Claus Riis Østergaard

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Mar 04, 2005
The unflinching tale of Maria, Allan and Steso, who are struggling for survival. Maria is a pusher frau, wandering restlessly among addicts, abusers and bikers in a relentless search for love. Allan has just returned from an ill-fated trip across the Pacific and must reclaim his life and stay clean, but ghosts from his past return to haunt him. Steso, the intellectual, god-forsaken and prophetic cynic, does his utmost to unite the two polar opposites that give meaning to his life: his girl and drugs. All three try desperately to make some sense of the madness, but how do you find meaning in the chaos that is life? And how do you find love if you can't recognize it?
Når befrielsen kommer
When a folk high school is turned into an internment camp for German refugees, the headmaster couple Jakob and Lis and their children are thrust into an impossible situation. Should the family help the refugees — or stand firm in the Danish resistance against the Germans?


Apr 20, 2023
As a “free colored” woman, Anna Elizabeth Heegaard is wealthy and owns her own slaves when she begins a love affair with the Danish colony’s governor-general Peter von Scholten. During communal feasts, they discuss social reforms while a slave boy hangs above the table and cools the diners with a feather. And in the shadows, whispers begin of a slave revolt.


Oct 30, 2013
A family saga spanning three decades based on the mythology of the most famous race horse Denmark has ever seen. A horse which did the impossible and put Denmark on the world map through its many great victories. The film is first and foremost about the family who owned Tarok and believed in its greatness - and who, against all odds, gave Denmark hope and courage to dream.


Jun 01, 2007
Cecilie sees and hears things no one else does; places suddenly change appearance, people aren´t really there. One night she experiences a rape, but no traces are to be found. Her husband Mads commits her to a psychiatric hospital. With the help of a psychiatrist, Per, she begins to see a frightening connection between her condition and a brutal murder that happened more than 30 years before.
Les Soldats de l'ombre
Copenhague, 1944. Le Danemark est occupé par l'Allemagne nazie. Flame et Citron sont deux légendaires combattants résistants chargés d'éliminer les informateurs danois qui ont trahi leur pays. Sur ordre de leur commandement, ils sont dorénavant autorisés à tuer des Allemands...
La Candidate

La Candidate

Aug 29, 2008
Rouage d'un système judiciaire sans scrupule, un avocat est un jour accusé de meurtre. Il décide de se défendre seul en se lançant à la poursuite du groupe de corbeaux ligué contre lui.
Timetrip : The Curse Of The Viking Witch
Alors que ses parents sont partis quelques jours en vacances, Valdemar est coincé à la maison avec Sille, sa petite soeur. L’adolescent décide d’aller faire un tour avec la voiture familiale, qu’il ne tarde pas à emboutir. Alors qu’il doit trouver au plus vite de l’argent pour payer la réparation du véhicule, il fait la rencontre de Benoit, un professeur de physique qui sollicite son aide pour mener à bien une expérience : faire un essai à bord de sa machine à voyager dans le temps…
A Second Chance

A Second Chance

Sep 08, 2014
Andreas est un jeune inspecteur prometteur qui gère, en plus de son travail, les crises et déboires de Simon, son coéquipier récemment divorcé. Quand il rentre de son service, il a le bonheur de retrouver sa femme et leur nouveau-né. Un matin, Andreas et Simon sont appelés pour une violente dispute chez un couple de junkies. Ils découvrent sur place un nourrisson laissé pour compte, caché dans un placard. Par identification avec son propre enfant, Andreas est en état de choc. Il retourne plus tard chez lui perturbé par cette intervention. En pleine nuit les cris de sa femme le réveillent. Face à l'impensable, Andreas va prendre une décision au-delà de toute raison.


Dec 03, 2012
A family is on the brink of dissolution. The parents relationship has run awry for many years and their two little girls are suffering as a result of their bitter arguments. It is as if a miracle is needed in order to save the marriage. The miracle occurs when a violent event takes place in the girls' lives forcing the parents to stick together and be there for the kids. The couple's love blossoms anew but what about the girls, how are they coping?


Sep 22, 2012
It's a roller coaste coming-of-age story. Focus is on the three kids thrown into extraordinary circumstances, which brings out best and worst in their relationship to themselves, each other, death and having to be/become an adult. Mum's corpse only appears briefly in the first episode, and the morbid aspects of the story are undertoned in relationship to the subtle humor.
Lærkevej Til Døden Os Skiller
When Elisabeth dramatically collapses at her own party, secrets are revealed and new desires spring to life for the residents of Park Road. The signal has been given for anything from swinger sex to family rows to organ theft. "Park Road – The Movie" is a comedy that celebrates life and reveals till now unknown sides of the residents on the popular road.
Bora Bora

Bora Bora

Sep 01, 2011
Mia, 15, is at odds with everyone. School is hell and her mother is always on her back. Mia is only at peace when she is running - something she is good at. On a downtown shopping street she meets Zack, 16, who runs with a gang of kids who want to become parent independent and live as pickpockets. Mia joins them, but finds the pressure difficult. Moreover, the police have their eye on them. Mia has a choice, to keep ignoring her problems or face up to them.
Code poursuite

Code poursuite

Mar 28, 2019
Benjamin, un hacker très doué de seulement 13 ans, découvre que sa mère n'est pas décédée dans un accident comme on lui avait laissé croire. En réalité, de hauts responsables des services secrets danois seraient impliqués. Avec son amie Savannah, ils se lancent alors dans une course-poursuite pour découvrir la vérité sur la disparition de sa mère.


Jun 05, 2025
29 year old Lasse has almost broken the connection with his family. After a tragic accident he is suddenly left with the responsibility for his much younger brother, Vincent.
Norskov : Dans le secret des glaces
Norskov est une série policière dramatique qui se déroule dans une ville industrielle au nord du Danemark. Une ville sombre et triste, marquée par la crise financière mais dont l’esprit communautaire et solidaire est toujours présent. Nous y suivons l’officier Tom Noack, qui retourne dans cette ville qu’il a quitté 20 ans plus tôt, ainsi que ses deux amis d’enfance entre-temps devenus respectivement maire et maître d’oeuvre.


Jan 08, 2023
La série suit la transformation d'Elvira Gregersen, d'une introvertie surprotectrice à une femme pleine d'énergie résolvant des crimes.
Deliver Us

Deliver Us

Nov 24, 2019
Dans une petite ville, cinq personnes unissent leurs forces et planifient le meurtre parfait du psychopathe de la ville locale pour se rendre compte qu'une fois que vous commencez à jouer à Dieu, il est facile de devenir le diable.


Oct 20, 2016
Journaliste spécialiste dans les crimes, Dicte Svendsen retourne dans sa ville natale d'Aarhus au Danemark après son divorce. Téméraire et têtue, elle ne baisse jamais les bras.
The Killing

The Killing

Nov 25, 2012
Qui a violé et tué Nana Brik Larsen ? A Copenhague, la commissaire Sara Lund, mutée à Stockholm, a très peu de temps pour découvrir le meurtrier de cette jeune femme de 19 ans. Mais alors que l'enquête semble impliquer un politicien en vue, la brigade criminelle voit se multiplier les obstacles.


Mar 07, 2010
The Danish national police branch PET is in charge of personal protection, mainly of politicians and royal family. That also involves preventive work concerning terrorism, stalking etcetera. Meanwhile several team members must keep op top of personal concerns, such as ethnic background-related concerns and relational troubles at home.


Mar 07, 2010
The Danish national police branch PET is in charge of personal protection, mainly of politicians and royal family. That also involves preventive work concerning terrorism, stalking etcetera. Meanwhile several team members must keep op top of personal concerns, such as ethnic background-related concerns and relational troubles at home.


Mar 07, 2010
The Danish national police branch PET is in charge of personal protection, mainly of politicians and royal family. That also involves preventive work concerning terrorism, stalking etcetera. Meanwhile several team members must keep op top of personal concerns, such as ethnic background-related concerns and relational troubles at home.


Nov 26, 2023
War veteran and former hunter soldier Niels Oxen, Denmark's most decorated soldier ever. Sent home with war trauma, he tries to create meaning in life and to make everyday life fit together.
Bienvenue à Larkroad

Bienvenue à Larkroad

Nov 25, 2010
Un frère et deux soeurs trouvent refuge dans la bourgade de Larkroad après un meurtre. Certes, Sune, Katrine et Mathilde ont enterré un cadavre dans le jardin… mais leurs voisins ne sont pas blancs comme neige pour autant !