Steven Prince

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Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver

Feb 09, 1976
Vétéran de la Guerre du Vietnam, Travis Bickle est chauffeur de taxi dans la ville de New York. Ses rencontres nocturnes et la violence quotidienne dont il est témoin lui font peu à peu perdre la tête. Il se charge bientôt de délivrer une prostituée mineure de ses souteneurs.
American Prince

American Prince

Mar 01, 2009
After being forgotten for 30 years, the filmmaker revisits Scorsese's lost documentary 'American Boy' and it's raconteur subject, Steven Prince.
Movies Are My Life

Movies Are My Life

Apr 17, 1988
The very first full-length documentary on Scorsese offers an invaluable look at how he was perceived by his colleagues, and himself, in 1977. Catching Scorsese while he was in post-production on New York, New York and editing The Last Waltz, British filmmaker Peter Hayden gets the manically hyper Scorsese to comment on his youth, his relation to his lead characters, and most importantly, his approach to direction. The doc doesn’t quite move at the pace of Scorsese’s revved-up speed-talking, but it does offer some real insight into his productivity in the 1970s, thanks to an impressive array of talking heads. Included are Scorsese’s collaborators Jay Cocks, Mardik Martin, Brian De Palma, Steven Prince (who co-produced this doc), and his mentor John Cassavetes. Also the performers, who discuss his working methods in detail — Jodie Foster, Liza Minnelli, and, of course, Robert De Niro.
New York, New York

New York, New York

Jun 21, 1977
New York, 1945. L'Amérique tout entière fête la fin de la guerre. A cette époque-là, Jimmy Doyle, un saxophoniste, fait la connaissance de Francine, une chanteuse. Ils tombent amoureux, non sans que Jimmy ait dû multiplier les tentatives de séduction. Le jeune musicien obtient un job auprès de sa conquête, dans l'orchestre, et ils partent en tournée ensemble. Le talent de Jimmy lui vaut une rapide promotion. Bientôt, Jimmy et Francine se marient et ont un enfant. Mais la vie les sépare de plus en plus. Si Jimmy tient à rester le saxophoniste bohème de ses débuts, qui se produit dans des sous-sols de boîtes enfumées, Francine entame une carrière brillante qui la pousse vers Hollywood...
Prisonnier du rêve

Prisonnier du rêve

Oct 19, 2001
Le film suit un jeune homme qui évolue dans un état de rêve lucide dans lequel il participe à diverses conversations philosophiques avec les personnages qu’il rencontre. Le film ne repose pas sur une intrigue mais sur la succession de dialogues et de monologues. Il est une référence à la maxime de George Santayana « L'état d'éveil (waking life) est un rêve contrôlé ».
Movies Are My Life

Movies Are My Life

Apr 17, 1988
The very first full-length documentary on Scorsese offers an invaluable look at how he was perceived by his colleagues, and himself, in 1977. Catching Scorsese while he was in post-production on New York, New York and editing The Last Waltz, British filmmaker Peter Hayden gets the manically hyper Scorsese to comment on his youth, his relation to his lead characters, and most importantly, his approach to direction. The doc doesn’t quite move at the pace of Scorsese’s revved-up speed-talking, but it does offer some real insight into his productivity in the 1970s, thanks to an impressive array of talking heads. Included are Scorsese’s collaborators Jay Cocks, Mardik Martin, Brian De Palma, Steven Prince (who co-produced this doc), and his mentor John Cassavetes. Also the performers, who discuss his working methods in detail — Jodie Foster, Liza Minnelli, and, of course, Robert De Niro.