Han Ying-Chieh

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La Fureur de vaincre

La Fureur de vaincre

Mar 22, 1972
Le meilleur élève d'une école d'arts martiaux de Shanghai décide de venger la mort de son maître disparu dans des circonstances mystérieuses.
Big Boss

Big Boss

Oct 23, 1971
Un ouvrier venant de la campagne se révolte contre la milice engagée par son patron pour briser une grève.
The Magnificent Kick

The Magnificent Kick

Dec 18, 1980
Veteran actor Kwan Tak Hing plays the legendary Hung Kuen master Wong Fei Hong in this story of the legendary ‘Shadow Kick’.


May 09, 1968
They brutally killed his wife, wiped out dozens of his innocent people, and burnt his entire village down to a charbroiled crisp. Now, master Liou Wen-lung is out for revenge. Armed with a near-invincible sword style and a pack of killer darts, he heads out to settle a 10-year old grudge with the cold-blooded evildoers. Joining him is his son, an orphan named Yu Sien and his trusty servant.
Li Xiao Long di Sheng yu si
This documentary tells the story of Bruce Lee and his unsuccessful efforts to start a acting career in the U.S., he returned to Hong Kong where he became an international star, and his death at age 32.
Dragon Swamp

Dragon Swamp

Mar 27, 1969
Le Prélude se déroule 20 ans en arrière : l’épée du Dragon de Jade réputée dotée de facultés exceptionnelles, mais aussi portant les germes d’une malédiction, est volée par Fan Ying, la disciple d’un célèbre clan taoïste, pour le compte de son époux. Ce dernier s’étant enfui avec leur fils, Fan Ying est retrouvée par son Maître, qui a récupéré l’épée, et condamnée à l’exil au domaine fantastique du Marais du Dragon, puis séparée de sa fille. 20 ans plus tard, la fille, élevée par les taoïstes dans l’ignorance du passé de ses parents, a grandit et l’épée est à nouveau volée. Elle part à sa recherche et est aidée par un Chevalier Errant, frappé par la ressemblance avec sa mère, qu’il a autrefois aimée. Leurs aventures les mèneront au Marais du Dragon, mais aussi à de tragiques retrouvailles familiales.
La Revanche de Wang Yu
Un Chinois part au Japon retrouver les assassins de son père. Pour cela, il va se faire embaucher, à force de combats, comme bras droit d'un chef de gang.


Mar 06, 1968
Black Butterfly, steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Trouble starts when a bandit gang, who the Black Butterfly has robbed, come to town looking for them. Eventually, the Black Butterfly and their new allies, will have to confront the bandit gang at their fortress.


May 09, 1973
Story is about how a revolutionist, played by Cheng Pei Pei, taking on the identity of a Captain's (Ou Wei) long lost sister who is actually dead. Cheng manages to fool the Captain for a while, but little by little, the Captain catches on to her and the revolutionist's plan to stop Chinese-Japanese relations.


Apr 05, 1990
Une nuit, dans la bibliothèque impériale, un homme s'introduit furtivement et vole un parchemin appelé le volume sacré, écrit sous la Dynastie Ming, qui contiendrait les bases d'un art de combat surnaturel. Peu de temps après, lors d'un contrôle, les troupes d'un imminent officier accompagné par son intendant, Au Yeung, retrouve le coffret du volume sacré vide. Rapidement, les soupçons se tournent vers un ancien officier, le maître Lam Chun Nam. Bien que la demeure du Maître Lam soit encerclée par les soldats de l'eunuque, deux disciples de l'école de la montagne Wah, Ling Wu Chung et Kiddo, parviennent à entrer dans la demeure pour apporter un document et un message de la part de leur maître, Ngok. Mais très vite, le clan de Lam et les deux disciples doivent fuir sous l'oppressante menace de Zhor, allié de l'eunuque.
Les 8 invincibles du kung fu
Chaque jour, le général Xiao et ses troupes paradent dans la Cité impériale en terrorisant la population excédée. Une tentative d’assassinat contre le tyran échoue. Lei, le rebelle blessé, reçoit l’assistance spontanée de trois autres braves qui se font arrêter. Aidé par un cuisinier, Lei parvient à s’échapper.
A Touch of Zen

A Touch of Zen

Jul 10, 1970
La Chine sous la dynastie Ming. Yang Hui-chen, dont le père a été assassiné par la police politique du grand eunuque Weï, a réussi à s'échapper avec l'aide de deux généraux rebelles. Ayant trouvé refuge dans une citadelle frontalière abandonnée, la jeune fille est repérée par des espions impériaux. Pour l'aider à affronter les gardes lancés à sa recherche, elle trouvera un soutien inespéré auprès de Ku Sheng-chai, un jeune lettré qui se révèle un redoutable stratège, et surtout de maître Hui-Yuan, un moine bouddhiste dont la force spirituelle n'a d'égale que sa maîtrise des arts martiaux.
Dragon Inn

Dragon Inn

Oct 21, 1967
Le puissant eunuque Cao Shaoqin sème la terreur parmi son peuple. La police secrète vient d’exécuter le loyal Yu Qian, précepteur du prince et ministre de la Défense, accusé à tort d’avoir aidé des étrangers. Ses trois enfants sont, eux, condamnés à l’exil hors du pays. Mais Cao Shaoqin prévoit en réalité de les exterminer en chemin : il ordonne à ses deux fidèles commandants de préparer une embuscade à l’Auberge du dragon, située près de la frontière. Cet endroit, habituellement désert en la saison, est bientôt envahi par les membres de la police secrète et par de mystérieux combattants, venus protéger les jeunes Yu…


Apr 25, 1961
The hunt for The Swallow Thief.


Jan 08, 1964
Yiu But-fan marries on the day his father Yan-kit retires as a distinguished swordsman when Yan-kit's nemesis 'Ghostly Mother Blue Flower' Chiu Choi-wan and her foster son Lai Chun-wah gatecrash the party, striking dead the elder and But-fan's wife with the White-bone Soul-thrashing needles. Having pledged his alliance to the anguished son, Taoist Tranquil of Emei vows to eradicate the menace at Mid-Autumn Festival when his junior disciple Kau Suet-mui is challenged to a duel with Chiu. Kau's fellow disciples Hung Tin-bo and Chuk Yuk-heung follow the orders of their master to roam the martial world and tumble into a bandit lair. Extricated from danger by the Taoist, the duo join hands with the passer-by Yiu to thwart Lai's assault on Kau by sorcery, again aided by the Taoist. Yiu, Kau and her peers head back to the Kau Fortress where a martial contest is being held to select a prospective groom for the daughter. Kau overwhelms Lai in the ring but concedes defeat to Chiu.
'Ghostly Mother Blue Flower' Chiu Choi-wan has abducted a group of virgin boys and girls for the nourishment of her mind and soul. Alarmed by the abduction, Yiu But-fan, Kau Suet-mui and Hung Tin-bo make a night raid on the Hanshan Temple to release the children and set a torch to the bandit lair. Fuming over the arson, Chiu casts a spell on Kau, who kills the father of Chuk Yuk-heung in her cross-dressing persona as Yiu. Confronted by the angry Chuk clansmen at the Chuk Fortress, Yiu tries futilely to defend his innocence. Believing that Chiu has masterminded the framed murder, the fugitive infiltrates the White-bone Yinyang Cave where he finds himself attacked by Kau and Chiu. Demon-vanquishing Magic Monk, Chuk and Hung helped Yiu wrestle Chiu, who fled. Kau is nursed back to health by the monk and joins the fellowship in their quest to annihilate the demon. With all her venomous needles forfeited to the monk, Chiu gets her comeuppance, slain by Chuk's flying dagger.


Feb 17, 1973
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
International Assassin
Une sœur de gangster de Hong Kong travaille avec les autorités sur leur enquête et sur le complot de son propre frère pour assassiner la reine.


Nov 05, 1975
A man trains in kung-fu to avenge the murder of his father


Aug 31, 1978
A band of counterfeiters wants to make Hong Kong their new territory. The disgraced leader of the Special Squad will have to team-up with a group of Hong Kong police officers in an attempt to stop the dirty business of crime lord Han Tin Lung, but Han's problem is not only the interference of the Police force, but his Japanese ally Kimura is not happy with his 'cut' in the counterfeit deal and will try to put Donna (a relative of Han) on his side to make Han's business his own property. Both policemen and criminals are highly trained Martial Arts fighters and they will have the chance to prove who has the best Kung Fu techniques.
La Nouvelle Fureur de vaincre
L'école d'arts martiaux de Chong Wu se voit menacée par les Japonais désireux de contrôler tous les établissements chinois. La mort de Chen Chu n'arrange pas leurs affaires. L'école se retrouve mise à sac et de nombreux élèves se font tuer. Parmi les survivants, un groupe décide de résister et de reconstruire l'école.
Guo Shu Chi Duan

Guo Shu Chi Duan

Jan 01, 1974
Li Tin Ming (Alex Lung) travels the countryside with his sidekick, Hsiao San (Hon Kwok Choi) defeating any martial arts school they come across in an effort to test his Kung Fu 10th Dan. Having become a heroic figure for killing a feared villain named 'The Leopard', Li soon questions his actions of testing his skills and the violence that is born from the never-ending fighting. Upon making a decision to fight no more, a new gang enslaves the town set free from the claws of 'The Leopard' and Li once again must take action to prove that DRAGONS NEVER DIE.
L'Hirondelle d'or

L'Hirondelle d'or

Apr 07, 1966
Lorsque un groupe de brigands, mené par le diabolique Tigre au visage de Jade, kidnappe le fils d’un officiel, le gouvernement réagit aussitôt en envoyant à la rescousse un de leurs meilleurs agents : l’Hirondelle d’Or. Désirant régler dès son arrivée la situation par la force, l’intrépide héroïne devra rapidement changer de tactique. Pour éviter les pièges de ses ennemis, elle fera notamment équipe avec un mendiant ivre, bien plus malin qu’il n’en a l’air…
Pirates et Guerriers

Pirates et Guerriers

Feb 19, 1975
Au XIIIe siècle, des pirates japonais ravagent les côtes chinoises. L'empereur envoie des guerriers mettre fin aux exactions des pirates.


Dec 11, 1986
The flick revolves around a dude who's suffering from a curse. Happens to meet a doctor, whose Pops is also suffering from a curse. Low and behold, the curse that strickens both dudes was laid down on them by the same dark master of the arts. And this dark lord of the magic realm has serious problems letting things slide. All in all, the guy is just a pretty big douche. Even when his pleading, bleeding, crying daughter wishes him to stop he still stays head-strong about his vengeful ways. So, the story follows the formula of watching the victims struggle with being cursed, and watching the victims devise a plan to see if they can save their scaredy cat butts.


May 11, 1965
Sword of Swords is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung in a child role


May 08, 1987
Lo Tien Pei has retired as the king of gambling. But Yen Li Shan, who was humiliated by Lo years ago, is coming to town with fiery vengeance in his heart. Yen manages to buy the Endless Night, the top casino night club in Shanghai. Lo's son, Chi Feng, sees his father being forced by Yen to fall to his death. Chi Feng, trying to get revenge against Yen is badly beaten up. Chi Feng escapes and eventually leaves Shanghai. He takes on the meanest jobs, including boxing against a kangaroo, to eke out a living. Chi Feng eventually comes back to Shanghai for revenge...
The Himalayan

The Himalayan

Feb 20, 1976
The Tseng family is one of the most noble and respected clans in a small village in Tibet. The patriarch of the Tseng family wants to marry off his daughter Ching Lan into the Kao clan. However, the cunning and deceitful eldest brother Kao Chu only wants his younger sibling Kao I-Fan to marry Lan so he can gain access to the Tseng family's considerable wealth and power.
Le Lotus qui tue

Le Lotus qui tue

Jan 01, 1973
Le village de la pierre verte est sous la coupe de deux hommes cruels qui n'hésitent pas à racketer les paysans. La loi du silence règne et faute de témoins, la police est impuissante…
Broken Oath

Broken Oath

Dec 03, 1977
Une jeune femme est violée par une bande dont le chef a été éborgné. Envoyée dans une île prison, elle donne naissance à une fille qui sera élevée par des moines. 20 ans plus tard, la belle quitte l'ordre religieux qui l'a initié aux arts martiaux et s'en va à la quête de la bande responsable de la déchéance de sa mère. Durant ses pérégrinations, elle rencontre d'autres personnes qui aimeraient bien faire la nique à l'odieux général.


Oct 16, 1968
Old school weepy sword fighting epic with Melinda Chen Man Ling, Cathay's answer to Cheng Pei Pei.


Jan 16, 1969
Iron Bones, about a young lad that learns a secret Tai Chi type of style called the Wind Palm, where you can kill with chi blows. Sure, it's a little crazy, but the acting is a big cut above most martial arts movies and the sword fights are pretty good. And Sam the Seed shows up, sans wig, as a dirtbag Shaolin monk after the book. Han Ying Chieh, the big boss, is one of the thugs in the background.


Jun 03, 1979
Defeated in a match at Shaolin, Wu Kung wanders China till he finds his own temple and style of fighting: Tang Sao Do Karate. Years later, student and ninth successor, Hsi Man Kwong challenges and crumbles all the Chinese kung fu schools in the area.


May 22, 1975
3 felons facing the death penalty, escape the night before they are due to be executed and plot their revenge on the people that put them there.Prepare for the hardest hitting martial art action that never stops.


Mar 07, 1975
A coalition of anti-narcotics brigades from many countries make a daring attempt to halt the flow of opium and heroin from the part of Southeast Asia, known as the Golden Triangle. The major syndicate operating in the area is led by Big Boss Norton, who is the target of their raid.


May 12, 1971
The plot has to do with a reign of terror conducted by a mysterious killer dubbed "Poison Dart," who is hitting all kinds of prominent people with poison darts.


Apr 04, 1981
Set in 1920's Manchuria, Kao-Yin sells information on the mining operation to the Japanese and is rewarded with a large quantity of valuable jewellery. But the jewellery is stolen and hidden in the snow mountain where it will remain unless one man - or woman - can survive the battles of murder and deception that surround it.


Jan 01, 1977
Cheng Ho was a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, fleet admiral, and court eunuch during China's early Ming dynasty. This film depicts some of the adventures and battles he had when he explored the southern Asian regions.


Jan 29, 1965
A Huangmei opera produced by Shaw Brothers about a carp spirit who transforms into an identical copy of a beautiful woman to win the heart of a lonely male scholar.


Jun 20, 1974
In the early days of the Chinese Republic era, dockworkers in Macau are being mistreated by their Chinese overseers. An accident reveals that the cargo is composed of guns and opium.


Sep 30, 1964
This gripping story centers on the romance between Wang Chin Lung and Sue San. Although they may be perfectly matched when it comes to their love for one other, the two come from remarkably different social ranks. While Chin Lung is the son of a respected government official, Su San is a prostitute, albeit a famous one.


Jul 07, 1965
The Goddess of Hua Mountain is imprisoned for falling in love with a mortal, meanwhile her son is raised in secret until he can attempt to free her.
Les Enfants de la Terre
Nous sommes en 1937, juste avant l’invasion japonaise de la Chine. Les peintres Ju Rui et Lao San tombent sur He Hua, une femme vendue dans un bordel local.
L'Auberge du printemps
En 1936, une partie du peuple chinois, menée par le moine Chu Yuanchan, se souleva contre l'oppresseur mongol qui gouvernait les provinces du Honan, du Shanxi et du Shantung. La soeur du puissant prince Lee Khan réussit à corrompre un ami de Chu Yuanchan et lui donna rendez-vous dans une auberge.


Jun 15, 1964
About a woman who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the army.


Apr 09, 1964
A woman in an arranged marriage falls in love with her husband's brother.


Feb 04, 1975
The year is 1366. The emperor makes a deal with a neighboring Manchu emperor, leading to a plot to frame patriotic General Shung in a court martial. Shung believes he will receive a fair trial and goes along willingly. But some of his supporters are not so trusting, and they shadow him on his journey to the palace & now the trouble really starts.


Jul 15, 1964
Julie Yeh Feng stars as Hsiu Hsiu, a beautiful singing shepherdess who falls head over heels in love with a handsome boatman named Liu Ta Lung. Unfortunately, she can't afford to marry her new beau because her father has racked up numerous debts due to his uncontrollable gambling addiction. And to make matters even more complicated, there's a rival suitor who promises to pay off all of her no-good father's debts on the condition that he is given Hsiu Hsiu's hand in marriage. She initially declines his offer, but starts to get jealous when she sees Ta Lung getting a little too close for comfort with another woman. In retaliation, she starts flirting with her possible benefactor/husband-to-be. But what Hsiu Hsiu doesn't know is that her jealousy isn't based on any actual unfaithfulness, but on an unfortunate misunderstanding!
Hai yuan chi hao

Hai yuan chi hao

Apr 20, 1973
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.
The Jade Faced Assassin
Deux jumeaux encore nourrissons sont séparés à la mort de leurs parents : le premier (Hua Yu Chun) est adopté par la 'Sœur ainée' de la secte Yihua tandis que le second (Xiao Yu-er) est recueilli par un ami de leur père puis des brigands. La 'Sœur ainée' souhaite en effet se venger du père des enfants, qui a rejeté ses avances pour jeter son dévolu sur une de ses disciples (la mère des jumeaux) et l'engrosser. Ignorant leur parenté, les deux jumeaux élevés dans des environnements sociaux très contrastés se retrouvent une vingtaine d'années plus tard et ne tardent pas à développer un antagonisme qui va les conduire à diverses voies de fait.


Mar 13, 1976
The martial world is now awash in one-armed knights, who aren't inclined to make any permanent alliances among themselves.


Feb 17, 1973
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
Massacre à San Francisco
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
A Touch of Zen

A Touch of Zen

Jul 10, 1970
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
La Nouvelle Fureur de vaincre
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
La Fureur de vaincre

La Fureur de vaincre

Mar 22, 1972
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
L'Hirondelle d'or

L'Hirondelle d'or

Apr 07, 1966
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.


May 09, 1973
Story is about how a revolutionist, played by Cheng Pei Pei, taking on the identity of a Captain's (Ou Wei) long lost sister who is actually dead. Cheng manages to fool the Captain for a while, but little by little, the Captain catches on to her and the revolutionist's plan to stop Chinese-Japanese relations.


Apr 30, 1971
Ho Li-Chun, a pretty but ruthless swordswoman, and three challengers are participating in an open tournament at Prince Kuei's Palace. A knight, Chen Jo-Yu, is defeated in the tournament. He flees and later returns with knight Tang Ching-Yun who wields a strange sword. They get trapped but Ho deliberately sets both free after seeing Tang's weapon which she recognizes as the same weapon once used by Sun Tien-Chen, a foe of the Ho family. She decides to investigate. She finds out Prince Kuei actually is Sun, who killed the real prince years ago and assumed his identity. Ho joins forces with Chen and Tang. The trio slays Sun in a desperate confrontation at the palace.


Mar 26, 1977
In the last days of the Ming dynasty, a heroic martial artist battles the evil chief of the palace guard.
Dragon Inn

Dragon Inn

Oct 21, 1967
In the last days of the Ming dynasty, a heroic martial artist battles the evil chief of the palace guard.


Jun 20, 1974
In the early days of the Chinese Republic era, dockworkers in Macau are being mistreated by their Chinese overseers. An accident reveals that the cargo is composed of guns and opium.


Oct 15, 1969
A war between two generals, one of whom drafts Jing Wuji, a former fighter who has become a monk, to escort a group of prisoners over the mountains. The monk's efforts are complicated by the reappearance of his two vengeful ex-wives.
The Himalayan

The Himalayan

Feb 20, 1976
The Tseng family is one of the most noble and respected clans in a small village in Tibet. The patriarch of the Tseng family wants to marry off his daughter Ching Lan into the Kao clan. However, the cunning and deceitful eldest brother Kao Chu only wants his younger sibling Kao I-Fan to marry Lan so he can gain access to the Tseng family's considerable wealth and power.
The White Bone Swords are stolen, and our heroes must find a way to get them back, but Brother Huang is poisoned by the Demon Cult's Hell Frost Staff, and the others must make a dangerous journey to get the antidote before it is too late.
In the senses-shattering conclusion, our heroes search high and low for the White-Bone Swords, righting wrongs wherever they find them, at last discovering the swords are under the protection of a fierce dragon.


Mar 13, 1976
The martial world is now awash in one-armed knights, who aren't inclined to make any permanent alliances among themselves.