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The Machine girl

The Machine girl

Jan 02, 2008
La vie d'une jeune fille bascule le jour où un groupe de yakuzas massacre sa famille et la torture en lui coupant le bras gauche. Décidée à se venger, elle se construit alors une mitraillette en guise de prothèse.
Yuki hasn't stepped out of her one-room apartment for five years now and the place is piling high with garbage and clutter. Keiji has a "hidden" camera set in her room connected to the internet 24 hours a day. He drops by to sleep with her in front of the camera, and to pay her for what he earns through Yuki's members-only website.All Yuki does is eat, sleep and watch TV. Then one day a counselor, sent by her mother, enters the room and tells her that watching TV all day will ruin her. He strikes up a deal with Yuki to make her take one step out of her room.


Dec 14, 2009
Dans une petit ville portuaire sujette aux typhons, la réputation de Mio, entrepreneuse de pompes funèbres, n’est plus à faire ; c’est du moins ce qu’un ami de Daikichi lui explique alors que celui-ci vaque à son inoccupation désintéressée, la comparant à un vautour couche-toi là, prête à entreprendre ses clients en deuil de plus d’une manière... Aussi lorsque Daikichi tombe sur une petite annonce de Mio, à la recherche d’un collaborateur, le jeune homme y voit-il une manière de percer ce mystère, et peut-être susciter quelque fantasme, autant que de céder à la pression parentale. C’est un fait : une autre pression, atmosphérique, travaille Mio, et suscite chez elle un désir réflexe, qu’elle a tôt fait d’exprimer à son nouvel employé, désemparé par son apathie, spectrale et sexuée...
X-Or le film

X-Or le film

Oct 20, 2012
Quinze ans auparavant, les jeunes Geki Jumonji, Shelly et Okuma Toya, trois amis d’enfance, se sont fait la promesse d’un jour aller dans l’espace et quelques années plus tard, Geki et Okuma tiennent leur promesse et s’en vont sur Mars. Mais un problème inattendu survient et la navette est portée disparue. Un an plus tard, Geki revient sous l’apparence de Gavan Type G tandis que Gordan alias Gavan est maintenant un détective de rang spécial de la Police de l’Union Galactique. Outre sa mission de protéger et servir, il est en charge de l’entraînement de Geki pour qu’il le remplace en tant que nouveau Gavan. Makuu, la Mafia de l’Espace est de retour! Leur but est de créer un vortex destructeur. Ils créeront divers Makuu Monsters, dont Lizard Doubler qui sera détruit par Sharivan et Shaider.
Shaider Next Generation
Shu Karasuma / Shaider a pour mission de sauver la fille kidnappée d'un certain scientifique, mais la plus grande question est: peut-il s'entendre avec son partenaire, Tamy, qui n'est pas heureux de ses manières de femme? Suite direct de X-Or le film et Sharivan Next Generation
Sharivan Next Generation
Kai Hyuga / Sharivan découvre un espion de l'organisation Neo Madou. En plus de cela, l'ami de Kai, Seigi devient le nouveau Space Sheriff Estevan. Ils doivent trouver l'espion et empêcher un réseau de drogue d'envoyer un stupéfiant anti-douleur appelé Hyper-M sur Terre. Mais le nouveau Space Sheriff doit apprendre à faire confiance à son instinct et que tout n'est pas comme il semble. Suite direct de X-Or le film


Jan 28, 2017
Kioko, star de la mode, s’ennuie dans son appartement en attendant son rendez-vous avec Watanabe, une rédactrice en chef chargée de l’interviewer. Dans le jeu de domination et d'humiliation entre elle son assistante, les rôles vont peu à peu s’inverser. À moins que tout ça ne soit fictif ?


Feb 24, 2005
Juri is a popular bikini model. But when a magazine exposes Juri’s topless photos, she’s abandoned by her fans and her own agency. After this devastation to her career, Juri starts to correspond regularly with one of her supportive fans, and an odd and romantic relationship blossoms. However, he cannot bring himself to touch or look at her nipples, because he suffers from aichmophobia (possessing a fear of being touched by a pointed object). Can love overcome his anxieties?
秘書のたくらみ 禁断の蜜はほのかに毒の匂い
Asami Miyake is a capable but mysterious secretary at Yanase General Law Office. Using an intimate relationship with an assistant lawyer, she steals his password to find the personal information of Yanase, the president. Masae Goto, the owner of an aesthetic salon, has a financial relationship with Yanase. She’s asked him to compensate her for a stock market loss, but suddenly receives a phone call from him that he can’t make the financial help.
ギリギリモザイク 妻みぐい~ゆまと穂花との共同生活♥
Super S-class idol dream competition x special collaboration with popular game! My horny heart and love swaying between my favorite Chiho and sexy Kanae. What can a widowed woman do when she gets that itch? Invite a nubile man over to help her decorate! It has been a year since Chiho became a widow and the nights are getting lonely. It’s a good thing that her friend Kanae is there to help. Kanae is experienced, she’s been married for eight years and she knows just what Chiho needs. A little spice, a little color and some new scenery is what’s missing from Chiho’s life.


May 25, 2015
The 5 billion yen drug operation ended in failure due to a trap set by the Tomoe family. As Riasaki (Hitoshi Ozawa) and Hidarite (Hideo Nakano) investigate the truth behind the situation, they finally encounter a man named Igarashi, who has just returned from China. While Riasaki weakens under the pressure from within the police and threats from the Chinese mafia, the blood purge from Sakaki (Sho Aikawa), the third chairman of the Kanto Black Iron Alliance, is carried out.


Aug 25, 2015
Receiving a request from a marriage broker operating in a run-down area, Left (Hideo Nakano) and Yamato (Yasukaze Motomiya) find themselves helping with a fake marriage. Many of this broker's cases involve the Goroza family, who are involved in human trafficking and insurance fraud, manipulating household registries. Amidst this, Yamato's fake bride, Shirayuki, is brutally murdered after having her organs harvested. Angered by this heinous act, Left and Yamato, without any directive from the third-generation leader of the Kurotetsu Alliance, Sakaki (Sho Aikawa), take on a rival gang. Thus begins a bloody purge driven solely by their unbacked "chains."


Oct 11, 2014
Imaoka Shinji, one of Japan's best-known adult film directors and The Drudgery Train scriptwriter, tells a couple's secret tale. One day, Koji (Kaneko Noboru)'s wife Kaori (Miyaji Mao) suddenly dies. He learns from the doctor that Kaori was three months pregnant, but Kenji knows it can't be him. Eventually, he discovers an unknown side of Kaori.


Jul 07, 2006
Yuta Ono flees from the responsibilities of his family run business and attempts to get into college to get a girl. By a twist a fate, Yuta Ono then finds himself living with five beautiful young ladies. all of whom Yuta finds exciting.