Nate Parker

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Rome & Jewel

Rome & Jewel

Feb 22, 2008
This modernization of Shakespear's tragic love story Romeo and Juliette is set in Los Angeles against a backdrop of inter-racial romance.
The Great Debaters

The Great Debaters

Dec 25, 2007
L'histoire vraie du professeur Melvin B. Tolson, qui forma une équipe de débat dans un petit lycée réservé aux Afro-Américains dans les années 30.


Sep 14, 2012
Robert Miller est l’un des magnats les plus puissants de la finance new-yorkaise. Fort d’une réussite exemplaire, entouré de sa femme, Ellen, et de ses enfants, dont sa brillante fille Brooke, il incarne à lui seul le rêve américain. Pourtant, au-delà des apparences flamboyantes, Miller est piégé. Il doit à tout prix vendre son empire à une grande banque avant que l’on ne découvre l’ampleur de ses fraudes. La liaison qu’il entretient avec Julie, une jeune marchande d’art française, complique aussi sa vie privée… Alors qu’il est à deux doigts de conclure la transaction espérée, une erreur de trop va le mêler à une affaire criminelle. Pris à la gorge, cerné de toutes parts, Robert Miller va tout risquer pour sauver ce qui compte le plus pour lui. Encore doit-il choisir ce que c’est vraiment, et il ne pourra le découvrir qu’en affrontant les véritables limites de sa moralité.
Red Hook Summer

Red Hook Summer

Aug 10, 2012
When his mom deposits him at the Red Hook housing project in Brooklyn to spend the summer with the grandfather he’s never met, young Flik may as well have landed on Mars. Fresh from his cushy life in Atlanta, he’s bored and friendless, and his strict grandfather, Enoch, a firebrand preacher, is bent on getting him to accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior. Only Chazz, the feisty girl from church, provides a diversion from the drudgery. As hot summer simmers and Sunday mornings brim with Enoch’s operatic sermons, things turn anything but dull as people’s conflicting agendas collide.
Les amants du Texas

Les amants du Texas

Jul 03, 2013
Bob et Ruth s’aiment envers et contre tout, mais surtout contre la loi. Un jour, un braquage tourne mal et les deux amants sont pris dans une fusillade. Quand Bob est emmené par la police, Ruth a tout juste le temps de lui annoncer qu’elle est enceinte. Dès lors, Bob n’aura qu’une obsession: s’échapper de prison pour rejoindre sa femme et son enfant. Mais quand il y parvient, quatre ans plus tard, le rêve correspond mal à la réalité. En fuite, poursuivi par la police et par les membres d’un gang, Bob peine à rétablir le lien avec sa famille. Ruth est devenue mère et elle ne veut pas d'une vie de cavale: courtisée par un policier attentionné, la jeune femme devra choisir entre le passé et l'avenir.
They Die by Dawn

They Die by Dawn

Sep 20, 2013
Four outlaws with a bounty on each head, set a date for a shootout in Langston, Oklahoma. The last man takes the collective bounty. Violence and mayhem ensue.
Beyond the lights

Beyond the lights

Nov 14, 2014
Noni Jean, jeune et talentueuse chanteuse est sur le point de devenir une star. Pourtant, alors qu'elle touche son rêve du bout des doigts, elle peine à se trouver au milieu de ce nouveau monde.


Feb 26, 2014
Alors qu'il effectue un vol entre New York et Londres, Bill Marks, un officier de la police de l'air qui déteste prendre l'avion, reçoit un message sur son téléphone, une ligne a priori sécurisée. L'inconnu, qui dit se trouver parmi les 146 passagers, menace d'assassiner une personne toutes les 20 minutes si on ne lui remet pas 150 millions de dollars. D'abord incrédule, Bill Marks le prend au sérieux quand un premier passager est retrouvé mort dans les toilettes. Alors qu'il tente de trouver le terroriste, on l'accuse de vouloir détourner l'avion. Marks tente de déjouer le piège dans lequel il est tombé, alors que l'armée est sur le point d'intervenir...
Every Secret Thing

Every Secret Thing

Apr 20, 2014
Un détective cherche à élucider un mystère entourant des enfants disparus, les principaux suspects sont deux jeunes femmes qui, il y a sept ans, ont été emprisonnées pour la mort d'un nourrisson...
About Alex

About Alex

Aug 08, 2014
L’histoire d’un groupe d’amis qui se rencontrent dans le chalet d’Alex(Jason Ritter) qui a attenté à sa vie en s’ouvrant les veines dans son bain. L’inquiétude du groupe qui le connait depuis l’enfance sera très perceptible et l’atmosphère sera lourde dès le début de cette fin de semaine. Plusieurs vérités et quelques règlements de compte auront lieu dans ce groupe qui pourtant sont très attaché les uns des autres.
American Race

American Race

Jan 01, 1970
The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9th, 2014 and those of countless others belonging to similarly unarmed Black men over the last several years have left this team of filmmakers with a question: How do we, as Americans, use our platform to solve the Black male crisis?
The Last Squad

The Last Squad

May 31, 2008
Vietnam, 1968. Les rebelles Viêt-Cong tiennent l'armée américaine en échec. Indétectables, ils ont creusé des milliers de galeries et se déplacent sous terre. Un commando d?élite américain est envoyé pour les débusquer. Leur mission: pénétrer dans ce labyrinthe souterrain.
The Birth of a Nation

The Birth of a Nation

Sep 09, 2016
Plus de 30 ans avant la guerre de Sécession, Nat Turner est un esclave cultivé et un prédicateur très écouté. Son propriétaire, Samuel Turner accepte une offre visant à utiliser les talents de prêcheur de Nat pour assujettir des esclaves indisciplinés. Après avoir été témoin des atrocités commises à l'encontre de ses camarades opprimés, Nat conçoit un plan qui peut conduire son peuple vers la liberté.


Jul 17, 2008
Accusé de meurtre, un homme est condamné à la prison et va découvrir que l'enfer est humain dans un quartier de haute sécurité...


Jul 19, 2013
Suite au crash de leur avion sur une île déserte, les membres d'une équipe de football font face aux tensions au sein du groupe.
Blood Done Sign My Name
A drama based on the true story in which a black Vietnam-era veteran is allegedly murdered by a local white businessman who is later exonerated. The plot focuses on the role of a local high school teacher and the civil unrest that followed the acquittal.
Le Secret de Lily Owens
Sud des États-Unis, fin des années 50. À l'heure du combat des Noirs pour l'égalité des droits civiques, c'est aussi le droit de vivre que défend la jeune Lily Owens quand, accompagnée de sa nounou noire Rosaleen, elle fuit un père alcoolique et violent pour se réfugier dans le domaine régi par la matriarche August Boatwright et ses deux sœurs. Dans cette ferme apicole, loin des turbulences du monde extérieur, Lily et Rosaleen vont enfin retrouver goût à la vie en lui donnant un parfum de miel et de soleil. Un havre de paix qui va aussi permettre à Lily de comprendre la tragédie qui la hante depuis sa plus tendre enfance...
The Real Great Debaters of Wiley College
Inspired by the critically acclaimed Hollywood film The Great Debaters, The Real Great Debaters of Wiley College unveils the true story of Wiley College’s 1935 debate team and their groundbreaking defeat of the all-white reigning national championship debate team at the University of Southern California. Shattering racial stereotypes and overcoming adversity against great odds, these courageous young debaters emerged triumphant, commanding not only the respect of their peers... but of the nation. Influenced by their coach Melvin B. Tolson, the Wiley College debaters would go on to devote their talents to the causes of civil justice and social progress and become leaders in the Civil Rights Movement. The film comes full-circle, as the legacies of The Great Debaters inspire Wiley’s new debate team as it seeks to reclaim its glory on the national stage.
L'Escadron Red Tails

L'Escadron Red Tails

Jan 19, 2012
Durant la deuxième Guerre Mondiale, un groupe de jeunes noirs est recruté pour former le premier escadron aérien noir de l'armée américaine. Surnommés les "queues rouges" en raison de la peinture distinctive de leurs chasseurs, ils durent affronter les préjugés de l'époque et se distinguer par leurs états de services pour exister.


Mar 23, 2007
Pour remettre dans le droit chemin un groupe d'adolescents difficiles promis à un avenir de délinquants, Jim Ellis décide de monter une équipe de natation dans un quartier chaud de Philadelphie et d'enseigner d'autres valeurs à ces jeunes.
American Skin

American Skin

Sep 01, 2019
Un ancien combattant demande justice lorsque la police tue son fils non armé lors d'un contrôle routier de routine.
Cruel World

Cruel World

Sep 01, 2005
Following his dismissal from a television reality show, a deranged young man lures a group of beautiful coeds to his abode by telling them they will be the stars of a new show he is creating. What the women do not know is that when they lose their slot on the show, they lose their lives as well.


Oct 29, 2014
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”


Oct 29, 2014
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”
The Birth of a Nation

The Birth of a Nation

Sep 09, 2016
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”
The Birth of a Nation

The Birth of a Nation

Sep 09, 2016
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”
The Birth of a Nation

The Birth of a Nation

Sep 09, 2016
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”
The Birth of a Nation

The Birth of a Nation

Sep 09, 2016
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”
American Skin

American Skin

Sep 01, 2019
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”
American Skin

American Skin

Sep 01, 2019
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”
American Skin

American Skin

Sep 01, 2019
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”


Jan 01, 1970
A man in solitary confinement for seven years comes out into a world of self-isolation.


Jan 01, 1970
A man in solitary confinement for seven years comes out into a world of self-isolation.


Jan 01, 1970
A man in solitary confinement for seven years comes out into a world of self-isolation.
Cold case : Affaires classées
Au sein de la police de Philadelphie, le Lieutenant John Stillman, mais aussi les inspecteurs Lilly Rush, Scotty Valens, Nick Vera, Will Jeffries et Kat Miller font partie d'une brigade spéciale, enquêtant sur des affaires passées et qui ont été classées à l'époque malgré le fait qu'elles soient non résolues. Cette équipe va alors interroger les témoins, dont les vies ont bien changées depuis le meurtre, tenter de trouver de nouveaux indices et faire appel aux nouvelles technologies qui pourront lui apporter quelques réponses.
The Unit : Commando d'élite
Jonas Blane dirige un contingent spécial de l'armée chargé de missions ultra-secrètes et délicates. L'existence même de ces hommes d'élite est un des secrets les mieux gardés. Leurs épouses, elles aussi contraintes de vivre dans l'ombre, doivent également donner l'apparence d'une vie de famille normale et donner le change tous les jours en tremblant chaque seconde pour la sécurité de leurs maris partis risquer leur vie pour sauver celle des autres.
Action & Adventure
Kurtlar Vadisi

Kurtlar Vadisi

Dec 29, 2005
Kurtlar Vadisi was a Turkish television drama which broadcast mainly on Show TV and then transferred to Kanal D, then atv for its last season. It was mostly about an agent named Polat Alemdar who leaked into the mafia after his plastic surgery. The scenario has direct and indirect references to the Turkish politics and political history from a viewpoint of an undercover agent. Kurtlar Vadisi became one of the most successful TV programmes in Turkey and produced a successful feature film named Valley of the Wolves: Iraq.
Action & Adventure