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Jun 03, 2004
Yeo Kyung-Jin est une jeune femme officier de police. Après s'être lancée à la poursuite d'un voleur de sac à main, elle arrête par erreur le pauvre Koh. Au commissariat, Koh crie son innocence, mais Yeo ne l'entend pas de cette oreille et est prête à tout pour l'inculper. Quelques heures plus tard, le vrai voleur se rend à la police, disculpant ainsi Koh aux yeux de la loi...mais pas à ceux de Yeo qui, par fierté et arrogance, n'admet pas son erreur et refuse de présenter ses excuses.
Miss Gold Digger

Miss Gold Digger

Dec 18, 2007
Shin Mi-Su est une jeune femme indépendante à compagnons multiples. Sûre de ses charmes, elle en use et en abuse pour profiter de ses pigeons, tout en ne leur laissant aucune marge de manœuvre concrète. Entre un riche homme d'affaires au grand cœur (Jun Seo), un étudiant en droit en passe d'intégrer la guilde des avocats (Yun Cheol) et un jeune rappeur talentueux (Hyeong Jun), rien ne semble pouvoir enrayer cet engrenage. Rien, à part l'apparition d'un voisin bien encombrant (Dong Min).


Nov 09, 1974
Chim-Ae, an orphan, is saved by an old monk of Seo San Temple, Mu Bul Dang while he is wandering in war fires. Then he enters the priesthood and trains himself a mountaineering asceticism. When he becomes an eminent young priest, the last trial to receive the mantle of the preceding abbot applies on him. The old monk sends the fairest of the fair, Myo-Hyang of cottage Ni Am to Chim-Ae to form a connection with her. But Chim-Ae quickly removes his earthly desires towards woman and goes through this hardship by fasting meditation. However the old monk recognizes that love sprouted between two youngsters and shows Chim-Ae the face of transgression which he mentally violated without hesitation to make Chim-Ae and Myo-Hyang go back to mundane existence.
Ssunday Seoul

Ssunday Seoul

Feb 09, 2006
Ce film regroupe trois courts-métrages : 1 -Teen Wolf Do Yeon est un banal lycéen qui se fait ennuyer par une bande de trois fripouilles de sa classe. Un jour, alors qu’il s’y attends le moins, ses parents lui révèlent une bien étrange chose. 2-The Visitor Un tueur en série frappe à la maison d’une jeune fille peu bavarde mais accueuillante, sans se douter que la maison dans laquelle il vient d’entrer est hantée. 3 -The Young Adventurer Cherchant à venger son père, un jeune homme se lance dans un voyage où il rencontre Yeong Ja par hasard et commence à apprendre les arts martiaux.
Secret Love

Secret Love

Mar 25, 2010
Yeon Yi et Jin Wu sont à peine mariés, que Jin Wu est victime d'un accident de voiture et sombre dans le coma… Yeon Yi se retrouve ainsi seule à s'occuper de son « légume » de mari, se réconfortant en regardant les vidéos de leurs moments de bonheur passés dont celle de leur mariage… Un beau jour, Jin Ho, le petit frère de Jin Wu prévient sa belle-sœur de son retour au pays, après quelques années d'exil aux États-Unis, afin de veiller sur son frère aîné. Quelle n'est pas la surprise de Yeon Yi lorsqu'elle aperçoit Jin Ho à l'aéroport, et qu'il a le même visage que son mari Jin Wu. Les deux hommes avaient en fait volontairement caché leur gémellité…
My Mighty Princess

My Mighty Princess

Jun 26, 2008
So-hwi est une prodige des arts martiaux et une étudiante. Réalisant que sa force surhumaine freine sa vie amoureuse, elle décide d'abandonner les arts martiaux pour se consacrer au beau joueur de hockey Joon-mo. Mais Joon-mo est amoureux d'une femme plus âgée, et lorsque la communauté mystique d'arts martiaux de So-hwi est menacée par un vieil ennemi, Heuk-bong, son ami d'enfance Il-yeong doit la persuader de revenir.
The Classic

The Classic

Jan 30, 2003
Une jeune fille retrouve le journal intime de ses parents et leurs lettres. Basculés par de nombreux flash-back, nous découvrirons avec elle, la merveilleuse histoire d'amour qu'ils ont vécu. Un amour dit "impossible" entre deux personnes de niveau social différent, qui ne devaient pas être voués à être ensemble. Cette jeune fille vivra elle-même sa propre histoire d'amour ? Elle, qui écrit des lettres d'amour pour sa copine tout en étant elle-même amoureuse du même garçon. Arrivera t-elle a faire le premier pas ?

May 06, 1978

진짜 진짜 미안해
Yeong-su learns that Jeong-ah, a woman he thought dead, is alive and well but her parents will not allow him to see her because she is engaged to be married. When he does finally meet her, he cannot understand the attitude of his former high school sweetheart, not realizing that she is keeping a secret from him.
진짜 진짜 좋아해
Ji-yeong has a biking accident and is aided by a boy who is practicing to become an Olympic marathon runner. The young man falls ill during a practice and is forced to give up his dream due to a previously undiagnosed heart disease. Ji-yeong wants to help him, but her parents don't allow it, so she steals a camera to pawn for the money for the boy's hospital bill.
진짜 진짜 잊지마
Yeong-su and Jeong-ah experience many problems as their budding romance defies the strict rules of the co-ed highschool they attend. After graduation when it looks like they can be free to live their own lives, Yeong-su joins the military and their relationship will never be the same.
바람불어 좋은 날
Three friends, Duk-bae, Chun-sik, and Kil-nam, work each at a suburban Chinese restaurant, a barbershop, and a motel. The three friends are clueless about their future. They just share the drinks and love stories. Kil-nam is in love with Jin-ok working at a hair salon and Chun-sik is after Yu who also works at the barbershop. Naive Duk-bae's mind is torn between Chun-sun who works at a factory and an uptown girl Myung-hi.
이 다음에 우리는
Ye-won and Young-su are both seniors at high school. They need to enter the university at any cost. They make a promise to make it to the university and pursue the dreams of their life together. Though Ye-won passes the test with no problem, Young-su fails it. As Ye-won gets close with Deok-jin, Young-su loses his faith and falls into the deep delinquency. Ye-won couldn't let Young-su go astray so she decides to be with him.
너무 너무 좋은 거야
Seon-Hee, whose dream is to go to high school, gets a job as a housemaid in Jae-Yon's in Seoul. The family of the restaurant treats her as a member of the family. Seon-Hee solves the problems between Jae-Yong and his girlfriend, Yeo-Ju. On the day when Jae-Yong joins the military service, he ensures his love to Yeo-Ju. With the careful concern of the family, Seon-Hee comes true her dream of going to high school. Seon-Hee in her school uniform is full of hope and walks to school.
Dasepo Naughty Girls

Dasepo Naughty Girls

Aug 10, 2006
Les histoires tordues d'un lycée peu banal, basées sur une bande-dessinée à sketch parue sur le blog d'un dessinateur amateur
어쩌다, 결혼

어쩌다, 결혼

Feb 27, 2019
Sung-seok and Hae-joo, who have been under pressure of marriage, devise a scheme at their first meet; a fake wedding. They reach an agreement under the desire of not only being free from their parents’ meddling but carrying their secret future plan. Sung-seok plans to run away with his lover who has a kid and Hae-joo plans to start her new career abroad after their planned marriage. However, their families get too much excited about this news more than their expectation and their near-flawless plan starts to become a mess.


Apr 13, 2016
A high-school teacher in 1983 and a detective in 2015 join forces through their dreams to change the perilous fate of the woman they both love—30 years apart.
Full House

Full House

Sep 02, 2004
Han Ji Eun possède pour seule fortune une superbe maison léguée par son défunt père. Elle a deux amis d'enfance qui vont, du jour au lendemain, l'envoyer en chine afin de la déposséder de sa maison et de ses biens. Lors de son voyage, elle fera la connaissance de Lee Young-Jae (Rain), qui est un célèbre acteur très égocentrique, et de son ami d'enfance Min-Hyuk qui est un richissime homme d'affaires. De retour en Corée, l'histoire prend forme : Ji-Eun apprend que l'acheteur de sa maison n'est autre que l'acteur Young-Jae. Ils vont finalement cohabiter...


Sep 15, 2007
Young Eun lived with a family ever since she was an orphan and then fell in love with Do Hyun who is 5 years older than her. However, Do Hyun's family did not approve of Do Hyun dating Young Eun. As a result, Young Eun eventually left Do Hyun and marries a doctor, Joo Kyung Woo. Although Kyung Woo acts like a gentleman, he is actually a mama's boy with multiple and complicated personalities. Though he treats Young Eun well, he believes everything his mother tells him and will turn on Young Eun at any moment. Jin Ah is a pediatric medical resident and falls for Do Hyun. But she is unsure of his relationship with Young Eun. Do Hyun decides to marry Jin Ah and after the wedding, Young Eun has had enough of Kyung Woo's mother. She decides to leave Kyung Woo. What will happen between Do Hyun and Young Eun? Will they realize they can't leave without the other?
Boys Before Flowers

Boys Before Flowers

Mar 31, 2009
Geum Jan Di est une adolescente comme les autres, issue d'une famille modeste. Elle passe la plupart de son temps libre à aider ses parents dans la blanchisserie familiale. Cette dernière est située non loin du riche et réputé Shin Hwa College, établissement rassemblant la plupart des gosses de riches de Corée du Sud. Alors qu'elle va livrer une pile de linge propre à Shin Hwa, Jan Di va sauver la vie d'un des élèves souhaitant en finir. L'établissement étant très huppé, il ne faut pas beaucoup de temps pour que sa photo paraisse dans les journaux et à la télévision. La jeune femme va comprendre toute la complexité du système de Shin Hwa. Commence alors une course contre la montre pour éviter les journalistes. De retour chez elle, Jan Di tombe des nues : suite à son action "héroïque", la présidente de l'école lui offre la possibilité d'intégrer l'établissement. Poussée par ses parents, elle n'a d'autre choix que d'accepter. Là bas, Jan Di fera plus ample connaissance avec le F4 (Flower Four), groupe de quatre jeunes hommes, les quatre fils des plus grosses fortunes sud-coréennes : Song Wu Bin, So Yi Jeong, Yun Ji Hu et Gu Jun Pyo à sa tête. Les membres du F4 représentent l'élite, aucune remarque ne doit leur être adressée. Ils ont même le droit de ne pas porter l'uniforme scolaire réglementaire. Ils font ce qu'ils veulent, quand ils le veulent ; se comportent comme ils le souhaitent avec les autres élèves. Elle a conscience de leurs situations, et de ce qu'ils font subir aux élèves. Jan Di n'est pas au bout de ses peines...
7급 공무원

7급 공무원

Mar 28, 2013
Love and espionage collide in this drama of the National Intelligence Service’s rookie agents. Han Gil Ro realizes his dream of becoming an international man of mystery, after a childhood spent pouring over James Bond films. Kim Seo Won spices things up as a goofy, yet determined agent, but it's not all 007 glamor. Both Gil Ro and Seo Won must learn what it takes to uphold their sworn duty, even at the sacrifice of their happiness - and lives.
Action & Adventure
Marriage Not Dating

Marriage Not Dating

Aug 23, 2014
Une comédie romantique sur un homme qui ne veut pas se marier et une femme qui n'a pas de chance dans la perspective du mariage. Gong Ki Tae est un célibataire prospère qui continue de subir des pressions de la part de sa famille pour s'installer. Il propose ensuite un plan pour présenter Joo Jang Mi, qui, selon lui, ne sera jamais approuvé par sa famille.


Feb 01, 2021
Four women each come to a crossroads in life and love. Du Ah is a 23-year-old university student involved in a polyamorous relationship. An elementary school teacher, Ha Ram is in her late twenties and feeling a change of heart right before her wedding day. At 35, Ban Ya, an adjunct instructor, questions whether her ‘pretend relationship’ is transforming into something real. Chung Kyung, a furniture designer in her forties, discovers her husband is having an affair. The four women, each going through a different turning point in their lives, contemplate what they truly want from dating and love. What does ‘love’ mean to each of them?
Young Lady and Gentleman
Lee Young Kook est un veuf avec trois enfants. Il ne s'est toujours pas remis de la mort de sa femme. Il décide d'embaucher Park Dan Dan comme tutrice à domicile pour ses enfants et il est attiré par elle. Park Dan Dan a une personnalité brillante et positive malgré sa situation difficile.
Immortal Classic

Immortal Classic

May 20, 2012
Deux familles emblématiques de la cuisine, dirigées par des icônes légendaires, s'affrontent pour le titre du plus grand chef tout en protégeant leurs recettes de kimchi.
My Princess

My Princess

Feb 24, 2011
Lee Seol est une jeune étudiante en histoire de l'art obsédée par son professeur Nam Jeong Wu, et celle-ci ne rêve que de le faire sien. De son coté, Park Hae Young est un riche diplomate prédisposé à épouser son amie d'enfance Oh Yun Ju, directrice du célèbre musée Hae Young, qui prendra plaisir à jouer avec ses sentiments. Hae Young se voit confier la tâche de retrouver l'héritière du trône impérial dont la trace a été perdue il y a de cela plusieurs années, afin de lui enseigner la conduite d'une véritable princesse. Très vite, Hae Young se surprend à n'avoir de pensées que pour Lee Seol, tandis que celle-ci commencera également à éprouver de l'amour pour le diplomate. Ces nouveaux sentiments mettront alors fin à leur plans respectifs...


Mar 30, 2006
Le Roi, père de Lee Sin, est gravement malade. Avec cette perspective inquiétante sur la santé du Roi, la famille royale cherche tant bien que mal une épouse pour Sin, afin de lui permettre de reprendre le trône royal si la situation l'exige. Bien qu'amoureux d'une autre fille, la ballerine ambitieuse et douée Hyo-rin à qui il avait d'abord proposé de l'épouser, Sin doit finalement épouser une roturière à qui il avait été fiancé par feu son grand-père dans un vieil accord avec le grand-père de la jeune fille. Sin se fiance donc avec la têtue Chae-kyeong. On va alors suivre la vie de couple mouvementée de nos jeunes mariés et l'entrée difficile de Chae-kyeong dans la famille royale.
집으로 가는 길

집으로 가는 길

Jan 12, 2009
A simple yet heartwarming story of a three-generation family, The Road Home portrays the love and conflicts between family members running a general hospital. It explores the lives of the grown-up children who each have their own problems to solve, and the way they cope with their aging parents.Yoo Min-soo is the eldest son of the hospital's CEO. His wife Jang Mi-ryung bears a child out of wedlock but raises it with maternal love.Hiro, a Japanese model, confesses his love for Ji-soo, Min-soo's sister. But Ji-soo must later come to grips with the secrets behind her birth.


Oct 21, 2004
Ireland is a 2004 South Korean television series starring Lee Na-young, Kim Min-joon, Kim Min-jung and Hyun Bin. It aired on MBC from September 1 to October 21, 2004 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 16 episodes.
그녀는 거짓말을 너무 사랑해
Kang Han-Kyeol is a great yet sullen composer who becomes inspired by the voices of others and keeps his identity secret from people. He meets Yoon So-Rim, a high school student who possesses beautiful singing, whilst under his secret identity, and she falls in love with him. Adaptation of the manga by Kotomi Aoki under the same name, which has been running since 2009.
오로라 공주

오로라 공주

Dec 20, 2013
Oh Ro-ra is a 25-year-old woman whose family owns Chunwang Foods, a large food conglomerate. Both of her parents are in their seventies and a 20-plus age difference exists between Ro-ra and her three other male siblings - Wang-sung, Geum-sung and Soo-sung. As the youngest child of a wealthy family, Ro-ra is charming, uber-confident and seemingly a spoiled material girl, but there's more to her than meets the eye. Unafraid to speak her mind, she intervenes to salvage her 50-year-old second brother's marriage by getting rid of his mistress who had lied about getting pregnant. One day, she falls head over heels for Hwang Ma-ma, an irritable novelist and perfectionist. But he has one flaw that could torpedo their relationship.
The Producers

The Producers

Jun 20, 2015
Un jeune producteur rejoint la chaîne KBS pour se rapprocher de sa bien-aimée et découvre l'univers délirant de la télévision où l'audimat règne en maître.
철수씨와 02

철수씨와 02

Feb 15, 2018
'Cheol Soo and 02' deals with the material called 'Humanoid Robot' and is based on a virtual future of 2030, when artificial intelligent robots are everyday. A middle-aged man who lost his wife in a sudden traffic accident draws a story about a robot that resembles his young wife.

Nov 20, 1994

장미빛 연인들

장미빛 연인들

Apr 12, 2015
A family drama about a college student couple who unintentionally becomes parents and realize the true meaning of love and life. Jang Mi is an immature mama’s girl who grew without experiencing any hardship in life. Unlike her parents’ will to marry her off to a promising man they choose for her, Jang Mi has the hope to marry someone she falls madly in love with. As she dates healthy and innocent engineering student Cha Dol, she slowly begins to realize the meaning of love.
보고 또 보고

보고 또 보고

Apr 02, 1998
A family drama about the entangled conflict, love, and reconciliation of the characters around them, centered on Mammal's eldest daughter Jin Ju and Eun Ju's sister Eun Ju, who grew up with her parents' love.


Sep 21, 2021
Four female hosts blend quick quips and laughter with candor as they invite celebrity guests to open up about their lives.
La Belle et l'Amoureux
Le destin réunit une actrice célèbre en plein scandale et un assistant producteur de séries coréennes. Leur amour naissant résistera-t-il aux coups du sort ?
무자식 상팔자

무자식 상팔자

Mar 17, 2013
Childless Comfort is a 2012 South Korean television series, starring Lee Soon-jae, Kim Hae-sook, Yoo Dong-geun and Uhm Ji-won. It is about three generations of the Ahn family who are all living in one house in the suburbs of Seoul, and how they deal with the societal discrimination that their smart and highly educated, eldest granddaughter faces, when she became a single mother. It aired on cable channel jTBC from October 27, 2012 to March 17, 2013 on Saturdays and Sundays at 20:50 for 39 episodes. The series received consistently solid ratings, and its January 26, 2013 episode reached 7.955%, breaking the previous record of Reply 1997 to become the highest viewership ratings that a drama has received on Korean cable. It went on to break its own record for the February 24 episode, with another cable drama all-time rating high of 10.715%.
Splash Splash Love

Splash Splash Love

Dec 20, 2015
Dan-Bi is a senior high school student. She has a special ability which allows her to transport to anywhere on rainy days. For her university entrance exam, Dan-Bi can't deal with the pressure and runs off to a playground. Without knowing why, she goes into a puddle and finds herself transported to the Joseon period. There, she meets Lee Do. He is a young King of the Joseon period. Lee Do is in a difficult situation due to droughts and the spread of an epidemic.
My Only One

My Only One

Mar 17, 2019
Une jeune femme brillante voit sa vie basculer lorsque son père biologique, porteur d'un lourd passé, surgit après 28 ans d'absence.
Hit The Top

Hit The Top

Jul 22, 2017
Deux amis d'enfance étudient pour passer un examen dans la fonction publique, mais les choses se compliquent lorsqu'un mystérieux inconnu apparaît.
우리가 사랑할 수 있을까
Jung Wan, Sun Mi, and Ji Hyun were high school classmates. It's been 20 years since graduation and as they turn 39, the three friends are leading completely different lives, although they are as close as sisters. Jung Wan was the first to get married but is now divorced, while Sun Mi chose a career over marriage and is now a successful interior designer, but is desperately lonely. Ji Hyun married a successful businessman and seems to be a good wife and mother, but feels like she is dying inside. What happens when love comes knocking on their doors once again? Jung Wan tries to throw herself into work to forget her ex but meets a new man. Sun Mi is desperate to get married before she turns 40. Ji Hyun, tired of her dull marriage, reunites with her first love who tempts her heart once more. Love has come once again to these three women in their late 30s. Can they fall in love again?
KBS 드라마 스페셜
Forget the existing one-act dramas! Short but impactive! KBS Drama Special presents high quality single episode dramas. Dramas are the broadcast content with the widest public appeal. KBS Drama Special will produce short dramas of far-reaching impact involving at times a serious social message, unique emotions or perspectives. It will stay abreast of modern viewership.