Jeon Jae-hyeong

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Jun 03, 2004
Yeo Kyung-Jin est une jeune femme officier de police. Après s'être lancée à la poursuite d'un voleur de sac à main, elle arrête par erreur le pauvre Koh. Au commissariat, Koh crie son innocence, mais Yeo ne l'entend pas de cette oreille et est prête à tout pour l'inculper. Quelques heures plus tard, le vrai voleur se rend à la police, disculpant ainsi Koh aux yeux de la loi...mais pas à ceux de Yeo qui, par fierté et arrogance, n'admet pas son erreur et refuse de présenter ses excuses.
Ssunday Seoul

Ssunday Seoul

Feb 09, 2006
Ce film regroupe trois courts-métrages : 1 -Teen Wolf Do Yeon est un banal lycéen qui se fait ennuyer par une bande de trois fripouilles de sa classe. Un jour, alors qu’il s’y attends le moins, ses parents lui révèlent une bien étrange chose. 2-The Visitor Un tueur en série frappe à la maison d’une jeune fille peu bavarde mais accueuillante, sans se douter que la maison dans laquelle il vient d’entrer est hantée. 3 -The Young Adventurer Cherchant à venger son père, un jeune homme se lance dans un voyage où il rencontre Yeong Ja par hasard et commence à apprendre les arts martiaux.
Frères de sang

Frères de sang

Feb 05, 2004
Séoul, Corée du Sud, au début des années 50.Jin-tae est un cireur de chaussures qui consacre ses modestes ressources à l'éducation de son frère cadet, Jin-suk, et espère envoyer prochainement celui-ci à l'Université. Leur mère, veuve et handicapée, tient une échoppe avec l'aide de la fiancée de Jin-tae, Young-shin, qu'elle a recueillie quelques années plus tôt. Tous les espoirs de cette famille s'effondrent brutalement le 25 juin 1950, lorsque la guerre éclate. Jin-suk est recruté de force et envoyé sur le front. Jin-tae tente vainement d'intercéder, et subit le même sort. Les deux frères rejoignent cette armée du Sud, mal équipée, mal nourrie, mal organisée, harcelée jour et nuit par un ennemi supérieur en nombre et en force...
Spin Kick

Spin Kick

Jul 23, 2004
Le proviseur du lycée Manseh espère que son équipe de Taekwondo, autrefois très réputée, brillera aux qualifications pour le championnat national. Or les élèves se font démolir par une bande de voyous quelques jours avant la compétition ! Il ne reste plus qu'une solution : que les membres du gang prennent la place des élèves immobilisés. Mais la coopération s'annonce difficile...
싸움의 기술

싸움의 기술

Jan 05, 2006
L'adolescence est un long cauchemar pour Byeong-tae. Calme et introverti, il est la cible idéale des brutes de son école, d'autant plus qu'elles apprennent que son père est policier. Régulièrement battu, Byeong-tae cherche un professeur compétent en matière de combat physique. Sa quête reste sans issue jusqu'au jour où le mystérieux Oh arrive en ville. On sait peu de choses sur Oh, si ce n'est qu'il a un passé trouble et qu'il cherche à quitter la Corée dès qu'il le peut. Cela, et le fait que lorsque les choses se corsent, la façade placide et distante d'Oh se dissout et sa vraie nature de combattant d'une habileté et d'une efficacité inégalées se révèle férocement. Dans un premier temps, Oh repousse les demandes de leçons de Byeog-tae, lui disant qu'il vaut mieux ne pas se battre du tout.
Everybody has Secrets

Everybody has Secrets

Jul 30, 2004
Le copain de Mi-Young, Soo-Hyun, est très charmant et tout aussi intelligent. Il se retrouve alors entre ses deux soeurs, la mariée Jin-Young et la naïve Sun-Young. Toutes les trois, elles ne peuvent pas s’empêcher d'être amoureuses de Soo-Hyun. Mais au milieu de cette histoire d'amour, les secrets des trois soeurs et de Soo-Hyun vont apparaître...
Wet Dreams 2

Wet Dreams 2

Jan 14, 2005
Ce film s’attarde sur les fantasmes sexuels de Seong-eun et de ses amies Bang Soo-yeon et Kim Mi-sook. Mais, le fantasme devient bientôt réalité avec l’arrivée d’un étudiant, futur professeur, appelé Kang Bong-goo. Avec ses traits burinés et son sourire éclatant, aucune fille ne pourrait lui résister, s’il n’avait pas un défaut fatal. Il semble que Kang soit atteint d’une maladie incurable; ce n’est pas vraiment fatal, mais cela pourrait aussi bien l’être. Le pauvre Kang a un problème de « flatulences » qui met un grand froid sur sa vie sexuelle. Cependant, ce petit problème n’empêche pas Oh Seong-eun d’essayer de s’accrocher à cet homme…


Nov 06, 2002
Dong-hyun, Seok-gu, Sang-min and Young-je are typical adolescent high school boys deeply curious about sexual matters. When a female apprentice teacher, Ms. Kim Yoo-ri begins teaching at their all boys school, she captures the lust and imagination of four of her students, who cannot stop fantasizing about her. Dong-hyuns secret 'love' for his teacher is shattered by news of her affections for another teacher Mr Gong. Yoo-ri has already fallen for the homeroom teacher, Mr Gong, and has her own daydreams about what it would be like with him. Unfortunately, Mr Gong has forsaken love in his life, and is immune to her come-ons. Yoo-ri must get him to accept her advances, while rejecting the rapid-fire advance of her four students.
이 안에 외계인이 있다
In the year 2020, a small number of Alien Research Club members gather in underground bunkers, having survived the invasion of yellow liquid aliens. Chaos ensues when an alien gets into the body of one of the members. And they realize everyone will die if they don't find and kill the alien within 30 minutes. Can these last survivors finally be safe in the face of the alien invasion?
Science Fiction


Apr 20, 2022
A mysterious informant calls a broadcast news anchor to request that the anchor report on the informant’s inevitable death.


Jun 02, 2022
A boy steps on a landmine during a border crossing with his mother. When his mother disappears to find help, the boy follows a group of mysterious soldiers only to find himself in a terrifying situation.
The Murderer

The Murderer

Dec 22, 2010
A boy steps on a landmine during a border crossing with his mother. When his mother disappears to find help, the boy follows a group of mysterious soldiers only to find himself in a terrifying situation.


Aug 14, 2013
A boy steps on a landmine during a border crossing with his mother. When his mother disappears to find help, the boy follows a group of mysterious soldiers only to find himself in a terrifying situation.


Apr 06, 2022
A comic and heartwarming drama about a man who gradually comes to term with his late father while on the run in his father's wacky beat-up car, "Stellar".
The Roundup

The Roundup

May 18, 2022
A comic and heartwarming drama about a man who gradually comes to term with his late father while on the run in his father's wacky beat-up car, "Stellar".
Nameless Gangster

Nameless Gangster

Feb 02, 2012
A comic and heartwarming drama about a man who gradually comes to term with his late father while on the run in his father's wacky beat-up car, "Stellar".
페이스 메이커

페이스 메이커

Jan 18, 2012
Man-ho is a pacemaker for Korean national marathon team. His purpose is to stay ahead of others until the 30km mark. But he gradually grows a desire to run for the victory.


Sep 12, 2010
Kang Tae-sik is a private detective who would do anything for money. One day, he gets framed for a murder by a ruthless boss of the criminal underworld and a mysterious caller watches and controls his every move. He must use a wide array of techno-gadgetry at his disposal to clear himself and exact revenge within 24 hours given to him.


Nov 10, 2010
Kang Tae-sik is a private detective who would do anything for money. One day, he gets framed for a murder by a ruthless boss of the criminal underworld and a mysterious caller watches and controls his every move. He must use a wide array of techno-gadgetry at his disposal to clear himself and exact revenge within 24 hours given to him.
Woochi, le magicien des temps modernes
Kang Tae-sik is a private detective who would do anything for money. One day, he gets framed for a murder by a ruthless boss of the criminal underworld and a mysterious caller watches and controls his every move. He must use a wide array of techno-gadgetry at his disposal to clear himself and exact revenge within 24 hours given to him.


Apr 03, 2014
Park Jung-gu sends out homemade bombs to people he finds online who are likely to use them, yet these devices are unused. One day, Jung-gu meets Lee Hyo-min, a delinquent student at his university and sends him a package. Soon an explosion in a delivery truck hits the news. Before long, Hyo-min discovers who is sending him the packages and the two form a tenuous relationship. However, Hyo-min's unpredictable behavior becomes dangerous and Jung-gu finds himself caught in a situation that he can no longer handle.


Jan 06, 2022
Su-jin who tries to pursue a perfect life as a successful lawyer, single mother and daughter, plans to send her daughter Gina to study abroad in the United States, where her ex-husband lives. When Su-jin gets busier with work, Su-jin's dad, In-woo moves in to help Su-jin take care of Gina. The three live together for some time, until one day, Su-jin gets into a car accident and receives an unexpected diagnosis.
Warriors of the Dawn

Warriors of the Dawn

May 31, 2017
Su-jin who tries to pursue a perfect life as a successful lawyer, single mother and daughter, plans to send her daughter Gina to study abroad in the United States, where her ex-husband lives. When Su-jin gets busier with work, Su-jin's dad, In-woo moves in to help Su-jin take care of Gina. The three live together for some time, until one day, Su-jin gets into a car accident and receives an unexpected diagnosis.


Jan 07, 2016
Su-jin who tries to pursue a perfect life as a successful lawyer, single mother and daughter, plans to send her daughter Gina to study abroad in the United States, where her ex-husband lives. When Su-jin gets busier with work, Su-jin's dad, In-woo moves in to help Su-jin take care of Gina. The three live together for some time, until one day, Su-jin gets into a car accident and receives an unexpected diagnosis.


Mar 14, 2013
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.


Jul 23, 2014
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.
Battleship Island

Battleship Island

Jul 26, 2017
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.
Asura: The city of madness
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.


Mar 15, 2012
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.
Fist & Furious

Fist & Furious

Jul 11, 2019
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.
Seoul Vibe

Seoul Vibe

Aug 26, 2022
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.
The Agent

The Agent

Jan 30, 2013
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.


Jan 31, 2018
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.


May 01, 2018
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.


Mar 25, 2015
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.
The Divine Move

The Divine Move

Jul 03, 2014
This movie talks about the genius high school student Jang-ho who dreams of becoming the next Pavarotti although he is part of a gang and Sang-jin, currently a countryside art school music teacher but once a highlighted vocal singer.


Sep 15, 2021
Seo-joon, loses everything to voice phishing and infiltrates a organization in China to meet Kwak Pro, the designer behind this phishing system.
순수의 시대

순수의 시대

Mar 05, 2015
In the turbulent Joseon dynasty, army commander Min-jae watches ambitious Prince Yi Bang-won while becoming entwined with Ga-hee, a vengeful gisaeng. Fate collides as power shifts.


Feb 17, 2023
In the turbulent Joseon dynasty, army commander Min-jae watches ambitious Prince Yi Bang-won while becoming entwined with Ga-hee, a vengeful gisaeng. Fate collides as power shifts.
Thirst, ceci est mon sang
In the turbulent Joseon dynasty, army commander Min-jae watches ambitious Prince Yi Bang-won while becoming entwined with Ga-hee, a vengeful gisaeng. Fate collides as power shifts.
Korean Fried Chicken

Korean Fried Chicken

Jan 23, 2019
In the turbulent Joseon dynasty, army commander Min-jae watches ambitious Prince Yi Bang-won while becoming entwined with Ga-hee, a vengeful gisaeng. Fate collides as power shifts.
The Outlaws

The Outlaws

Oct 03, 2017
In the turbulent Joseon dynasty, army commander Min-jae watches ambitious Prince Yi Bang-won while becoming entwined with Ga-hee, a vengeful gisaeng. Fate collides as power shifts.


Jun 24, 2020
In the turbulent Joseon dynasty, army commander Min-jae watches ambitious Prince Yi Bang-won while becoming entwined with Ga-hee, a vengeful gisaeng. Fate collides as power shifts.
Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike

Feb 19, 2020
In the turbulent Joseon dynasty, army commander Min-jae watches ambitious Prince Yi Bang-won while becoming entwined with Ga-hee, a vengeful gisaeng. Fate collides as power shifts.
Long live the king

Long live the king

Jun 19, 2019
In the turbulent Joseon dynasty, army commander Min-jae watches ambitious Prince Yi Bang-won while becoming entwined with Ga-hee, a vengeful gisaeng. Fate collides as power shifts.
Oh My Venus

Oh My Venus

Jan 05, 2016
Yeong Ho exerce comme entraîneur personnel pour des personnalités d'Hollywood qui le connaissent sous l'appellation de John Kim. Il assure à la fois l'accompagnement sportif et nutritionnel de ceux qu'ils encadrent afin de leur permettre d'atteindre leurs objectifs qu'il s'agisse de bien-être, remise en forme ou même perte de poids. Se retrouvant sous les projecteurs suite à un scandale avec une actrice réputée, il décide de retourner en Corée le temps que celui-ci se dissipe. Kang Ju Eun est une avocate âgée d'une trentaine d'années. Celle-ci a longtemps vécu avec pour but de venir financièrement en aide à sa famille au point de négliger sa propre personne. Autrefois connue dans son village comme la "Venus de Daegu", son travail accaparant et ses divers soucis familiaux ont fini par avoir raison de sa santé et surtout de son poids qui a considérablement changé au fil des années. Après une première rencontre plutôt hostile entre tous les deux au cours d'un vol, ils seront pourtant amenés à se rencontrer de nouveau, Yeong Ho se voyant à plus d'une reprise porter secours à Ju Eun. Après avoir découvert la véritable identité de celui-ci, c'est alors tout naturellement que Ju Eun se tournera vers lui en espérant qu'il puisse l'aider à retrouver sa silhouette d'antan.
Oh My Venus

Oh My Venus

Mar 22, 2023
Cha Moosik dirige un bar de casino, pour s'enfuir aux Philippines en raison d'une répression du service national des impôts. Il lance une entreprise de casino à part entière et élabore une stratégie pour gagner les cercles politiques et commerciaux aux Philippines. Cependant, il est soudainement présenté comme un suspect dans la mort de Min Seokjun et est suivi par Oh Seunghoon du bureau coréen. La trahison est endémique en présence d'argent.
Oh My Venus

Oh My Venus

Feb 07, 2024
Le seul tuteur de Jian est son oncle. Après la mort soudaine de ce dernier, elle apprend qu’il a laissé derrière lui tout un centre commercial douteux. Qui était son oncle et quel genre de centre commercial dirigeait-il ? Avant même que Jian ne puisse comprendre ce qui se passe, elle est attaquée par des personnes non identifiées qui veulent s’emparer des provisions de son oncle. Maintenant qu’elle est seule, Jian pourra-t-elle survivre face à eux ?