Gianni Di Gregorio

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Seconde jeunesse

Seconde jeunesse

Oct 20, 2022
Astolfo, professeur à la retraite, doit quitter son appartement Romain, expulsé par la propriétaire. Désargenté, il décide de retourner au village de ses ancêtres, pour habiter le palais familial en ruine, vestige d'un patrimoine que chacun tente d'accaparer. Il se lie d’amitié avec le marginal qui squatte depuis des années la demeure, mais aussi avec un cuisinier retraité et un jeune sans emploi. Mais surtout, il rencontre Stefania, une femme de son âge, timide, douce et généreuse. Encouragé par ses amis, Astolfo fait un pas courageux et apprend avec joie qu’il n’est jamais trop tard pour tomber amoureux.
Le Déjeuner du 15 août
Gianni, 50 ans et des poussières, vit avec sa maman dans un grand appartement au coeur de Rome, où il s’occupe de tout : cuisine, ménage et courses. Acculés par les dettes, l’ensemble de la copropriété menace de les expulser car ils n’ont pas payé leurs charges depuis plusieurs années. Le syndic d’immeuble, Alfonso, propose alors à Gianni un marché insolite : garder sa mère pendant le week-end du 15 août, contre l’effacement de cette dette. Le jour dit, Gianni voit arriver non seulement la mère d’Alfonso, mais aussi sa tante... Victime d’un malaise, Gianni appelle son ami médecin, qui lui demande à son tour un service...
Gianni et les femmes

Gianni et les femmes

Feb 11, 2011
Gianni, la soixantaine éclatante, fait preuve d’un dévouement exceptionnel : il est au service de son épouse, femme active débordée, de sa fille adorée, du fiancé de sa fille qui a élu domicile chez lui, et surtout de sa vieille mère, noble déchue qui s’obstine à vivre au-dessus de ses moyens. Un jour, son ami Alfonso lui ouvre les yeux : tous les hommes de sa génération, malgré leurs airs respectables, ont une maîtresse. Gianni tente alors de changer les choses... Il y a Gabriella, l’inaccessible, désirée de longue date, Valeria, son merveilleux premier amour, la sublime Cristina, aide à domicile de sa mère, et l’infinité des femmes qui peuplent le monde... Gianni, tel un vieux moteur qui se remet en marche, fait du boucan, de la fumée, mais peine à passer la seconde.
Bons à rien

Bons à rien

Oct 23, 2014
Combien d’injustices doit encore subir le pauvre Gianni ? De ses collègues de bureau, à son infecte voisine, jusqu’aux exigences impossibles de son ex-femme, les brimades qu’il vit au quotidien sont infinies. Il faudrait se mettre en colère et apprendre à se faire respecter, mais comment fait-on?


Sep 29, 2022
Dans une capitale où une pénurie d’eau bouleverse règles et habitudes circulent des personnages jeunes et vieux, marginalisés ou prospères, victimes ou profiteurs. Leurs vies sont liées par un motif tragique, chacun d'entre eux étant à la recherche d'une rédemption personnelle.
Citoyens du monde

Citoyens du monde

Feb 20, 2020
Attilio, Giorgetto et le Professeur, trois sexagénaires romains dont les vies sont désastreuses décident de tout quitter pour aller vivre à l'étranger. Mais où ? Voilà la question...


May 16, 2008
Fragments of what would've been Piero Natoli latest film before his untimely death.
Bons à rien

Bons à rien

Oct 23, 2014
Fragments of what would've been Piero Natoli latest film before his untimely death.
Bons à rien

Bons à rien

Oct 23, 2014
Fragments of what would've been Piero Natoli latest film before his untimely death.
Giovanni Senzapensieri
In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?
Premier Amour

Premier Amour

Feb 13, 2004
In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?
Premier Amour

Premier Amour

Feb 13, 2004
In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?
Le Déjeuner du 15 août
In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?
Le Déjeuner du 15 août
In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?
Citoyens du monde

Citoyens du monde

Feb 20, 2020
In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?
Citoyens du monde

Citoyens du monde

Feb 20, 2020
In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?