Jerzy Kosiński

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Dec 25, 1981
L'histoire vraie de John Reed, un journaliste américain qui vécut pendant la première guerre mondiale. Après avoir été mêlé à des affaires politiques douteuses, il part en Russie pendant la révolution d'octobre 1917.
Brouilles et Embrouilles
Debbie est une fille épatante, mignonne à croquer, intelligente, drôle, pleine de ressources… En clair, elle a tout pour être heureuse. A un détail près : son petit ami, Morris. Morris qui ne pense qu’à recolter ses dollars, Morris qui ne rêve que ne rouler sur l’or. Pour moissonner les millions, tous les moyens sont bons. Y compris inventer de toutes pièces une nouvelle religion et organiser les plus grandes quêtes que l’Amérique ait jamais connu. Et de cela, Debbie n’est pas vraiment une adepte…
Łódź Ghetto

Łódź Ghetto

Mar 22, 1989
Fondé sur des journaux intimes d'époque, ce film retrace toutes les épreuves vécues par les habitants du ghetto et leur combat quotidien pour la survie. Réunissant images d'archives, réalisées dans la clandestinité, et séquences contemporaines, il restitue fidèlement le journal de cette tragédie.
Sex, Lies and Jerzy Kosinski
The making of Jerzy Kosinski. The BBC documentary on the life and art of enigmatic novelist Jerzy Kosinski. Through interviews with his second wife Kiki von Fraunhofer-Kosinski, friends and fellow authors, and Polish villagers who knew Kosinski when he was a child hiding from the scourge of Nazism, this program attempts to assess the verity of Kosinski's "autobiographical" fiction, the need for him to maintain a nebulous mystique about his early life, and to understand his obsession with S&M sex clubs in Manhattan during the 1970s and 1980s.
The Painted Boy

The Painted Boy

Jun 14, 1995
"Malowany chlopiec" - The first major mystification of the Holocaust was the novel "The Painted Bird" by Polish Emigrant Jerzy Kosinski, who in his book describes himself as an abandoned child who became mute, ended up in an orphanage and only later discovers his Jewish origin. "The Painted Bird" has since its publication in 1965 been the subject of discussion on its authenticity.
The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty

Oct 26, 1985
For more than 100 years, the Statue of Liberty has been a symbol of hope and refuge for generations of immigrants. In this lyrical, compelling and provocative portrait of the statue, Ken Burns explores both the history of America’s premier symbol and the meaning of liberty itself. Featuring rare archival photographs, paintings and drawings, readings from actual diaries, letters and newspapers of the day, the fascinating story of this universally admired monument is told. In interviews with Americans from all walks of life, including former New York governor Mario Cuomo, the late congresswoman Barbara Jordan and the late writers James Baldwin and Jerzy Kosinski, The Statue of Liberty examines the nature of liberty and the significance of the statue to American life. Nominated for both the Academy Award ® and the Emmy Award ®, The Statue of Liberty received the prestigious CINE Golden Eagle, the Christopher Award and the Blue Ribbon at the American Film Festival.
11 barev ptáčete

11 barev ptáčete

Mar 11, 2020
A behind-the-scenes look at the eleven-year process it took to make The Painted Bird. The narratives of director Václav Marhoul and actor Petr Kotlár weave their way through the various stages of the film's creation, offering their subjective views from the beginning to the last flap of a year-and-a-half long shoot.
The Painted Bird

The Painted Bird

Sep 12, 2019
A behind-the-scenes look at the eleven-year process it took to make The Painted Bird. The narratives of director Václav Marhoul and actor Petr Kotlár weave their way through the various stages of the film's creation, offering their subjective views from the beginning to the last flap of a year-and-a-half long shoot.
The Painted Boy

The Painted Boy

Jun 14, 1995
"Malowany chlopiec" - The first major mystification of the Holocaust was the novel "The Painted Bird" by Polish Emigrant Jerzy Kosinski, who in his book describes himself as an abandoned child who became mute, ended up in an orphanage and only later discovers his Jewish origin. "The Painted Bird" has since its publication in 1965 been the subject of discussion on its authenticity.
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .