An electronics genius, who is an ex-con, and four of his lady friends devise a plot to steal millions of dollars from the Chicago Transit Authority. A detective, who had been keeping tabs on him since he got out of prison, suspects that he is up to something and tries to catch him at it.
An electronics genius, who is an ex-con, and four of his lady friends devise a plot to steal millions of dollars from the Chicago Transit Authority. A detective, who had been keeping tabs on him since he got out of prison, suspects that he is up to something and tries to catch him at it.
Pilot for an adventure/comedy series starring Sam Elliott as the title character and Gary Barton as his sidekick. In the pilot Evel Knievel must compete against a female motorcycle daredevil.
Pilot for an adventure/comedy series starring Sam Elliott as the title character and Gary Barton as his sidekick. In the pilot Evel Knievel must compete against a female motorcycle daredevil.
Criminals hijack an airplane carrying five beauty contest finalists, but unknowingly they've also kidnapped a government agent carrying a dangerous virus that is to be used in bacterial warfare.
George Plimpton got a job playing one of the bad guys in the Howard Hawks-directed John Wayne Western "Rio Lobo." In this special we see him talking to Hawks about whether he'll be killed off or not, to Wayne about how to cultivate a special walk to make oneself a star in movies and to himself as he attempts to rehearse his tiny part and while doing so is caught in the frame of a setup for another scene and chastised by Wayne. Wayne calls Plimpton "Pimpleton" throughout this special.
Barbara Bouchet (Casino Royale) and Mike Preston (Metalstorm, Road Warrior) are caught in an international mishmash of espionage and double crosses in the Philippines. Michael Rennie (The Day The Earth Stood Still), Richard Jaeckel (Grizzly) and Phillipino heartthrob Vic Diaz also star!
An aspiring musician is released from prison to find that a song he had written while locked up has been stolen and made into a hit record by a country music superstar. When his confrontation with the star takes a violent turn the ex-con has to go back on the run, but he finds an unexpected ally in a shrewd background singer with a plan to turn the tables in his favor.
An aspiring musician is released from prison to find that a song he had written while locked up has been stolen and made into a hit record by a country music superstar. When his confrontation with the star takes a violent turn the ex-con has to go back on the run, but he finds an unexpected ally in a shrewd background singer with a plan to turn the tables in his favor.
When his teenage son is shot by the Houston police following a stolen van chase, his father undertakes a tireless investigation into the truth and uncovers the fact that the gun found with the boy's body was a "throwdown," a weapon planted by the cops.
When his teenage son is shot by the Houston police following a stolen van chase, his father undertakes a tireless investigation into the truth and uncovers the fact that the gun found with the boy's body was a "throwdown," a weapon planted by the cops.
When his teenage son is shot by the Houston police following a stolen van chase, his father undertakes a tireless investigation into the truth and uncovers the fact that the gun found with the boy's body was a "throwdown," a weapon planted by the cops.
When his teenage son is shot by the Houston police following a stolen van chase, his father undertakes a tireless investigation into the truth and uncovers the fact that the gun found with the boy's body was a "throwdown," a weapon planted by the cops.
A reporter refuses to reveal his source in the case of the murder of a young girl. As a result, he and his family are shunned by the residents of the small town in which they live. Virtually no one comes to his daughter's wedding, and at his office, the police search his desk, and his boss threatens to fire him.
Fact-based drama about the two Joe Louis-Max Schmeling heavyweight fights and the way both boxers unwillingly became symbols of political ideologies just prior to World War II.
A charismatic Real Estate agent, Kevin Coe, is publicly proud of his mother, a prominent socialite, but privately he must put up with her constant belittlements and taunts. And while his latest girlfriend starts discovering the depths of his anguish, no one connects him with a long series of violent rapes that have been troubling the area.
When politicians try to force out a renter in a corrupt real-estate deal, the man decides to take matters into his own hands. He takes a police officer hostage, hoping to expose the scam and save his home.
When politicians try to force out a renter in a corrupt real-estate deal, the man decides to take matters into his own hands. He takes a police officer hostage, hoping to expose the scam and save his home.
A teenage boy fathers a child with his girlfriend. He then fights his parents, the girlfriend, the girl's parents and the courts in an attempt to get custody of the child.
Nov 24, 1979
1979 min474 vues
Bienvenue à Salem, si vous croyez que les vampires n'existent plus, vous risquez d'être surpris. De sombres événements réunissent un écrivain fasciné par une étrange bâtisse située au sommet d'une colline, un antiquaire affable entouré d'un bric-à-brac détonnant, et enfin son cadavérique assistant. Pénétrez un univers où les vivants ont beaucoup de mal à le rester et où il est commun de se retrouver pétrifié de peur.
May 21, 1992
1992 min843 vues
Travaillant pour la fondation Phoenix, MacGyver est appelé à l'aide dès qu'une situation périlleuse l'exige. Adepte de la non-violence, il n'utilise que son intelligence, sa malice et son couteau suisse pour venir à bout de complots, attentats et autres sinistres projets.