Maurice Jacquin

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Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez
Le maréchal des logis Ludovic Cruchot est muté de son petit village perché ddes Hautes-Alpes à la gendarmerie de Saint‐Tropez avec un galon de plus. Dès son arrivée, il se montre d’emblée d’une intransigeance qui destabilise ses subalternes. Ces derniers comprennent que les vacances au chaud l'hiver, au frais l'été sont terminées. Tyrannique avec les petits, mielleux et larvaire avec sa hiérarchie, Cruchot va se heurter aux mœurs locales. Nicole, sa fille, qui découvre le luxe de Saint‐Tropez, se fait passer pour la fille d’un richissime Yachtman afin de se faire adopter par la jeunesse locale. Pendant ce temps, Cruchot fait la chasse aux nudistes et aux voleurs de tableaux...
La Mort d'un tueur

La Mort d'un tueur

Apr 01, 1964
Revenu à Nice après cinq ans de prison, purgés pour un hold-up qui a mal fini, Pierre Massa retrouve ses amis Albert et Tony. Ensemble, ils rendent visite à la mère de Massa, qui lui apprend que sa sœur Maria, pour qui il nourrissait une affection trouble, a quitté la maison pour s'installer avec Luciano. Massa revoit leur vie avant son arrestation, la préparation du hold-up indiqué par Luciano, la liaison entre Maria et celui-ci. Il se souvient de s'être battu avec Luciano par jalousie. Persuadé que c'est lui qui l'a trahi, il part à sa recherche pour se venger. L'affrontement se fera à la roulette russe ou ne se fera pas...
Moto Shel Yehudi

Moto Shel Yehudi

Apr 29, 1970
A confrontation between two enemies. One is a young, captured Israeli agent and the other an older Arab inspector who tries to get the agent talk by making him regain his desire to live.
La Veuve Couderc

La Veuve Couderc

Sep 15, 1971
A confrontation between two enemies. One is a young, captured Israeli agent and the other an older Arab inspector who tries to get the agent talk by making him regain his desire to live.
Le lys de mer

Le lys de mer

Apr 28, 1971
A young girl witnesses a violent and ultimately fatal act between her mother and another man and it emotionally scars her for years to come. As a young woman, she takes a vacation with a more worldly girlfriend to Sardinia, and in doing so, attracts the attention of a young man in the village. Despite her interest in the man her haunted past prevents her from developing a normal relationship with him.
Le Juge

Le Juge

Mar 03, 1971
A young girl witnesses a violent and ultimately fatal act between her mother and another man and it emotionally scars her for years to come. As a young woman, she takes a vacation with a more worldly girlfriend to Sardinia, and in doing so, attracts the attention of a young man in the village. Despite her interest in the man her haunted past prevents her from developing a normal relationship with him.
Du rififi à Paname

Du rififi à Paname

Mar 02, 1966
A young girl witnesses a violent and ultimately fatal act between her mother and another man and it emotionally scars her for years to come. As a young woman, she takes a vacation with a more worldly girlfriend to Sardinia, and in doing so, attracts the attention of a young man in the village. Despite her interest in the man her haunted past prevents her from developing a normal relationship with him.
Le Petit Baigneur

Le Petit Baigneur

Mar 22, 1968
A young girl witnesses a violent and ultimately fatal act between her mother and another man and it emotionally scars her for years to come. As a young woman, she takes a vacation with a more worldly girlfriend to Sardinia, and in doing so, attracts the attention of a young man in the village. Despite her interest in the man her haunted past prevents her from developing a normal relationship with him.
Sur un arbre perché

Sur un arbre perché

Apr 12, 1971
A young girl witnesses a violent and ultimately fatal act between her mother and another man and it emotionally scars her for years to come. As a young woman, she takes a vacation with a more worldly girlfriend to Sardinia, and in doing so, attracts the attention of a young man in the village. Despite her interest in the man her haunted past prevents her from developing a normal relationship with him.
La Peau de Torpédo

La Peau de Torpédo

Jun 03, 1970
A young girl witnesses a violent and ultimately fatal act between her mother and another man and it emotionally scars her for years to come. As a young woman, she takes a vacation with a more worldly girlfriend to Sardinia, and in doing so, attracts the attention of a young man in the village. Despite her interest in the man her haunted past prevents her from developing a normal relationship with him.
Le Soleil des voyous

Le Soleil des voyous

May 31, 1967
A young girl witnesses a violent and ultimately fatal act between her mother and another man and it emotionally scars her for years to come. As a young woman, she takes a vacation with a more worldly girlfriend to Sardinia, and in doing so, attracts the attention of a young man in the village. Despite her interest in the man her haunted past prevents her from developing a normal relationship with him.


Jul 24, 1965
Pendant dix ans, le grand reporter (et ancien correspondant de guerre) François Chalais offre un regard décalé et des interviews surprenantes des grands mythes du cinéma, souvent en compagnie de France Roche. Composée de reportages et d’entretiens, cette émission révèle les acteurs et cinéastes en toute confidence. Le ton de Chalais et sa verve le rendent parfois irrévérencieux. 