Bill Terezakis

Recently added



Mar 03, 2022
I Was a Teenage Faust

I Was a Teenage Faust

Jun 01, 2002
15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract isn't going to be easy at all.
La voix des morts : La lumière
15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract isn't going to be easy at all.
Les Intrus

Les Intrus

Jan 30, 2009
15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract isn't going to be easy at all.
Trick 'r Treat

Trick 'r Treat

Dec 09, 2007
15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract isn't going to be easy at all.
Lost Identity

Lost Identity

Apr 01, 2010
15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract isn't going to be easy at all.
Babylon 5 : La Légende des Rangers
15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract isn't going to be easy at all.
Science Fiction


May 11, 2001
15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract isn't going to be easy at all.
The Money Pet

The Money Pet

Jan 02, 2011
After his mutt accidentally eats some loose change, a man is soon bewildered to discover that his furry companion has passed the currency with compounded interest.
The Money Pet

The Money Pet

Jan 02, 2011
After his mutt accidentally eats some loose change, a man is soon bewildered to discover that his furry companion has passed the currency with compounded interest.
Une virée en enfer 2

Une virée en enfer 2

Jan 23, 2009
After his mutt accidentally eats some loose change, a man is soon bewildered to discover that his furry companion has passed the currency with compounded interest.
La Nuit d'Halloween

La Nuit d'Halloween

Oct 05, 1999
After his mutt accidentally eats some loose change, a man is soon bewildered to discover that his furry companion has passed the currency with compounded interest.
Halloween : Resurrection
After his mutt accidentally eats some loose change, a man is soon bewildered to discover that his furry companion has passed the currency with compounded interest.
Sang Froid

Sang Froid

Feb 07, 2019
After his mutt accidentally eats some loose change, a man is soon bewildered to discover that his furry companion has passed the currency with compounded interest.


Mar 03, 2022
After his mutt accidentally eats some loose change, a man is soon bewildered to discover that his furry companion has passed the currency with compounded interest.
Tortues ninja, La nouvelle génération
Quatre petites tortues exposées à des produits radioactifs dans les égoûts de New York ont muté et deviennent des créatures intelligentes. Entraînées aux art-martiaux par leur maître Splinter, les Tortues Ninjas sortent la nuit, pour faire regner la justice. Une nouvelle menace nommée Dragon Lord arrive et les oblige à intervenir.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Tortues ninja, La nouvelle génération
Struggling female artist Wendy Watson, recruited by a secret agency, struggles to wrap her head around her bizarre new job -- fighting dangers humanity isn't prepared to face -- under the guidance of a handsome and relentlessly wholesome hero who calls himself "The Middleman" in this tongue-in-cheek adventure series.
Action & Adventure
Tortues ninja, La nouvelle génération
Après le crash de leur avion, des lycéennes d’une équipe de football luttent pour leur survie dans une région sauvage du Nord des États-Unis. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, les survivantes se sont reconstruites… enfin presque. Car une question revient sans cesse, que s’est-il passé durant les dix-neuf mois qu’a duré leur calvaire ? Et combien de temps tiendra encore leur pacte de ne jamais rien révéler ?
Tortues ninja, La nouvelle génération
Après s'être posé en catastrophe sur Terre, un alien nommé Harry prend l'identité du docteur d'une petite ville du Colorado. Petit à petit, il s'interroge au sujet de la mission secrète qu'il est censé accomplir sur Terre, en venant même à se demander si les humains méritent d'être sauvés.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy