Christine Dory

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Oublier Cheyenne

Oublier Cheyenne

Apr 01, 2005
Cheyenne et Sonia s'aiment et sont heureuses. Mais Cheyenne, jeune journaliste en fin de droit, révoltée par sa situation et ne voulant dépendre de personne, décide de mener une vie solitaire à la campagne, sans Sonia. Celle-ci, professeur de physique chimie ne peut et ne veut pas renoncer à son confort, même pour celle qu'elle aime, pensant son combat perdu d'avance et voulant continuer à vivre dans cette société. Cheyenne, partagée entre ses convictions et la femme qu'elle aime, va devoir choisir...
Dis-moi oui, dis-moi non
Cécile pense une chose et son contraire. Elle veut une chose et son contraire. Elle ne sait pas ce qu'elle pense, ni ce qu'elle veut. Alors elle parle d'une chose et de son contraire.
Le Roman de Jim

Le Roman de Jim

Aug 14, 2024
Aymeric retrouve Florence, une ancienne collègue de travail, au hasard d’une soirée à Saint-Claude dans le Haut-Jura. Elle est enceinte de six mois et célibataire. Quand Jim nait, Aymeric est là. Ils passent de belles années ensemble, jusqu'au jour où Christophe, le père naturel de Jim, débarque... Ça pourrait être le début d’un mélo, c’est aussi le début d’une odyssée de la paternité.
L'effet aquatique

L'effet aquatique

Jun 29, 2016
Samir, la quarantaine dégingandée, grutier à Montreuil, tombe raide dingue d’Agathe. Comme elle est maître-nageuse à la piscine Maurice Thorez, il décide, pour s’en approcher, de prendre des leçons de natation avec elle, alors qu’il sait parfaitement nager. Mais son mensonge ne tient pas trois leçons - or Agathe déteste les menteurs! Choisie pour représenter la Seine-Saint-Denis, Agathe s’envole pour l’Islande où se tient le 10ème Congrès International des Maîtres-Nageurs. Morsure d’amour oblige, Samir n’a d’autre choix que de s’envoler à son tour...


Jun 04, 1993
Ce film est une fiction documentaire sur les limites et les merveilles de la parole qui peut révéler une personne à travers ses hésitations ou ses affirmations, ses mensonges ou sa spontanéité, ses lieux communs ou ses inventions langagières.
La chose publique

La chose publique

Mar 13, 2003
A television director decides to use his own life and marriage as an inspiration for his latest project.
Cendrillon 90

Cendrillon 90

Jan 01, 1990
A young woman enters her new apartment. Her husband will come to join her in a few days. The apartment, very dirty, is located between a cemetery and a hospital. She undertakes a major cleaning. The more she cleans, the dirtier she gets. Objects resist and revolt.
Cendrillon 90

Cendrillon 90

Jan 01, 1990
A young woman enters her new apartment. Her husband will come to join her in a few days. The apartment, very dirty, is located between a cemetery and a hospital. She undertakes a major cleaning. The more she cleans, the dirtier she gets. Objects resist and revolt.
Allo la France

Allo la France

Apr 20, 2023
A young woman enters her new apartment. Her husband will come to join her in a few days. The apartment, very dirty, is located between a cemetery and a hospital. She undertakes a major cleaning. The more she cleans, the dirtier she gets. Objects resist and revolt.
Les inséparables

Les inséparables

Dec 10, 2008
Boris and Sandra meet and immediately love each other with a lively passion. Enough to help them fight the best enemy of their love: addiction. That of Boris on drugs, that of Sandra in Boris. Linked, attached to each other, reclusive but alive, they will try to live their love in a closed circuit. In doing so, everyone will discover in themselves an unexpected strength and humanity.
Les inséparables

Les inséparables

Dec 10, 2008
Boris and Sandra meet and immediately love each other with a lively passion. Enough to help them fight the best enemy of their love: addiction. That of Boris on drugs, that of Sandra in Boris. Linked, attached to each other, reclusive but alive, they will try to live their love in a closed circuit. In doing so, everyone will discover in themselves an unexpected strength and humanity.
Blonde et brune

Blonde et brune

Mar 09, 2005
Blonde admired Brune's intransigence, who loved Blonde's spontaneity. Blonde had known how to say "yes" and enjoy the secondary benefits of her moral weakness (having a husband, children, in short, something like life)... Brunette had known how to say "no" and patiently suffer the inconveniences of her greatness. But now, after ten years of separation, Blonde arrives at her friend's house and the opportunity arises for both of them to try on each other's lives like trying on a dress.
Max & Co

Max & Co

Sep 08, 2007
Blonde admired Brune's intransigence, who loved Blonde's spontaneity. Blonde had known how to say "yes" and enjoy the secondary benefits of her moral weakness (having a husband, children, in short, something like life)... Brunette had known how to say "no" and patiently suffer the inconveniences of her greatness. But now, after ten years of separation, Blonde arrives at her friend's house and the opportunity arises for both of them to try on each other's lives like trying on a dress.


Aug 28, 2019
Blonde admired Brune's intransigence, who loved Blonde's spontaneity. Blonde had known how to say "yes" and enjoy the secondary benefits of her moral weakness (having a husband, children, in short, something like life)... Brunette had known how to say "no" and patiently suffer the inconveniences of her greatness. But now, after ten years of separation, Blonde arrives at her friend's house and the opportunity arises for both of them to try on each other's lives like trying on a dress.