Константин Лавроненко

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Le Retour

Le Retour

Jun 25, 2003
Adolescents turbulents, Ivan et son grand frère Andreï n’ont jamais connu leur père. Après douze ans d’absence, ce dernier réapparaît soudainement. Les enfants n’ont de souvenir de lui qu’à travers une photographie. Pour restaurer les liens rompus, l’homme, taciturne et autoritaire, décide d’emmener durant quelques jours ses deux fils pour une partie de pêche. Tous trois commencent un long voyage en voiture sur les routes russes. Ce court séjour se transforme en longue virée vers une île abandonnée à la recherche d'une chose mystérieuse. Ivan, dit « la crevette », devient de plus en plus arrogant.
Новая Земля

Новая Земля

Aug 08, 2008
A story, which takes place in 2013, describes the world overflowing with "dangerous" criminals due to the official termination of death penalty. The UN "blue helmets" under the directive from the central authority (i.e., One World Government) decided to conduct a social "experiment" by forcibly dumping the outlaws on the deserted island...
Le Bannissement

Le Bannissement

Mar 27, 2008
Un homme, sa femme et leurs deux enfants, quittent une cité industrielle pour la campagne d'où est originaire le mari et s'installent dans la vieille maison du père de celui-ci. En contraste avec le lieu d'avant (la ville qui enjolive les rapports entre les personnages), le nouveau lieu est donc la Nature, une nature envoûtante. Et personne ne retiendra la main du père levée sur son fils. Aucune voix ne sera entendue, le fils ne sera pas remplacé par l'agneau. Car celui qui brandit le couteau n'entend pas, ses yeux ne voient pas, son coeur est sec. Mais sa foi en la "loi" de la fierté humaine est aussi violente qu'insatiable. Comme n'importe quel film, Le Bannissement parle, quelle qu'en soit la manière, de nous tous : de gens beaux et charitables plongés dans des circonstances tragiques et sans issue...
Сочинение ко дню победы
On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, three old wartime friends reunite in Moscow. But they don’t get a chance to sit and recall their long-forgotten exploits. Chairman of the Veterans Foundation Kilovatov (O. Yefremov) is accused of dealings with the criminal world and put behind the bars. Former dissident Morgulis (V. Tikhonov), now residing abroad, and participant of protest rallies Dyakov (M. Ulyanov) organize the release of their friend from prison. Confronted with the cruelty of their enemies who masterminded the arrest of their wartime buddy, our heroes involve mafia and security service in the release operation, and then decide to hijack a plane.


Aug 05, 2010
Crime thriller inspired by the story of Jiri Kajinek, which is considered the first bounty hunter in the Czech Republic. Thanks to his escape from the prison fortress Mirov it became a legend and the most wanted man in Europe. Five weeks while eluding the police, is still shrouded in mystery. Kajínek Film is a powerful story of the most famous prisoner int the Czech Republic in our story of double murder, the story of lawyer looking for new evidence, the story of the underworld and its penetration into the government and handling of the story. George is a victim of conspiracy or Kajínek cold-blooded killer? Trying to prove his innocence or to intimidate and influence witnesses?


Sep 30, 2005
A trio of lonely outsiders - a Russian knife-thrower, a prostitute and an accordeon player - establish a moving circus troupe.
Comment je m'appelle

Comment je m'appelle

Sep 22, 2014
Olia et Sacha, toutes les deux âgées de 17 ans, quittent Moscou et se rendent en Crimée pour faire la connaissance de Sergueï, le père d’Olia. Sergueï a vécu toute sa vie dans une petite bourgade au bord de la mer et n’a jamais vu sa fille unique. Sur le point d’entrer chez lui, Olia prend peur et, craignant la rencontre, demande à Sacha de prendre sa place. Sacha se présente comme Olia tandis qu’Olia se fait passer pour son amie Sacha. Au début le canular amuse les jeunes filles mais elles ne soupçonnent pas que cette innocente plaisanterie va bouleverser leurs existences à tous.


Apr 16, 2015
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
Нанкинский пейзаж
Two men start courting the girl Nadia. Being excellent storytellers, they do everything to please her. They are completely different: one is a simple man with a criminal past, and the other is an intellectual who has visited China. The maximum intensity of passions. Who will the girl choose? Where is the truth and where is the fiction? Which of them is telling the truth after all? What will be ahead?


Dec 01, 2016
Constantin et Robert ne se connaissent pas, mais leurs destins vont se croiser au lendemain d’une catastrophe. Alors qu’ils reviennent tous deux dans leur ville natale, ils la retrouvent dévastée par un tremblement de terre d’une violence sans précédent. Ils doivent alors s’unir pour traverser les décombres de la ville et retrouver leurs proches. Mais très vite, de nouvelles secousses surviennent, encore plus violentes…
Разбуди меня
After boyfriend's disappearance Zhenia develops an uncanny power for prophetic dreams. Using this gift she decides to escape fate and save her true love from Moscow's criminal underworld
Le dernier Chevalier

Le dernier Chevalier

Oct 19, 2017
Ivan est un jeune escroc vivant à Moscou qui se fait passer pour un grand magicien et est payé pour cela. Un jour, poursuivi par un client mécontent, il se retrouve catapulté par mégarde dans le monde fantastique de Bélogorié. Il se retrouve alors pris dans une véritable épopée, aux côtés de compagnons de voyage tous plus farfelus les uns que les autres. Il fait la rencontre de Liéchi, qui lui annonce qu'il est le fils caché du héros Ilya Mouromets.
Coma : Esprits prisonniers
Après un terrible et mystérieux accident, un jeune architecte talentueux se retrouve entre la vie et la mort dans un monde étrange basé sur la mémoire des personnes plongées dans un profond coma. Dans cet espace où l'Empire State Building côtoie Big Ben, rivières, glaciers et villes semblent tenir dans une seule pièce une forme de souvenir du monde réel, déformé et tordu par une perception subjective, inconstante et fragmentaire. Le jeune homme va devoir se battre contre de nouvelles lois de la physique pour survivre, rencontrer l'amour de sa vie, espérer trouver une sortie, et se réveiller.
Science Fiction


Nov 21, 2019
La Terre est frappée par un blackout sans précédent, l'électricité ne fonctionne plus nulle part à l'exception d'une zone située en Europe centrale. Une escouade se constitue pour tenter de sauver la planète d'une menace dont personne ne connaît l'origine.


Sep 26, 2019
Fifteen years ago Andrey graduated from a Secret Service school under the guidance of his father, that trained teenagers to be agents for the Foreign Intelligence Service. When this experimental school is closed, he settles in Europe and cuts ties with Russia. One day his father who was believed to be dead calls him to warn him that some security forces want Andrey dead so he must run and hide. While on the run Andrey finds Masha, his ex-classmate from the Secret Service school. He faces love and betrayal and learns the real scale of the ruthless spy game that he was dragged into against his will.


Oct 31, 2019
Mitya est un jeune garçon solitaire à l’imagination débordante. Ses parents, ingénieurs, travaillent sur la construction de robots dotés d’intelligence artificielle. Un jour, l’un des prototypes défaillants, nommé Robo, s’échappe et fait la connaissance de Mitya. Débute alors une amitié hors du commun entre le garçon et l’androïde. Mais celle-ci se retrouve vite en danger car l’armée est à la recherche de Robo… Le jeune Mitya va devoir tout faire pour le sauver !
Le Dernier Chevalier : La Racine du mal
La paix et la tranquillité se sont installées à Belogorie. Le mal a été vaincu et Ivan jouit désormais d'une gloire bien méritée. Il est entouré de sa famille, de ses amis et de petites merveilles du monde moderne qui l'aident à mener une vie confortable. Heureusement, il dispose de son épée magique qui lui permet de passer d'un monde à l'autre et de s'approvisionner assez régulièrement. Mais lorsqu'un ancien mal se réveille et que l'existence du monde magique est mise en danger, Ivan doit faire équipe avec ses anciens amis et ses nouveaux rivaux. Ils se lanceront dans un long voyage au-delà du monde connu pour trouver un moyen de vaincre les ennemis et de ramener la paix à Belogorie.
Странники терпенья
Andrey is a well-known artist photographer who lives alone with his Labrador dog, Charley, in his own house with a swimming pool in a big city. While preparing for an important international exhibition, he meets a charming young woman Marina who turns out to be deaf and mute. Andrey brings Marina to his place, takes her photos and keeps her at his place for the night. The same repeats on the second day. Neither does he let her go away on the third day. Finally, the girl understands that she is a prisoner and tries to escape.
Нас не догонишь
The main character picture Wayne (Alexei Nesterenko), a young American, Russian origin, working models and dreams of becoming a famous couturier. On the eve of the New Year, Wayne travels to Moscow, to show fashion. His American dream to be realized if he married millionershe named Sherri. Wedding date has been appointed, and guests sent invitations But on the last day stay in Moscow Wayne meets a charming girl, the future actress named Olga, and on the lives of Americans changed dramatically Wayne fall hostage to the criminals who are three : armed guard women's colony on behalf of Semen and two runaway prisoners pump and Bison. Soon all, and fugitives and hostage understand that they can be free, if razdobudut large sum of money. Sherry willing to pay for the buyout of Wayne, but...
Откройте, Дед Мороз!
Young unmarried Zhenya and her little son Grisha are preparing for the New Year. Grisha really hopes that Santa Claus will come to visit them. Zhenya also has a dream that sooner or later she will meet a man whom she will love and who will be her son’s father. On New Year's Eve, old friends come to Zhenya — the Ogurtsov couple and the Kalinkin couple. They noisily see off the old year, after which Zhenya tries to put her son to bed. But Grisha does not want to sleep - he was determined to wait for Santa Claus. And, to mom’s great surprise, Santa Claus comes! Although no one called him ...
Сирийская соната
In the center of the story is the story of two people. He is the conductor of the famous symphony orchestra, giving a concert at a Russian military base. She is a journalist who came to make a report from the scene. From the first minutes of meeting them, feelings flare up, but their first romantic evening in a distant foreign country becomes the only one and completely changes their life. The hotel is captured by terrorists. For the main characters begins a real hunt. The only hope for salvation is the ex-husband of a journalist. Only now, the recently separated spouses have a tough and insoluble conflict. Now the fate of the heroes is in the hands of the one who always dreamed of revenge.
Три мушкетёра
Young d'Artagnan comes to Paris to be a musketeer. There, he meets three old musketeers, members of the glorious King's Guard, but actually realizes that they are not the great fighters who he thinks they are. While joining the musketeers he is faced with the hidden plots of Cardinal Richelieu, his spy Milady de Winter, and a possible war against England.


May 23, 2024
He killed and went unpunished for more than ten years, and more than fifty people died at his hands. An innocent man was convicted and shot instead. For a long time, the murders he committed could not be combined into one case. Maniacs of this caliber simply did not exist in the USSR, so law enforcement agencies were not ready to fight the "Rabid Beast", as journalists later dubbed it. Vigilantes, police officers, investigators from the prosecutor's office, psychiatrists were involved in the capture of Chikatilo, and new investigative techniques were developed that will help save innocent people.


Nov 08, 2007
Liquidation is a highly popular Russian television series, which parallels the famous The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed with notable ethical shift. In the "Meeting Place", chief of criminal investigations Gleb Zheglov had a modus operandi "Thief must go to prison, no matter how I put him there". In Liquidation, chief of criminal investigations David Gotsman's motto has changed to "Thief must go to prison, but lawfully so". The stars of the film include famous Russian actors such as Vladimir Mashkov and Konstantin Lavronenko. Sergei Makovetsky had to replace Andrey Krasko, who died of heart attack during the filming.
У каждого своя война
The story of the teenage love of a schoolboy Robert to Milka, the girlfriend of the ataman of the Zamoskvoretsky punks. The background for this romantic line is the stories of neighbors, communal intrigues, war memories — everything that is so familiar to the post-war generation of Muscovites.
Soderzhanki (Russian Affairs)
A Moscou de nos jours, Dasha, une historienne spécialisée dans l’art fraîchement arrivée dans la capitale, rêve d'une vie nouvelle et meilleure, mais un incident mystérieux et cruel va tout changer.
Однажды в Ростове
USSR, June 2, 1962. After the reduction of wages and price increases, residents of Novocherkassk went to a peaceful demonstration. But passions quickly heated up and led to a tragedy - the shooting of protesting workers, despite the protests of General Shaposhnikov. The authorities manage to hush up the tragedy, they take a non-disclosure agreement from witnesses, and all those who disagree receive prison sentences.
Soderzhanki (Russian Affairs)
A Moscou de nos jours, Dasha, une historienne spécialisée dans l’art fraîchement arrivée dans la capitale, rêve d'une vie nouvelle et meilleure, mais un incident mystérieux et cruel va tout changer.


Oct 29, 2023
1745. The reigning Empress Elizabeth Petrovna is infertile. The only heir is her feeble-minded nephew Peter III. Elizabeth cannot allow Peter to ascend to the throne, so she decides to marry the tsarevich, wait for the birth of her son, and then take the boy and raise him as a real Russian emperor herself. Brides are coming to St. Petersburg. Among them is the lovely Fike - the young Princess Sofia Frederica from the impoverished branch of the Prussian kings.
Прощай, любимая...
Somebody founds a body of 40-year old woman in the park in Moscow. Police closes the case thinking that she died by natural causes. But her husband Sotnikov, who is a financial analytic and mathematic is sure that she was murdered. Having no legal or medical skills, he starts his own investigation and finds the proof of the murder but also he finds out that his wife had an affair.


Mar 20, 2016
Klim Roshchin is a policeman who started out as an ethologist before the police, studied the life of wolves, and lived in a pack. He uses his animal instinct to catch criminals. A unique policeman who does not use weapons. His arsenal includes deduction, intuition, provocative interrogations and knowledge of the habits of animals. And, of course, an increased sense of justice, because of which he will find all the bad ones, but also all the good ones, his own, will lose.
Soderzhanki (Russian Affairs)
A Moscou de nos jours, Dasha, une historienne spécialisée dans l’art fraîchement arrivée dans la capitale, rêve d'une vie nouvelle et meilleure, mais un incident mystérieux et cruel va tout changer.


Mar 20, 2005
Fluke Kelso, a dissipated, middle-aged former Oxford historian, who is in Moscow to attend a conference on the newly opened Soviet archives, receives in his hotel a very unexpected visitor.


Oct 31, 2020
In the near future, life on earth is destroyed except for a small area in Eastern Europe. Russian military fights off hoards of remaining humans controlled by aliens and work to prevent a successful invasion by an alien force set on conquering the plant.
Action & Adventure


Feb 28, 2025
KVN is a Russian humour TV show and competition where teams compete by giving funny answers to questions and showing prepared sketches. The programme was first aired by the First Soviet Channel on November 8, 1961. Eleven years later, in 1972, when few programmes were being broadcast live, Soviet censors found the students' impromptu jokes offensive and anti-Soviet and banned KVN. The show was revived fourteen years later during the Perestroika era in 1986, with Alexander Maslyakov as its host. It is one of the longest-running TV programmes on Russian Television. It also has its own holiday on November 8, the birthday of the game, which KVN players celebrate every year since it was announced and widely celebrated for the first time in 2001.