Bartłomiej Topa

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Varsovie 83, une affaire d'état
Le 12 mai 1983, Grzegorz Przemyk refuse de donner sa pièce d'identité lors d'un contrôle de police. Les forces de l'ordre décident alors de lui donner une leçon et le battent à mort. Sauf qu'un témoin assiste à la scène, Jurek Popiel. Ils vont tout faire pour l'empêcher de témoigner au procès...


Oct 13, 2004
Wojnar is a wealthy man who is marrying off his beautiful daughter Kasia, in a small town in present day Poland. Wojnar had to bribe the groom with a fancy car, since Kasia was pregnant by another man. At the end of the ceremony, the car is delivered by a gangster, who immediately demands the promised money and the deed to land from Kasia's grandfather. Unfortunately grandpa is unwilling to let go of the land. Meanwhile each of the workers at the reception demand to be paid, so Wojnar, who is very reluctant to part with his money, tries to haggle and bribe his way out of all the situations.
Prawo ojca

Prawo ojca

Sep 10, 1999
When the ex-racing driver's teenage daughter is brutally raped, her father seeks justice on his own.
Dom zły

Dom zły

Nov 27, 2009
L'histoire se déroule sur deux niveaux temporels parallèles. 1. Pologne, une nuit d'automne de 1978. Edward Srodon, zootechnicien, s'arrête accidentellement dans la ferme familiale Dziabas, située dans la région reculée des monts Bieszczady. 2. Des années plus tard, un jour d'hiver pendant la loi martiale, une équipe d'enquête de la milice populaire examine une scène de crime.


Nov 09, 2009
A single mobile phone links disparate lives as mishaps take it from a tabloid journalist, to a rehab facility, a war veteran — and beyond.
Demony wojny według Goi
A detachment of the Polish IFOR forces in Bosnia is led by Major Keller, who is being investigated for insubordination during a patrol in Srebrenica. The investigation is to be led by two arriving officers - Lieutenant Czacki and Major Kusz who will also replace Keller as CO. When the camp's RTO receives a communication from a downed Norwegian chopper, Keller ignores his standing orders and leads a platoon to rescue the crew.


Sep 12, 1994
A thin child of about 10, nicknamed "Crow" because she mimics the bird, has no friends and rejects a teacher's hug. At home, she is left on her own, her mom locks her out while entertaining a lover or is asleep. One morning, Crow sees a chubby, cherubic child hugged by both parents as the father leaves for work. When the toddler is left alone, Crow lifts her through the fence and kidnaps her.


Jul 30, 2009


Piotr (Paweł Królikowski) jest psychiatrą. Siedzi na nocnym dyżurze, gdy na jego oddział przywożą chłopaka. To Kamil (Lesław Żurek), syn którego nie widział całe lata. Chłopak znika ze szpitala równie szybko, jak się pojawił. Jednak Piotr postanawia nawiązać z nim kontakt. Zaprasza go do siebie i poznaje ze swoją piękną, młodą narzeczoną (Anna Geislerová). Po wizycie Kamila kobieta uświadamia sobie, że Piotr jest dla niej zagadką i naprawdę nic o nim nie wie. A Piotr rzeczywiście skrywa mroczną tajemnicę…
Trois couleurs : Blanc
Karol a tout perdu après son divorce avec Dominique, il ne peut même pas retourner en Pologne et refuse de devenir meurtrier pour de l'argent. Après avoir enfin réussi à retourner dans son pays, il se lance dans diverses entreprises et tombe dans le piège de sa vengeance sur Dominique.


Feb 12, 2010
Kidnappers demand six million in ransom, but the United Nations does not negotiate with terrorist. One of the best counterfeiters is serving a lengthy prison term and the agent who arrested him needs his help.


Mar 14, 2014
Days before the end of the school year, Liliana gives Janek an ultimatum, giving him 24 hours to either prove his love for her or forget about her altogether.


Apr 04, 1997
Based on the facts, the story of Dr. Barbara Makowska-Witkowska, arrested in 1983 by the civil militia. She was accused of beating up and stealing a drunk patient's wallet.


Sep 17, 1993
Looking for a place to conduct research, docent Marek and his family move into an old villa where strange events take place.


Sep 20, 1993
One night, a teacher is murdered. A police investigation soon leads to the deceased's true nature and two unlikely suspects.
Orlęta. Grodno '39

Orlęta. Grodno '39

Sep 09, 2022
Grodno, the eastern border of pre-war Poland. On September 1, 1939, German planes bomb the city. One of the bombs hits the school of Leoś, Ewelina and Tadek. Literally and symbolically, the world of a carefree childhood, fun and first crushes ends.
Czerwone maki

Czerwone maki

Apr 05, 2024
We see the story of the legendary battle through the eyes of Jedrek - a boy who went through the hell of the gulag and left Russia with the Polish Army as one of thousands of polish orphans. Soon a decisive attack on a monastery located on the hills of Monte Cassino is to take place at the front - this spectacular battle will decide the lives of many soldiers and the fate of the Allied offensive in Italy, and will change Jedrek's life forever.
4 jours en enfer : Kerbala, Irak
En 2003, en Irak, la coalition militaire menée par les Etats-Unis lance une opération pour renverser le régime de Saddam Hussein. Parmi les membres de la coalition se trouvent 2500 soldats polonais. Quelques mois plus tard, un commando de soldats polonais, sous les ordres du capitaine Kalicki, est pris dans une embuscade mortelle. Peu de temps après, Kalicki est sollicité par l'armée américaine pour conduire un commando chargé de protéger l'hôtel de ville de Kerbala, menacé par une insurrection djihadiste.
Sługi boże

Sługi boże

Sep 16, 2016
A young German girl jumps off a Wroclaw church tower. She is a member of a Women's Gregorian Choir.


Jan 01, 1970
Nie ten człowiek

Nie ten człowiek

Nov 23, 2011
A surreal collage of interrelated threads revolving around history of thirty-year-old Kuba who, with his parents' encouragement, decides to take his first job. Though none too convinced, he starts work as a delivery man. Having set out on his first delivery soon after he witnesses a traffic accident. He ends up giving a statement at the police station. And his plans begin to unravel. By a twist of fate Kuba has no idea about the significance of the part he will have to play on this particular day.
Kebab i Horoskop

Kebab i Horoskop

Nov 06, 2014
A group of misfits from a carpet shop have a chance to change their lives with the help of two marketing experts - an ex-kebab shop worker and an ex-fortune teller from a wildlife magazine.


Oct 18, 2001
A seriously wounded gangster with a bag full of money stops at a deserted gas station.
Biała sukienka

Biała sukienka

Jun 19, 2003
Careerist Maciej gives a lift to a hitchhiker with opposite beliefs as they both head to their hometowns. In the meantime, the local community gets prepared for the annual Corpus Christi procession.


Jan 31, 2013
Seven policemen, seven deadly sins, a murder case, secrets and the filth of everyday police work: Traffic Department transports the viewer into the darkest Warsaw streets.
Obce niebo

Obce niebo

Oct 16, 2015
Basia and Marek have been on the run their whole lives. Along with their nine-year-old daughter Ula, they experience what it’s like to be an immigrant in Sweden. When a Swedish social worker visits their home, she witnesses Ula’s everyday reality, as seen from the perspective of the local culture. Ula is then taken away from her parents and placed in foster care. Will Basia and Marek stick together and fight for Ula? Will they succeed in rebuilding their bond and their family?
Mój biegun

Mój biegun

Oct 25, 2013
A tale based on the true story of Jasiek Mela, the first and youngest disabled who ever reached both the South and North Pole. The Mela family is enjoying their summer vacation on the lake completely unaware of the tragedy that is about to happen. And just when they think that the loss of a child is the worst that could happen to their family, life strikes again, and again.
La Dette

La Dette

Aug 05, 2011
À son retour d'un voyage en France, Pawel constate avec stupéfaction que la photo de son père fait la Une d'un journal polonais. Considéré jusqu'alors comme l'un des héros du syndicat Solidarnosc, le père de Pawel est aujourd'hui soupçonné d'avoir été une taupe au service du régime.
Po prostu przyjaźń

Po prostu przyjaźń

Jan 06, 2017
A multi-layered, touching comedy about a group of friends whose relationships - in the face of life adversities - are exposed to more than one test. Filip risks his face and career for the whim of a crazy collector of Jadźka buttons. The sedate professor refuses his friend's indecent request, but he secretly kidnaps himself in a virtually reckless way. Meanwhile, a close-knit group of friends go to the mountains every year. There they discover a mystery that will change their lives forever. What will they choose? Loyalty or money? Friendship or love? Truth or lie? Own or other luck? Every choice for the heroes of the comedy "Just friendship" means trouble. Who will help them? We know: friends. Because friendship, like no other investment, always pays off.
Dziura w głowie

Dziura w głowie

Nov 01, 2018
After a particularly embarrassing performance, a struggling Polish actor chooses to quit his acting troupe. In desperation, he returns home, only to find his dying mother has replaced him with a farm hand from a nearby mental institution. Alienated and depressed, he attempts to find his place in the world by driving out his replacement as completely as possible.


Nov 30, 1991
Magda, a novice director, makes a film about the behavior of young people in extreme situations - specifically, in a correctional home.
Wyjazd integracyjny

Wyjazd integracyjny

Nov 04, 2011
Three guys and a beautiful girl. Their fate will combine the integration leaving the title that is out of control and become a true Recreational apocalypse.


Nov 03, 2001
A young scientist becomes a victim of his own experiment. Andrzej Majer, a psychiatrist, decides to go to a psychiatric hospital for three months as a patient in order to learn the secrets of his profession.
Sztos 2

Sztos 2

Jan 20, 2012
As Poland is placed under martial law in 1981, two confidence tricksters try to evade both the police and the army. They become embroiled in a web of schemes engineered by the secret service, fellow criminals and the democratic resistance.


Sep 28, 2018
Trois amis prêtres représentatifs des 33 000 curés que compte la Pologne : l’un est un curé influent dans une ville de taille moyenne, le second évolue dans la haute hiérarchie et ambitionne une carrière à Rome, le troisième officie dans un petit village pauvre de province. L’un d’entre eux est accusé à tort de pédophilie alors que le second use de son pouvoir et de son influence pour masquer ses crimes. L’un comme l’autre ont été victimes ou témoin de tels actes dans leur enfance.
The Iron Bridge

The Iron Bridge

Oct 03, 2019
Un mineur se retrouve coincé sous terre après un accident. Sa femme et son patron, qui entretiennent une liaison, attendent les secours, rongés par la culpabilité.
Polska śmierć

Polska śmierć

Apr 27, 1995
Young man frustrated with his life and pointless job becomes one of the suspects in serial killer investigation, but he suspects someone else...


Jun 03, 2020
A dead boy is found in Warsaw-on-Sea. Police Superintendent Delman arrives at the scene of the crime and quickly realises that he knew the victim and that the boy’s secret is also his. His investigations lead him to the seaside district of Noamia.
Boisko bezdomnych

Boisko bezdomnych

Aug 01, 2008
Under the leadership of an ex-footballer, a bunch of homeless men set up a football team and train hard to take part in the world championship.
Zróbmy sobie wnuka

Zróbmy sobie wnuka

Oct 10, 2003
To save the family land from a mysterious millionaire, a farmer hatches a plan to marry off his two children so they can take over the business.
Polskie gówno

Polskie gówno

Oct 16, 2014
Reactivated music band "The Transistors" sets off for a tour organized by their new manager, debt collector Czeslaw Skandal. Their bus is driven by a friend, Stan Gudeyko, - once a leader of the legendary punk-rock formation "Yperite". On their tour, musicians will encounter many hardships and disappointments, which will put their friendship and patience to the test. They will soon discover that Skandal is cast from a different mold - knows shit about music and has a completely different hobby. Furthermore, the declining music industry is not a place strewn with roses - the cards are dealt here by a mysterious sect of "Showbizians"…


Jun 24, 2021
The Lone Detective arrives in town to unravel a murder mystery.


Jul 28, 2021
À la suite d'un tragique événement, un jeune combattant de MMA reprend la boîte de nuit familiale et comprend que la mort de son frère n'avait rien d'accidentel.


Oct 13, 2004
Wojnar is a wealthy man who is marrying off his beautiful daughter Kasia, in a small town in present day Poland. Wojnar had to bribe the groom with a fancy car, since Kasia was pregnant by another man. At the end of the ceremony, the car is delivered by a gangster, who immediately demands the promised money and the deed to land from Kasia's grandfather. Unfortunately grandpa is unwilling to let go of the land. Meanwhile each of the workers at the reception demand to be paid, so Wojnar, who is very reluctant to part with his money, tries to haggle and bribe his way out of all the situations.


Jun 28, 2024
The successful judge Alicja Mazur, who is known for her strictness towards criminals. The woman is unexpectedly accused of a murder she did not commit.


Jan 10, 2020
After a bombing attack at the Poland–Ukraine border which killed his friends from the Border Guard, Captain Wiktor Rebrow tries to unravel the mystery and figure out what happened and who is behind it all.
Action & Adventure
Głęboka woda

Głęboka woda

Jun 09, 2013
A group of social welfare workers led by their new director tries to provide necessary aid to people struggling with various problems.


Dec 13, 2023
Dans cette comédie satirique, un noble farfelu se heurte à des querelles familiales et paysannes dans sa quête pour devenir la personnalité la plus célèbre de Pologne.
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.


Mar 09, 2008
The dark world of crime: murders, racketeering, drugs, kidnappings. There are no rules here. Working in this world makes cops cynical and ruthless. There is a fine line between them and criminals - will any of them cross it? The main characters are officers from the Department for Counteracting Criminal Terror and Homicides. The action of the series is an extension of the threads that appear in the feature film. It presents in a realistic way the brutal and dark world of crime that officers encounter on a daily basis. They're not just tracking down murderers. They fight racketeering, kidnapping, drug trafficking while struggling with their own day to day life and problems.
The King

The King

Dec 25, 2020
Varsovie, 1937. Le spectre du fascisme plane sur l’Europe. La mafia juive règne sur la ville avant le début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale sous la houlette de Buddy Kaplica, un gangster socialiste polonais qui a des relations haut placées. Son bras droit, un boxeur juif impitoyable Jakub Szapiro, rêve de prendre sa place et de devenir le roi de Varsovie. Il prend sous son aile Moyshe Bernsztajn, un jeune garçon en qui il voit son successeur. Le conflit entre socialistes et fascistes est à son comble, Buddy et Szapiro sont impliqués dans une conspiration politique au sommet du gouvernement et dans une guerre des gangs, qui pourrait déterminer le destin de Varsovie et du pays tout entier. Partagé entre sa loyauté envers son patron et son ambition, Jakub va se lancer dans une lutte décisive pour le pouvoir dans les rues de la ville.


May 13, 2022
An ordinary guy who died of a heart attack from stress is resurrected. Euphoric at first, he discovers that no one worried about his death and that his life so far was quickly thrown into the trash. Now He wonders why he rose from the dead and whether he should reveal himself.
Druga szansa

Druga szansa

May 20, 2018
The main character is Monika Borecka, TV producer and manager. She is a modern woman of success - strong, attractive, hard-working and self-confident. Seemingly, she's leading a perfect life: she's on the peak of her career, makes money, and has a handsome partner. She loves living in a big city, she is always updated with news. Monika is ambitious and creative. In the world of show-business, she feels like a duck in water. She's going to celebrate her 40th birthday with beloved ones. Suddenly...she loses everything. Without job, friends, rejected by the world of show-biz which was her entire world. Arrested and convicted to social services in hospital. Monika, for the first time in her life is left on the own. Betrayed, humiliated, disillusioned and without hope. Monika faces many problems to find the answer for a question: what is the most important thing in life? Is she able to struggle with hardships of life? How to use a second chance, which is given us by lock to find our true destiny? The series also shows scenes of show business and reveals to the audience the mechanisms governing the world.
Układ Warszawski

Układ Warszawski

Nov 27, 2011
Marek Oporny, who is a police analyst, is transferred to the police station in Czerniaków as a punishment. His new colleagues are not favorable to him. Marek will have to get along with new colleagues. "Criminal old stagers”: Kosa, Sikorek and his commissioner partner Zuza Szarek.


Dec 06, 2012
A bright, young officer joins General Police Headquarters to investigate one of its lead inspectors and the criminal cases he's working on.
Sans un mot

Sans un mot

Apr 22, 2022
La disparition d'un jeune homme peu après la mort de son ami sème le trouble chez les habitants d'une banlieue aisée de Varsovie en révélant leurs secrets et mensonges.


Mar 29, 2020
David must join forces with police analyst Petra as they are drawn deep into the tangled web of who controls the flow of meth into Europe.