Mira Nair

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India Cabaret

India Cabaret

Jan 02, 1985
Ce documentaire fait d'interviews sur le terrain explore les stéréotypes des femmes dans la société indienne moderne. La vision des concepts de femmes « respectables » et « immoralles » des femmes dans la société indienne racontés du point de vue de 2 danseuses de strip-tease dans un cabaret de Bombay ainsi que d'interviews d'hommes indiens.
Mississippi Masala

Mississippi Masala

Sep 18, 1991
Une famille indienne est expulsé de l'Ouganda quand Idi Amin prend le pouvoir. Ils se déplacent dans le Mississippi et le temps passe. La fille indienne tombe amoureuse d'un homme noir, et les familles respectives doivent se réconcilier avec elle.


Sep 21, 2013
A documentary featuring interviews with 100 influential women from around the world.
The 4%: Film's Gender Problem
Explores the hot-button issues around the striking gender gap in Hollywood. Both women and men in the entertainment industry share first-person insights, questions, and anecdotes about the place of women in Hollywood.
De l'Eau et du Sucre : Carlo Di Palma, les Couleurs de la Vie
Ce film documentaire est un véritable voyage au coeur du cinéma italien, qui visite plus de cent films auxquels Carlo di Palma a collaboré, allant du néoréalisme de Visconti, De Sica, Rossellini, à la comédie italienne de Monicelli, Scola, Germi, en passant par des chefs-d'oeuvre comme Le Désert Rouge et Blow Up, ainsi que sa collaboration avec Woody Allen. Les plus grandes signatures du cinéma mondial parmi lesquelles Bernardo Bertolucci, Wim Wenders, Woody Allen nous accompagnent dans ce passionnant voyage avec les couleurs et les visions d'un cinéma italien immortel.
Solace in the Dark

Solace in the Dark

Sep 11, 2011
A retrospective documentary on 9/11 in connection with the 2001 Toronto International Film Festival.
La famille Perez

La famille Perez

May 12, 1995
Après avoir passé deux ans en prison à Cuba, Juan Perez débarque à Miami pour rejoindre sa famille. Une erreur d'enregistrement le fait passer pour le mari de Dottie Perez, une ancienne prostituée, et tous deux sont jetés dans un camp de réfugiés. Juan use alors de toutes ses ruses pour pouvoir s'évader et retrouver sa famille...
Les réalisatrices contemporaines:  l'état des choses
Tout droit au coeur des récents débats sur la discrimination des femmes dans l'industrie cinématographique, ce documentaire soulève des questions, tout en offrant un droit de parole aux femmes et à leur cinéma. Le film propose des conversations avec des réalisatrices connues - entre autres Catherine Breillat, Claire Denis, Mira Nair, Margarethe Von Trotta, Ulrike Ottinger, Micheline Lanctôt, Rakshnan Bani-Etemad, María Novaro mais aussi les témoignages de réalisatrices moins visibles du grand public. Viennent se joindre aux cinéastes les voix et les commentaires de producteurs, de spécialistes du cinéma et des archivistes grâce à qui nos images sont minutieusement préservées.
Tout peut changer, Et si les femmes comptaient à Hollywood ?
Tout peut changer est un documentaire qui révèle ce qui se cache derrière l'une des aberrations de l'industrie du cinéma américain : la sous-représentation des femmes à Hollywood. Le réalisateur Tom Donahue met en avant des décennies de discrimination à l'égard des femmes derrière et devant la caméra, grâce notamment à une méthode inédite d’étude des données chiffrées, avec, à l’appui, des centaines de témoignages accablants. Plus important encore, le film cherche et propose des solutions qui vont au-delà de l'industrie du cinéma et bien au-delà des frontières américaines, à travers les témoignages de nombreuses voix d'Hollywood, dont Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Natalie Portman, Reese Witherspoon, Sandra Oh, Jessica Chastain, Chloë Grace Moretz, Shonda Rhimes, ou encore, Geena Davis, également productrice exécutive du film ; pour mettre en exergue ce qui peut et doit changer.
Lights, Action, Music

Lights, Action, Music

Aug 06, 2007
A wonderful journey through the meaning and relevance of film music composition. Featuring great, albeit brief, insights from some of the modern greats.
Restoring the Apu Trilogy
In 1993, the original negatives of Satyajit Ray’s The Apu Trilogy were burned in a massive nitrate fire at a laboratory in London. Even though there were no technologies available at the time capable of fully restoring such badly damaged film elements, the Academy Film Archive held on to them. And now times have changed.
Slaying the Dragon: Reloaded
A sequel to the 1988 award winning documentary, "Slaying the Dragon," this film looks at the past 25 years of representation of Asian and Asian American women in U.S. visual media -- from blockbuster films and network television to Asian American cinema and YouTube -- to explore what's changed, what's been recycled, and what we can hope for in the future.
Five Directors On The Battle of Algiers
Ce documentaire de 17 minutes est présenté sur le DVD 3-Disc Criterion Collection de La Bataille d'Alger (1966), sorti en 2004. Un regard approfondi sur la Bataille d'Alger à travers les yeux de cinq réalisateurs établis et accomplis ; Spike Lee, Steven Soderbergh, Oliver Stone, Julian Schnabel et Mira Nair. Ils expliquent comment les plans, la cinématographie, la scénographie, le son et le montage ont directement influencé leur propre travail et à quel point les séquences du film semblent incroyablement réalistes, malgré l'affirmation selon laquelle tout dans le film a été mis en scène.


Oct 23, 2008


8 shorts centered around 8 themes directed by 8 famous film directors involved and sharing their opinion on progress, on the set-backs and the challenges our planet faces today.
L'Intégriste malgré lui
8 shorts centered around 8 themes directed by 8 famous film directors involved and sharing their opinion on progress, on the set-backs and the challenges our planet faces today.
My Own Country

My Own Country

Jul 12, 1998
An East Indian physician works with AIDS patients as an epidemic of the disease hits in Tennessee.
My Own Country

My Own Country

Jul 12, 1998
An East Indian physician works with AIDS patients as an epidemic of the disease hits in Tennessee.
So Far from India

So Far from India

Sep 12, 1983
Via the New York Times: "...film examines the marriage of Ashok Sheth and his wife, Hansa. Ashok moved to New York only days after the wedding, to a woman he barely knew; the match was arranged in the traditional way. Now Ashok sells magazines in a subway station at 116th Street, lives in a cell- sized apartment and cherishes his new freedom. The film follows Ashok through such American activities as a visit to a store that sells running shoes. Then it follows him back to India, where Hansa waits with a baby he has never seen, and with a great many questions as to her future. "
India Cabaret

India Cabaret

Jan 02, 1985
Via the New York Times: "...film examines the marriage of Ashok Sheth and his wife, Hansa. Ashok moved to New York only days after the wedding, to a woman he barely knew; the match was arranged in the traditional way. Now Ashok sells magazines in a subway station at 116th Street, lives in a cell- sized apartment and cherishes his new freedom. The film follows Ashok through such American activities as a visit to a store that sells running shoes. Then it follows him back to India, where Hansa waits with a baby he has never seen, and with a great many questions as to her future. "
The Laughing Club of India
Portrait of the first laughing club in India, its founding by a doctor who believes that laughter is the best medicine, his outreach to schools, interviews with club members, scenes of outdoor sessions, and shots of billboards and street scenes in contemporary Mumbai. Club members gather, stretch, and start to laugh. Founder Dr. Madan Kararia talks of the club's history and the growth of laughing clubs across the country. Among those interviewed, there's a stockbroker, three bawdy women, a musician, a widow laughing to cope with grief, and two old men - friends since school days who meet daily to laugh. No form, no fuss: happiness equals health.


Mar 07, 2008
One of a four-film series on the AIDS epidemic in India, this film examines the virus as Indian society's great class leveler, following its transmission through interweaving stories that link urban and rural India.
Words with Gods

Words with Gods

Nov 20, 2014
The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the world's most exciting directors, Words with Gods follows the theme of religion - specifically as it relates to an individual's relationship with his/her god or gods...or the lack thereof. In Words with Gods, each director recounts a narrative centered around human fragility, as well as environmental and cultural crises involving specific religions with which each has a personal relationship; including early Aboriginal Spirituality, Umbanda, Buddhism, the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, and Atheism. An animated sequence by Mexican animator Maribel Martinez is woven through each of the film segments, with each segment narratively connected as a feature-length film.
A Fork, A Spoon & A Knight
An inspiring creative documentary that follows the story of one of Uganda's unsung heroes - Robert Katende. Popularly known as 'Coach Robert', he was able to transform a little unknown slum in the outskirts of Kampala, into an internationally recognized army of Chess Champions.
A Fork, A Spoon & A Knight
An inspiring creative documentary that follows the story of one of Uganda's unsung heroes - Robert Katende. Popularly known as 'Coach Robert', he was able to transform a little unknown slum in the outskirts of Kampala, into an internationally recognized army of Chess Champions.
La dame de Katwe

La dame de Katwe

Sep 23, 2016
The story is inspired by the assassination of Chris Hani, leader of the South African Communist Party.
Salaam Bombay !

Salaam Bombay !

Aug 24, 1988
The story is inspired by the assassination of Chris Hani, leader of the South African Communist Party.
Salaam Bombay !

Salaam Bombay !

Aug 24, 1988
The story is inspired by the assassination of Chris Hani, leader of the South African Communist Party.
Mississippi Masala

Mississippi Masala

Sep 18, 1991
The story is inspired by the assassination of Chris Hani, leader of the South African Communist Party.


Oct 23, 2008


8 shorts centered around 8 themes directed by 8 famous film directors involved and sharing their opinion on progress, on the set-backs and the challenges our planet faces today.
How Can It Be

How Can It Be

Oct 03, 2008
The story of Zainab and Arif, who live their son, Munna, in Brooklyn. Zainab makes the complicated decision to leave her protected life and follow her heart. One of eight shorts commissioned by the United Nations on themes concerning global society.


Mar 07, 2008
One of a four-film series on the AIDS epidemic in India, this film examines the virus as Indian society's great class leveler, following its transmission through interweaving stories that link urban and rural India.
11’09”01—September 11: India
It is September 11, 2001, and a young man goes missing in New York. Because of his eastern name and his Islamic religion, he is suspected of being involved in the World Trade Center attack. The FBI inquire about him. The neighbors of his family show their disapproval. His family hold out hope that he will be found and exonerated. (Originally appeared as a segment of the omnibus film 11’09”01—September 11, but later presented as a separate short film.)


Sep 08, 2007
Years ago, when Abhijit was a boy, he learned his father was involved in extramarital relationships. He kept it secret for several years, until tension rose too high and he left for Cape Town. Time passes and Abhijit is called by his mother. His father had contracted the AIDS virus. It was up to Abhijit to be the bigger person to comfort his father, even after all he had done, in his last moments of life.
Koffee with Karan

Koffee with Karan

Jan 18, 2024
Celebrity host Karan Johar gets up close and personal with various Bollywood personalities and discusses their major career milestones.
Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter
Cette série Disney+ en prises de vues réelles - extension de la saga cinématographique BENJAMIN GATES - raconte les aventures de Jess Morales, une jeune fille aussi brillante que débrouillarde, qui enquête sur sa mystérieuse histoire familiale et tente de retrouver un trésor panaméricain qu’on pensait perdu à jamais.
Action & Adventure
Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter
Cette série Disney+ en prises de vues réelles - extension de la saga cinématographique BENJAMIN GATES - raconte les aventures de Jess Morales, une jeune fille aussi brillante que débrouillarde, qui enquête sur sa mystérieuse histoire familiale et tente de retrouver un trésor panaméricain qu’on pensait perdu à jamais.
Action & Adventure