Piera Degli Esposti

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Anima bella

Anima bella

Apr 28, 2022
Gioia a 18 ans. Elle vit avec son père dans un petit village des montagnes où elle travaille comme bergère. Rayonnante et généreuse, elle prend soin de sa communauté en collectant et livrant chaque jour quelques litres d'eau thermale provenant de la source \"miraculeuse\", bien connue pour ses propriétés thérapeutiques. Un jour, sa vie est bouleversée par un événement tragique qui la mènera loin chez elle, dans une ville qu'elle ne connaît pas, pour aider son père.


Oct 09, 2006
Une ville italienne. L'inconnue s'appelle Irena. Elle est arrivée, il y a quelques années, d'Ukraine. Elle fait partie de ces filles de l'Est, proies d'hommes sans scrupules qui, entre violence et humiliation, les tiennent en esclavage sur les trottoirs des grandes villes.A-t-elle un objectif précis lorsqu'elle arrive, avec l'aide d'un gardien, à trouver un emploi de femme de ménage dans l'immeuble en face duquel elle s'est installée pour “travailler” ? En effet, son objectif semble être d'approcher une famille de résidents : les Adacher. Ils se composent de Donato, qui est orfèvre, son épouse, Valeria, et la petite fille Tea.Afin de travailler chez eux, Irena se lie d'amitié avec leur vieille femme de ménage, Gina, puis la remplace. Irena accomplit froidement son plan...
Le troiane

Le troiane

Feb 17, 1967
In 1967 the director Vittorio Cottafavi produces the TV movie Le Troiane from Euripides. He uses the classical Italian translation by Enzio Cetrangolo, but creates an original way of film adaptation, inspired by the Brechtian conception of staging the ancient theater. He does not use costume or set design, but is based only on the simple performance of the actors, highlighted by the shooting technique. The absolute sense of tragedy is perceived by the public through emotional engagement and imagination. So, the Trojan war is all the wars and the pain of the Trojan women is the pain of all the victims of any war.
Il Divo

Il Divo

May 28, 2008
À Rome, à l'aube, quand tout le monde dort, il y a un homme qui ne dort pas. Cet homme s'appelle Giulio Andreotti. Il ne dort pas, car il doit travailler, écrire des livres, mener une vie mondaine et en dernière analyse, prier. Calme, sournois, impénétrable, Andreotti est le pouvoir en Italie depuis quatre décennies. Au début des années quatre-vingt-dix, sans arrogance et sans humilité, immobile et susurrant, ambigu et rassurant, il avance inexorablement vers son septième mandat de Président du Conseil.
Senza Lucio

Senza Lucio

Mar 04, 2015
The singer-songwriter Lucio Dalla seen through the eyes of the person closest to him in the last twenty years: Marco Alemanno. The tale of how they met and how he grew on a human, professional, and artistic level standing by Dalla’s side. And much more: daily and deeper aspects of his life, his love for Southern Italy, his passion for cinema, his relationship with music, his bulimic curiosity of launching himself into new artistic adventures, his mercurial energy and his boundless sense of humor.
Giulia non esce la sera
Guido, an acclaimed author, leads an idyllic life with his beautiful wife and teenage daughter. But despite his seemingly perfect existence, Guido's restless search for inspiration leads him into the arms of Giulia, a charming and mysterious swim instructor, who is hiding a secret from her past.
Questi fantasmi

Questi fantasmi

Dec 23, 1967
Pasquale and Maria, husband and wife, live in a palace supposedly haunted by ghosts and pay no rent. When Pasquale finds some food in the cupboard he thinks the ghosts are at work.
L'Anniversaire de David
Deux couples louent une maison au bord de la mer pour l'été. Tout se passe bien jusqu'à l'arrivée du fils de Diego et de Shary : David. Particulièrement séduisant, David attire l'attention de tous. Même Matteo, un brillant psychiatre est en contemplation devant le jeune homme, bien qu'il tente de dissimuler son trouble tout particulièrement à sa femme. Mais la tension monte menaçant d'exposer les secrets de chacun…
Metalmeccanico e parrucchiera in un turbine di sesso e di politica
During the general elections of 1994, Tunin, a mechanic with a firm belief in communism fears that his party is about to lose, so he journeys to a northern village to stir up trouble. He isn't there long before he is arguing with a beautiful hairdresser. Their debate is fiery as is his growing and impossible-to-disguise passion for her. She too is intrigued with him, but their disparate ideologies threaten to keep them apart.
Corro da te

Corro da te

Mar 17, 2022
Gianni est un important homme d'affaires d'âge moyen, beau et qui réussit dans la vie. Il mène une vie amoureuse de conquêtes continues et non durables. A la mort de sa mère, il retourne dans son appartement où il rencontre sa nouvelle voisine, Alessia, avec qui il aimerait jouer son habituel jeu de conquête. En raison d'un malentendu, Alessia pense que Gianni est handicapé et lui offre de l'aide, alors Gianni fait semblant d'être en fauteuil roulant. Au départ, le jeu tient, mais bientôt les choses changent : en raison de son intention avec Alessia, il rencontre Chiara, la sœur d'Alessia, musicienne classique et joueuse de tennis paraplégique. Au début, Gianni la fréquente pour un pari, compte tenu de la renommée de "conquérant en série" qu'il revendique parmi ses amis.
Les grands patrons

Les grands patrons

Aug 25, 1973
A famous surgeon earns enormous amounts of money by speculating on patients, although he is generally considered a great man and an excellent doctor. Only one of his colleagues rebels against the situation and tries to reveal the truth. But during a dramatic operation, the famous surgeon forces him to turn accomplice and the doctor must keep quiet. Not for long, however.
Giocare d'azzardo

Giocare d'azzardo

Jan 01, 1982
While desperately looking for a change, the 40yo Anna - a bored housewife - decides to start gambling. Luck is not on her side though: she loses everything she had, she's almost broke. Caught up by a moment of madness, she steals her daughter’s lifetime savings. She even pawns her own car - , she’s willing to do anything to try to win… Her only wish is for her lotto number to be the winning one… She tries, and tries, and tries… Till the day when that lotto number gets drawn - is it the truth or has the gambling driven her crazy and she can’t distinguish between reality and a dream anymore?
Oplà, noi viviamo

Oplà, noi viviamo

Mar 31, 1972
Le parcours de Karl, révolutionnaire spartakiste qui, libéré après huit ans, retrouve une société inhumaine et corrompue et ses anciens compagnons qui se sont intégrés au système.
TV Movie
Don Bosco

Don Bosco

Jan 31, 1988
Dans un siècle déchiré par les luttes politiques et religieuses, en pleine mutation industrielle et culturelle, Don Bosco, a redonné confiance à des centaines de jeunes sans repères et livrés à eux-même. Ce prêtre turinois, se fondant sur la raison, l’amitié et la religion, a su révéler le meilleur d’eux-mêmes grâce à sa bonté et sa relation familière avec Dieu. Avec lui, ils ont pu trouver une famille, apprendre un métier, s’ouvrir un avenir tout en éprouvant la joie de se savoir aimé.


Feb 05, 2015
Gualtiero Cecchin, the son of an entrepreneur must find a new way to make money after squandering his huge family fortune. With an idea and a good dose of recklessness Gualtiero must find a way to fund his new business while navigating the shady world of the Neapolitan mob.
4B Movie

4B Movie

Dec 31, 2007
Some images come out from the darkness, fragments from ’Steamboat jr.", “Film”, “Persona” and “Nostra Signora dei Turchi”.
La California

La California

Nov 10, 2022
Two young twins grow up in the Emilia province, expressing the two faces of an era and the adolescent nature that clashes with traditions.


Jan 24, 2015
Contrainte à subvenir aux besoins de sa famille après une tragédie, une jeune nageuse synchronisée est déterminée à retrouver les bassins.
L'altra metà

L'altra metà

Dec 03, 2009
It tells the story of an elderly woman, confined in a nursing home because of her poor health. Her daughters do not want to take her to the wedding of her granddaughter. The woman, with the complicity of a nurse, escaped from there, determined at all costs to attend the wedding of her granddaughter.
Le Case del Vedovo

Le Case del Vedovo

Jun 28, 1968
La comédie "Le Case del Vedovo" (La Maison du veuf) de George Bernard Shaw dans la version diffusée par la RAI en mai 1968 réalisée par Edmo Fenoglio et interprétée par Piera Degli Esposti et Mario Carotenuto. Le Case del Vedovo dont le titre original est "Widower's Houses" est une comédie en trois actes du dramaturge irlandais George Bernard Shaw, jouée au Royalty Theatre de Londres en 1892.
TV Movie
In un posto bellissimo
Un couple marié mène en apparence une vie parfaite. Mais son quotidien est chamboulé quand Lucia découvre des secrets qui la poussent à rompre avec la routine.
La coda del diavolo

La coda del diavolo

Dec 03, 1986
Physician Robert Briand (Robin Renucci) runs a leper colony in the 15th century that takes in new residents who suffer from the ravages of syphilis. When the beautiful Marie-Blanche (Isabelle Pasco) is brought to the grim, prison-like facility, Robert finds she displays no apparent signs of disease. He risks everything when he falls in love with the woman and makes plans to run away with her. Erland Josephson plays Robert's father, with Piera Degli Esposti as Robert's faithful assistant Terese.
Banat (Il Viaggio)

Banat (Il Viaggio)

Sep 04, 2015
Bari, a city caught in the relentless economic crisis. Ivo is an agronomist, but the lack of opportunities pushes him to accept a job in the fertile region of Banat in Romania. Clara has just ended a relationship and is about to lose her job at the Bari harbor. Ivo and Clara meet by chance and seem to immediately understand each other. They spend only one night together before Ivo's departure, but that is enough to create a bond and wanting to meet again. When Clara visits him in Romania, they fall in love. But is exile their only way to happiness?
Il decimo clandestino

Il decimo clandestino

Mar 25, 1989
Originally titled simply Decimo Clandestino, this Lina Wertmuller "miniature" began life as an Italian TV drama. Piera Degli Esposti plays the widowed, impoverished mother of a huge farm family. The woman moves her nine children to Bologna, where their living conditions are deplorable. To avoid a hike in rent, she tells her landlady (Dominique Sanda) that she is living alone. Also known as To Save Nine (a curiously brief English-language title for a Wertmuller film!), IL Decimo Clandestino was expanded from 60 to 90 minutes for its theatrical release.
Sogni d'oro

Sogni d'oro

Sep 10, 1981
Un réalisateur aigri, dont les films incarnent le nouveau cinéma italien pour certains et manquent le public pour d'autres, a des problèmes avec son nouveau film. Mais ce n'est pas tout : il se dispute aussi avec sa mère qui vit avec lui et son amour pour un de ses élèves ne le rend pas heureux.
Sotto il segno dello scorpione
An island has been decimated by a volcanic eruption and the few survivors escape to a nearby island. Led by Rutolo, they know that their new home is equally susceptible to such a catastrophe via its own volcano, but they are unable to convince the current inhabitants of Island #2 to flee with them to a mainland.


Sep 01, 2016
A man wakes up one morning with an annoying ringing sound in his ears. A note on the fridge says: "Your friend Luigi has died. P.S. I took the car". The problem is that he does not even remember who this guy Luigi is. This is just the beginning of a tragicomic day during which he will be plunged into the folly of the world. One of those days that changes your life forever.
Case Chiuse

Case Chiuse

Nov 03, 2011
February 20, 1958: the Italian Parliament approved Law No. 75, the "Merlin Law": the end of an institution of Italian society for ages: the brothel. The Italian writer Dino Buzzati likens the event to the fire in the library of Alexandria in Egypt. The brothel is an institution that has spanned the centuries,thru different aspects, different forms. It is an institution that, in Italy, at least officially no longer exists. But it is also an institution that in other countries, still exists. The doc offers a journey that will start from the ruins of Pompeii brothel to get to the lights of Artemis in Berlin, with its soft drinks and its attention to the well-being and to the erotic papyrus from the Egyptian Museum of Turin and the giant Paradise in Girona, that El Pais has called the biggest brothel in Europe.
Le futur est femme

Le futur est femme

Sep 05, 1984
L'histoire d'un couple qui ne veut pas avoir d'enfants et d'une femme célibataire enceinte qui a besoin d'un foyer pendant un certain temps. La relation entre les trois protagonistes est pour le moins étrange.
Fais de beaux rêves

Fais de beaux rêves

Nov 10, 2016
Turin, 1969. Massimo, un jeune garçon de neuf ans, perd sa mère dans des circonstances mystérieuses. Quelques jours après, son père le conduit auprès d’un prêtre qui lui explique qu’elle est désormais au Paradis. Massimo refuse d’accepter cette disparition brutale. Année 1990. Massimo est devenu un journaliste accompli, mais son passé le hante. Alors qu’il doit vendre l’appartement de ses parents, les blessures de son enfance tournent à l’obsession…
L'Isola di Medea

L'Isola di Medea

Aug 31, 2016
On the 40th anniversary of the death of Maria Callas (September 16, 1977), with footage never seen before from Pier Paolo Pasolini's film MEDEA, this film celebrates the genius and sensibility of two icons of the XX century.
Benvenuto Presidente!

Benvenuto Presidente!

Mar 21, 2013
En Italie, un homme simple et honnête se retrouve un jour propulsé président de la République à la suite d'une erreur.
L'uomo che ama

L'uomo che ama

Oct 24, 2008
A man is broken hearted at the loss of his lover, then later visits the same pain on the next woman with whom he becomes involved.


Aug 12, 1996
This film depicts three episodes in the life of the highly eccentric, unabashedly homosexual Italian filmmaker Per Paolo Pasolini. Pasolini was best known to Americans for his film The Gospel According to St. Matthew. However, in his native Italy, he was at least as well known for his writing and poetry as for his filmmaking. In the first episode, Pasolini (Marco Cavicchioli) waxes poetic about the beauty of young men during a visit to Sicily. The second and more interesting segment concerns a meeting with a young man who visits Pasolini thinking that though he is an old has-been, Pasolini may be able to do him a favor. Pasolini twigs to the boy's intentions, and a sparring session ensues. The final episode shows him picking up a young man at Rome's train station and the events that led to his beating death in 1975.


Jun 25, 2018
Two housewives in America in the 1950s, Mrs Fairytale and her best friend Mrs Emerald, meet every day to share their quiet and bourgeois lives, but the façade of perfection slowly crumbles to reveal terrible secrets.
A Nice Girl Like Me

A Nice Girl Like Me

Nov 23, 1969
Candy is a fetching unwed young lady with a penchant for pregnancy. Her adventures begin when she leaves her sheltered boarding school background for Paris. The result is the birth of Valentine nine months later.


Jan 28, 1970
Médée, qui pour l'amour de Jason a trahi les siens, se vengera terriblement de l'inconstance de son amant.
Louise en hiver

Louise en hiver

Nov 23, 2016
À la fin de l'été, Louise voit le dernier train de la saison, qui dessert la petite station balnéaire de Biligen, partir sans elle. La ville est désertée. Le temps rapidement se dégrade, les grandes marées d'équinoxe surviennent condamnant maintenant électricité et moyens de communication. Fragile et coquette, bien moins armée que Robinson, Louise ne devrait pas survivre à l'hiver. Mais elle n'a pas peur et considère son abandon comme un pari. Elle va apprivoiser les éléments naturels et la solitude. Ses souvenirs profitent de l'occasion pour s'inviter dans l'aventure. Jusqu'à ce qu'une explication lui soit révélée et que tout rentre dans l'ordre.


Apr 12, 1967
The lives of three young people in their teens are linked through their experiences in this drama from director Gian Franco Mingozzi. A girl wins a pop singing contest and begins a successful career, at the same time taking on various lovers, discarding them at whim with no regard to their feelings. A curious teenage boy spies on the lonely bachelor who lives across the street and observes that he always has a handful of bills, so the boy decides to rob him. When the boy can't go through with the crime, he seeks out the bachelor to teach him something about life that the teen feels he is missing.
La California

La California

Nov 10, 2022
Two young twins grow up in the Emilia province, expressing the two faces of an era and the adolescent nature that clashes with traditions.
La California

La California

Nov 10, 2022
Two young twins grow up in the Emilia province, expressing the two faces of an era and the adolescent nature that clashes with traditions.
Le futur est femme

Le futur est femme

Sep 05, 1984
Two young twins grow up in the Emilia province, expressing the two faces of an era and the adolescent nature that clashes with traditions.
L'Histoire de Piera

L'Histoire de Piera

Feb 02, 1983
Two young twins grow up in the Emilia province, expressing the two faces of an era and the adolescent nature that clashes with traditions.
L'Histoire de Piera

L'Histoire de Piera

Feb 02, 1983
Two young twins grow up in the Emilia province, expressing the two faces of an era and the adolescent nature that clashes with traditions.
Tutti pazzi per amore

Tutti pazzi per amore

Jan 01, 2012
Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The show is set in Rome and follows the love story between a single father, Paolo Giorgi, and a single mother, Laura Del Fiore, and the adventures of the extended family that originates from their relationship. The main characters are Paolo Giorgi and his daughter Cristina, Laura Del Fiore and her son Emanuele and her daughter Nina. Around these main characters develops the story of their grandparents, their uncles and aunts, their colleagues and friends.