Sam Harris

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Waking Up

Waking Up

Jan 06, 2015
In the fall of 2014, Sam Harris staged a series of live events—in Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco—to coincide with the publication of his book, Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion. In these talks, Harris discussed a range of experiences that have traditionally been considered “spiritual”—in particular the phenomenon of self-transcendence. Although such experiences tell us nothing about the origins of the cosmos, they confirm some well-established truths about the human mind: Our conventional sense of self is an illusion; positive emotions, such as compassion and serenity, are teachable skills; and the way we think can profoundly influence our lives and the lives of others.
The Unbelievers

The Unbelievers

Dec 13, 2013
Scientists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss travel the globe promoting a scientific worldview and the rational questioning of religious belief.
The God Debate II

The God Debate II

Apr 12, 2011
The second annual God Debate features atheist neuroscientist Sam Harris and Evangelical Christian apologist William Lane Craig as they debate the topic: "Is Good From God?" The debate was sponsored in large part by the Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters: The Henkels Lecturer Series, The Center for Philosophy of Religion and the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts.
Holy Wars

Holy Wars

Jan 01, 2010
Take one Muslim advocate for global jihad and put him in a room with one conservative Christian on a mission to evangelize the world's Muslims. Which man will be left standing? Touching down in four hotbeds of religious fundamentalism - Pakistan, Lebanon, UK, and heartland America - HolyWars goes behind the scenes of the 1400 year old conflict between Islam and Christianity. The film follows a danger-seeking Christian missionary and a radical Muslim Irish convert, both of whom believe in an apocalyptic battle, after which their religion will ultimately rule the world. Tracking their lives from the onset of the "War on Terror" to the election of Barack Obama, HolyWars shows that even the most radical of believers can be transformed by our changing world
Atheist Alliance International Convention 2007
The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science presents a DVD collection of 9 speakers from the Atheist Alliance International 2007 Convention ( held in Washington, D.C. Hear from some of the world's leading rationalists on a variety of subjects including suicide terrorism (Thomson), the Intelligent Deign movement (Scott), Islam (Hirsi Ali), church/state separation (Tabash), "The OUT Campaign" and the labeling of children (Dawkins), atheism, religion and much more. Q&A sessions follow most of the talks.
Islam and the Future of Tolerance
In the thick of a controversial war of ideas, two enlightening figures, Sam Harris, an atheist and a critic of religion, and Maajid Nawaz, an Islamist-turned-liberal activist, partake in an engaging dialogue on the state of Islam, its potential reform, the militant ideology of Islamism, and where all this lays in a secular world.
Du sang dans le soleil
En 1929 au Japon, à Tokyo, le journaliste Nick Condon publie dans le Tokyo Chronicle (dirigé par Arthur Bickett) un article révélant l'existence du Mémorandum Tanaka, élaboré par le premier ministre Tanaka Giichi et mettant en avant la politique expansionniste du pays. Quelque temps après, un ami journaliste qui s'était emparé d'un memorandum confirmant ce plan, 'Ollie' Miller, est assassiné avec sa femme 'Eddie', par les soins de la police secrète, dirigée par le colonel Tojo. Celui-ci utilise bientôt les services d'Iris Hilliard, afin de séduire Condon, pour récupérer le document détenu par lui, du moins à ce que croit Tojo. En réalité, la jeune femme, à moitié chinoise, n'adhère pas à l'idéologie de Tanaka, et s'est donc emparée du plan, ce dont elle fait part à Condon...
Bible Belt Atheist

Bible Belt Atheist

Sep 22, 2015
In this short documentary, a former Pentecostal preacher starts a secular congregation in the heart of the Bible Belt.
Star Talk

Star Talk

May 16, 2019
Le présentateur Neil deGrasse Tyson reçoit Chris Hadfield, astronaute et premier Canadien à avoir marché dans l'espace. Il est rejoint par le comédien et co-animateur Eugene Mirman et l'invité spécial, Mike Massimino, ancien astronaute. Ensemble, ils discutent de la vie dans l'espace et de la manière dont les réseaux sociaux peuvent connecter les personnes entre elles, même loin de la Terre.
Real Time with Bill Maher
Chaque semaine, Bill Maher s'entoure d'un panel d'invités qui comprend des politiciens, des acteurs, des comédiens, des musiciens et autres, pour discuter de ce qui se passe dans le monde.