Kathryn Mullen

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Of Muppets & Men

Of Muppets & Men

Oct 31, 1981
Documentary about the work of puppeteer Jim Henson and his team in creating The Muppet Show.
Follow That Bird

Follow That Bird

Aug 02, 1985
Big Bird is sent to live far from Sesame Street by a pesky social worker, who thinks it would be better for him to live with other birds. Unhappy, Big Bird runs away from his foster home, prompting the rest of the Sesame Street gang to go on a cross-country journey to find him.
The Christmas Toy

The Christmas Toy

Dec 06, 1986
It's Christmas Eve and the playroom is alive with excitement for the new toys that will arrive the next day. Balthazar, the old and wise bear, explains to the other toys that they must welcome the newcomers even though each of them may be replaced as one of the children's new favorite toys.


Dec 15, 1995
Neil McCauley est un braqueur qui a de l'expérience. Il veille, au cours de ses vols, à ne pas commettre d'impairs. Ses complices n'ont pas autant de scrupules ni de «conscience professionnelle». Lors d'une opération pourtant bien planifiée, l'un d'entre eux tire sur deux vigiles. Ce double meurtre intéresse au plus au point le lieutenant Hanna, qui ne met guère de temps à identifier McCauley comme étant le cerveau de la bande. Les deux hommes apprennent à se connaître par dossier et surveillance interposée. A tel point qu'il finissent par se rencontrer. Chacun jure alors de mettre l'autre en échec. Un duel s'engage, à la limite de la légalité.
Fraggle Rock - Dance Your Cares Away
Boober Gorg: After being hit on the head by a radish, Boober thinks he's a Gorg! Determined to protect Gorgs' radishes, he joins forces with the giants to capture he Fraggle friends. Blanket of Snow, Blanket of Woe: When Mokey forgets to cover Marjory the Trash Heap before the first snowfall, Marjory freezes solid! With help from Boober and the Gorgs, Mokey keeps her promise to make things right. Inspector Red: Who stole the ancient fragglehorn? Red plays detective so solve the strange and bizarre mystery. Which of the suspects is guilty? Would a guilty Fraggle let an innocent Fraggle take the rap?
The Muppets Go to the Movies
In this one-hour special taped between March 9-17, 1981, Lily Tomlin and Dudley Moore join the Muppets in a tribute to film classics. Kermit the Frog hosts the program, which begins with an all-cast rendition of "Hey a Movie!" from The Great Muppet Caper.
TV Movie
The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show
Taped in Toronto between August 9-24, 1982, Miss Piggy hosts her own variety show, with special guests John Ritter, George Hamilton and Tony Clifton (Andy Kaufman). Under the direction of Kermit the Frog, the Muppets work in the control room and, amidst chaos, manage to keep the show on the air. Throughout the show, a romantic triangle develops among Piggy, Ritter (who is smitten with the pig) and Hamilton (who is deeply uncomfortable with the star's romantic inclinations).
TV Movie
The Muppets Go Hollywood
Kermit the Frog throws a glamorous party at the Cocoanut Grove nightclub to celebrate the premiere of the Muppets' first feature film, The Muppet Movie. Hosts Dick van Dyke and Rita Moreno interview the wide array of celebrities and Muppets who attend the event. Gary Owens serves as off-camera announcer, and appears on-screen to introduce Miss Piggy.
TV Movie
Fraggle Rock - Live by the Rule of the Rock
Catch a Tail by the Tiger: Gobo has not received his usual postcard from his Uncle Traveling Matt. He eventually comes to realize that he must venture out into outer space to look for him – a trip that would terrify and Fraggle. Believe It or Not: Red and Wembley discover a creature who is whatever you believe hi is. The trouble starts when Ma Gorg believes him into being a monster in the basement of the castle. All Work and All Play: Cotterpin Doozer decides she’d rather be a Fraggle, like Red, than spend the rest of her life building with the Doozers. Approx. Run Time: 170 minutes (including bonus features).
Sesame Street: Sing, Hoot & Howl with the Sesame Street Animals
Sing, Hoot & Howl with the Sesame Street Animals is a 1991 Sesame Street direct-to-video compilation, featuring Big Bird and other Sesame Street animals showing clips of their favorite animal songs. This tape was released by Random House in the "Sesame Songs Home Video" series, and reissued in 2004 as a Sony Wonder video release.
The World of 'The Dark Crystal'
A documentary which explores the making of Jim Henson and Frank Oz's 1982 fantasy film 'The Dark Crystal', which originally aired on PBS in the United States on January 9, 1983. This one-hour documentary details the technological innovations in the field of animatronics, art design, film making, and Henson's own brand of magic. Requiring 5 years of production, including over two years of pre-production, The Dark Crystal was inspired by the imagination of artist Brian Froud and conceived by scores of talented designers, builders, technicians, and performers. The World of the Dark Crystal shows how Jim Henson's Creature Shop in London and the Muppet Workshop in New York brought Brian Froud's art and Jim Henson's vision to life.
The Very Best of the Muppet Show
Play the music! Light the lights! The Best of the Muppet Show is now available on DVD--and what a show it is! All non-human life is here in a muppet-fest of music and comedy: from pigs in space to talking rats, singing chickens to a chocolate "moose". The initial 50-minute feature has all the best bits from this inspirational, celebrational 1970s show including Kermit's sensitive rendering of "It's Not Easy Being Green" and Miss Piggy's less sensitive take on Wonder Woman.
The Very Best of the Muppet Show: Volume 3
This third edition of 'The Very Best of the Muppet Show' is a collection of three Muppet Show episodes. In the 'Linda Carter Episode', Wonder Woman inspires Fozzie, Scooter and other cast members to become apprentice heroes. In the 'Diana Ross Episode', the soul diva helps Kermit win over a tough crowd, shows Fozzie how to tell a joke and performs 'Love Hangover' and 'Reach Out and Touch'. Finally in the 'Johnny Cash Episode', the country singer joins Kermit and friends for a live radio show on Muppet station WHOG and sings some favourites like 'Orange Blossom Special' and 'Ghost Riders in the Sky'.
Le Noël des Muppets

Le Noël des Muppets

Dec 16, 1987
"A Muppet Family Christmas" est une émission de télévision spéciale de Noël mettant en vedette les Muppets de Jim Henson. Il a été diffusé pour la première fois le 16 décembre 1987 sur le réseau de télévision ABC aux États-Unis.
Down at Fraggle Rock

Down at Fraggle Rock

Jul 13, 1987
Take a closer look at Fraggle Rock in this documentary special hosted by Jim Henson - featuring a glimpse inside Fraggle Rock character design and development, as well as the evolution of the television series.
Top Secret !

Top Secret !

Jun 08, 1984
Nick Rivers, une star américaine du rock and roll, participe à Berlin-Est à un festival culturel international. Ce rassemblement est en fait l’instrument d’un complot fomenté par un groupe de néo-nazis nostalgiques. Nick participe, à sa façon, à la résistance qui s’organise.
L'Empire contre-attaque
Malgré la destruction de l’Étoile Noire, l'Empire maintient son emprise sur la galaxie, et poursuit sans relâche sa lutte contre l'Alliance rebelle. Basés sur la planète glacée de Hoth, les rebelles essuient un assaut des troupes impériales. Parvenus à s'échapper, la princesse Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca et C-3P0 se dirigent vers Bespin, la cité des nuages gouvernée par Lando Calrissian, ancien compagnon de Han. Suivant les instructions d'Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker se rend quant à lui vers le système de Dagobah, planète marécageuse où il doit recevoir l'enseignement du dernier maître Jedi, Yoda. Apprenant l'arrestation de ses compagnons par les stormtroopers de Dark Vador après la trahison de Lando, Luke décide d'interrompre son entraînement pour porter secours à ses amis et affronter le sombre seigneur Sith...
Les Muppets à Manhattan
Les Muppets sont de retour ! Ils viennent d'obtenir leur diplôme à la fac et veulent fêter ça en allant vendre leur nouveau show, "Manhattan Melodies", chez les producteurs de Manhattan. Sauf que personne n'en veut, et les Muppets se séparent : Kermit se fait une nouvelle amie, Jenny, et rend jalouse la pauvre Peggy. Rowlf devient secrétaire chez un vétérinaire, Fozzie s'installe dans une cave, et Peggy ne peut s'empêcher de surveiller de près son Kermit tout en continuant à travailler sur le spectacle. Enfin, un jeune producteur se décide à financer leur show; le gang des Muppets est en route pour Manhattan lorsque Kermit se fait renverser par une voiture. Devenu amnésique, ses amis tentent de lui faire recouvrer la mémoire...
The Bells of Fraggle Rock
Gobo thinks the Fraggles' own Solstice holiday, the Festival of the Bells, is a big waste of time. Despite Cantus' warnings, Gobo goes on a journey to find out if the mythical Great Bell at the heart of Fraggle Rock is real. When the Rock slows down in the winter, the Fraggles hold the Festival of the Bells to make sure it keeps moving. As part of the celebration, they ring bells to awaken the Great Bell at the heart of the Rock. They also dress up as a Weebabeast, who used to guard the Great Bell when the Rock was small. Meanwhile, Doc and Sprocket explore mid-winter holiday traditions from around the world.
Muppet Sing Alongs: It's Not Easy Being Green
Muppet Sing-Alongs: It's Not Easy Being Green was released direct to video in 1994. A collection of Muppet songs is put together in this fun Karaoke video. Kermit hosts this video, where he presents a variety of songs, with appearances by Clifford, Billy Bunny, Otto, and a fish. Songs - "Kokomo", "Splish Splash", "Octopus' Garden", "Pass It On", "Movin' Right Along", "Over the Rainbow" medley, "Bein' Green", "Eight Little Notes", "Bar-B-Que", "Frog Talk", "In a Cabin In the Woods", "Heat Wave" and "Sweet Vacation" *The songs "Eight Little Notes" and "Bar-B-Que" both feature matted walk-on appearances by characters who weren't in the original sequences (Kermit in "Eight Little Notes" and Billy Bunny in "Bar-B-Que"), while the middle of "Sweet Vacation" is replaced with new footage of Kermit closing the show.
Les Muppets : Ça c'est du cinéma !
Kermit la grenouille vit paisiblement dans son petit marais. Lorsqu'il entend parler d'une grande audition à Hollywood, il se laisse tenter par le voyage et part à bicyclette avec le doux espoir de réaliser ses rêves de star. En chemin, il rencontre une belle actrice, Miss Piggy, un comédien raté, Fozzie l'ours, et toute une série d'individus aussi particuliers que talentueux. Kermit et sa joyeuse troupe décident bien vite de faire la route ensemble avec la ferme intention de conquérir Hollywood. La chose ne se fait cependant pas sans encombre lorsque le promoteur véreux Doc Hopper se lance à leur poursuite afin de pouvoir engager Kermit pour une nouvelle publicité sur sa chaîne de restaurants spécialisés dans les cuisses de grenouilles...
The World of Jim Henson
In this episode of PBS' Great Performances, the history and legacy of puppeteer Jim Henson is explored, from his six-second commercial beginnings to a five-season run on ABC of The Muppet Show to several theatrically released films, including five Muppet movies, The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth.
Dark Crystal

Dark Crystal

Dec 17, 1982
Un autre monde, un autre temps, à l’âge des miracles… Jen et Kira, seuls survivants de la race des Gelfings, partent à la recherche d’un éclat de cristal gigantesque, abîmé dans une commotion planétaire, qui donne force et puissance aux Mystiques, un peuple sage et pacifique. Ils doivent affronter les terribles et cruels Skekses qui tiennent ces derniers en esclavage.
Sesame Street: Sing Yourself Silly!
Big Bird and his pals are making musical mayhem as they sing the goofiest, nuttiest, silliest songs ever. Join in with Sesame Street favorites Oscar, Ernie, the Count, and more as they tickle your funny bone with tunes like, "Everything in the Wrong Place Ball," "Mary Had a Bicycle," and more. James Taylor drops by to sing "Jellyman Kelly," and Jeremy Irons, Jane Curtin, and Paul Simon lead an all-star cast of celebrities in the showstopper, "Put Down the Duckie." Songs: The Honker-Duckie-Dinger Jamboree; Ladybug Picnic; Jellyman Kelly; Wavin' Goodbye to You with My Heart; Old MacDonald Cantata; Everything in the Wrong Place Ball; One Banana; Calcutta Joe; Mary Had a Bicycle; Ten Tiny Turtles on the Telephone; Put Down the Duckie.
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season, for refashioning characters and themes from the original Dr. Seuss books into new stories that often retained much of the flavor of Dr. Seuss's own works. It derives its name from wubble, a type of unicycle mentioned in the Dr. Seuss book I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew.
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season, for refashioning characters and themes from the original Dr. Seuss books into new stories that often retained much of the flavor of Dr. Seuss's own works. It derives its name from wubble, a type of unicycle mentioned in the Dr. Seuss book I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew.
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season, for refashioning characters and themes from the original Dr. Seuss books into new stories that often retained much of the flavor of Dr. Seuss's own works. It derives its name from wubble, a type of unicycle mentioned in the Dr. Seuss book I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew.
Fraggle Rock

Fraggle Rock

Mar 30, 1987
Derrière l'atelier de l'inventeur Doc et de son chien Croquette, existe un monde souterrain, appelé Fraggle Rock, dans lequel vivent des créatures poilues. La série s'intéresse surtout aux Fraggles, personnages passant leur temps à s'amuser. Mais outre les Fraggles, ce monde abrite également les Doozers, beaucoup plus petits qu'eux, et les Gorgs, des géants persuadés qu'ils sont les maîtres de l'univers.
Between the Lions

Between the Lions

Nov 22, 2010
Between the Lions is a PBS Kids puppet television series designed to promote reading. The show is a co-production between WGBH in Boston and Sirius Thinking, Ltd., in New York City, in association with Mississippi Public Broadcasting, in Mississippi. The show has won seven Daytime Emmy awards between 2001 and 2007. The target audience is children 4 to 7 years old. It has the same puppet style as Sesame Street and several season 2 episodes, notably in Dance in Smarty Pants, had a few characters from Sesame Street guest appearing. Between The Lions started its 10th and final season on September 20, 2010. The Show Ended in November, 22 2010 Along with Reading Rainbow
Allegra's Window

Allegra's Window

Jul 26, 1994
Allegra's Window is a children's television series that aired on Nick Jr. from October 24, 1994 to May 1, 1996, with reruns airing from May 2, 1996 to June 1998 and later airing on Noggin from February 2, 1999 to April 2003. The show deals with the daily life of a precocious, imaginative puppet named Allegra, and featured live actors, puppets and animation ala Sesame Street. The show was created by Jan Fleming, John Hoffman and Jim Jinkins. The series also spawned a series of music videos aired during interstitials that aired on Nick Jr.
Le Muppet Show

Le Muppet Show

Mar 15, 1981
Que le spectacle commence ! Kermit la grenouille, Miss Peggy, Fozzie l'ours, et Gonzo, les marionnettes du Muppet Show, s'animent pour nous offrir un show haut en couleurs. En coulisses, alors que chacun prépare son numéro, la tension monte. Les Muppets se mettent en quatre pour recevoir leur invité d'honneur, la personnalité du moment ! Cerise sur gâteau, Statler et Waldorf, confortablement installés dans la loge-balcon, ne manque jamais une occasion de se moquer de leurs compères...
Jim Henson's Little Muppet Monsters
Little Muppet Monsters is a short-lived Saturday morning live action/puppet television series, airing only three episodes on CBS in 1985. The first season of Muppet Babies did so well in the ratings, that CBS decided to expand the series from a half-hour to an hour, pairing Muppet Babies with Little Muppet Monsters. They called the hour-long package Muppets, Babies and Monsters.
Jim Henson's Little Muppet Monsters
Between the Lions is a PBS Kids puppet television series designed to promote reading. The show is a co-production between WGBH in Boston and Sirius Thinking, Ltd., in New York City, in association with Mississippi Public Broadcasting, in Mississippi. The show has won seven Daytime Emmy awards between 2001 and 2007. The target audience is children 4 to 7 years old. It has the same puppet style as Sesame Street and several season 2 episodes, notably in Dance in Smarty Pants, had a few characters from Sesame Street guest appearing. Between The Lions started its 10th and final season on September 20, 2010. The Show Ended in November, 22 2010 Along with Reading Rainbow