Geoffrey Frederick

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Mission 633

Mission 633

Apr 06, 1964
Pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, l'histoire d'un escadron désigné pour une mission suicide : détruire une usine allemande en Norvège.
Run a Crooked Mile

Run a Crooked Mile

Nov 18, 1969
A man witnesses a murder in a secluded mansion. When he reports it, there's no evidence of the murder, or that anyone was there. Two years later he wakes up in a hospital room after a polo accident to find he's had amnesia, is now married, and living in Switzerland. Now remembering the incident he returns to England to try to solve the mystery.
TV Movie
The Orchard End Murder
Charthurst Green, Kent, 1966. Pauline Cox accompanies Mike Robins to a village cricket match in which he is playing, but becomes bored and wanders away. She fetches up at the local railway station, where she is first entertained to tea by the garrulous, hunchbacked station master, then upset by the intrusion of the latter's assistant Ewen, who proceeds to kill a rabbit in her presence. Making her way back to the match, Pauline is waylaid by the simple-minded Ewen as she crosses an apple orchard; when his advances become violent, she tries to fight him off and he strangles her. The station master helps in covering up the murder, burying the corpse in the orchard.
L'enfer est une ville

L'enfer est une ville

Apr 10, 1960
Situé à Manchester, au nord du cœur industriel de l'Angleterre, Don Starling échappe de prison devenant homme le plus recherché de l'Angleterre. Méchant sans pitié Starling avec ses acolytes conçu un vol qui a entraîné la mort violente d'une jeune fille. L'inspecteur-détective Martineau a été affecté à le traquer et le faire entrer. De barrooms miteux, par tripots le sentier mène à un climax explosif sur les toits de la ville.
Doctor Who: The Savages
The TARDIS has arrived on a far-distant and seemingly idyllic world. Yet the Doctor, Steven and Dodo learn it hides a terrible secret: the apparently civilised Elders maintain their advanced society by draining and transferring to themselves the life-force of the defenceless Savages.
Science Fiction
The Inspector

The Inspector

May 24, 1962
At the end of WW2, a compassionate Dutch policeman helps smuggle a Jewish woman into British Palestine.
Le jour où la terre prit feu
Des explosions atomiques expérimentales font sortir la planète de son orbite, elle se rapproche désormais inévitablement du Soleil. Les autorités, dépassées, gardent le silence mais un journaliste, ami d’une standardiste bien placée, découvre toute la vérité. Pendant ce temps les nations unies tentent l’opération de la dernière chance.
Science Fiction
Doctor Who: The Savages
The Doctor, Steven and Dodo land on an alien world in this animated reconstruction of a lost 1966 Doctor Who adventure. There, they meet two peoples; the cutthroat Savages, and civilised Elders, who claim to know all about the Doctor and his travels. Is all as it seems, and will the TARDIS crew come out in one piece if it isn't?
Science Fiction
24-Hour Call

24-Hour Call

Jun 23, 1963
24-Hour Call was a 1963 British television series for ATV around the private practice of four doctors played by Godfrey Quigley as Dr Bennett and Geoffrey Frederick from a previous ATV series Call Oxbridge 2000, and newcomers Scott Forbes and Andrew Downie.
Le Saint

Le Saint

Feb 09, 1969
Surnommé « le Saint » en raison de ses initiales, Simon Templar est un détective amateur au charme irrésistible qui traque les criminels à travers le monde.
Action & Adventure
The Main Chance

The Main Chance

Jul 11, 1975
The Main Chance was a British television series which first aired on ITV between 1969,1970,1972 and 1975. A drama, it depicts the sudden transformation in the life of solicitor David Main who relocates from London to Leeds.