Péter Dobai

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Feb 08, 1971
After the World War I, enthusiastic young people found the intellectual group of Hungarian Communist Party. Their aim is to propagate the communist ideology to the people and get the workers on their side. They have fierce discussions on the new ideas, though their movement is not very successful. They clash with their opposition, attempt to lead people to the Red Army, but without success.


Feb 28, 1971
This film is a documentaristic dispute about the possibilities of young people to assert themselves, to make a career. Zsuzsa is a third-year university student studying pedagogy. She has been dating Zoltán for three years, and her thinking has been fundamentally shaped by this relationship. Yet now she would like to break up with him.
Les Harmonies Werckmeister
Le pays est en proie au désordre, des gangs errent dans la capitale. Valushka, un postier, s'extasie sur le miracle de la création et se bat contre l'obscurantisme. Dans un café, il tente d'entraîner les clients ivres dans ses visions cosmologiques, puis, à travers la ville, chez Monsieur Eszter, un vieil homme occupé à accorder un piano pour retrouver l'harmonie du clavecin qui a été brisée par l'invention Werckmeister.
Le Tango de Satan

Le Tango de Satan

Feb 08, 1994
Dans un petit village hongrois, deux mystérieuses personnes que chacun croyait disparues refont parler d'elles. Une épopée de plus de sept heures sur la chute du communisme en Europe de l'Est.
Circus Maximus

Circus Maximus

Oct 16, 1980
During World War II Carlotta, the circus owner maintains herself, her lover and her rather run-down circus-team by illegal man-smuggling. In the year of 1944, besides the usual refugees, she even has to take Professor Máté, the renown mathematician to the Yugoslavian partisans. The team is joined by Carlotta's psychotic son who has escaped from an asylum.
Colonel Redl

Colonel Redl

Mar 29, 1985
Fils de cheminot admis à l’Académie Militaire de l’Empire austro-hongrois. Alfred Redl se lie d’amitié avec un jeune aristocrate. Dissimulant ses origines comme son homosexualité, il gravit rapidement la hiérarchie. À la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale, l’archiduc François-Ferdinand lui confie la responsabilité des services secrets…


Oct 02, 1980
Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka the one-ideaed Hungarian painter was thought to be crazy by his peers, but he eventually became a significant artist.


Aug 02, 1979
The second in command of a group of highwaymen, the only ones left of Hungary's freedom fighters in the late 17th century, has a wife who really, really wants him to come home and stop gallivanting around the countryside. The only way he can figure to do this is to inform on the group to the authorities in as harmless a manner as possible. Unfortunately, these betrayals cause the group to lose many men, and the traitor grows fearful of the authorities. He gives officials every scrap of information he has in return for a full pardon, and he returns home. His wife, when she hears of these events, is infuriated. Such betrayal is far in excess of anything she can condone, and she kills him. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi


May 20, 1988
The second in command of a group of highwaymen, the only ones left of Hungary's freedom fighters in the late 17th century, has a wife who really, really wants him to come home and stop gallivanting around the countryside. The only way he can figure to do this is to inform on the group to the authorities in as harmless a manner as possible. Unfortunately, these betrayals cause the group to lose many men, and the traitor grows fearful of the authorities. He gives officials every scrap of information he has in return for a full pardon, and he returns home. His wife, when she hears of these events, is infuriated. Such betrayal is far in excess of anything she can condone, and she kills him. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi
Science Fiction
Le Tango de Satan

Le Tango de Satan

Feb 08, 1994
The second in command of a group of highwaymen, the only ones left of Hungary's freedom fighters in the late 17th century, has a wife who really, really wants him to come home and stop gallivanting around the countryside. The only way he can figure to do this is to inform on the group to the authorities in as harmless a manner as possible. Unfortunately, these betrayals cause the group to lose many men, and the traitor grows fearful of the authorities. He gives officials every scrap of information he has in return for a full pardon, and he returns home. His wife, when she hears of these events, is infuriated. Such betrayal is far in excess of anything she can condone, and she kills him. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi
Les Harmonies Werckmeister
The second in command of a group of highwaymen, the only ones left of Hungary's freedom fighters in the late 17th century, has a wife who really, really wants him to come home and stop gallivanting around the countryside. The only way he can figure to do this is to inform on the group to the authorities in as harmless a manner as possible. Unfortunately, these betrayals cause the group to lose many men, and the traitor grows fearful of the authorities. He gives officials every scrap of information he has in return for a full pardon, and he returns home. His wife, when she hears of these events, is infuriated. Such betrayal is far in excess of anything she can condone, and she kills him. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi
Archaikus Torzó

Archaikus Torzó

Jan 01, 1971
A twenty-year-old young man believes that sport and philosophical books help him to be strong enough to meet life, but his determination and will give way to depressing memories.
Archaikus Torzó

Archaikus Torzó

Jan 01, 1971
A twenty-year-old young man believes that sport and philosophical books help him to be strong enough to meet life, but his determination and will give way to depressing memories.


Jan 01, 1970
Documentary about the struggle between the Hungarian avant-garde and official cultural policy, including portraits of Miklós Erdély and Péter Halász.