Small town filmmaker is haunted by a persistent killer who wishes to inspire by reeking havoc on the lives of local college students. As the body count rises and the terror spreads throughout the community, Ron Louden must combat his fear and the ever imposing threat of the maniac who has only his worst interest at heart. Thrust into the limelight of this grizzly affair Ron sees the twist and turns pile up and begin to suffocate as he is brought into the center of a police investigation delving into this strange and terrifying mystery.
A renowned television ghost hunter loses faith in what he believes and is about to retire; when he agrees to take one last case from a client who guarantees he'll provide the proof he's looking for.
In the town of Harbor Bridge, it is said that when someone dies, his last breath stays in his throat. When the head is severed, that last breath can be taken by another, and the recipient becomes stronger. Narcissa Sentinel has been robbing graves to cure her illness with these last breaths but soon realizes that perhaps fresher specimens are in order.
Après une ascension fulgurante, la sénatrice Selina Meyer perd les primaires de son parti pour les élections présidentielles américaines. On lui demande finalement à la dernière minute de servir son pays en tant que vice-présidente (VP ou « Veep ») des États-Unis. Elle accepte donc, pensant mener ses projets. Malheureusement, elle semble oublier que c'est son rival qui est désormais son supérieur. Un parcours semé d'embûches politiques l'attend mais elle va continuer à jouer son rôle quelles que soient les circonstances.