Dierk Prawdzik

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L’amour, l’argent, l’amour
Marie et David forment un couple a la derive. Elle, jeune prostituee, lui, devenu son souteneur apres avoir perdu son travail de casseur, s'accomodent de cette vie faite d'allers et retours entre les clients, l'argent. Seule une passion reciproque leur permet de supporter une existence sordide et cruelle, dont l'issue revele un sentiment de perte.
Held der Gladiatoren

Held der Gladiatoren

Oct 26, 2003
Germanus, a brave gladiator, witnesses the brutal murder of his brother, committed by another fighter. Since then, he will become his worst enemy, with whom he will fight in several fights, each more bitter. One day, Germanus discovers that his sister, also gladiator, maintains a passionate affair with the man who killed the brother of both, without her knowing anything about the crime
Ein Kuckuckskind der Liebe
Anabel (Lisa Martinek) apparently has everything a woman could want: a well-paid husband Dirk (Tim Bergmann), a nice apartment, good friends and an antique shop to keep her busy. The only thing missing is a child, but she can't have one because she accidentally finds out that her husband is sterile. She keeps her husband in the dark about her discovery of his shortcoming, who on the contrary assumes Anabel is incapable of conceiving. One day her pragmatic friend Lissi (Antje Schmidt) comes up with the idea that Anabel could get impregnated by another man and lie to her husband about the paternity of the child.
Ballermann 6

Ballermann 6

Oct 16, 1997
Tommie and Mario travel to Mallorca in search of a vacation fueled by alcohol and the desire for women and parties.
Charly la malice

Charly la malice

Jun 09, 2012
Charlie, un chimpanzé, réussit à s'echapper de l'endroit où des contrebandiers le retenaient prisonnier. Il trouve refuge chez le docteur Philipp Martin, un vétérinaire, et est vite adopté par sa femme Michaela, et leurs deux enfants, Sandra et Olivier.


Feb 05, 1997
Dans l’épisode La dernière enquête de Stocki de Rex chien flic, l’inspecteur de police criminelle Ernst Stockinger, incarné par Karl Markovics, part pour Salzbourg afin d’y exercer un poste similaire. Il a demandé sa mutation pour raisons familiales, en effet, sa femme souhaite y reprendre le cabinet dentaire de son défunt père. Dans ses nouveaux locaux, il a pour collègue Antonella Simoni, incarnée par Sandra Cervik. Contrairement à Vienne auprès de son impulsif supérieur Richard Moser, incarné Tobias Moretti, il devra plus souvent rendre des comptes à la haute direction, le Dr Brunner, incarné par Hans Peter Heinzl . Stockinger circule dans sa toute petite voiture blanche et, malgré le changement de décor, a gardé tous ses traits de caractère et sa peur des chiens (voir épisode Der Tote im Narzissenfeld). Sa première enquête à Salzbourg, qui a lieu en pleine saison du Festival de Salzbourg, consistera à résoudre le meurtre d’un chocolatier.
Hausmeister Krause – Ordnung muss sein
Hausmeister Krause – Ordnung muss sein is a German sitcom with Tom Gerhardt in the title role, shown from 1999 through 2010 on Sat.1. The series parodies typical German "squareness". Half-day janitor Dieter Krause is the embodiment of the German "square"; he is pernickety, blindly follows order, denounces others, is nosy, consistently puts his own interests above all else, acts subservient to his superiors and is brutish and unjust to those he deemes below him. Many plot elements — mishaps, misunderstandings, and frequent cases of mistaken identity — originate from Boulevard theatre. The characters in the series borrow heavily from those in Tom Gerhardt's film Voll normaaal, in many cases sharing names. In Voll normaaal, Tom Gerhardt played the roles of both Dieter and Tommie Krause; in Hausmeister Krause, Tommie was played by Axel Stein. Daughter Carmen is played by Janine Kunze. Other characters from Voll normaaal, such as Tommie's friend Mario, are relegated to the status of background characters. The scope of action also changed.


Jun 18, 2002