Claudia Cron

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Sunday Drive

Sunday Drive

Nov 30, 1986
Two identical cars pull up to a restaurant, one belonging to a childless couple who are taking care of their niece and nephew while their parents are away, who are out on a Sunday drive. The other belonging to a guy who is on his way to meet his fiance and to begin working for her father. In his car is his dog, whom the couple mistake for the children, when they get into his car and drive. While he goes into their car and the children are under a blanket and he mistakenly assumes it's his dog. When they discover the mistake they are both so far away from each other that they don't know what to do.


Apr 02, 1982
Noël 1959. cinq jeunes hommes résistent au passage à l'âge adulte en cherchant refuge dans leur cher restaurant, le "Diner".
Running Brave

Running Brave

Nov 04, 1983
The story of Billy Mills the American Indian that came from obscurity, to win the 10,000 meter long distance foot race in the Tokyo Olympics.
Soup for One

Soup for One

Apr 30, 1982
A neurotic young New Yorker believes he has found his perfect match and desperately tries to win her over.
Faut s'faire la malle

Faut s'faire la malle

Dec 12, 1980
Deux New-Yorkais fuient la ville pour trouver un emploi. Ils parviennent à dénicher un emploi de démarcheur mais doivent, pour leur nouveau boulot être déguisés en oiseau. Pas de chance pour eux, ces costumes seront utilisés lors d'un cambriolage et ils se retrouveront vite en prison pour ce délit qu'ils n'ont pas commis
Hit and Run

Hit and Run

May 21, 1982
Still grieving his young wife's death in a hit-and-run accident, Manhattan cab-driver David Marks accepts a regular evening assignment to drive a beautiful but enigmatic woman to a mansion outside New York. One night he tries to discover the truth behind his mystery fare; but in doing so finds himself wanted for a murder he didn't commit. There follows his frantic hunt to uncover the truth behind the murder: the action moves to the streets of New York as the police scour the city in pursuit. But the cab drivers of Manhattan join forces to aid the desperate fugitive, until the solution is finally revealed in a sudden and bizarre end to the mystery.
Obsessed with a Married Woman
Jane Seymour makes a six-course meal of her starring role as a magazine editor in Obsessed With a Married Woman--indeed, her performance is the only tangible reason for sitting through this artistically bankrupt TV movie. The story contrives to have Seymour, happily married and the mother of a wise-lipped son, fall into the sack with her star reporter Tim Matheson. It seems that Jane has assigned Matheson to do a series of articles on mistresses. He does his homework so well that Jane takes him on as her own "male mistress."
Aspen Extreme

Aspen Extreme

Jan 22, 1993
T.J. et son ami Dexter quittent leur ville de Detroit afin de devenir des moniteurs de ski à Aspen, une station hivernale très populaire des Etats-Unis. Mais leurs ambitions vont être contrées par la réalité, qui va les emmener dans une dangereuse aventure.
The Men's Club

The Men's Club

Sep 19, 1986
Seven men have a group session and share their feelings on women, love, life and work.
Finder of Lost Loves

Finder of Lost Loves

Apr 13, 1985
The Finder of Lost Loves TV show was a 60 minute drama series on ABC about a private investigator who specialized in finding lost loves from the past for his heartbroken clients.


May 20, 1993
À Boston, le “Cheers” est un bar tenu par Sam Malone, un ancien joueur de base-ball et alcoolique repenti. Au quotidien, le comptoir voit défiler nombre de piliers, à l’instar de Norm, Cliff ou Frasier. Entre deux chopes de bière, clients et employés méditent sur leurs vies sentimentales et professionnelles, se lancent des défis, comme des bouées de sauvetage. Au Cheers, l’une des serveuses se prénomme Diane. Abandonnée par son fiancé, la jeune femme un peu snob prend un virage à 90° en rejoignant Sam derrière le bar. Elle doit surtout composer avec Carla, l’une des historiques des lieux.