienne d'origine cubaine met au point une technologie digitale innovante. Révolutionnaire et controversé, le concept ne convainc pas les investisseurs. Pour lancer son affaire, elle va s'allier à un banquier ambitieux et se retrouver malgré elle, coincée entre un agent du FBI peu scrupuleux et un gang.
Fear the Walking Dead

Fear the Walking Dead

Nov 19, 2023
Madison Clark est conseillère d’orientation dans un lycée de Los Angeles, aux États-Unis. Depuis la mort de son mari, elle élève seule ses deux enfants : Alicia, excellente élève, qui découvre les premiers émois amoureux, et son grand frère, Nick, qui a quitté la fac et cumule les problèmes. Ils n’acceptent pas vraiment le nouveau compagnon de leur mère, Travis Manawa, professeur dans le même lycée et père divorcé d’un jeune adolescent, Chris. Autour de cette famille recomposée, qui a du mal à recoller les morceaux, d’étranges comportements font leur apparition et une épidémie débute. Prequel de The Walking Dead.
Action & Adventure
The Oath

The Oath

Feb 21, 2019
Pour survivre face à leurs ennemis et aux menaces qui sévissent dans leurs propres rangs, des policiers, ayant basculé dans le monde de la corruption, sont contraints de penser à leurs propres intérêts... et de moins en moins à leur mission première, qui était de protéger et servir les citoyens