Eddie Cheung

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Fatal Contact

Fatal Contact

Oct 05, 2006
Kong est un champion de Wushu qui vit de petits boulots entre les compétitions. Alors qu'il travaille dans un cirque, il est repéré par des gangsters qui lui proposent de combattre pour eux dans des tournois de boxe illégaux. Une collègue, également son amie, le convainc d'accepter car il pourrait gagner beaucoup d'argent. La descente aux enfers du jeune prodige commence alors.
Running on Karma

Running on Karma

Sep 27, 2003
Big, un homme insouciant au physique de culturiste, a des visions du passé qui lui permettent de connaître l'avenir de certaines personnes. Il se sert de ce don si particulier pour aider Yee, une jeune policière novice, à mettre la main sur un dangereux criminel. L'enquête va les mener aux confins de leur origine.
Breaking News

Breaking News

Jun 10, 2004
Une équipe du journal télévisé retransmet en direct la fusillade qui oppose un bataillon de forces de police à cinq malfrats qui viennent de dévaliser une banque. La diffusion de la défaite humiliante des policiers porte un coup terrible à leur crédibilité. Alors qu'il mène une autre enquête dans un bâtiment vétuste, le détective Heng découvre par hasard le repère des cambrioleurs. Le chef du gang, Yuan, voit alors des milliers de policiers se rassembler autour de l'immeuble et se préparer à lancer l'assaut. Pour damer le pion aux médias sur leur propre terrain, l'inspecteur Rebecca décide de transformer cet assaut en véritable spectacle télévisé.
Fatal Move

Fatal Move

Feb 29, 2008
Un kidnapping qui se termine en meurtre, une livraison de drogue qui tourne mal, une mission secrète qui vire au massacre : il n’en faut pas plus pour détruire l’une des triades les plus impitoyables d’Hong-Kong et son parrain légendaire Sammo. Qui est le traître ? Une guerre des clans est inévitable et Sammo va exterminer quiconque se dressera sur sa route pour survivre…


Jul 08, 2004
Autrefois champion mythique de judo, Sze-To a depuis longtemps abandonné le monde du sport de manière inexplicable. Criblé de dettes, il s'est désormais bâti une triste réputation d'alcoolique sans aucun avenir. Les seuls à croire encore en lui sont Tony, passionné de judo et bien décidé à affronter l'ex-champion et Mona, apprentie chanteuse qui rêve de percer... Sze-To retrouve alors l'envie de se battre. Mais c'est en donnant un nouveau sens à sa vie qu'il acceptera, enfin, de remonter dans l'arène...
Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Jan 21, 2010
À la mort du parrain Andy Lok, sa famille et ses membres du gang se disputent sa fortune personnelle sous l'œil vigilant de Calf, le mouton noir de la famille en étant le fils de la maîtresse de Lok… Calf va quand même devoir intervenir pour déjouer certains complots visant des membres chers de sa famille en étant assisté de Dumby, une orpheline muette, qu'il a entraînée à devenir une combattante hors pair.


Sep 06, 2006
Macau, 1998. Wo s'est retiré du milieu et mène une vie paisible avec sa famille. Mais quatre tueurs à gages venus de Hong Kong, d'anciens "collègues de travail", se rendent chez lui. Deux d'entre eux ont pour ordre de tuer Wo...
Mad Detective

Mad Detective

Nov 29, 2007
Une arme à feu, appartenant à un policier, est liée à une série de cambriolages et de meurtres. Son propriétaire, Wong, a récemment disparu alors qu'il poursuivait un suspect. L'inspecteur Ho est en charge de l'investigation concernant les meurtres. Il sait que sa seule chance de résoudre cette affaire est de demander de l'aide à son mentor et ancien supérieur, Bun. Ce dernier était considéré comme un profiler doué, jusqu'à ce qu'il perde la raison quelques années plus tôt. Vivant reclus, Bun a le don de voir à l'intérieur des gens. Mais ses manières peu orthodoxes insinuent le doute dans l'esprit de Ho...


Nov 22, 2009
Although Randy's family is involved in the casino business, he has never shared an interest in gaming until he played Texas Hold 'Em on the Internet. Rival Uno is the manager at Randy's casion. These two bitter enemies will now face off in the Asian Poker King Championships.
Election 2

Election 2

Apr 27, 2006
Wo Sing est la plus ancienne triade de Hong Kong. Sous l'autorité de son chef actuel, Lok, elle est devenue l'organisation criminelle la plus respectée de la ville.
Election 1

Election 1

Oct 20, 2005
Les grandes figures de la Wo Shing Society, la plus ancienne triade de Hong Kong, s'apprêtent à élire un nouveau leader. Des rivalités naissent entre deux candidats. L'un est très lié aux traditions de la Triade, l'autre veut les bouleverser, quitte à utiliser la violence et la fraude.


Sep 25, 2008
Un père de famille reçoit un appel sur son téléphone portable qui va brutalement changer son existence. La communication laisse entendre la voix d'une inconnue qui prétend être séquestrée dans un lieu dont elle ignore tout.Pour prouver à son entourage qu'il est capable d'affronter une situation à haut risque, le jeune homme décide de monter sa propre enquête...


Jul 09, 2009
L'officier Tai se retrouve plongé dans le coma après avoir été jeté du 7ème étage d'un immeuble. Son collègue, Ling, quant à lui, est retrouvé inconscient au même étage après avoir reçu un coup, ce qui engendre une perte de mémoire temporaire, empêchant l'enquête d'avancer. La seule piste à suivre est celle du sérial killer que traqué Tai et Ling, ainsi que leurs collègues. Ling deviendra rapidement le suspect numéro 1, l'entraînant ainsi dans un cauchemar éveillé ?


May 01, 2009
Mandy cumule deux emplois et elle s'efforce de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille tout en rêvant de ressusciter l'académie d'arts martiaux de son père, une école autrefois célèbre et aujourd'hui oubliée depuis qu'un accident a emporté sa jambe.


Dec 07, 2006
After being framed for embezzlement, Nick is sent to prison where he meets professional conman Teddy who teaches him everything he needs to know to be a wise guy. After being released from jail, he agress to work with Teddy to get revenge against Dragon, his mentor's old adversary.


Jan 22, 2006
In McDull, the Alumni, our protagonist has grown up. He is no longer the little boy who banters with his mates at school. How he wishes he could just go on bantering all day long with his mates at the renowned Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten. But that is not to be. Like all grown-ups, he has to grapple with harsh reality. McDull and his mates are scattered all over the place. Each one of them has to find his or her own path. In each of their hearts, they know they have failed. Meanwhile, life goes on in the kindergarten. Someone strums a guitar and the pupils chime in to the song: Puff the magic dragon, lives by the sea… A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys. With hindsight, McDull believes this could well be the maxim of the Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten alumni.


Oct 27, 2023
Around the turn of the millennium and with the entire city in chaos, the government decides to eradicate the corrupt underground entertainment industry and money laundering practices to revitalize order and reduce crime.


Nov 24, 2005
When her husband's drug addiction destroys her perfect life, Jane is forced to support herself and her young daughter, Ling, by taking a job as a security guard. One night Ling sees a soaking wet child doing homework at her desk. Eventually, Jane also felt that something unnatural was in the house; strange noises occur with frequency and she feels that an unseen presence is spying on her. Jane soon finds out that the house is haunted.


Jun 16, 2022
International narcotics officer CHOI , has been demoted by his superior officer MA to local duties after partaking in bribery in the line of work. He’s assigned to a death scene investigation by YAN where the deceased, YUNG’s body had laid undiscovered for eight years, and only recently discovered by maintenance workers during the renovation of an old block of flat. CHOI looks into CHAO as the prime suspect, and linking it to adultery with YUNG’s widow PING as an accomplice. The case soon comes under scrutiny by a high-ranking court prosecutor SANTOS. Under his inquiries, the investigator becomes the investigated, and CHOI’s actions fall under suspicion as all manner of inconsistencies come to light from his statement. YUNG was a man of many vices, with few crimes left untouched by his hand – rape, drug smuggling, blackmail and working alongside notorious gangster FAI WAI.
Inferno, les soldats du feu
Un building de 75 étages. Une simple négligence. Des milliers de personnes prises au piège par l’incendie le plus dévastateur de la décennie. Seul rempart contre les flammes, une escouade de soldats du feu surentraînée et prête à tout pour intervenir. Objectif : sauver le maximum de vies.


Jun 04, 2010
Meizi is a famous mystery writer, who witnessed her scandal-ridden father killing her mother when she was a child. She suffered greatly as a child. After marriage, Meizi found that her husband, Luo Tiancheng, was always with other women, and therefore she was crushed. At the same time, some unusual things happened in her home continuously. Doors always shut suddenly, televisions automatically turned on, curtains often closed by themselves. Although she is a mystery writer, Meizi could not explain these things. When she successfully captured her husband's heart and kept his mistress away, she realised that the truth was out of her expectation.


Jun 23, 2022
Jointly presented by Hong Kong’s four renowned film companies - Sil-Metropole Organization, Emperor Motion Pictures, Media Asia Film and One Cool Film Production - Look Up is a Sil-Metropole Organization production produced by John Chong and co-directed by young filmmakers Daniel Chan, Tim Poon, Elvis Hau and Sunny Yip. The film runs through four Hong Kong Stories from 1997 to the present, to detail the days we have passed through these years.
G Storm

G Storm

Dec 31, 2021
L'enquêteur William Luk et son collègue Kenny Ching empêchent une attaque terroriste lors d'un symposium organisé par la Commission indépendante contre la corruption de Hong Kong.


Dec 12, 2013
Hong Kong. Lorsque Cao Nan et sa bande de voleurs dérobent un véhicule blindé en plein jour, ils n'hésitent pas à assassiner des innocents en fuite. Lui Ming Chit, un inspecteur de police expérimenté, est obligé d'utiliser des tactiques sinistres pour les attraper.
The Four 2

The Four 2

Nov 21, 2013
C'est le grand retour de Heartless, Iron Fist, Hunter & Cold Blood, quatre agents de police qui dédient leur unique et spécial talent au service du maître Zhuge, pour résoudre les crimes et appréhender les criminels.


Oct 12, 2007
Séparés par leur père depuis leur plus jeune âge, Yiu (Michael Miu) et Shun (Eason Chan) ont grandi dans des univers différents. Yiu est devenu l’hériter des affaires de la famille : une triade, tandis que Shun vit une vie paisible aux Etats-Unis. Mais dans le monde des triades l’honneur, la droiture et le respect ne comptent plus seul l’argent importe. Ainsi Yiu et son père vont être la cible d’attaques d’un homme mystérieux qui cherche a prendre le contrôle de la triade. Shun décide donc de rentrer à Hong Kong pour aider son frère à résoudre le problème Mais l’inspecteur Lau (Andy Lau) les laissera-t-il régler leurs comptes en toute impunité ?


Jan 01, 1970
Louis Koo plays a private detective who is investigating a rape and murder case involving adultery.


Sep 04, 2014
A thriller based on two real incidents: the 2003 Tuen Mun Road traffic accident that claimed 21 lives and the 2013 Yau Oi Estate suicide, where the female victim dressed in red leapt to her death on the day of the Chinese Ghost Festival.
Beauty And The 7 Beasts
Teddy surnommé l'idole est un homme à femmes, un coureur de jupon. Constamment avec une femme dans les bras, il n'a aucune notion de responsabilité pour les relations longue durée. Sans un sou, son ami Wendy lui invente un plan ingénieux qui consiste à utiliser ses connaissances pour réunir des femmes et des hommes désespérés prêts à payer pour quelques astuces. Wendy trouve 5 hommes : Le prédicateur , Tony, Bruce , Broke-back et Casanova. Tout se passait bien, jusqu'à ce que la splendide Pearl apparaisse. Pearl est la fille que Teddy ignorait avoir. Son rival de toujours, Rocky, a l'intention de sortir avec cette fille, mais maintenant qu'il est père d'une jeune femme, Teddy changer a-t-il sa vision des choses concernant ces relations, continuer a-t-il à éduquer ces 5 hommes ?Pearl finira-t-elle en victime des 7 hommes qui l'entoure, y compris son père et Rocky ?
Śakra, la légende des demi-dieux
Royaume de Chine, Xe siècle. Deux clans ennemis s'affrontent : les Song, dynastie royale, et les Khitan, peuple nomade guerrier. Qiao Feng du clan Song est un héros chevaleresque respecté, maître en arts martiaux. Accusé à tort d'avoir tué un chef de son propre clan, Qiao Feng est banni. Pour prouver son innocence, il s’engage dans un long périple, parsemé de combats extraordinaires, entre demi-dieux et semi-démons.
La vie sans principe

La vie sans principe

Oct 20, 2011
Un policier taiseux, un gangster fidèle et agité, et une employée de banque humiliée. Leur point commun : leur vie change grâce à la crise.


Aug 26, 2010
Two lesbian former lovers rebuild a relationship after running into each other at a service for single pregnant women.
The First 7th Night

The First 7th Night

May 21, 2009
Chauffeur de taxi taciturne, Mapking vit pratiquement à bord de son véhicule. Un soir, un client du nom de Pony souhaite rejoindre un lieu peu commun; le village de la Lune et du Soleil. Un hôtel y a mystérieusement brulé il y a 30 ans et rares sont ceux qui ont entendu parler de lui. Mais à la grande surprise de Pony, Mapking sait comment s'y rendre...


Sep 24, 2015
Hong-Kong, 2008. Le jeune idéaliste Lee Xiang et la surdouée Kat Ho font leurs débuts chez Jones & Sunn, une multinationale sur le point d’entrer en bourse. Alors que la banque Lehman Brothers fait faillite aux États-Unis, la tension commence à se faire sentir au sein de l’entreprise. Lee Xiang et Kat Ho vont petit à petit découvrir le monde extravagant et outrancier de la finance…


May 12, 2011
Tam est de nouveau mêlé à une enquête étrange par son ami l’inspecteur Fung. Des meurtres sans liens apparents ont lieu à Bangkok et Tam doit résoudre cette affaire au plus vite. Mais il sera confronté à son passé et il devra trouver l’assassin de ses parents...


Jun 21, 2007
Une branche secrète de la police de Hong Kong mène des filatures sophistiquées. Le Capitaine Huang engage Piggy, une débutante au visage ingénu, donc, insoupçonnable. Ensemble, ils vont tenter de remonter jusqu'au " cerveau " d'un casse. Mais le cerveau devine le danger et disparait. Piggy est assignée à une nouvelle affaire. Alors qu'elle est en pleine filature, sa route croise celle du cerveau...
Dog bite dog

Dog bite dog

Aug 17, 2006
Après avoir été élevé comme une bête féroce dans le monde des combats clandestins, Peng est devenu un assassin sauvage redoutable. Dans le cadre de son dernier combat, il exécute froidement sa victime dans un restaurant. Repéré par Wai, un flic psychopathe brutal, il est aussitôt arrêté. En route pour le commissariat, Peng provoque un accident et s’échappe. Wai, qui en fait une affaire personnelle, se lance dans une traque effrénée pour assouvir son désir de vengeance…
The Constable

The Constable

Nov 28, 2013
Un policier intègre doit veiller seul sur son fils déficient mental. Proche de la retraite, il mène toujours ses missions en restant honnête et n’hésite pas à se battre avec les « méchants ». Certains de ceux-là pensent à se venger…
La maison étrange

La maison étrange

Jul 24, 2015
Une jeune fille se fait passer pour la petite-fille décédée d'une grand-mère malade pour fêter bientôt son anniversaire. La femme âgée ne sait pas que sa petite-fille est décédée, pensant qu'elle n'a fait que partir, la jeune fille, avec sa ressemblance remarquable est invitée par la famille à accompagner la grand-mère dans ses derniers jours, se faisant passer pour sa petite-fille afin de lui remonter le moral pour son anniversaire. La jeune fille éprouve soudainement des visions horribles de la petite-fille décédée et sa vie est menacée lorsque le reste de la famille conspire soudainement pour la tuer. Maintenant en danger, elle cherche la vérité sur la fille morte, tout en succombant lentement à la folie alors que l'illusion et la réalité fusionnent.
Golden Chickensss

Golden Chickensss

Jan 30, 2014
Working as a prostitute since she was 16, Kam has witnessed the highs and lows of Hong Kong over the decades. Kamis now a “madam” who manages a stable of high-end prostitutes, entertaining and hosting parties for rich men. She has seen it all. On the surface she embraces the prosperity of the ‘New HK’ but like countless middle-class HK citizens, she laments the lossof the old Hong Kong that once belonged to the people. Over the hill mob boss, Gordon, was put behind bars before the Hong Kong Handover in 1997. Gordon’s appearance and mindset are still stuck in the colonial past. Recently released from prison, he is unable to cope with the New Hong Kong. His sole source of solace is his old flame, Kam.
Drug War

Drug War

Nov 15, 2012
L'inspecteur chinois Zhang Lei sent bien que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond lorsqu'il fait la connaissance à l'hôpital de Timmy Choi, un homme originaire de Hong Kong et qui vient d'être admis à l'hôpital à la suite d'un accident de voiture. En effet, Timmy Choi travaille bien pour Li, le trafiquant de drogue notoirement connu. Afin de sauver sa peau, Timmy Choi accepte alors d'aider Zhang Lei à piéger Li en se faisant passer pour un acheteur potentiel intéressé...
Z Storm

Z Storm

Jun 19, 2014
La police découvre un système de Ponzi complexe, reposant sur une association caritative bidon qui tient les citoyens et le gouvernement de Hong Kong sous sa coupe.
Le Vagabond

Le Vagabond

Apr 03, 1993
Un jeune clochard aux pied nus, hyper-doué dans les arts martiaux, veut sortir de sa condition à tout prix. Son rêve : une paire de chaussons tous neufs. Il veut voir ses desseins se réaliser, même s'il doit se trahir et trahir la confiance des autres qu'ils l'aiment.


May 20, 2009
Un père vient à Hong Kong pour venger sa fille, victime de tueurs à gages. Sur son passeport est marqué "cuisinier ", sauf que 20 ans plus tôt, il était un tueur professionnel.
Le Roi singe

Le Roi singe

Jan 09, 2014
Depuis la nuit des temps, ce sont les divinités qui maintiennent l’équilibre entre le ciel et la terre. Mais les démons n’en pouvant plus d’être asservis par les dieux, le leader de la tribu des démons, le Roi-buffle, lance une attaque contre les dieux du ciel mais est tenu en échec par l’empereur Jade et ses guerriers avant d’être renvoyé dans les montagnes enflammées sur Terre. Afin de retrouver une harmonie entre les dieux, les démons et les hommes, la déesse Nuwa se transforme en cristaux multicolores afin de reconstruire le paradis et la porte Sud, protégée par de tels pouvoirs qu’un démon s’en approchant serait immédiatement réduit en cendres. Mais la déesse laisse échapper un cristal sur Terre. Celui-ci va donner naissance à un singe divin, pièce essentielle de la sécurité des cieux.


Jun 24, 2016
Un malfrat est grièvement blessé à la tête durant un interrogatoire qui tourne mal. Conduit à l'hôpital, il y refuse les soins d'urgence et tente de gagner du temps pour que ses complices viennent le récupérer. L'inspecteur responsable de la bavure n'est pas dupe, mais décide de jouer le jeu dans l'optique de coincer la totalité du gang...


Jun 14, 2007
Ka-Ming, fils agé de 7 ans du magnat Sam, a été kidnappé. L'inspecteur Jenny s'occupe de l'affaire. Le cerveau du kidnapping s'appelle Hilary. Elle souhaite obtenir de l'argent pour les soins de son mari malade. Elle semble prete à tout pour cela...


Sep 13, 1989
A youth film about four city lasses.
Fatal Passion

Fatal Passion

Nov 03, 1989
Tim Wong's marriage is pretty shitty. His career-driven wife, Diana, is more interested in her TV script writing job than her husband. Tim suddenly finds himself involved in a torrid affair with an old girlfriend, sexy Siu-Man. Unfortunately for Tim, she has a very jealous boyfriend who is secretly a hit-man for the triad.


May 06, 2009
"A woman is born to give her body to men; her father or strangers should make no difference." Respectable Police Commissioner Josephine reinvestigates an insignificant murder case of a 11 years old girl. The murderer is the mother of the victim, Becky. Under intense interrogation, Becky refused to admit that she knew all along that her boyfriend was raping her little daughter at home. The harsh interrogation drives Becky into killing herself. What is the truth that the raging Commissioner is trying to find out? What is the seemingly defenseless mother hiding? Or is she acually telling the truth? Is the phrase, "A woman is born to give her body to men." the whole truth?


Apr 14, 2016
GOOD TAKE is an omnibus of five short stories with 85 minutes duration, filled with suspense, surprise etc. The ending of each story is never what it seems….
Our Time Will Come

Our Time Will Come

Jul 01, 2017
Les efforts des résistants chinois de gauche durant l’occupation japonaise, de 1941 à 1944. Un épisode peu connu de l’Histoire du 20e siècle.


Nov 25, 2016
Sky One, un gratte-ciel ultra moderne qui domine la ville de Hong Kong, abrite en son sein un laboratoire spécialisé dans le traitement des cancers. Quand un camion rempli d’échantillons de cellules souches à destination de Sky One est détourné, c’est au chef de la sécurité du building, Tinbo, qu’il appartient de le retrouver. Ce dernier ne tarde pas à découvrir que les voleurs sont personnellement liés au directeur de l’établissement high tech.
Colour of the Game

Colour of the Game

Aug 31, 2017
Da Hua, Ah Chun et quelques autres se retrouvent impliqués dans des aventures sauvages et dangereuses quand ils sont pris dans une épreuve de force entre la police de Chine continentale et les bandits de Hong Kong.


Dec 08, 2017
With telecom fraud cases going increasingly rampant, it’s a war in the air against invisible enemy in digital network era. The Ministry of Public Security has established a special center focusing on telecom fraud crimes, criminal mastermind Ah-hai and his gang become the key target. Female SWAT team member Xu Xiaotu is sent as an undercover agent to penetrate into Ah-hai’s den in Thailand. They has also recruited Ding Xiaotian, a town policeman who has come to Beijing alone for catching criminals. The center is led by Captain Tan Sirong, an experienced police officer who has cracked many telecom fraud cases before.


Mar 08, 2007
Due to his rebellious nature, Lo Fei suffered a traumatic childhood with abuse and maltreatment from his bad-tempered but famous sculptor father. Apart from receiving corporal punishment and verbal abuse, he was often locked up inside the wardrobe. The dark childhood turned Lo into a weirdo frequently tormented by the pain of childhood memories as well as hallucination of his dead father. Lo betrayed his father's artistic career and chose to become a magician and performer of extremities instead, to prove his own capabilities. During one of his death-defying show, Lo was seriously wounded by shocks of his childhood nightmares. Not knowing the truth behind it, his girlfriend Lei thought he was stretching his physical strength too far. She therefore took him to a quiet retreat in the suburb to recuperate. On a windy moonless night, the five of them went through a terrifying catastrophe.
Guilt by Design

Guilt by Design

Sep 12, 2019
Le film est centré sur un juré dans une affaire très médiatisée qui a fait chanter la justice après que sa fille ait été kidnappée ...


Nov 15, 2019
In order to solve a large theft of national treasure, Hongyu, a criminal police officer, and his current wife, Baiyu, and his biological father, Zhenggang, working together with their partner. At the time when the case came to light, these batches of national treasures disappeared under the close supervision of the police, and Baiyu disappeared suddenly .


May 19, 2005
Following the lives of five teenagers as they try to go through life while trying to avoid their own family backgrounds.


Jan 13, 2015
Hacker suit un détenu en permission et ses associés américains et chinois dans leurs efforts pour traquer et démanteler un puissant réseau de cybercriminalité internationale, les entraînant de Chicago et Los Angeles à Hong Kong et Jakarta.


Mar 23, 2006
Bingo leads a carefree city life that revolves around work, friends and dating. Her yuppie life is turned upside down one passionate night when her hot date Dr. V discovers a lump on her left breast.
Butcher Hunter

Butcher Hunter

Jun 03, 2022
Un policier qui se cache à la frontière sino-birmane, enquête sur une fraude aux télécommunications et un groupe criminel.


Aug 02, 2011
The story begins with a pair of siblings, Ah Mun and Ah Long who hate loan sharks because they caused the death of their father. They vowed to each other that if given an opportunity, they would rid the world of this social menace. However, as time wears on, the siblings realize they have to choose between justice and love. Malaysia’s MCA Public Service and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong (who has been actively addressing loan shark problems) will make a special appearance.
Dynasty Warriors

Dynasty Warriors

Apr 27, 2021
Ce film est adapté d'un jeu Internet du même titre. L'histoire se déroule à la fin de la turbulente dynastie Han orientale. L'ambitieux Dong Zhuo contrôle la cour et la population, et des héros de tout le pays commencent à se manifester.
A documentary that takes audiences on a captivating journey into uncharted territories, pushing the boundaries of filmmaking and advancing the art form. It serves as a captivating window for audiences to appreciate the unique charm and cultural richness of Hong Kong cinema.


May 10, 2012
Career woman KAN YIK-PO (Sheung Tin Ngor) turns housewife unwillingly with the sudden resignation of her domestic helper. Being the only breadwinner in the family and faced with a restructuring at work, her husband, SUEN KA-ON (Cheung Siu Fai), finds himself on the verge of a mid-life crisis. PO’s younger sister, KAN YIK-TAN (Joyce Tang), is a devil-may-care woman. The fact that she has recently broken up with her boyfriend does not discourage her from starting another relationship. Quite the contrary, she marries Malaysian Chinese NG LOK-YAN (Hanjin Tan), a guy she merely knows about, and takes him back to Hong Kong. Come and see how intriguing and fun living in a household with culture shock under the same roof can be!


Dec 26, 1986
Set in the tumultuous 70s and 80s in Hong Kong, a group of young people from different backgrounds pursue their dreams amidst the rapidly changing city. Tian Yongtai accidentally kills someone and goes to prison, where he befriends Xu Weikang. After his release, Tian's complicated love triangle with his ex-girlfriend and a friend leads to unexpected challenges, with Weikang becoming a formidable foe. The drama explores themes of friendship, love, and justice as Tian faces a difficult choice.


Oct 02, 1991
Be My Guest is an ongoing television programme produced by Television Broadcasts Limited in Hong Kong. It is originally broadcast on TVB Lifestyle Channel of TVB Pay Vision in 2006. It is also aired on certain Cathay Pacific flights. TVB released the VCD, DVD, and books. Stephen Chan Chi Wan, General Manager of TVB, is the host of this show and he interviews notable performing celebrities, politicians, business people in Hong Kong. There are also stage and ball shows of the programme but they are not released.


Mar 12, 1999
The Flying Fox of the Snowy Mountain 1999 is a Hong Kong television series adapted from Louis Cha's novels Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain and The Young Flying Fox.


Jan 13, 2017
Sex counselor Mok Tai Hung and sex therapist Lam Ching Yee have been dating for five years. The two love each other very much and want to take their relationship to the next step by getting married. But Ching Yee's strict and conservative mother Liu Doi Lam, is highly against them being together due to Tai Hung's financial status, him being a bit older than her daughter and also him having a son from a previous relationship.


Jan 24, 2003
The story starts off with Gam Sai Wai when he embarks on his journey to find Lui Sei Leong to get rid of the poison that is passed on by his master into his body. Sai Wai's master had died because of the poison and before his death, he had told Sai Wai to go find Lui Sei Leong because she can help him. During his journey, he makes friends with lots of people and meets two women who love him very much. The two women are Lai Shing Nam and Kuk Chi Wah. He also gets caught in the affairs of the martial arts world during his journey and keeps on helping the good people, especially Lai Shing Nam and Kuk Chi Wah to fight for justice until he becomes the hero without realizing it.


Sep 04, 1990
Irresponsible Ning Rizhao relies on his brother Rilang. Neighbor Yang Xiaokui loves Rizhao. Rilang and friend Weng Yuxiu like colleague Gu Lingdi. Rilang sacrifices his feelings for Yuxiu. Lingdi sympathizes with Rilang. Rizhao reunites with former love Ruan Qiao. Ivory ban causes Rizhao to lose everything. Ruan Qiao suggests work abroad, straining their relationship. Rilang discovers he's not the biological son. Lingdi's father deceived Rizhao. Lingdi tries to accept Yuxiu. Rilang returns when father falls ill. Rizhao and Ruan Qiao reconcile. Lingdi refuses marriage proposal. Lingdi starts a new life abroad.


Feb 11, 1983
The Radio Tycoon is a TVB television series, premiered in Hong Kong in 1983.


Nov 30, 1990
Feng Yifei, a young hunter from Baihua Village, who becomes entangled in a quest for the legendary Black Gold Blood Sword, a sentient weapon forged from rare celestial material. As Yifei bonds with the sword, he uncovers a conspiracy led by the rebellious Prince Zhu Shengbei, who seeks to overthrow the emperor and exploit the village's resources. Alongside his blind brother Feng Yile and the spirited Tang Jian'er, Yifei navigates love, betrayal, and political intrigue. He faces off against powerful enemies, including the ruthless Ouyang Nitian, to protect his village and avenge his family. The Hunter's Prey AKA Black Gold Blood Sword or The Black (Blood) Sword was a Hong Kong based Wuxia TV series based on a novel by Huang Yi. The TV show aired on the channel TVB Jade in 1990.


Sep 28, 2020
Lu Xingcheng, a renowned but arrogant fashion editor, and Tong Xiaoyou, an unlucky designer, find their lives turned upside down when an accident switches their fortunes. As they navigate their intertwined fates, unexpected revelations and challenges reshape their views on life and each other.


Jul 03, 1986
This sitcom series premiered in 1981 and changed its name every year, from "Hong Kong 81" to "Hong Kong 86." It was eventually replaced by a new sitcom called "City Stories." A total of 1330 episodes were produced, making it the second-longest-running series in Hong Kong, after "Come Home Love: Lo and Behold". Each episode of this series is inspired by current social issues, with early storylines often satirizing society's flaws. The characters, such as "Chen Ji," "Mrs. Shun," "Uncle Mao," "Jue Wu Yin," "Miss Su," "A Wei," and "Ah Kang," mostly hail from the grassroots, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. For example, "Mrs. Shun," portrayed by Lydia Shum, later became a term to describe uneducated women who follow trends blindly. "Chen Ji," played by Lawrence Ng, is a stockbroker who loves to show off his wealth, and his behavior typified that of many Hong Kongers, becoming a byword for the city's nouveau riche.


May 03, 1996
Bong (Adam Cheng) blamed Sing (Kwan Hoi San) for abandoning his mother and refused to acknowledge him as his father even he was one of the richest men in town. He loved and admired his foster father Kin (Bow Fong), who was a retired cop. He and his brother Lap (Gallen Lo) followed Kin’s footsteps and joined the force. Bong’s half-brother Kei (Poon Chi Man) was involved in a murder case and Bong in turn got suspended since his superior Kin (Julian Cheung) suspected he was Kei’s conspirator. Fortunately, he was proved innocent by Hang (Eddie Cheung)......


Jan 11, 2022
The terrorist organization "Waganbu" infiltrated Hong Kong and set off a battle for chemical weapons in Hong Kong. Fan Shaofeng, the commander of the Flying Tigers, was ordered to fight against the terrorists. The Flying Tigers are trapped in the ruthless killing of Wagambu, the Special Service Superintendent Zhan Bowen convenes the police elites Zhang Weihua, Zhang Jiaxuan and Gao Zile to form a secret counter-terrorism team S Team . Faced with many crises, with the assistance of Interpol Xu Junfei, the two generations of China and Youth finally put aside their grievances and feuds and joined forces to prevent the spread of the chemical weapons virus in Hong Kong.


Jun 01, 2017
Chun Changsheng was abandoned in a flowing river and plucked up by a Taoist monk. He’s actually the fourth Prince of the Chen’s Royal bloodline. He’s plagued with an incurable illness, fated not to live past the age of 20. To find a cure, he leaves his temple, armed with a promise of marriage scroll, to become a student at a famous academy. He meets Xu Yourong and they slowly fall in love after hopping through the trials and tribulations of his journey.


Nov 25, 2023
A fallen queen, Jiang Xuening who aspired to have the highest power and authority in her life was held hostage by rebels after the king, Shen Jie was poisoned. In this life, she used everyone around her to reach the authority of the queen but in the end, she remained under house arrest and Xie Wei slaughtered the entire city. Later, she received the decree to be buried with the emperor. She got a second chance to change her fate by not entering the palace but when she woke up after rebirth, she was already messing around. Even though she vowed not to enter the palace, a certain turn of events again entangles her with the palace and Xie Wei whom she hated the most.


Jun 19, 2001
The touching sisterhood of 7 girls who are not related by blood will definitely make you have heartbreaking moments. 7 daughters sworn to each other, they vowed to die together even though they were not born together, sharing all the sorrows in this life. Then the day of their death also came, one of the 7 of them jumped into the sea to commit suicide, because of the oath of sisterhood, the remaining 6 jumped into the sea together with the other. Since then, the movie Seven Sisters began to spread the ghost story of these 7 sisters and have a street named after the seven sisters…


Jun 03, 2001
The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber is a Hong Kong television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel of the same title. The series was first broadcast on TVB Jade in Hong Kong in 2000.


Jun 04, 1999
"Detective Investigation Files" revolves around the professional and meticulous investigations carried out by a group of dedicated police officers. As they delve into mysterious deaths with unclear causes, they tirelessly work towards maintaining peace and security for the people. However, their demanding job often comes at the expense of personal happiness. Cheung Dai Yong, a brilliant and astute police officer, has a track record of solving crucial cases. His trusted colleague, Lee Chung Yee, stands by his side, and together they tackle challenging and complex cases. Amidst their work, Dai Yong encounters Ko Jit, a tenacious journalist. Despite their initial conflicts, a deepening connection blossoms between them. However, Ko Jit already has a romantic partner.


Jun 04, 1999
"Detective Investigation Files" revolves around the professional and meticulous investigations carried out by a group of dedicated police officers. As they delve into mysterious deaths with unclear causes, they tirelessly work towards maintaining peace and security for the people. However, their demanding job often comes at the expense of personal happiness. Cheung Dai Yong, a brilliant and astute police officer, has a track record of solving crucial cases. His trusted colleague, Lee Chung Yee, stands by his side, and together they tackle challenging and complex cases. Amidst their work, Dai Yong encounters Ko Jit, a tenacious journalist. Despite their initial conflicts, a deepening connection blossoms between them. However, Ko Jit already has a romantic partner.


Aug 07, 1987
This story happens in Shanghai in the 1930s. It is about 3 brothers who go through a lot of hardship.


May 01, 1998
Play depicts the world of love, promises not withstand the test of "green Feixianguan"; Fox tells ghost battle of wits, difficult to distinguish between good and evil "Phantom fox spirit"; vigilance ordinary people is a blessing of "land adventures sentence"; describes people, Saints love, never betray "Red flower drunk"; export intentioned rewarded "accidentally"; description Cizi Xiao mother, ethical affection "ghost mother loves her child"; Jiaobingbibai meaning of "demon Excalibur "; and savor the romance of" Kate chasing love "and so on.


Oct 27, 2017
In 2010, Cheuk Hoi secretly travels to Bangkok to conduct a drug operation with his undercover agents in Thailand. As they finish their mission and are about to leave Thailand, an explosion causes all of Cheuk Hoi's undercover agents to die in a sea of fire. At the same time, Cheuk Hoi's good friend, CIB Inspector Lai Sir, is killed for unknown reasons, leaving Cheuk Hoi in charge of a female cop who is not yet officially an undercover. Cheuk Hoi knows that Lai Sir still has undercover agents whose identities have been deleted. To learn the truth about Lai Sir's death, Cheuk Hoi must find all of the undercovers. He and Suk Mui begin to search for the undercover agents.


Apr 06, 2018
Chen Jianghe is an orphan, picked up and taken home by Chen Jinshui. While growing up, he picked up various business strategies from the adults around him. Now an adult, he nurtures this business acumen by travelling throughout China. It is during these travels where he meets Lu Yuzhu who shares a similar situation in life, as well as Yang Shiu, a wealthy girl who just returned from living abroad.


Apr 29, 1994
“The Emperor and I” tells the story of Emperor Lung (Eddie Cheung) and Yuk (Marco Ngai). The two men were of very different backgrounds and yet by chance, they became friends. At first, they were so close that they were willing to sacrifice for each other. However, their difference in belief and status quo inevitably led to their contradiction and they eventually were against each other.


May 17, 2018
During a promotion ceremony for police officers, Senior Superintendent Ko Yat-tai is taken hostage. Seeing his father in danger, OCTB Senior Inspector Marcus Ko Ka-chun is unable to do anything. In a split second, Yat-tai’s eldest son Vincent Ko Ka-long, a member of the Flying Tigers, demonstrates his excellent marksmanship to save him, which unexpectedly acts as a trigger to bring what was buried in the Ko family back to light. A recent spate of murders of undercover cops, a surge of new drugs, and terrorist groups are a portent of a menacing future that Superintendent Lip Yu-hong relentlessly fights against. Meanwhile, caught in their own relationship dilemma, two brothers, Ka-long and Ka-chun, end up going their separate ways, turning into rivals...


Oct 03, 1997
Against the Blade of Honour is a Hong Kong television series adapted from Gu Long's novel Yuanyue Wandao. The series was first run on TVB in July 1997 in Hong Kong.
Action & Adventure


Apr 09, 2004
Armed Reaction is a 1998 Hong Kong modern cop drama produced by TVB. The drama stars Bobby Au-yeung and Esther Kwan as the main leads with Joyce Tang, Marco Ngai, Mimi Chu and Joe Ma in main supporting roles.


May 05, 2017
Law Lai Jing's love life has been full of thorns. She is over 40 years old and still busy dealing with her ex-boyfriend's debts of gratitude. With no house and no job, and having experienced a woman's most painful of being abandoned by the groom on her wedding day, Law Lai Jing has no choice but to participate in a comeback competition organized by a hotel for the biggest losers. She hopes that it will lead to a stable job and income. It turns out that the event organizer is Chong Fu Ho, whom she had a one-night stand with many years ago. He appears to have forgotten about her. They develop a good employer-employee relationship. Chong Fu Ho's son, Chong Juan Wing, was originally the general manager of the hotel, but is demoted to trainee after angering his father. With help and advice from Law Lai Jing, Chong Juan Wing is able to gradually improve his relationship with his father. Chong Juan Wing loses his direction when he falls in love with a mysterious girl, fellow trainee Mui Sze.


Oct 21, 2024
ICAC Investigators is a long running family of Hong Kong television miniseries about the work of Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). The series are public awareness films produced by Radio Television Hong Kong, an independent department of the government, with the full co-operation of the ICAC itself. Each series dramatises real cases of the Commission and serves both to educate the populace against corrupt practises and as a public relations tool for the ICAC.


Aug 27, 1999
Po was an OCTB sergeant before being expelled from the police force which led him to join his friend Kit's security company and was hired by rich man Nam to be the bodyguard of his only son Cho. Po and Cho have different personalities and do not get along well; however, as times passes by, they develop a friendship.
Action & Adventure


Dec 01, 2020
Chief inspector of Hong Kong’s Criminal Intelligence Bureau, Cheuk Hoi, is suspicious of his close colleague’s mysterious death. Adding to the enigma, he discovers that the five undercover agents who were in constant contact with his dead friend have all vanished.


Oct 11, 2013
When a secret police operation fails, sniper Lee Ho-yeung develops a personal grudge towards his co-worker Ko Chun-kin. Ho-yeung eventually decides to leave the police force and becomes the president of a firearms association, colluding with organized crime on the sky. Through abusing the trust of an unknowing detective and the trust of his girlfriend who still works with the police unit, Ho-yeung has secretly been working against Chun-kin, who has been kept in the dark the whole time. But when Chun-kin starts to suspect the clues within multiple murder cases, a tense standoff between the brothers unfolds.
Action & Adventure


Apr 28, 1995
Liu Yacai (played by Zhou Haimei) was sold to the four sons of the landlord Guan Xueru (played by Guan Haishan) as a daughter-in-law. She was bullied in the Guan family. Fortunately, she met Guan Tianyin (played by Zhang Zhaohui), the second son of the Guan family. However, due to fate, it is difficult to realize the dream of mandarin ducks.


Feb 14, 2020
The Hong Kong economy took off in the 1970s, and the stock market was the battlefield for greed. Rong Mou Tong, completely changed his outlook on life due to his father's tragic encounter. He fled from Hong Kong to Thailand, recognizing the power of the stock market, and determined to become a manipulator. Upright Qian Yong Jin and his friends, Zhuang Dai Xi and Lu Xiao Hu, are three young men with ideals, did not expect to be bruised by the wind and waves of the stock market ... Yong Jin lived with three mothers and daughters, and her sisters, Shui Min Jing and Shui Min Ting, had very different personalities. They also waited for an opportunity that could change their destiny. Mou Ton successfully climbed the wealthy Tang Hao Feng, and gradually realized his plan for life.


Mar 08, 2002
Larine and Jojo have been friends since childhood. They have both been chosen to be mistresses to the emperor because of their beauty. Larine's mother died a long time ago. She pretends to be ugly when the government officials visit in order to stay with her father. However, during one festival, she saves the plain-dressed emperor, without realizing who he is. He cannot put her aside when he gets back to the palace and decides to marry her. Jojo is jealous of her. She lies to her and takes her to a gypsy, who switches their faces. From then on, their fates change...


Dec 19, 1997
I Can't Accept Corruption features a team of anti-corruption unit under the leadership of a brilliant chief inspection officer Yip Kwok Ying (Monica Chan). Yip leads a team of elite officers including the experienced senior inspection officer Lim Chi Kong (Cheung Siu Fai); and four other university fresh graduates who are eager to be in the anti-corruption bureau, Fong Cheuk Man (Koo Tin Lok), forthright Kan Ming Fai(Fanny Yuen); Law Ka Kit (Ho Po San) who is an orphan as well as the kind-hearted Lau Chi Shan (Cheung Yuk Shan) were also members of the team. They determine to fight against corruption and uphold the justice of society. This action-packed drama documents the operation methods of the ICAC to solve intrigue briberies. The cases included the police officers bribed to cover up a prostitution brothel, insider-dealing between property developers and estate agents, corruption of firemen as well as arms merchant...


Aug 21, 2020
During the Liu Song dynasty, powerful aristocrats have taken control of the government, throwing the country into chaos. To change this, Chancellor Liu Yikang (Qin Hao) introduces new policies for political reform. To break the alliance between the aristocrats, Liu Yikang enters into a marriage alliance with the Shen family, who has roots in the military. His fiancé turns out to be Shen Lige (Li Qin), whom he has previously met at a dance house. After marriage, Li Ge assists Liu Yikang in dealing with their political opponents and implementing new policies. However, in response, the aristocrats ally together to suppress Li Ge and the Shen family, who is later massacred. Pained by her loss, Li Ge vows to take revenge for her family.


Oct 16, 2022
The alien girl Chai Xiaoqi tells the story of Fang Xiaoqi, the overbearing president of the alien girl who died from the "Cape Town Planet", who was suffering from the "rainy weather heterosexual amnesia". A high-energy hilarious and romantic cross-star love story. The female host Chai Xiaoqi is not only an alien, but also a true-handed witch. Once she inhales the hormones emitted by the males in the earth, she will fall into the "flowery state" and suffer from various diseases. The fun and ridiculously ridiculous romance will restore the singularity of the girl in the perfection of the girl. In order to survive on the human earth, Chai Xiaoqi will use his various super powers to solve one accident after another, like a roller coaster. The ups and downs will make the audience hooked. The male lord is cold and is an alternative overbearing president.


Jan 01, 1970
There is no way to avoid the law, and life is played by chess; the right and wrong are reversed, and evil spirits are expelled and upright.