Hans Sibbel

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Lebbis: W2P

Lebbis: W2P

Dec 15, 2005
Registration of the fourth solo program by the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel, in which the comedian takes a look at the evolution.
Lebbis: Hoe Laat Begint Het Schieten
Hoe laat begint het schieten? Mensen vragen al snel, waarom die titel? Kijk. Ik ga in dit nieuwe programma de wereld weer een stukje beter maken. Dat geloof ik. Zoals de aanhangers van Transcendente Meditatie geloven dat ze uiteindelijk kunnen vliegen. Zoals Jan Peter Balkenende denkt dat hij een Christen is. Zoals astrologen geloven dat het moment waarop je geboren bent en de stand van de sterren onze levensloop beïnvloeden. Zo denk ik dat ik de wereld beter ga maken. In ieder geval voor mezelf, want: verbeter de wereld, begin bij jezelf. En als iedereen dat doet wordt het toch beter.
Lebbis: Vuur

Lebbis: Vuur

Jan 01, 2002
Registration of the third solo show by the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel.
Lebbis: Het Kwaad

Lebbis: Het Kwaad

Nov 07, 2008
Registration of the fifth stand-up show by the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel. This show is about values, thinking and reasoning to the most extreme consequences.
Lebbis en Jansen: Jakkeren door 2003
In a year of sports highlights, political upheaval, orange offspring heatwave and there are only two men who dare to continue pushing the throbbing finger on the fragile minds of society: Lebbis and Jansen! And on this DVD, they are at the tops of their power: a good & 235; peerless waterfall topgrappen over the viewer through sprayed the energy pounding through the wide as the AIDS virus through a condom, the satire is buitengalacties level, the mimicry brilliant (Lebbis!), the movements are inimitable (Jansen !!) and it's not for nothing that the entire European press over each other's gebuiteld to this DVD to praise in heaven. And rightly so, because this DVD go Lebbis and Jansen once and for all competition away, and they settle on the highest peaks of the concept Oudejaarsconference. Beautiful! Nice ...? Fanfukkin tastic!
Lebbis en Jansen: Jakkeren door 2004
"To offer a counterbalance to the ever-hardening society make Lebbis and Jansen this year once a very different New Year's Eve ... no hard jokes, no insults, no shouting together, and certainly no links to all these terrible events of 2004. Lebbis Jansen and choose this year for poetry, for the warmth of the fireplace fire, for the touching story and especially to respect. "And this is absolute nonsense. Bullshit. Bullshit. Blah Blah Blah. A vergaderig of the LPF. A tactical discussion with the county. The setlist Gerard Joling Lebbis and Jansen go to this New Year's Eve DVD over everything that you can go over it. Now even harder! Now even higher! Now even funnier! Now oudejaarser, of course, but also a timeless document of two men in a turbulent time, two stand up comedians respects absolutely nothing and nobody, two well-built men who bear politically correct wristband as a cock ring. Because they can!
Lebbis en Jansen: Jakkeren door 2006
De cabaretiers Hans Sibbel (Lebbis) en Dolf Jansen maken al jarenlang oudejaarsconferences waarin persoonlijke en maatschappelijke gebeurtenissen uit dat jaar de revue passeren. De persoonlijke rode draden in de oudejaarsconference van 2006 zijn Lebbis' reis door Nieuw-Zeeland en Australië en Jansens zes maanden durende reis door de Verenigde Staten en Canada (mèt vrouw en kinderen). Naast anekdotes over die reizen, al dan niet begeleid door Lebbis' spel op de banjo, bood 2006 meer dan genoeg boeiende gespreksstof. Een greep hieruit: de angst voor islamisering, de wederopbouw/oorlog in Afghanistan, de kwestie Ayaan Hirsi Ali, het sullige imago van Balkenende, de hardvochtige Rita Verdonk, de Schipholbrand, de geheime CIA-vluchten, het gifschip, Lingo en de zielige paarden van Marrum. Met als uitgebreide extra's: Fotopraat, Dolf Leest Voor, Lebbis En Jansen Voorspellen en een Try-Out Audio.
Lebbis: De Ziel

Lebbis: De Ziel

Jun 06, 2023
Registration of the third and last instalment of Hans Sibbel's 'Bovengrens'-trilogy, in which the Dutch comedian contemplates the dead end road the world has taken.
Lebbis: Het Grijze Gebied
In his eighth show the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel aka Lebbis looks for the interest that people have in their clarity and truth, and then kicks dents in it. Show recorded in the open air in the summer of 2013.
25 Jaar Leids Cabaret Festival
Complete registration of the anniversary theater program, recorded in April 2003 in the Royal Theater Carré in Amsterdam. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Leids Cabaret Festival, a performance was created with the participation of more than twenty different comedians, including Wim Helsen, Kees Torn, Sanne Wallis de Vries, Erik van Muiswinkel, and many others.
Lebbis: De Bovengrens

Lebbis: De Bovengrens

Dec 28, 2018
The Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel ('Lebbis') tackles some of the more absurd aspects of our capitalist world and the importance of finding truly meaningful experiences.
Lebbis: W2P

Lebbis: W2P

Dec 15, 2005
Registration of the fourth solo program by the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel, in which the comedian takes a look at the evolution.
Lebbis: W2P

Lebbis: W2P

Dec 15, 2005
Registration of the fourth solo program by the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel, in which the comedian takes a look at the evolution.
Lebbis: Het Kwaad

Lebbis: Het Kwaad

Nov 07, 2008
Registration of the fifth stand-up show by the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel. This show is about values, thinking and reasoning to the most extreme consequences.
Lebbis: Vuur

Lebbis: Vuur

Jan 01, 2002
Registration of the third solo show by the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel.
Lebbis: Het Kwaad

Lebbis: Het Kwaad

Nov 07, 2008
Registration of the fifth stand-up show by the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel. This show is about values, thinking and reasoning to the most extreme consequences.
Lebbis: Het Grijze Gebied
In his eighth show the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel aka Lebbis looks for the interest that people have in their clarity and truth, and then kicks dents in it. Show recorded in the open air in the summer of 2013.
Lebbis: De Bovengrens

Lebbis: De Bovengrens

Dec 28, 2018
The Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel ('Lebbis') tackles some of the more absurd aspects of our capitalist world and the importance of finding truly meaningful experiences.
Lebbis: De Ziel

Lebbis: De Ziel

Jun 06, 2023
Registration of the third and last instalment of Hans Sibbel's 'Bovengrens'-trilogy, in which the Dutch comedian contemplates the dead end road the world has taken.
De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach
Arjen Lubach dives through the issues of the day past inspiring guests to the bottom of the news. Everyone always wants to go from the issues of the day to deepening. Arjen is really looking forward to the issues of the day.