Jerzy Rogowski

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Sur le Globe d'argent

Sur le Globe d'argent

Feb 10, 1989
L’intrigue labyrinthique tourne autour d’un groupe de chercheurs de l’espace qui fuit la Terre pour trouver la liberté. Leur vaisseau se détruit et ils atterrissent sur la face cachée de la Lune. Ils meurent tous sauf un, lequel se retrouve au milieu de nombreux enfants adeptes du chamanisme et feux d’artifice. Ils le surnomment « Le vieil homme » et le considèrent doublement, tantôt en dieu tantôt en diable.
Science Fiction
Czerwone ciernie

Czerwone ciernie

Jan 20, 1977
A descendant of a noble family takes the side of the proletariat, fighting against the mistreatment of factory owners and the oppresion from the Tsar during the 1905 revolution.


Apr 26, 1984
Dr Raduski returns from abroad to his hometown. He starts a profitable business there and revives the town's cultural life. However, the tsarist government and local nobles don't take kindly to his presence and try to sabotage him.
Ostrze na ostrze

Ostrze na ostrze

Nov 28, 1983
The action of the film takes place in the 17th century. Piotr Wolski returns to the country and is appointed juridic governor. A man tries to rule fairly and restore order. He soon falls in love with Konstancja, but his background causes problems.


Sep 24, 1976
Post-war movie
Sonata marymoncka

Sonata marymoncka

May 16, 1988
Main character, Rysiek, tries to live through dangerous times of war-torn and later stalinist Poland.
Aria dla atlety

Aria dla atlety

Jan 01, 1979
Set at the turn of the century it presents a story of a famous Polish athlete, Zbyszko Cyganiewicz. It begins in a small town where a traveling circus attracts a shy boy into a phony wrestling game to please the crowds. The youth, however, takes his strength seriously, eventually defeating a name wrestler in a fair match. Angered circus manager fires him; he leaves happily due to two wrestler brothers who were harassing him. The wrestler goes on to fame, performing in the world's top arenas, and one day is serenaded by a tenor from the crowd. Fame brings him women and admirers but he is uncompromising on his profession. He has his revenge on one of his tormentors defeating him in the ring. One day, attending a game in a tuxedo, he is challenged by another of the brothers and drawn into a brutal game, in course of which he kills his opponent. Thus his career ends.


Nov 10, 1980
Set in 1944. A shepherd boy enters an abandoned palace he has seen only from the distance since he was a boy. Once he enters the palace, strange things begin to happen as though he was dreaming the events rather than living them.


Jun 30, 1969
A staging of William Shakespeare's tragedy, directed in 1969 by Andrzej Wajda. The roles of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are played by Tadeusz Łomnicki and Magda Zawadzka - actors who at that time gained popularity in the series "Pan Wołodyjowski". This perverse use of the artists' images by the director was intended to serve an interpretation of the tragedy that emphasizes Shakespeare's question: where does evil in man come from?


Sep 04, 1981
The film is set in 1905, in a time of feverish revolutionary underground activity in Poland partitioned between three neighbours. All the characters are committed anarchists. The bomb maker puts an invention together to place it at the disposal of young inexperienced terrorists fighting against Tsarist oppression. The story follows the passing of this bomb from anarchist to anarchist as several attempts are made on the life of Tsarist governor general, until, at the end, it is effectively and harmlessly defused by a bomb expert. The presence of the bomb has a destroying effect on all of the Polish revolutionaries, they either die or breakdown.
Wierna rzeka

Wierna rzeka

Aug 31, 1987
Set during the insurgency of 1863, the story focuses on a tragic romance between a poor gentlewoman and a rebel noble. After a bloody battle a unit of insurgents have been wiped out and only one survived, but badly wounded. He eventually finds shelter and care from a landsteward's daughter, hiding in a burned-out manor with an old servant.


Sep 02, 1978
Anka competes for a role in "Swan Lake". The girl's determination is not shared by her boyfriend Marek


Oct 09, 1989
Based on a true story of a Polish musician who survived the concentration camp only because he could play on the accordion the title melody.
Wśród nocnej ciszy

Wśród nocnej ciszy

Nov 17, 1978
A psychological detective story about a police hunt for the murderer of young boys. The police comissioner ends up tracing the clues to his own home, where he has an adolescent son he has not been able to communicate with.


Dec 21, 1987
This Polish historical drama film traces the fascinating saga of a wealthy, princely Polish dynasty in years 1900-1935.


Nov 16, 1979
Drama set on an isolated farm on the Czech-Polish border immediately after the end of WWII.
Une histoire banale

Une histoire banale

Sep 12, 1983
A well-known professor of medicine finding himself at the threshold of autumn of his life, takes stock of his achievements and experiences. "In the end it ends with what has been known for a long time: that conscious life without a fixed worldview is not life, but torment, horror. - wrote Anton Chekhov in one of his letters summarizing "An Uninteresting Story". The protagonist, Professor Nikolai Stepanovich, is a character characteristic of Chekhov's entire oeuvre - a Russian intellectual from the late nineteenth century, depressed by boredom and a sense of his own uselessness and the meaninglessness of his existence.
Limuzyna Daimler-Benz

Limuzyna Daimler-Benz

Jan 24, 1983
Two brothers living in 1939 Poland decide on a whim to steal the limousine of a German consul. The seemingly small act of youthful rebellion will have massive ramifications on the two, each dealing with the aftermath in their own way - one resorts to art, the other to direct political action.