Danny Kaye

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Le bouffon du roi

Le bouffon du roi

Dec 24, 1955
Le Roi Roderick a usurpé le trône d'Angleterre alors que l'héritier légitime est encore un bébé. L'enfant est gardé par quelques partisans du roi défunt qui sont conduits par un homme mystérieux, le Renard Noir. Seul ce dernier a le pouvoir de remettre le véritable roi sur le trône. Il doit seulement récupérer la clé du roi qui ouvre un tunnel secret. Pour qu'il puisse réussir sa mission, quelqu'un doit faire diversion. Hawkins, membre de la bande, est désigné pour cette tâche. Le lieutenant du Renard, Jeanne, s'occupe de Hawkins et du bébé pendant le voyage vers la cour du roi Roderick.
It's a Great Feeling

It's a Great Feeling

Aug 01, 1949
Doris Day dans le rôle d'une serveuse de la MGM qui rêve de devenir une star et décrocher un premier rôle. Sa rencontre avec les acteurs Jack Carson et Dennis Morgan, qui jouent leur propre rôle à l'écran, lui permettra de s'introduire dans les coulisses des studios hoolywoodiens.
Le Joyeux Phénomène

Le Joyeux Phénomène

Jun 08, 1945
Boisterous nightclub entertainer Buzzy Bellew was the witness to a murder committed by gangster Ten Grand Jackson. One night, two of Jackson's thugs kill Buzzy and dump his body in the lake at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Buzzy comes back as a ghost and summons his bookworm twin, Edwin Dingle, to Prospect Park so that he can help the police nail Jackson.
Noël blanc

Noël blanc

Oct 14, 1954
Noël 1944 : lors d'une soirée donnée pour le départ du général Waverly, Phil Davis rencontre le célèbre chanteur Bob Wallace. Par la suite, Phil est amené à la vie de ce dernier. En signe de reconnaissance, celui-ci lui propose alors de former un duo à la fin de la guerre : Phil écrira les chansons et Bob les chantera. Chose promise, chose due : les deux compères créent un spectacle télévisé à succès. Dans ce cadre, ils sont un jour amenés à auditionner Betty et Judy, deux sœurs dont le talent n'a d'égal que la beauté…
La Vie secrète de Walter Mitty
Un jeune auteur, Walter Mitty, travaille comme correcteur dans une maison d'édition de pulp fictions (ouvrages à bon marché). Au cours de rêves éveillés, il s'imagine tour à tour grand chirurgien, pilote de la RAF, capitaine d'un vaisseau corsaire, terreur du Far West, etc. Dans chacune de ces scènes, il voit une superbe jeune fille blonde en danger. Jusqu'au jour où, malencontreusement, il se retrouve face à un vrai réseau d'espions à la poursuite de la jeune fille blonde, bien réelle. Personne ne le croit dans son entourage. Il lutte donc seul face à un psychanalyste trop doux pour être honnête et une bande de personnages dirigés par un professeur hollandais passionné de roses.
Vive monsieur le maire
Georgi est un commerçant ambulant qui est accueilli avec beaucoup d'égards par la petite ville de Brodny qui s'imagine avoir a faire a un inspecteur, envoyé incognito pour vérifier les comptes de la commune ..... Georgi remplit parfaitement son rôle mais refuse de se laisser dévoyer...
Sur la Riviera

Sur la Riviera

Apr 20, 1951
À la boîte de nuit Côte d'Azur de Monte-Carlo, l'artiste américain Jack Martin fait un tabac avec ses chants, ses danses et ses imitations. Un soir, tout le monde dans le club se presse devant la télévision pour voir le célèbre aviateur, le capitaine Henri Duran, atterrir à Nice, concluant ainsi un vol autour du monde qui a battu tous les records. La compagne de Jack, Colette, lui rappelle de mettre ses lunettes et ils s'accordent à dire que Duran ressemble à Jack. Gapeaux, qui s'ennuie, insiste pour que Jack rende son numéro "sensationnel", ou bien il ne le fera pas.
Hans Christian Andersen et la danseuse
Le savetier Andersen fascine les enfants de son village en leur racontant des contes magnifiques. A son écoute, les petits en oublient presque de se rendre à l'école. Semoncé par le maire, Andersen part pour Copenhague avec son commis, Peter. Il y devient le fournisseur en chaussons de Dora, une danseuse étoile. Il tombe amoureux de l'artiste, qui est mariée au maître de ballet, et lui écrit un conte de fées, «La Petite Sirène». Le conte deviendra un magnifique ballet. Mais, comprenant qu'il rêve d'un amour impossible, le savetier reprend le chemin de son village, où l'attendent les enfants.
Here Comes Peter Cottontail
Peter Cottontail wants to be the #1 chief Easter Bunny, and everyone in April Valley agrees...except for Evil Irontail. Peter must deliver more eggs than this archrival to earn the top spot...and save Easter for children everywhere!
Si bémol et fa dièse
Cloîtrés dans une vaste demeure depuis des années, sept professeurs travaillent à l'élaboration d'une anthologie de la musique. Robert Frisbee, le plus jeune d'entre eux, est chargé de la musique américaine moderne. Grâce à l'intervention impromptue de deux laveurs de carreaux noirs, il découvre de nouveaux rythmes, le jazz en particulier. Afin d'approfondir ses notions toutes récentes, Frisbee se rend dans les boîtes de nuit consacrées à cette musique si étrange. Il y fait la connaissance d'une chanteuse, Honey Swanson, ainsi que de quelques musiciens qu'il invite à venir travailler avec lui.
Millionnaire de cinq sous
Loring Nichols, musicien, débarque à New York pour faire carrière. Après diverses expériences, il fonde son propre orchestre, The Five Pennies, et connaît le succès. Mais quand sa fille tombe malade, il est obligé de déménager vers un climat meilleur. Il doit alors tout recommencer à zéro...
Christmas Unwrapped: The History of Christmas
Christmas abounds with traditions, from neighborhood carolers to lovingly decorated trees, but from where did all these rituals emerge? This enlightening program looks at the origins of the Western world's most popular Christmas traditions -- from the significance of December 25th and its relationship to winter solstice to the enchanting legend of Santa Claus and Prince Albert's 1841 unveiling of the Christmas tree.
Showbiz Goes to War

Showbiz Goes to War

Dec 31, 1982
While a few Hollywood celebrities such as James Stewart and Clark Gable saw combat during World War II, the majority used their talents to rally the American public through bond sales, morale-boosting USO tours, patriotic war dramas and escapist film fare. Comedian David Steinberg plays host for this star-studded, 90-minute documentary, which looks at the way Tinseltown helped the United States' war effort.
La doublure du général
Ernie Williams, un soldat de première classe, ne parvient pas à s'habituer au règlement militaire. Juste avant le Débarquement allié, il s'échappe d'un campement. Repris, on lui propose de devenir la doublure d'un général dont la vie est menacée par des agents nazis. Contraint et forcé, il accepte de se plier au jeu. La femme du général, malheureuse dans son ménage, survient à l'improviste et finit par voir d'un bon oeil ce nouvel époux tombé du ciel. Les nazis parviennent cependant à enlever Ernie et l'emmènent à Berlin où la Gestapo l'interroge. Ernie leur fournit des informations fausses et prépare son évasion. Mais ses gardes sont aux aguets...
Le Fou du Cirque

Le Fou du Cirque

Mar 20, 1958
Lorsque l'excentrique professeur d'anglais Andrew Larabee a besoin d'une augmentation de salaire pour que sa fiancée l'épouse, son intérêt pour l'archéologie le conduit sur le lieu de sépulture d'une ancienne statue. Mais lorsqu'il découvre un cirque itinérant juste au-dessus de l'emplacement de la statue, il fait accidentellement partie du numéro. Avec une nouvelle passion pour le spectacle et une attirance pour la belle acrobate Selena, Andrew doit décider ce qui est vraiment important pour lui.
Un grain de folie

Un grain de folie

Apr 06, 1954
Pris par le temps, des espions doivent se débarrasser d'un microfilm qui devient gênant. Ils ont beau chercher un endroit fiable, ils n'en trouvent pas. En désespoir de cause, ils se résignent à cacher le précieux objet - d'importants plans d'avions classés top secret - dans un pantin. La marionnette, qui appartient à un ventriloque, garde le secret. Le marionnettiste - Jerry Morgan - également. Jerry, qui pour ses spectacles travaille avec «Clarence et Terrence», ses deux poupées, ignore absolument tout de ce qui l'attend. Et, sans rien comprendre, il se retrouve mêlé à cette sombre histoire d'espions et de documents dérobés...
Horizons en flammes

Horizons en flammes

Aug 30, 1949
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un officier essaie de prouver l'interet des porte-avions, cause pour laquelle il milite depuis des annees.
The Kid from Brooklyn

The Kid from Brooklyn

Mar 21, 1946
Shy milkman Burleigh Sullivan accidentally knocks out drunken Speed McFarlane, a champion boxer who was flirting with Burleigh's sister. The newspapers get hold of the story and photographers even catch Burleigh knock out Speed again. Speed's crooked manager decides to turn Burleigh into a fighter. Burleigh doesn't realize that all of his opponents have been asked to take a dive. Thinking he really is a great fighter, Burleigh develops a swelled head which puts a crimp in his relationship with pretty nightclub singer Polly Pringle. He may finally get his comeuppance when he challenges Speed for the title.
Moi et le Colonel

Moi et le Colonel

Oct 01, 1958
Nazis are about to overrun France, and a Jewish man named Jacobowsky is stranded in Paris. He hitches a ride with reluctant Polish serviceman Colonel Prokoszny, who harbors a bias against Jews. They are soon joined by Prokoszny's bride-to-be, Suzanne, who takes an immediate liking to the engaging Jacobowsky. This furthers the hostility between Jacobowsky and Prokoszny, but they must put their differences aside to evade the Nazis trailing them.
Up in Arms

Up in Arms

Feb 17, 1944
Hypochondriac Danny Weems gets drafted and accidentally smuggles his girlfriend aboard his Pacific-bound troopship.
La Folle de Chaillot

La Folle de Chaillot

Oct 12, 1969
Reuni au cafe Francis, sur la colline de Chaillot, un groupe de conspirateurs internationaux fomente de forer tout Paris pour rechercher du petrole. Mais une vieille excentrique du quartier, aidee de ses amis, clochards et mendiants, decide de les empecher de nuire.
The Man from the Diners' Club
Meek credit card company clerk Ernest Klenk is feeling the pressure of demanding coworkers, new computers, and an upcoming wedding. This stress leads to a big mistake -- the accidental approval of a credit card for mobster Foots Pulardos, who is planning to flee to Mexico with his girlfriend, Sugar Pye, to avoid criminal charges. When Klenk tries to fix his mix-up, he gets dangerously involved in Foots' scheme.
Money on Your Life

Money on Your Life

May 13, 1938
This fun little piece has Danny Kaye as man who buys a life insurance policy. What the insurance salesman doesn't know is that Danny is on the hit list by assassins so he has to do everything he can to keep him alive or else pay up on the policy.


Nov 17, 1981
A dramatization of the controversial trial concerning the right for Neo-Nazis to march in the predominantly Jewish community of Skokie, Illinois.
Sports on the Silver Screen
HBO (in association with the American Film Institute) presents this 1997 anthology, narrated by Liev Schreiber, which looks at sports in cinema from the earliest silent films until the nineties. Watch not for dramatic scenes but for the glimpse of historical figures shown both cinematic and athletic- in this tribute to the merging of sports and Hollywood.


Mar 27, 1976
This musical adaptation of Pinocchio from 1976 features the incomparable talents of Danny Kaye, Sandy Duncan, Flip Wilson, and Clive Revill. Framed by the story of a young theater girl's desire to study and work apart from her father, the story of Pinocchio is presented as a subplay with the young girl as Pinocchio (Sandy Duncan) and her father as Geppetto (Danny Kaye). The famous Carlo Collodi story of a lonely woodcutter whose marionette comes to life is presented faithfully and engagingly.
TV Movie
À la recherche de... Pierre Richard
Pierre-Richard Maurice Charles Léopold Defays dit Pierre Richard, tout à la fois acteur, auteur, réalisateur et producteur, commença sa carrière sous son vrai nom de Pierre-Richard Defays. Il est une figure incontournable du cinéma comique français. Héritier de Buster Keaton pour l'expression du corps, et de Groucho Marx pour le burlesque verbal, ce comédien lunaire connaît ses plus grands succès en interprétant des personnages naïfs, rêveurs et gaffeurs durant les années 1970 et 1980. Sophie Agacinski retrace le parcours de Pierre Richard, de son enfance, de ses débuts au cabaret à sa carrière cinématographique, à travers des images d'archives et des témoignages de ceux qui ont été ses proches, ses amis et de Pierre Richard.
Danny Kaye Christmas Show
In this Christmas-themed show, Danny welcomes as his guests Andy Williams, Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore. Danny and Dick are featured in a song-and-dance number, 'Puttin on the Ritz'. The featured comedy skit has Van Dyke portraying a tough as nails prosecutor locking horns with a seedy defense attorney during a murder trail were both lawyers play to television cameras in the courtroom.
Edith Head: The Paramount Years
A tribute to the legendary costume designer Edith Head during her years providing costumes for the films of Paramount studio which includes Sunset Boulevard, Roman Holiday and many others during her distinguished career that lasted more than six decades and earned her eight Academy Awards wins in between more than 30 nominations.
Getting an Eyeful

Getting an Eyeful

Jan 21, 1938
Nickotai (Danny Kaye) needs an eye test and is the first patient of ‘eyetestometist’ Henry Groper.
Night Shift

Night Shift

Jan 02, 1942
Documentary short film depicting the work in a British armaments plant in which the night shift consists of women workers.
Night of 100 Stars II

Night of 100 Stars II

Mar 10, 1985
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
Dime a Dance

Dime a Dance

Dec 23, 1937
June Allyson is a cashier in a dance hall and her friend Imogene Coca wants to get a job there as a dance hostess. June advises her she needs to first make herself attractive to men,and gives her a book on the subject. But Imogene, by mistake, picks up the wrong book and reads one on the art of jiu-jitsu. Imogene's first customer is a bashful sailor who gets turned every which way but loose. Hank Henry also appears as a sailor. All four performers had better things ahead of them although,in the case of comedian Hank Henry, not by much.
Mary Tyler Moore: A Celebration
Not only did Mary Tyler Moore “turn the world on with her smile,” as her show’s theme song declared, she also influenced a generation of women to become more independent and to pursue successful and fulfilling careers. Moore’s own 50-plus-year career has spanned award-winning films and Broadway shows, as well as two beloved television series that broke ground and continue to entertain viewers. ​ This one-hour special includes highlights from a recent interview with Mary Tyler Moore, tributes from her co-stars and clips from iconic moments throughout her career. The program looks at her breakthrough role on The Dick Van Dyke Show, her iconic turn as TV's first independent career woman on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and her Academy Award-nominated work on Ordinary People.
TV Movie
Hollywood Musicals of the 40's
Highlights from the great musicals of the 1940s. Stars featured include Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, Danny Kaye, Jimmy Durante and Frank Sinatra.
Lifetime of Comedy

Lifetime of Comedy

Jan 01, 1960
Compilation of comedy sketches from the comedy kings Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Danny Kaye & Bing Crosby.
I Am an American

I Am an American

Dec 23, 1944
The history of a Polish family and its contributions to the war effort throughout American history.
Bogart: The Untold Story
Stephen H. Bogart narrates the rise to fame of his father, Humphrey Bogart through the use of film clips, written material and interviews of friends and co-workers.
Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Dec 12, 1976
Peter Pan is a 1976 musical adaptation of J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up, produced for television as part of the Hallmark Hall of Fame, starring Mia Farrow as Peter Pan and Danny Kaye as Captain Hook, and with Sir John Gielgud narrating. Julie Andrews sang one of the songs, "Once Upon a Bedtime", off-camera over the opening credits. It aired on NBC at 7:30pm on Sunday, December 12, 1976, capping off the program's 25th year on the air. The program did not use the score written for the highly successful Mary Martin version which had previously been televised many times on NBC. Instead, it featured 14 new and now forgotten songs, written for the production by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse.
The Best Of Danny Kaye - The Television Years
Legendary showman Danny Kaye's greatest moments have been handpicked by Kaye's daughter, Dena, in this lighthearted compilation. Highlights ranging from Kaye's many television and film appearances are featured in all of their old Hollywood splendor, among them including his performance as a painfully shy man with the duty of escorting Lucille Ball to a restaurant, duets with Louis Armstrong and Harry Belafonte, and the famous tongue-twisting segment from The Court Jester.
Cupid Takes a Holiday

Cupid Takes a Holiday

Feb 04, 1938
Because his family has a history of insanity that breaks out when a family member hasn't married by the time they are 25 years old, Nikolai Nikolaevich visits a matrimonial firm searching for a bride. But all the candidates are either too fat, too young, too old, too skinny or too ugly,and he turns them all down.
That's Dancing!

That's Dancing!

Jan 18, 1985
A documentary film about dancing on the screen, from it's orgins after the invention of the movie camera, over the movie musical from the late 20s, 30s, 40s 50s and 60s up to the break dance and the music videos from the 80s.
And the Oscar Goes To...
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Bing Crosby: Rediscovered
Bing Crosby was, without a doubt, the most popular and influential multi-media star of the first half of the twentieth century, pulling audiences in with his intimate, laid-back voice and innate charm. Narrated by Stanley Tucci and directed by Robert Trachtenberg, this film explores the life and legend of this iconic performer, revealing a personality far more complex than the image the public had only thought they'd known.
Musical Comedy Tonight II
A tribute to American musical theater, featuring scenes from "Show Boat", "South Pacific," "Sweet Charity," "Finian's Rainbow," and "Lady in the Dark", among others. There is also discussion of the various creative aspects of the plays.
La cinquième dimension
Cette série est une anthologie d'histoires fantastiques, étranges, énigmatiques dont le but était, comme le disait son créateur Rod Serling, « de frapper le téléspectateur, de le choquer par la chute toujours inattendue, surprenante et singulière de chacune de ces histoires. » Elle est basée sur la série La Quatrième Dimension créée par Rod Serling.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Cosby Show

Cosby Show

Apr 30, 1992
Installée à New York, dans le quartier de Brownstone, la famille Huxtable vit un quotidien pour le moins agité. Au sommet de l’arbre généalogique, Heathcliff et Claire veillent, dans la bonne humeur, à l’éducation de leurs enfants. Le gynécologue-obstétricien et l’avocate en ont eu cinq : Sondra (20 ans), Denise (16 ans), Theodore (14 ans), Vanessa (8 ans) et l’espiègle Rudy (5 ans). Les crises d’adolescents succèdent aux problèmes scolaires, les petits tracas du quotidien aux maux de cœur...
The Lucy Show

The Lucy Show

Mar 11, 1968
The Lucy Show is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1962–68. It was Lucille Ball's follow-up to I Love Lucy. A significant change in cast and premise for the 1965–66 season divides the program into two distinct eras; aside from Ball, only Gale Gordon, who joined the program for its second season, remained. For the first three seasons, Vivian Vance was the co-star. The earliest scripts were entitled The Lucille Ball Show, but when this title was declined, producers thought of calling the show This Is Lucy or The New Adventures of Lucy, before deciding on the title The Lucy Show. Ball won consecutive Emmy Awards as Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for the series' final two seasons, 1966–67 and 1967–68.
The Merv Griffin Show

The Merv Griffin Show

Dec 29, 1967
The Merv Griffin Show is an American television talk show, starring Merv Griffin. The series ran from October 1, 1962 to March 29, 1963 on NBC, September 20, 1965 to August 15, 1969 in first-run syndication, from August 18, 1969 to February 11, 1972 at 11:30 PM ET weeknights on CBS and again in first-run syndication from February 14, 1972 to September 5, 1986.
The Ed Sullivan Show

The Ed Sullivan Show

May 30, 1971
The Ed Sullivan Show is an American TV variety show that originally ran on CBS from Sunday June 20, 1948 to Sunday June 6, 1971, and was hosted by New York entertainment columnist Ed Sullivan. It was replaced in September 1971 by the CBS Sunday Night Movie, which ran only one season and was eventually replaced by other shows. In 2002, The Ed Sullivan Show was ranked #15 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.
Le Muppet Show

Le Muppet Show

Mar 15, 1981
Que le spectacle commence ! Kermit la grenouille, Miss Peggy, Fozzie l'ours, et Gonzo, les marionnettes du Muppet Show, s'animent pour nous offrir un show haut en couleurs. En coulisses, alors que chacun prépare son numéro, la tension monte. Les Muppets se mettent en quatre pour recevoir leur invité d'honneur, la personnalité du moment ! Cerise sur gâteau, Statler et Waldorf, confortablement installés dans la loge-balcon, ne manque jamais une occasion de se moquer de leurs compères...
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
The Danny Kaye Show

The Danny Kaye Show

Apr 12, 1967
The Danny Kaye Show is an American variety show hosted by Danny Kaye that aired on CBS from 1963 to 1967 on Wednesday nights. Directed by Robert Scheerer, the show premiered in black-and-white, but later switched to color broadcasts. At the time, Kaye was at the height of his popularity, having starred in a string of successful films in the 1940s and '50's, made successful personal appearances at such venues as the London Palladium, and appeared many times on television. His most recent films had been considered disappointing, but the television specials he starred in were triumphant, leading to this series. Prior to his television and film career, Kaye had made a name for himself with his own radio show, and numerous other guest appearances on other shows.
The American Film Institute Salute to ...
In 1973 the American Film Institute initiated its Life Achievement Award, to be presented to a yearly recipient whose talent has fundamentally advanced the film art; whose accomplishments have been acknowledged by scholars, critics, professional peers and the general public; and whose work has stood the test of time.
Cérémonie des Oscars
Les Oscars du cinéma (Academy Awards) sont des récompenses cinématographiques américaines décernées chaque année depuis 1929 à Los Angeles et destinées à saluer l'excellence des productions américaines du cinéma. L'attribution de ces distinctions dans les domaines choisis pour représenter les métiers de la création cinématographique (réalisation, interprétation, scénario, technique) est organisée, gérée et dirigée par l'association professionnelle Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
The Emmy Awards

The Emmy Awards

Sep 15, 2024
Cérémonie annuelle de remise des prix récompensant les meilleurs programmes télévisés américains diffusés aux heures de grande écoute, tels que choisis par l'Académie des arts et sciences de la télévision.


May 31, 1960
Startime is an anthology show of drama, comedy, and variety, and was one of the first American television shows broadcast in color. The program was aired Tuesday nights in the United States on the NBC Television network in the 1959-60 television season.
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .
The Bob Hope Show

The Bob Hope Show

May 28, 1984
The Bob Hope Show hosted by Bob Hope, debuted on April 9, 1950. During the 1952-1953 season, NBC rotated with other variety shows in a Sunday night block known as "The Colgate Comedy Hour" (Sept. 1950 to Dec. 1955). Also known as, "The Chevy Show with Bob Hope." When the first special debuted in October of 1950 it was the most expensive television program made up to that point - costing an astronomical $1,500 a minute to produce. Bob Hope had his own television show and radio show at the same time. For the next three seasons, The Bob Hope Show was broadcast once a month on Tuesday nights, giving Milton Berle a week off. Bob ended his radio show in April, 1956. Bob Hope also had another show by a similar name, "The Bob Hope Show (All Star Revue)". In addition, he performed in "Specials" for many years. It is the longest running variety program in television's history with a record of 45 years of televised entertainment.
What's My Line?

What's My Line?

Sep 03, 1967
Four panelists must determine guests' occupations - and, in the case of famous guests, while blindfolded, their identity - by asking only "yes" or "no" questions.
Le Grand Échiquier

Le Grand Échiquier

Oct 29, 2020
Le Grand Échiquier mêle tous les arts et toutes les générations d'artistes et propose des rencontres artistiques exceptionnelles, inédites et insoupçonnables entre chanteurs, musiciens, chorégraphes, danseurs, humoristes ou encore chefs d'orchestre.