Johnny Venokur

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Slaves of Hollywood

Slaves of Hollywood

Oct 25, 1998
Slaves of Hollywood follows the lives of a group of recent college graduates at their first jobs in corporate Hollywood. Thomas, Pink, Fisher, Dean, and Roman have just moved out to Los Angeles and they aspire to become "players". But first they have to start at the bottom, working as personal assistants to a variety of maniacal producers, agents, and studio executives. The glamour of working in Hollywood quickly begins to fade after endless days of making coffee and babysitting the boss' children. As time moves on, our lead characters struggle to move up the corporate ladder while keeping their sanity and morals intact.
The Source

The Source

Dec 31, 2001
Four outcast teenagers acquire mystical powers that allow them to become gods on campus, with deadly consequences.
Hard Rock Nightmare

Hard Rock Nightmare

Jan 01, 1988
A young boy named John is tormented by his grandfather concerning vampires and werewolves, until he believes his grandfather is actually a vampire. This of course, leads to John killing his grandfather with a stake. Fast-forward and John is now the lead singer of a rock band who can no longer practice in their garage so they're forced to a house in the middle of nowhere, left to John by his Grandmother. They soon begin to be picked off and Josh is convinced the stories his grandfather told him all those years ago may be true.


Feb 26, 1997
A business executive gets mixed up with a killer female and her lesbian roommate, who plot to take over his fashion business.
Final Jeopardy

Final Jeopardy

Dec 08, 1985
A small-town couple find themselves stranded in an unfamiliar, and unfriendly, big city. Weaving in and out of the proceedings are a bunch of murderous criminals with names like DOA, Ice and Slash. The couple are in for a night that they won't forget.
The Hunted

The Hunted

Jan 01, 1998
Jake, an ex-Motocross champion, is set up for a crime he has not committed. He now finds himself running from the government, and must find the man who set him up and to clean his name.
Dead End City

Dead End City

Dec 06, 1988
The government's new urban renewal policy results in street gangs fighting for control of the inner cities. While most of the residents flee, one factory owner determines to fight the gangs for his property.
Emperor of the Bronx

Emperor of the Bronx

Jun 01, 1990
George and Tony are two good fellas from the mean streets of New York. All they want is to make it to their 21st birthdays, but in their world of prostitutes, junkies and gangs, one wrong move can be their last!
Le rire du diable

Le rire du diable

Apr 01, 1986
Un groupe d'étudiants passe le weekend à retaper une maison où un massacre a eu lieu 10 ans auparavant. Comme convenu, ils y passent un par un.
Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate

Jan 01, 1995
A FBI agent going back to his home town. He have to decide if he should be true to his job or take care of his brother who is on the wrong side of the law.
Mansion of Blood

Mansion of Blood

Jul 15, 2015
Millionaire Mason Murphy renovates the haunted Mayhew mansion. He plans a tremendous lunar eclipse viewing party to celebrate his return to his hometown of River Ridge Iowa. At the party, magic runs out of control and the party guests are murdered one by one.
Le Maître des illusions
1982, désert du Mojave : Swann et ses amis libèrent une petite fille des griffes de Nix, gourou d'une secte fanatique. Contaminé par les pouvoirs du sorcier, il parvient néanmoins à le mettre hors d'état de nuire. 1995, New York : le détective privé Harry d'Amour, au sortir d'une affaire éprouvante (un cas de possession), est chargé d'une enquête de routine à Los Angeles. Mais très vite, ses investigations bifurquent dans une autre direction. Dorothea, la belle épouse de Swann (et qui n’est autre que la petite fille sauvée autrefois), charge en effet Harry d'Amour d’élucider les meurtres et disparitions dont sont victimes les anciens amis de son mari, devenu l’illusionniste le plus célèbre de la côte Ouest. Et c’est à ce moment précis que, lors de son dernier spectacle, Swann trouve une mort atroce.
L.A. Wars

L.A. Wars

Jan 01, 1994
Guzman, un petit caïd de la drogue, affronte Giovanni, le plus grand patron de la mafia de L.A., déclenchant une guerre.
Meet the Moguls

Meet the Moguls

Jun 01, 2012
Willie Mogul is a stand up comic/magician who runs a boarding house and rents to other stand up comics.
Hard Rock Nightmare

Hard Rock Nightmare

Jan 01, 1988
A young boy named John is tormented by his grandfather concerning vampires and werewolves, until he believes his grandfather is actually a vampire. This of course, leads to John killing his grandfather with a stake. Fast-forward and John is now the lead singer of a rock band who can no longer practice in their garage so they're forced to a house in the middle of nowhere, left to John by his Grandmother. They soon begin to be picked off and Josh is convinced the stories his grandfather told him all those years ago may be true.
Le rire du diable

Le rire du diable

Apr 01, 1986
A young boy named John is tormented by his grandfather concerning vampires and werewolves, until he believes his grandfather is actually a vampire. This of course, leads to John killing his grandfather with a stake. Fast-forward and John is now the lead singer of a rock band who can no longer practice in their garage so they're forced to a house in the middle of nowhere, left to John by his Grandmother. They soon begin to be picked off and Josh is convinced the stories his grandfather told him all those years ago may be true.
Natural Born Filmmakers
A rift between two filmmakers and their distributors spirals out of control, involving a threatening Mob boss, zombies running amok and guns ablaze. Both a cautionary tale as well as a spoof, "Natural Born Filmmakers" reveals what happens when you mix naive producers, shady investors and carefully calculated contracts. And it does it all with a wry sense of self-awareness. It's the Hollywood dream gone nightmare.
The Offer

The Offer

Jun 16, 2022
Retour sur la genèse du film oscarisé Le Parrain de Francis Ford Coppola, racontée du point de vue du producteur de films Al Ruddy.
The Tracy Morgan Show

The Tracy Morgan Show

Mar 20, 2004
Tracy Mitchell est un père de famille qui dirige son propre garage. Côté vie privée, il partage un petit appartement avec sa charmante épouse Alicia et leurs deux fils, le timide et studieux Derrick et le turbulent Jimmy. Au boulot, il doit s'entendre avec ses employés, Spoon et Bernard.
S Club 7

S Club 7

Dec 27, 2002
La série raconte l’histoire d’un groupe, S Club 7, formé de trois chanteurs et quatre chanteuses qui souhaitent devenir célèbres. Pris entre la recherche constante d’un manager qui saurait les aider et des histoires d’amour, le groupe réussit à se frayer un chemin jusqu’à la célébrité tout en illustrant chaque épisode de leur musique.


May 19, 1996
Veuve de Franck Fletcher, Jessica Beatrice Fletcher, ancienne professeur d'anglais devenue auteur de romans policiers, utilise ses dons d'observation et son sens inné de la logique pour jouer les détectives amateurs et résoudre des affaires criminelles. Elle officie surtout dans la petite ville de Cabot Cove, dans le Maine, où elle réside, même si elle se prête au jeu dans différents états des États-Unis. Il lui arrive également d'enquêter en dehors du territoire américain, ce qui lui vaut d'être fichée non seulement au FBI, mais aussi à la CIA et au KGB, pour s'être mêlée à plusieurs reprises de certaines de leurs affaires qu'elle a pourtant aidé à résoudre, que ce soit à l'occasion de la promotion de ses livres, ou de voyages personnels : si elle n'a pas d'enfants, Jessica n'en a pas moins une immense famille, qui compte un nombre incalculable de neveux et de nièces...


Apr 16, 2005


Cette série se déroule dans l'aéroport international de Los Angeles, dont le code d'identification est LAX, et met en scène la compétition acharnée entre la responsable des pistes et celui des terminaux, afin d'obtenir le poste du directeur de l'aéroport qui s'est suicidé.