Yvon Crenn

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Au cœur du mensonge

Au cœur du mensonge

Jan 13, 1999
Des enfants découvrent dans un port de Bretagne le corps d'Eloïse, dix ans. Elle a été étranglée. La première personne interrogée par Frédérique Lesage, jeune commissaire récemment promue est René, professeur de dessin, dernière personne a avoir vu Eloïse. René et sa femme, Viviane, infirmière à domicile, sont bien acceptés dans le village, mais ce ne sont pas des natifs. Germain-Roland Desmot, écrivain à succès surmédiatisé, est la star du pays. Viviane se laisse charmer. La rumeur à propos de René s'amplifie quand une seconde mort violente finit de tétaniser la ville.
L'Homme Télé

L'Homme Télé

Mar 10, 1992
Cinq générations d’hommes s’assoient sur le même fauteuil et allument le même poste de télévision pour regarder… le même programme. Sont-ils une seule et même personne ? Est-ce une vie qui vient de passer devant nos yeux ?
Rien ne va plus

Rien ne va plus

Oct 15, 1997
Victor a soixante ans, Betty, la moitié de son âge. Ils forment un couple disparate et bien malin qui pourrait dire leurs rapports réels, sinon ceux d'une association de malfaiteurs. Ils sillonnent la France et les pays limitrophes a bord d'un camping-car, recherchant particulièrement les congrès professionnels ou Betty se charge de trouver des pigeons. Ils ne se font jamais prendre car ils restent modestes dans leurs exactions. Jusqu'au jour ou une de leurs opérations les entraine sur le terrain inconnu et dangereux du blanchiment de l'argent douteux.
La Fleur du mal

La Fleur du mal

Feb 09, 2003
La culpabilité peut-elle se transmettre, comme certaines maladies, de génération en génération ? Quels effets une faute non expiée peut-elle avoir pour le coupable mais aussi pour ses descendants et sa famille ? À la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, dans l'atmosphère délétère de règlements de comptes liés à la Collaboration, une femme sera acquittée pour le crime qu'elle a commis. Le film se déroule de nos jours, pendant les dernières élections municipales où un autre meurtre sera commis. Qui est le coupable ? Celui qui commet le crime ou celui qui s'en accuse ? Et coupable de quoi ?
L'Exercice du pouvoir

L'Exercice du pouvoir

Mar 08, 1978
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
Le Passage

Le Passage

Dec 03, 1986
Jean Diaz, réalisateur de films d'animation, entreprend, à la demande de la Mort, la conception d'un film-pamphlet contre la violence d'un monde qui le révolte. Peu après, Jean est tué dans un accident de voitures, son fils, David, tombe dans le coma. Jean signe alors un pacte avec la Mort, qui ramènera David à la vie une fois le film achevé. Le réalisateur comprend peu à peu les noirs desseins de la Mort : anéantir la planète. Dès lors, Jean met tout en œuvre pour déjouer ses plans et sauver sa propre vie et celle de son fils.
Le Convoi

Le Convoi

Jan 20, 2016
Organisés en go fast, sept hommes, répartis dans quatre voitures, convoient une tonne trois cent de résine de cannabis au départ de Malaga au sud de l’Espagne. Direction Creil en banlieue parisienne. Mais pour Alex, Yacine, Majid et les autres, ce qui aurait dû être un convoi ordinaire va devenir un convoi fatal.
Le brasier

Le brasier

May 26, 1991
All of Europe was affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s, but some parts were hurt less badly than others. France, for instance, was relatively prosperous. In this grim drama, a sturdy Polish boxer and his family have settled into a mining town in northern France because that's where the work is. Like European "guest workers" in the 1990s, the Polish immigrants then were frequently treated badly by the locals. In this drama, the romantic aspirations of the boxer's son are thwarted by the concerted efforts of the local men and his own family's preference that he marry another Polish girl. After his romance fails, the son becomes a union activist and sacrifices a great deal to try to gain higher wages for the miners, but the contract he works out is reneged on by the duplicitous owners.
En mai, fais ce qu'il te plaît
All of Europe was affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s, but some parts were hurt less badly than others. France, for instance, was relatively prosperous. In this grim drama, a sturdy Polish boxer and his family have settled into a mining town in northern France because that's where the work is. Like European "guest workers" in the 1990s, the Polish immigrants then were frequently treated badly by the locals. In this drama, the romantic aspirations of the boxer's son are thwarted by the concerted efforts of the local men and his own family's preference that he marry another Polish girl. After his romance fails, the son becomes a union activist and sacrifices a great deal to try to gain higher wages for the miners, but the contract he works out is reneged on by the duplicitous owners.
Série noire

Série noire

Apr 25, 1979
All of Europe was affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s, but some parts were hurt less badly than others. France, for instance, was relatively prosperous. In this grim drama, a sturdy Polish boxer and his family have settled into a mining town in northern France because that's where the work is. Like European "guest workers" in the 1990s, the Polish immigrants then were frequently treated badly by the locals. In this drama, the romantic aspirations of the boxer's son are thwarted by the concerted efforts of the local men and his own family's preference that he marry another Polish girl. After his romance fails, the son becomes a union activist and sacrifices a great deal to try to gain higher wages for the miners, but the contract he works out is reneged on by the duplicitous owners.
Les filles ne savent pas nager
All of Europe was affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s, but some parts were hurt less badly than others. France, for instance, was relatively prosperous. In this grim drama, a sturdy Polish boxer and his family have settled into a mining town in northern France because that's where the work is. Like European "guest workers" in the 1990s, the Polish immigrants then were frequently treated badly by the locals. In this drama, the romantic aspirations of the boxer's son are thwarted by the concerted efforts of the local men and his own family's preference that he marry another Polish girl. After his romance fails, the son becomes a union activist and sacrifices a great deal to try to gain higher wages for the miners, but the contract he works out is reneged on by the duplicitous owners.
La Pianiste

La Pianiste

Sep 05, 2001
All of Europe was affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s, but some parts were hurt less badly than others. France, for instance, was relatively prosperous. In this grim drama, a sturdy Polish boxer and his family have settled into a mining town in northern France because that's where the work is. Like European "guest workers" in the 1990s, the Polish immigrants then were frequently treated badly by the locals. In this drama, the romantic aspirations of the boxer's son are thwarted by the concerted efforts of the local men and his own family's preference that he marry another Polish girl. After his romance fails, the son becomes a union activist and sacrifices a great deal to try to gain higher wages for the miners, but the contract he works out is reneged on by the duplicitous owners.
La Boum 2

La Boum 2

Dec 08, 1982
All of Europe was affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s, but some parts were hurt less badly than others. France, for instance, was relatively prosperous. In this grim drama, a sturdy Polish boxer and his family have settled into a mining town in northern France because that's where the work is. Like European "guest workers" in the 1990s, the Polish immigrants then were frequently treated badly by the locals. In this drama, the romantic aspirations of the boxer's son are thwarted by the concerted efforts of the local men and his own family's preference that he marry another Polish girl. After his romance fails, the son becomes a union activist and sacrifices a great deal to try to gain higher wages for the miners, but the contract he works out is reneged on by the duplicitous owners.
Trois couleurs : Rouge
All of Europe was affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s, but some parts were hurt less badly than others. France, for instance, was relatively prosperous. In this grim drama, a sturdy Polish boxer and his family have settled into a mining town in northern France because that's where the work is. Like European "guest workers" in the 1990s, the Polish immigrants then were frequently treated badly by the locals. In this drama, the romantic aspirations of the boxer's son are thwarted by the concerted efforts of the local men and his own family's preference that he marry another Polish girl. After his romance fails, the son becomes a union activist and sacrifices a great deal to try to gain higher wages for the miners, but the contract he works out is reneged on by the duplicitous owners.