Robert McNamara

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The Most Dangerous Man in America
En 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, un brillant analyste employé comme consultant par le Pentagone, fait parvenir au New York Times un dossier sur la guerre du Vietnam classé secret défense. Ce document de 7000 pages révèle les mensonges d’Etat sur cette guerre. Daniel Ellsberg devient alors l’homme le plus recherché en Amérique. Henry Kissinger, alors conseiller de Nixon à la Défense nationale, le baptise “l’homme le plus dangereux des Etats-Unis”. Richard Nixon le qualifie lui de “fils de pute”. Daniel Ellsberg sera poursuivi pour vol, conspiration et espionnage.
Laboratory Greece

Laboratory Greece

Dec 08, 2019
A journey through Greece and Europe’s past and recent history: from the Second World War to the current crisis. It is a historical documentary, a look into many stories. «If Democracy can be destroyed in Greece, it can be destroyed throughout Europe» Paul Craig Roberts
The Fog of War

The Fog of War

Oct 26, 2003
Ce documentaire est l'histoire de l'Amérique vue par l'ancien Secrétaire de la Défense américaine, Robert S. McNamara, personnalité parmi les plus controversées et les plus influentes de la scène politique internationale. A travers son analyse, nous redécouvrons les événements majeurs du XXe siècle. Du bombardement de 100 000 civils japonais à Tokyo en 1945 au risque imminent de catastrophe nucléaire pendant la crise des missiles cubains, en passant par les effets dévastateurs de la guerre du Vietnam, The Fog of War examine la psychologie et les raisonnements des décisionnaires du gouvernement qui ont envoyé les hommes au combat. Ce documentaire apporte également une vision essentielle à quiconque souhaite comprendre l'exercice du pouvoir et ses stratégies. Un essai puissant et dérangeant sur la guerre et la nature de l'Histoire de notre humanité moderne...
U.S. Strategic Nuclear Policy
U.S. Strategic Nuclear Policy, An Oral History explores the origins of United States strategic nuclear policy and how it evolved. The documentary looks at this topic through the oral history of key participants including Robert McNamara, Edward Teller, James Schlesinger, Andrew Goodpaster, Harold Brown, Richard Garwin and William Kaufmann.
Chinos y minifaldas

Chinos y minifaldas

Sep 29, 1967
Two French agents fight a Chinese sect that aims to control the American Secretary of Defence via high-tech medicine, so that he would start a world war.
The War at Home

The War at Home

Dec 01, 1979
Documentary film about the anti-war movement in the Madison, Wisconsin area during the time of the Vietnam War. It combines archival footage and interviews with participants that explore the events of the period on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus.
The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby
A personal exploration into the life of America's controversial former CIA Director told through the eyes of his wife and filmmaker son, Carl. Through extraordinary events in twentieth century history, this consummate soldier/spy stood at the center of the Agency's most clandestine activities and operations. The film reveals the 'cover life' of this CIA operative, who followed orders and took on the dirtiest assignments until the Nixon Administration ordered him to 'stonewall' Congress about the CIA's past abuses, but he refused. This film reveals why, for the first time, he could not obey.
USS Liberty: Dead in the Water
During the Six-Day War, Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty belonging to its closest ally, the USA. Thirty-four American servicemen were killed in the two-hour assault by Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats. Israel claimed that the whole affair had been a tragic accident based on mistaken identification of the ship. The American government accepted the explanation. For more than 30 years many people have disbelieved the official explanation but have been unable to rebut it convincingly. Now, Dead in the Water uses startling new evidence to reveal the truth behind the seemingly inexplicable attack. The film combines dramatic reconstruction of the events, with new access to former officers in the US and Israeli armed forces and intelligence services who have decided to give their own version of events. Written by Ørnås
Cold War Submarine Adventures: Cuban Missile Crisis - Secret Subs
Explore the events of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and hear from some of the actual participants in this riveting program. After an American naval blockade intercepted Soviet submarines on a secret mission to set up a military base in Cuba, the two nations engaged in a tense standoff that led the world to the brink of nuclear war. Submariners from both sides talk about the conflict, and viewers get a look inside their subs and the U.S. war room.
Charlie Rose

Charlie Rose

Mar 18, 2016
Acclaimed interviewer and Emmy-winning journalist Charlie Rose engages a wide range of guests, including philosophers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, artists, business leaders, scientists, educators, and other newsmakers in one-on-one interviews and round-table discussions.
Bobby Kennedy for President
Des images d'archives et des voix influentes de l'époque examinent le "phénomène Kennedy" des années 1960 et l'héritage de celui qui a aidé à redéfinir les États-Unis.


Sep 28, 2017
Initialement, la série documentaire américaine "The Vietnam War" retrace les trente années de soulèvements et de destructions de la guerre du Vietnam, qui firent plus de trois millions de morts, à travers les récits intimes de près d’une centaine de témoins. Elle est constituée de 10 épisodes d'une durée de 88 à 118 minutes. En 2019, Arte en produit une version sous le titre "Vietnam", constituée de 9 épisodes de 51 à 58 minutes. Ils conservent la même structure chronologique à l'exception de l'épisode 4 qui traite de la période de janvier 1966 à décembre 1967, couverte par les 4e et 5e épisodes initiaux.