Yann Arthus-Bertrand

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Legacy, notre héritage
Dix ans après le film reportage Home (2009), Yann Arthus- Bertrand revient avec Legacy, un puissant cri du cœur. Il y partage une vision sensible et radicale de notre monde, qu'il a vu se dégrader le temps d'une génération, et y dévoile une planète en souffrance, une humanité déboussolée incapable de prendre au sérieux la menace qui pèse sur elle et sur tous les êtres vivants. Pour le réalisateur, il y a urgence : chacun peut et doit accomplir des gestes forts pour la planète et l'avenir de nos enfants...


Jun 03, 2009
En 200 000 ans d'existence, l'homme a rompu l'équilibre sur lequel la Terre vivait depuis 4 milliards d'années. Réchauffement climatique, épuisement des ressources, extinction des espèces: l'homme a mis en péril sa propre demeure. Mais il est trop tard pour être pessimiste: il reste à peine dix ans à l'humanité pour inverser la tendance, prendre conscience de son exploitation démesurée des richesses de la Terre, et changer son mode de consommation.
Home - Histoire d'un voyage
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.
L'Algérie Vue Du Ciel
Un Algérien de France s'adresse à un frère resté au pays pour raconter ce qu'est l'Algérie d'aujourd'hui, filmée depuis les airs par le célèbre photographe Yann Arthus Bertrand. Le documentaire est construit autour d'un voyage en trois parties. Le nord, moderniste, est tourné vers la Méditerranée, tandis que le centre est fait de régions rurales et traditionnelles. Enfin, le grand sud est comme un autre monde, avec son immense désert. Ce périple permet de découvrir les côtes indentées de l'Oranais, les plaines agricoles de la Mitidja, les contreforts de l'Atlas, les falaises d'Alger, les plages, les cimes enneigées ou encore l'incroyable diversité minérale du Sahara.
Dis-moi qui tuer

Dis-moi qui tuer

Nov 26, 1965
On the Côte d'Azur, a beautiful adventuress and a strange German tourist set themselves the courteous challenge of discovering a war treasure lying at the bottom of a bay. But Basta, an old original who alone knew the location of the wreck, is murdered. And Pitou, the jovial nightclub owner, is determined to get his hands on all the loot.
OSS 117 prend des vacances
Hubert Bonnisseur de la Bath voudrait bien prendre un peu de repos au château de sa tante, mais une organisation de milliardaires fascistes a décidé d'anéantir toute vie sur Cuba a l'aide d'insectes, de larves et d'acides.
Renouer avec le vivant
Professionnels ou amateurs, vidéastes en herbe ou chevronnés, ils ne sont pas moins de 200 à avoir contribué au film "Vivant", de Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Ils sont les yeux et les oreilles de cette exploration. Celle des détails, des instants rares captés sur le vif, des comportements étonnants dont ces observateurs ont témoigné. "Renouer avec le vivant" se propose d'aller à leur rencontre pour comprendre le sens de leur démarche et leurs secrets de fabrication. Qui se cachent derrière cette capacité à regarder avec attention, à observer avec affection et à apprendre ? Hommage à celles et ceux qui savent observer la nature en France métropolitaine et en sont devenus des intimes.
La soif du monde

La soif du monde

Mar 20, 2012
L'eau douce et son accès à travers le monde. En 2012, près de 11% de la population n'a pas accès à l'eau potable et ne possède pas de toilettes. Enjeu majeur de la lutte contre la pauvreté des pays les moins développés, chaque jour des hommes et des femmes luttent pour résorber la soif dans le monde.
Human's Music

Human's Music

May 19, 2017
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have


Jun 03, 2009
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have


Jun 03, 2009
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have
Planète Océan

Planète Océan

Jun 18, 2012
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have
Planète Océan

Planète Océan

Jun 18, 2012
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have


Jun 03, 2009
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have
Méditerranée, notre mer à tous
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have
L'Egypte vue du ciel

L'Egypte vue du ciel

Dec 10, 2019
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have
L'Egypte vue du ciel

L'Egypte vue du ciel

Dec 10, 2019
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have
L'Algérie Vue Du Ciel
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have
L'Algérie Vue Du Ciel
The idea with HUMAN was to create songs that would reflect the same emotion generated by the interviews. I wanted things to open up, to open up one’s heart, to let the sadness be without any restraint. HUMAN has been one of these rare moments in my life as a film composer during which I could express all these different cultures at the same time : either working on minimalist songs or meeting with these singers and musicians coming from all around the world. Which note did I first produce ? I had more like a global vision in mind, an atmosphere that would merge into the film and that would bring people together, this was my starting point. The part I created for the Mongolian sequence might be the best summary of the atmosphere I wanted the film to have
Home - Histoire d'un voyage
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.


Sep 12, 2015
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.


Dec 01, 2015
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.
L'Algérie Vue Du Ciel
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.
Le Maroc vu du ciel

Le Maroc vu du ciel

Jun 21, 2017
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.
La Terre vue du ciel

La Terre vue du ciel

Sep 22, 2004
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.
Paris Story

Paris Story

Sep 20, 2014
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.


May 23, 2023
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.
Renouer avec le vivant
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.
Le Maroc vu du ciel

Le Maroc vu du ciel

Jun 21, 2017
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a high price, but it is too late to change this? Humanity has had ten years to reverse this trend. To realize the extent to which it has damaged the Earth, and to change its consumption patterns. Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us pictures from more than fifty countries, laying the foundation stone for the building that we should all build together.


Mar 01, 2020


Mar 01, 2020


Apr 13, 2008
Inside the protective warmth of his mother's womb, a man experiences everyday life as eternal bliss.


Apr 13, 2008
Inside the protective warmth of his mother's womb, a man experiences everyday life as eternal bliss.


Apr 13, 2008
Inside the protective warmth of his mother's womb, a man experiences everyday life as eternal bliss.


Dec 24, 2021
Télématin est une émission de télévision française, sur le modèle de Today, diffusée depuis le 10 janvier 1985 sur Antenne 2, puis France 2. Cette émission matinale propose des journaux et des rubriques sur la culture et la vie quotidienne.


Dec 24, 2021
Télématin est une émission de télévision française, sur le modèle de Today, diffusée depuis le 10 janvier 1985 sur Antenne 2, puis France 2. Cette émission matinale propose des journaux et des rubriques sur la culture et la vie quotidienne.
Vu du ciel

Vu du ciel

Jul 08, 2011
Les trésors naturels de la Terre ne sont pas inépuisables. En 30 ans, 30 % des ressources vivantes de la planète ont disparu. Parce qu'il est urgent de se retrousser les manches et de ne plus se contenter de paroles, Yann Arthus-Bertrand nous présente "Vu du ciel", série documentaire pour l'information et l'éducation consacrée aux grands enjeux de la planète...
6 Milliards d'Autres

6 Milliards d'Autres

Jan 12, 2009
Laurence Piquet anime une soirée événement en compagnie de Yann Arthus-Bertrand autour de 6 Milliards d’Autres. Ce projet exceptionnel réunit les témoignages de milliers de citoyens interviewés dans le monde entier, s’exprimant sur des valeurs universelles. Au final, un portrait sensible et humain des habitants de la planète, décliné à travers douze thématiques.
Vivement dimanche

Vivement dimanche

Sep 29, 2024
Vivement dimanche est une émission de télévision française présentée par Michel Drucker. Diffusée sur France 2, l'émission est un talk-show où Michel Drucker reçoit des personnalités du monde du spectacle, du sport et de la politique.


Dec 14, 2020
7 jours sur 7 Patrick Simonin rencontre les artistes, les écrivains, les acteurs et tous ceux qui font vibrer notre époque. « L'invité » est le rendez-vous incontournable des stars et des personnalités qui font l'actualité. « L'invité » est le rendez-vous incontournable des stars et des personnalités qui font l'actualité.Présentation : Patrick Simonin.


Nov 04, 2024
Infrarouge, c'est le rendez-vous hebdomadaire des documentaires de France 2. Ces films sont diffusés le mardi en deuxième et troisième parties de soirée. Nos documentaires vous regardent, ces films sont sans concessions. Des histoires qui sont aussi les vôtres, qui parlent de la vie d'aujourd'hui, qui sont fortes, émouvantes, révoltantes, parfois choquantes et acides.


Jan 12, 2009
Laurence Piquet anime une soirée événement en compagnie de Yann Arthus-Bertrand autour de 6 Milliards d’Autres. Ce projet exceptionnel réunit les témoignages de milliers de citoyens interviewés dans le monde entier, s’exprimant sur des valeurs universelles. Au final, un portrait sensible et humain des habitants de la planète, décliné à travers douze thématiques.