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Le Dernier Dragon

Le Dernier Dragon

Mar 22, 1985
Leroy Green, jeune karatéka, est rompu aux arts martiaux depuis sa plus tendre enfance. Aidé par son maître, il tente d'obtenir l'étoile des «sept dragons», emblème de la sagesse suprême.
Book of Swords

Book of Swords

Apr 06, 1996
Après trois ans d'absence et le meurtre de son frère et de son co-équipier, Lang retourne à Chicago pour retrouver la trace de ses mystérieux assassins. Au cours de sa quête, l'ex-officier de police découvre l'existence du "Livre des Epées", un manuscrit énigmatique et mystique dont il apprend le terrible secret...
No More Dirty Deals

No More Dirty Deals

Jan 01, 1993
A mechanic runs afoul of a group of modern day pirates when he falls for a female member of a water based criminal gang.
Repeat Offenders: Jamais Vu
Alexander (Taimak) leads a team of martial arts experts to save a beautiful, kidnapped queen. As things start to go wrong, they could get trapped in a Hell they never imagined.
Science Fiction
The Fearless Three

The Fearless Three

Mar 28, 2023
Follows Sky Kelly, a teen who has been tasked with keeping the legacy of her birth father, Cody Kelly, alive by winning an annual martial arts tournament, given in his honor.
The White Girl

The White Girl

Feb 09, 1990
A female law student with a bright future gets drawn into the world of cocaine after trying it at college.
Fury of the Fist and the Golden Fleece
When the Fist found a mystical gold fleece jacket, he became the biggest porn star of the 1970s. But in the ‘80s, he’s on the cusp of eviction from a run-down studio apartment, having lost his gold fleece and his mojo along with it. When a local street thug named Superfly enters the diner where Fist works, robbing his customers, Fist and friends fight back. And thus begins a wild adventure, as Superfly’s bosses come to collect from Fist, sending him on a journey that unravels a conspiracy to sell meat pumped full of estrogen, which threatens to emasculate men.
The Little House That Could
A group of young lost rebellious outsiders are given a home in New York City by Emmy Award-winning fashion stylist, Patricia Field, and together take on the world, changing it forever. Field, has done a lot more than Sex and the City. She has spent several decades saving lives and giving hope to lost outsiders who society frowned upon--transsexuals, club kids, drag queens, gay teenagers, butch-dykes, people who needed to escape from their hometowns because they were never understood. This is the story of a close-knit unconventional family in New York that has single-handedly changed music and fashion for the world several times over. Toronto filmmaker, Mars Roberge, has spent a decade becoming one with them so that their story could be told. In doing so, he becomes part of their family.


Nov 10, 2000
After moving to LA, a young woman starts a romance with a man she met on the internet. Trouble brews when she discovers that a friend also is attracted to him.
New York 911

New York 911

May 06, 2005
À New York, les unités de secours de la brigade 55 sont prêtes à intervenir dès la moindre alerte. Accidents, incendies, malaises, cambriolages ou encore agressions font partie du quotidien de cette équipe de pompiers, policiers et secouristes, qui travaille exclusivement de 15 à 23 heures. Chaque jour, ils assurent la protection de la population en circulant dans les rues de la ville et interviennent le plus rapidement possible.
Beverly Hills 90210

Beverly Hills 90210

May 17, 2000
Brandon et Brenda Walsh viennent de quitter leur Minnesota natal pour emménager dans un luxueux quartier résidentiel de Los Angeles, le célèbre quartier de Beverly Hills. Les premiers jours sont difficiles au lycée, où ils doivent d'intégrer parmi des lycéens avec lesquels ils ont a priori peu de choses en commun.... Mais Brenda fait la connaissance de Kelly et Donna, qui vont devenir ses meilleures amies, tandis que Brandon se rapproche de Dylan, Steve et Andrea.
Campus Show

Campus Show

Jul 09, 1993
Denise Huxtable a quitté sa famille pour intégrer l'université : c'est pour elle le début d'une nouvelle vie où, affranchie de ses parents, elle doit faire face à de nouvelles responsabilités.